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Wanted Preacher

Page 10

by Renea Westlyn

  Once seated, Abby let out the breath she’d been holding.

  “I am not quite sure how I am going to get back down. You cannot catch me, and I cannot jump, least I fall and break my other arm.”

  “Not to worry Abby, dear. Mr. Allen will help you down when we arrive.”

  “Oh! Kitty, you’ve thought of everything! What would I ever do without you?”

  “Abby, you mustn’t worry about that now. You must get away from here.” Kitty’s voice turned solemn as she wiped a sudden tear from her cheek.

  “I miss Papa too Kitty, but we’re together now, it will be alright. You and Papa made a plan, we’ll be okay, won’t we?” Abby asked, suddenly wishing she knew all the details of the scheme that had been crafted.

  Kitty’s guilt rimmed eyes collided with Abby’s chocolate ones, “I – I did something. I – I don’t know how you are going to feel about it, but Abby it was the only way to keep you safe. We – we are going to be apart for a short time. I promise I won’t be long behind you.”

  “Kitty,” Abby said gently, “perhaps, it’s time you told me the plan. I do not wish to be kept in the dark a moment longer.”

  “Abby, you must be ready and wake up.”

  “Wake up? What do you mean wake up?” Abby looked at Kitty with trepidation. “I am awake.”

  “Abby, it is time and you must wake up,” Kitty again urged.

  “I don’t understand. Kitty, please help me understand!!!”

  “Wake up, Abby, it is time to wake up! I will be with you before long,” Kitty again demanded of her. Why was she doing this? Abby was awake and talking to her sister, but it wasn’t making sense. “Wake up, Abby!” Kitty’s voice deepened, sounding unfamiliar but soothing and gentle.

  “Abby, darling, please wake up.” Darling? Kitty wouldn't call her that. Who was that and why did they think she was sleeping?

  “Lord, I’m here because you sent me here, because I felt the call on my heart to come. Shortly after I arrived, I saw the most beautiful woman and I knew she was the one; the reason you sent me here and the one you created just for me. I can’t imagine that you would take her away from me now. I promise, Lord, that if you’ll just wake her up, I will cherish her and love her for the rest of my days...if she will allow it as she’s yet to answer me on that matter.”

  Abby lay listening to his soft, gentle voice not wanting to disturb his prayer, for it was touching her heart in a way she’d never dreamed possible. She wasn’t entirely sure if she was awake or dreaming yet either. He stopped and remained silent. Without moving, without opening her eyes, she asked, “Am I still dreaming, and if not, was that a proposal?”

  Akecheta looked up, brushed a lock of hair from her forehead and gently tucked it behind her ear, “Do you want it to be, Abby?”

  She opened her eyes carefully, a shy grin forming on her face, showing tiny little dimples at the corner of her mouth, “Perhaps you should ask me proper.”

  Akecheta smiled, took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, “Abby, I know we are but strangers, but I was amazed when I first saw you and startled by the reaction of my own heart. When I saw you thrown from that horse, I nearly lost all the hope that had just begun to grow. I believe God has blessed us each with a new beginning, Abby, and I’d be honored to start it with you as my wife, if you will have me?”

  Abby was quiet for some time and the old doubts that plagued Akecheta tried to creep in. She turned her head ever so slightly, trying not to groan from the pain it caused, “Do you think you should kiss me?”

  “Oh, for Pete’s sake! Abby, would you answer the man already!” Betsy fussed from the doorway and Alexzander laughed at his wife’s impatience.

  Abby never looked away from Akecheta as her smile grew, “Yes, I will marry you.”

  “Alright husband! Let’s go home. Our work here is done.” She dusted her hands and smiled proudly, then whispered loudly, “and they would like to kiss without your prying eyes watching.”

  “But, but I made the match! See Betsy, it worked out, I just knew it would!” Alexzander grinned.

  “If it weren’t for us women helping you, you ole goat, this match would have never been lit! Now, come on, let’s go home, we have a wedding to plan,” winked Betsy.

  Chapter 9

  Two weeks after the accident, Abby sat at the dressing table while Lily Jo styled her hair, wishing that Kitty had arrived by now. She was beginning to worry if Kitty would ever come. By the time she did, Abby would have been married, widowed and remarried. Kitty would never believe it. Abby hardly believed it herself. A tiny little tear slipped from the corner of her eye and she reached up to touch it before it fell on her beautiful wedding gown.

  Lily Jo paused her coiffuring and squatted down next to Abby, “Why the tears Abby, aren’t you happy? Are you still having pain?”

  “No, I’m not in pain. I’m very happy, Lily Jo. Pastor James is a good man,” she said, patting Lily Jo’s hand. “I just miss my family, tis all. I wish Kitty were here with me today. This is my second wedding and she will have missed them both, but at least I get to wear the lovely gown Papa left me this time,” she grinned.

  Betsy came bustling up, “I’ve never understood why people cry at weddings. You look beautiful, Abby. I have a surprise for you. As soon as Lily Jo is done with your hair, come on into the parlor.” And out the door Betsy went.

  “Whatever do you think it is?” asked Abby

  “I’ve no idea, but we best hurry, we don’t want to keep your handsome groom waiting after all.” Lily Jo smiled as she added a few wild flowers to Abby’s hair.

  “No, we don’t want to keep Akecheta waiting at all,” she said dreamily.

  Abby stood once the last flower had been added to her hair, then made her way into the parlor of the parsonage, with Lily Jo carrying the train of her gown, to see what Betsy was up to now. She reminded her so much of Kitty, always up to something. Abby heard a familiar voice and as she rounded the corner into the parlor she was greeted with the sweetest sight.

  “Reuben!” she rushed over to him, hugging him tightly, “you look so handsome!”

  “I come to walk you down the aisle, Miss Abby.” He pulled at his vest indicating he was man enough for the job.

  Fresh tears pooling in her eyes, “That is the kindest, most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you!”

  “I thought you’d be might sad without your Papa. I know how hard it is to lose a Pa,” he stated.

  “You’re right about that, Reuben, and I’d be honored to have you walk me down the aisle,” Abby said squeezing his hand.

  “Oh, this is so wonderful!” bounced Lily Jo, “I’d best get to the church and get my seat.”

  “You mean a good seat, so you can make googly eyes at Reverend Kisling,” laughed Betsy as Lily Jo turned bright red. Abby was happy to see her friend’s peppiness had returned in full force.

  Akecheta stood at the front of the small but established church of Silverpines, with his blood-brother Marshal Alexzander Sewell to his left and Reverend Kisling to his right. He watched pews fill with the smiling faces of the remaining and new members of the congregation. Memories of the last time he stood before a church awaiting a bride still found him, how easily they seemed to sneak up and haunt him.

  Alexzander placed his hand on Akecheta’s shoulder, “She’s here brother, the ladies are getting her ready over at the parsonage. I have seen her and spoken to her this morning. She’ll be walking down that aisle any moment, have faith Akecheta,” he encouraged.

  “Yes, Akecheta, have faith. God brought you here, did he not?” asked Reverend Kisling as he watched Lily Jo walk through the doors and take her seat. “Besides, it does not do for a Reverend to be so doubtful,” joked Reverend Kisling.

  “Perhaps, I should not have befriended you,” Akecheta said, punching the Reverend’s arm playfully.

  “But then, my friend, how would you marry your darling Abby?” grinned Reverend Kisling.

“He does have a point there,” chuckled Alexzander as they watched the Howard twins walk in, “What - what do you suppose that is on Miss Ethel’s hat?”

  “It - well, it’s definitely got feathers…”

  “I think it’s a bird! Very popular style in Europe,” Reverend Kisling told them as though it were nothing to worry about. “I do believe Miss Edie has one on her hat too.”

  “How unusual,” Alexzander said rubbing his chin, “you don’t suppose…”

  “They killed and stuffed them, themselves?” Akecheta finished.

  “Certainly not!” Reverend Kisling said, clearly disgusted by the mere thought.

  “You just never know with those Howard twins,” laughed Alexzander.

  Betsy handed Abby a small bouquet of wildflowers that matched those in her hair and then picked up the train of her wedding gown. “We’d best get going Abby, we wouldn’t want Pastor James to start sweating,” she winked.


  “Yes, Abby?”

  “W - would you, I mean, that is…” she paused just before the church steps, turning slightly to face Betsy, “would you stand in Kitty’s place, up front with me?”

  “I would be honored, Abby. Let me lay out your train and I’ll go on up.” Betsy arranged the train along the steps, making sure it would not snag on anything. “I’ll see you inside.” She squeezed Abby’s hand and went in. Alexzander watched in question as his wife walked down the aisle and then went to stand at the left of Reverend Kisling, who simply smiled.

  Reuben held tight to Abby’s arm, “You ready, Miss Abby? Are you gonna be happy again and make cookies now?”

  “Yes Reuben, I am.” She smiled and kissed his cheek.

  “Well then, let’s go! I’ve got a hankering for cookies!” Reuben said. They heard the organ begin to play as they took the first steps toward the altar. Mrs. Fannie Pearl had surprised her by offering to play on her wedding day. The congregation stood to watch the bride walk in and Abby stepped over the threshold, her white satin gown flowing behind her as her eyes sought Akecheta’s dark blue ones.

  Akecheta watched as Abby glided gently down the aisle. His eyes were held captive by her own, so much so that he’d barely heard Reverend Kisling ask, “Who gives this woman to this man?” to which Reuben replied, “I do.” Abby could tell Reuben was taking the job very seriously as he put Abby’s hand in Pastor James’s, “You be nice to Miss Abby, she makes the best cookies in the whole world.”

  “Yes, sir!” Akecheta smiled.

  Reverend Kisling cleared his throat, “Akecheta and Abby, you have chosen your path, the path of love. Along it you are the canoe and love is the river. Enjoy the mystery and miracle of God as you pursue him together and grow in love. Have faith in the journey and peace in the plan as you make this sacred vow, for the blessings of the Lord come to those who do. Many of us have traveled far and experienced much heartache to come to where we are today, including Akecheta and Abby. For that reason, I share with you all these words of encouragement from Joshua one verse nine, “Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

  The Reverend turned toward Akecheta, “Do you take Abby to be your wedded wife, to honor, cherish and protect for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.”

  “Abby,” grinned Reverend Kisling, “it’s been an adventure hasn’t it, my little friend?” Abby nodded. “Out of all the Reverends, I suppose you do want to marry this one?”

  “Yes, I do!” Abby laughed with her whole heart.

  “Well then, Abigail Bates, do you take this man to be your wedded husband, to honor, cherish and obey for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do!”

  “May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Akecheta James,” Reverend Kisling slapped Akecheta on the back, “you may kiss your bride now.”

  Akecheta smiled as he gently took Abby’s face in his hands, looking into her chocolate eyes as he placed a sweet kiss upon her lips.

  The church doors flung open, startling the newlywed couple from their tender kiss, “I want that man arrested for murder!” shouted a man as he pointed at Akecheta. A woman ran in behind him and halfway up the aisle with her shoes in her hand, “Abby!”


  “Abby, please tell me you’re married?”

  “Yes, yes, I am,” smiled Abby as she pulled her frozen husband closer to her, but he only stared at the man, Mr. Douglas Bloomberg in the flesh.

  “And for theft of property,” he pointed right at Abby, “that is rightfully mine!” the man shouted as he marched toward them.

  “Wh-who is that, Kitty, and what is he talking about?” Before Kitty could respond, Alexzander stepped up in front of the man, “I do believe his name is Douglas Bloomberg, isn’t that correct, Akecheta?”

  Akecheta could only nod. How could this be happening and on his wedding day of all things? Abby would surely be upset.

  Alexzander’s deep voice penetrated the church, “I do believe, Mr. Bloomberg, that it is you I shall be placing under federal arrest for violating sections one and two of the thirteenth amendment to the Bill of Rights, for buying and/or selling a person into involuntary servitude. By the way, we’ve been expecting you.”

  Reuben slipped out from his seat as Alexzander guided Mr. Bloomberg back down the aisle, walked right up to the bad guy and kicked him in the shin. “You can’t have Miss Abby, she doesn’t like you and I done gave her to Pastor James.”

  The church erupted in laughter. Abby looked at Akecheta who’s smile now matched her own, “Well husband, I think you should try that again,” she said, her grin growing.

  “Try what again?” Akecheta asked, confused.

  Abby turned and looked at her sister Kitty, “I’m always having to ask this man to kiss me.”

  Akecheta grabbed her by the waist and her laughter filled the air. “Is that so, wife?” he asked as he placed a kiss on her forehead, and then her nose, “like this wife?” and her cheek and finally he lay his lips upon hers with a passion neither of them had ever experienced before. The congregation cheered wildly. Betsy climbed up in a pew and hollered, “Reception in the park!”

  The End

  Want to find out what happens next in Silverpines?

  Follow the link to find out what is next in the Silverpines’ series!

  About the Author

  Renea Westlyn is also Tonya VanWinkle, a fact she does not hide and apologizes for any confusion on that. Her middle name is actually Renea. Her maiden name was West. The “Lyn” was added in memory of her mother-in-law Marilyn.

  Renea has always wanted to be an author but has allowed fear to stand in the way of her dreams for far too long. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and has a collection of work in her office that makes her writing mentor cringe. For years, it has been suggested that she write books. This year, she’s going for it and her Grandfather’s words continue to push her forward.

  “You should have mailed that letter. It would have brought her great comfort, quit hiding the gift the Lord blessed you with.”

  Renea spent many years being transplanted from one state to another, and even another country, while her husband served in the Air Force. After twenty-four years, he retired, and they planted their roots in the beautiful state of Virginia, with their two children, dog, and cat.

  Renea can usually be found near her computer with scattered notes, a pen collection out of this world and a steaming cup of coffee as she chases down the muses rattling around in her head. When not trying to pen them to paper, she can be found enjoying time with her family, at CrossFit and almost always napping.

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