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Spring River Valley: The Winter Collection (Boxed Set)

Page 20

by Wynter, Clarice

  She waved when she saw him and hurried over, long-legged strides carrying her across the dining room with a mixture of grace and determination. He watched her legs, shapely in chunky heels. The power suit made her look so much taller than the soft yoga pants and T-shirt she’d slept in.

  “Hey, sorry I took so long,” she said and slid into the booth across from him. “I tripped over the cot a couple of times.”

  “Long? I think you set a record for getting ready. I have two sisters, and it was drummed into me from birth that beauty takes time. Now I know that’s a myth.”

  She eyed him sidelong, as though she wasn’t sure it was a compliment at first. Then her cheeks pinked up. “You’re a relentless flirt, aren’t you?”

  “So I’ve been told. I’m not making you uncomfortable, am I?”

  She sipped her ice water before answering. “Not at all. Flirt away.”

  His next attempt at shameless flattery was interrupted by the waiter. They ordered breakfast and talked about everything except advertising for the next hour. Jared discovered Emerson preferred to be called Emmy, she’d moved up the ranks in TCL’s customer service division to the corporate image department after starting there as a summer job when she was sixteen. She did, in fact, love hockey, horses, and jazz. She spoke conversational Italian, and yes, she had been named for Ralph Waldo because her mother was an English lit teacher.

  He found himself confessing his love of parasailing and all things medieval, and how, thanks to his sisters, he knew all the words to every song from the musical Beauty and the Beast. “I don’t normally tell people that,” he said.

  “So you’re a romantic at heart?”

  “Shh, not so loud. I do have a reputation to uphold.”

  “What’s your reputation?”

  He slid his sunglasses over his eyes. “I’m the cool guy.”

  “Sing me something from Beauty and the Beast.”

  “Never. Hey look, it’s time to go to the Expo, how about that!” Laughing, he grabbed the check just as she did. She finally won the tug of war.

  “It’s the least I can do since you shared your room with me. And I intend to split the bill with you. You can take chivalry only so far.”

  He held up his hands. “I won’t argue with a lady, but I’ll pay for the cab. And dinner tonight, if you’re available.”

  “Oh, I’m very available.”

  A jolt of electricity raced through Jared’s body as she brushed her hand over his before standing up from the table. He didn’t have to wonder if there was something between them; he only had to hope he could keep his desire for her under control until tonight.

  Chapter Five

  Emerson sat back in the plush leather booth at Le Jardin and closed her eyes. The morning had been hectic, noisy, and mostly unproductive. The only bright spot had been Jared’s presentation for DenMar’s TCL ad campaign. She had to admit, he’d done a fantastic job capturing the company’s spirit and the message they wanted to convey to their customers. Their new goal to compete with the country’s top delivery services and branch out nationally meant a huge growth spurt that had to be accompanied by exemplary customer service and a pristine corporate image.

  Jared’s campaign seemed to be everything Emmy thought her division was looking for, but she couldn’t stop the search after seeing just one presentation, so she now had to sit through lunch with a rival company and two more presentations before the day was over and then report back to her boss on Monday with recommendations.

  She was practically dozing off when a perfect red rose appeared in front of her on the table. A waiter had placed it there along with a fluted glass of champagne. “The gentleman will be along shortly, ma’am. He apologizes for the delay.”

  “Oh…okay. Sure.” Emerson grinned and let the rose tickle her lips as she inhaled the lovely scent. She thought of Jared. Was he here? She’d told him where her lunch meeting was being held, but she hadn’t expected him to show up. She scanned the restaurant for a sign of him but didn’t see him anywhere.

  “Emerson Bartoli?” A man appeared at her table. He was handsome in a slick, deliberate way as though he worked very hard to look that good.


  “I’m Dan Archer, from Metro Ads. I’m sorry I’m a little late.”

  Emmy shook his hand and tried to hide her disappointment that she hadn’t found Jared. “Is this from you?” She held up the rose.

  He smiled, revealing dazzling teeth. “Yes, guilty as charged. I have to confess, until ten minutes ago I thought I was meeting with a man.”

  “I get that a lot.” Thanks again, Mom.

  Archer took the seat across from her. “When I saw you, I went back out to the lobby flower shop and bought that. It’s sort of an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “For false assumptions. I know you wouldn’t have known unless I told you, but I still felt bad. I should have done better research.”

  “Thank you. To be honest, most people are just annoyed when they find out their assumptions were wrong, as though I’m trying to deceive them in some way.”

  “I’m appalled on your behalf. Now, how about we order some lunch and get the business out of the way so we can enjoy the ambiance of this place?”

  “Fine with me, I’m starving.”

  Archer played his part well. He was attentive, charming, and very knowledgeable about TCL and its advertising needs. By the end of the meeting, Emmy had to admit his presentation ran a close second to Jared’s, and she wondered if her preference for DenMar’s campaign had more to do with her preference for Jared than with it being just a little bit better than Metro’s.

  “I know this is a little bit inappropriate,” Archer said as he reached for the check at the end of the meal, “And I hope you won’t hold it against Metro, but I have to ask.”

  Emmy glanced at her watch. The lunch meeting had already run over, and she had other appointments. “Ask what?”

  “If you’re free for dinner. I’ve had a fantastic afternoon, and I’d like to spend more time with you, Emmy. Understand, I’m not trying to influence your decision on the campaign. We can put all that aside for tonight and just have some fun, if you’ll allow me to take you out?”

  Emmy glanced sidelong at Dan. He was definitely good-looking, and they’d had a nice time talking throughout lunch, but he had a smooth quality to his words and his tone that made her just a little suspicious. He was almost too perfect. His dark hair looked as though he’d just come from a salon. His tan was likely sprayed on, and his mannerisms seemed measured and precise as if he were thinking about everything he said and did rather than acting in a genuine way.

  Even if she hadn’t been hoping to spend the evening with Jared, she would have said no. “I’m sorry, Dan. I really shouldn’t. Thank you for the offer, though.”

  “I understand, and you’re right. We shouldn’t do anything that could be seen as inappropriate, at least until TCL makes its decision. I hope after that, regardless of which company TCL chooses, you might reconsider?”

  She gave half a smile and shrugged. It would be rude to say no outright, and he was charming, but she really didn’t think they had much of a connection. “I’ll keep your invitation in mind.”

  Emmy took the rose with her and left the restaurant, her mind whirling about everything Dan had said. His presentation, as good as it had been, faded into the background, though, and she focused on what he’d said about impropriety.

  The fact that she’d shared a room with Jared would certainly seem improper if anyone at TCL found out, especially since she planned to recommend DenMar’s presentation for the ad campaign. She had to make sure no one thought she was picking favorites.

  A dangerous thought occurred to her when she returned to the crowded Expo floor. Dan had been laying the charm on very thick. Maybe his flattery had more to do with him hoping she would play favorites. What if Jared’s interest stemmed from the same thing? Obviously he couldn’t have orchestrated the roo
m mix-up, but she’d told him fairly quickly who she was. Maybe he thought hospitality would get him a better standing in the competition for TCL’s business.

  That thought bowed her spirits a bit. Was that really how the ad men operated? Did they think flattery would get them a contract just because she was a woman?

  * * * *

  Jared returned to the hotel room exhausted and hoping Emerson would be there. He was disappointed to find the place empty. Housekeeping had folded up the cot and pushed it into the corner of the room, so it wasn’t as crowded as this morning, but he’d sort of liked it that way. He looked forward to watching his pretty roommate crawl across his bed to get to hers.

  He loosened his tie and hung up his jacket, stowed his laptop case and his wallet, and filed all of the business cards and brochures he’d collected from the potential clients and vendors he’d met with throughout the day. Later he’d sort everything and make up a report recommending certain companies DenMar could use for producing commercials and print media, and he’d set up call files for some of the companies that were looking for advertising guidance. He couldn’t concentrate on work now, though. All he could think about was Emerson.

  He considered taking another shower, but the phone interrupted his plans. He scooped up the receiver. “Hello?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m looking for Emerson Bartoli. The front desk must have given me the wrong room number.”

  “No, sir. This… is her room. She’s not here right now.” Jared’s thoughts spun. He hoped he wasn’t talking to her father or anyone else who might be appalled to find a man in her room. “Can I take a message?”

  “Ah…well, this is Frank Eckert, I’m Ms. Bartoli’s manager.”

  Jared winced.

  “Please have her call the office when she returns. I’ve tried her cell phone, but I suppose at the Convention Center she may not get good reception.”

  “I will have her call you.”

  “Thank you…and your name is?”

  Jared thought about lying, but he decided that might only cause more problems later. “Jared Barton, I’m— Oh, here she is.”

  Emerson had just let herself into the room. Her eyes widened when Jared held the phone out to her. “It’s your boss,” he mouthed.

  Her jaw dropped, and she grabbed the phone. “Frank? Hi. What’s up?” She covered her face with her hand as she listened to her boss.

  Jared sank into the chair, feeling like scum. He hoped she wouldn’t get into some kind of trouble for sharing a room.

  “Yes, DenMar, Metro Ads, and DeRossi. You should know, The Lyon Agency didn’t show up, so we can take them out of the running.”

  Jared held his breath. Would her boss ask what he was doing in “her” room?

  “Yes, I will. Thanks, Frank. I’ll see you Monday.” She hung up and collapsed on the bed. “How did that happen?”

  Jared shrugged. “The phone rang, I picked it up. He asked who I was. You’re not in trouble, are you?”

  “I don’t think so. He just wanted an update. This is getting complicated.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m supposed to recommend the best ad campaign, and right now, that’s yours.”

  Jared was thrilled. After the months of work he’d put into building TCL’s new corporate image, his presentation had to be the best. He mirrored her expression, though. “And that’s bad.”

  “How do I know I like the campaign best and not you?”

  He shrugged. “Take me out of the equation and make a list of pros and cons.”

  “I did that, and DenMar comes out ahead, but still…”

  He rose and offered her his hand. “Then don’t think about it right now. It’s been a long day. Let’s go get something to eat and relax. No business talk.”

  She looked at him oddly for a moment, then took his hands and rose from the bed. They stood close, face-to-face for a second, and Jared wanted nothing more in the world than to kiss her. He leaned in just slightly, but she ducked away.

  “Dibs on the bathroom. Give me ten minutes to get ready.”

  “Ten whole minutes? I thought you were the champion of fast outfit changes.”

  “I am. Any other woman would take at least an hour. Put on the TV and relax.”

  Jared sighed and sank back into the chair. He wanted to suggest they stay in, but things were already a bit close in the room. He didn’t want to overwhelm her, but one more night with Emerson might just kill him if he didn’t get to take her in his arms and taste her.

  Chapter Six

  Despite her exhaustion after a day at the Expo, the night out with Jared did wonders for Emmy’s mood. She guiltily compared Jared to Dan Archer all evening, though, noting how Jared’s movements and manner seemed so casual and real compared to the other man’s. They laughed, ate, and even danced at a nearby club, and by the time they got back to the hotel room, she’d stopped worrying about impropriety.

  She was good at her job, and her boss knew that. That was why Frank had sent her to the Expo to meet with the ad agencies vying for TCL’s business. He trusted her judgment and respected that she had a talent for finding what appealed to customers. The fact that she was wildly attracted to Jared had nothing to do with his campaign or her ability to decide what would be best for TCL.

  “I can’t believe I’m still on my feet after all that,” Emmy said breathlessly as she flung her purse into the chair and kicked off her shoes. She twirled a glowing plastic necklace from the dance club around her arm then tossed it across the room to land on the bed. Jared sent his matching necklace to land next to hers, then he tucked his shoes into the closet and placed his wallet in the drawer.

  She eyed him from under lowered brows. “This could be a problem.”


  “I hate to tell you this, but I’m a bit on the messy side.”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Oh, you have?”

  “Don’t look so shocked, Miss Prim. Good lord, the bathroom? You used every towel. There’s makeup all over the vanity, a pile of clothes in the corner. Trust me, I noticed you’re messy.”

  She pouted and plopped onto the bed. “And you’re a bit uptight, aren’t you, Mr. I-Have-to-Line-Everything-Up-Just-So? The shampoo bottles were exactly half an inch apart. Your sets of shoes are half an inch apart. Do you carry a ruler around with you?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, one brow arched. “I’m just precise.”

  “You need to loosen up.”

  “Maybe you need to tighten up.”

  She eyed him for a second then raced for the bathroom where she proceeded to move the shampoo bottles to random spots and unfold towels. Jared chased her. “What are you doing?”

  “Loosening you up. Deal with an unfolded towel!” She dangled one terry cloth rectangle in front of him before dropping it on the floor.

  He clutched his chest. “Oh! No…please, not that!”

  She knocked over the small plastic bottle of mouthwash and moved the soap, which he’d positioned carefully in the holder.

  “You’re killing me.” He grinned while she made a mess then caught her as she tried to skip out of the bathroom to attack the closet. “Oh, no. You’re not going to mess up my suits.”

  “Break free, Jared.”

  “I’m free, really. You’re the one who needs to break free. All this clutter just gets in the way of things you want to do.”

  “Like what?”

  He caught her around the waist and pulled her to him. “Like this.” His lips met hers in an explosion of sensations. Warm and smooth, tangy and sweet from the last drink he’d had at the club, hungry and just demanding enough to turn her on, his kiss was exciting as it was unexpected.

  Emmy wrapped her arms around Jared and matched his passion with a kiss of her own. She drew his tongue into her mouth and tangled her fingers in his hair. She’d been waiting for this all day, wanting it all evening. Her body came to life under his roaming hands, and b
efore their lips parted she was helping him shed his jacket and hers, and unbuttoning their shirts.

  Emmy offered her shoulder for kissing, her neck for nibbling, and finally brought Jared’s skillful lips to her breast. He slid his fingers to the clasp of her bra, and the intruding garment slid to the floor between them. He took her in his hands and molded the mounds of flesh, thumbing her hardening nipples. “God, these freckles—I’m going to kiss every one of them.”

  “There’s a lot more where these came from,” she said and turned in his arms to show him her back. From her shoulders down her spine, she was covered with the tiny sun kisses. Growing up they’d been the bane of her existence, and she’d been teased about them unmercifully. As he placed a kiss on each and every one of them, Emmy’s body tingled, and her thoughts faded away.

  “So sexy…” He lowered her panties just an inch and kissed the newly revealed skin. She moaned when he squeezed her ass and pulled her hips against his, providing very hard evidence of his arousal. “I’m on the pill,” she whispered, “But—”

  “I’ve got condoms in my luggage, hang on.”

  Emmy fell onto the bed and watched him move efficiently around the room. He returned with a familiar foil packet, several in fact, and placed them on the nightstand. “I was a Scout. I’m always prepared.”

  “Did you earn merit badges for having condoms?”

  He tore open one of the packets. “I’ll show you my badges some day. You’d be surprised by the skills I have.”

  Emerson squirmed in anticipation as Jared stripped off his pants and briefs and put on the condom. She reached for him. “Which skills are you going to show me tonight?”

  He lowered his body over hers and pressed hot kisses to her chest, her nipples and her stomach. “I thought I’d start with trailblazing. How’s this?”


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