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The Duke s Baby

Page 8

by Rebecca Winters

  “I already know that about you.”

  “Do you mind?”

  “No. Richard and I had to attend a lot of functions, but I must admit that most of the time I would have preferred to do something alone with him.”

  “I’m a homebody myself. Once the baby comes, we’ll have our hands full.”

  They’d reached the château. He pulled around the side and shut off the engine.

  “My uncle liked to be home. He was a family man.”

  “I’m looking forward to it myself.” Lance undid his seat belt. “During my downtime in the military, some of my married buddies would receive letters and pictures of their children through e-mail.

  “I envied them having a family to go home to. After my hospitalization, I envied them for being able to give their wives a child. Under the circumstances it made sense to stay in the service and let those poor devils go home to the people who needed them.”

  She released her seat belt.

  “I can relate. In fact I’ve lived for so long without hope, I’m still in shock I’m pregnant.”

  “Our baby will be here within six months. Maybe by then we’ll both believe it.”

  After being burned by his past, Lance was astounded that he was putting himself in a position where he had to be willing to trust a woman again. Upon leaving the service, he never wanted or intended for this to happen. He was still in shock that he’d returned home to a situation where a woman had the power to make him vulnerable again.

  But he couldn’t deny the emotions building inside him where Andrea was concerned. The attraction to her was too strong to ignore or deny, even if she was still in love with Richard.

  When she’d broken down in Lance’s arms while she gave into her pent-up grief, it should have doused any fire building in him whether physical or emotional.

  Instead the opposite had happened, and therein lay the problem. The one thing he feared was intruding on her grief. How to deal with this woman who was still mourning her husband?

  That was the burning question Lance wrestled with at the moment. The only way to respect her feelings and keep his needs from growing out of control was to concentrate on the baby.

  With that decision firmly in place he kissed her cheek before levering himself from the driver’s seat to help her out.

  When he looked up, he noticed the light in his father’s room had been turned off.

  “Papa’s gone to bed,” he said as he ushered Andrea into the foyer and up the stairs. “We’ll tell him over lunch. That’ll give both of you time to sleep in. How does that sound?”

  When they reached her door she raised tremulous eyes to him. “That’ll give you time in case you have a change of mind during the night.”

  He drew in a harsh breath. “Not a chance in hell.”

  When morning came Andrea didn’t experience any nausea, yet her stomach felt fluttery. What if Geoff had reservations? She’d see it in his eyes immediately.

  Without time to lose she hurriedly took another pill and her vitamins before getting dressed for the day. Andrea didn’t want anyone waiting on her. No one should have to climb all those stairs to bring her something to eat.

  She put on fresh coral lipstick and brushed out her hair. It swished against the shoulders of her khaki blouse. Since all her pants were too tight to be comfortable, she donned the same wraparound skirt she’d worn a few days earlier. It accommodated her thickening belly.

  The next time she went to town she’d buy some new clothes. She still had to pinch herself that she’d joined the ranks of those fortunate women who needed to visit a maternity shop.

  As she descended the stairs, her whole world felt different. Because she was going to be a mother, and Lance would be the baby’s father, the knowledge colored her thinking. She had a new reason to live.

  Lance happened to be on his way up to her floor wearing charcoal trousers and a claret toned sport shirt. Her breath caught at the sight of such potent masculinity. If she hadn’t cried his name in time, they would have collided.

  As it was, his hand fell on her shoulder. She felt its warmth all the way to her bones. His eyes roved over her features in male admiration. “You look like a different person this morning. Motherhood becomes you.”

  Everything he said sounded intimate and personal. “It must be that and the medicine. I’m much improved even since yesterday.”

  She noticed the visible rise and fall of his well-defined chest. “I’m glad to hear it. I told Papa we wanted to have lunch with him. He’s looking forward to it.”

  “How does he seem physically?”

  “He’s getting back to his old self in a hurry.” Lance’s eyes scrutinized her. “Where were you going so fast?”

  “To the library to do some research before lunch.”

  His hand slid away from her arm with seeming reluctance. “While you do that I’ll be in the study doing some business.”

  By tacit agreement they went down to the main floor together. She’d never been more aware of his height. He smelled so good—looked so good—If Lancelot had this same effect on Guinevere, Andrea could understand why Arthur’s dream failed and Camelot ceased to exist.

  Lance accompanied her to the double doors of the library. His close proximity created havoc with her senses.

  “I’ll look in on you later and remind you to take another pill,” he whispered.

  Inhaling an unsteady breath she said, “There’s no chance of my forgetting.”

  “I’m not so sure. With all those drawings to look at, you’ll be riveted. I spent a lot of my boyhood in there and know their fascination.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  Afraid to look at him she hurried inside, needing to put distance between them as a safeguard against her growing attraction to him.

  The château’s library contained priceless books pertaining to the Du Lac family as well as thousands of titles dealing with all aspects of Arthurian legend. Some had been written in Breton, an old Brittany language resembling Cornish and Welsh.

  Andrea found its history intriguing. She could understand how Richard had gotten caught up in the lore of the region. The various versions of the Knights of the Round Table could keep you engrossed indefinitely.

  Two hours later, after she’d settled down to read an interesting piece in English on Perceval’s search for the Holy Grail, she heard female voices outside the door. It was probably a conversation between the maids. She continued her study of the text, unaware someone had entered the library until a woman spoke to her.

  “Mrs. Fallon?”

  “Yes?” Andrea got to her feet. A tall, striking blonde in an expensive three peach colored suit had entered the room. She appeared to be Andrea’s age, or maybe a little older.

  “I’m Corinne Du Lac.”

  Du Lac?

  That meant she must have taken Geoff’s name when her mother married him.

  “How do you do.”

  The woman Lance planned to marry emitted amazing self-possession. And why not? Geoff would have welcomed her like a beloved daughter because it was the way he was made.

  She drew closer until Andrea could see her light blue eyes. “Brigitte explained why you’re here. I understand you lost your husband recently. May I extend my condolences.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Have you accomplished everything needful for his book yet?”

  “For the most part, yes. I’m still hoping to get a picture of a stag or a wild boar.”

  “They’re very elusive creatures. I’ve never seen a boar in the forest. It could take a long time. If you’d like, I’ll ask the groundskeeper to keep a watch and get some pictures. I’d be happy to send them to you.”

  She spoke excellent English. Andrea could only marvel. “That would be very nice of you. Geoff has been wonderful to let me stay here.”

  “Everyone adores him, but no one more than I. He’s the only father I’ve ever known. Mine abandoned me and my mother.”

�m sorry,” Andrea commiserated. “My parents died before I turned four, so I understand how it leaves a big hole in your heart.”

  “Geoff filled mine. When he and mother divorced, he didn’t let it make any difference to our relationship.”

  So far Lance’s name hadn’t been mentioned. An intentional omission?

  “He wouldn’t. He’s too genuine for that.”

  “We love each other.”

  Andrea didn’t doubt it.

  “Since he’s resting, would you like to drive to Lyseaux for lunch? I just got back from a long trip to Australia and am yearning to taste French food again.”

  Evidently she hadn’t caught up with Lance yet.

  “I’d enjoy that, but I need to finish up my work here this morning.”

  The other woman’s brows knit together. “Why is that? I thought the book was your husband’s project.”

  “It was, but I was also his assistant and am looking for something special on Lancelot to turn in to the publisher with his manuscript.”

  She folded her arms, resting her slender hip on the edge of the table. “There must be thousands of books on him.”

  “There are. I’m sure my husband read them all. He was steeped in legends surrounding King Arthur’s court. But being a professor, he was determined to add his own fresh outlook. The Château Du Lac captured his imagination and mine.”

  After a brief silence, “I suppose you were told you can’t take pictures of the room where you’ve been sleeping.”

  “I would never do that without permission.”

  “Geoff doesn’t want anything about the room to get in print.”

  “I don’t blame him. In my opinion those paintings constitute some of France’s greatest art treasures. If the public knew about them, he’d be hounded to death.”

  “It’s good you understand.”

  “Of course. I feel privileged to be allowed to stay in there.”

  “You have no idea how fortunate you are.”

  Uh-oh. The other woman’s comment had a territorial sound to it.

  “How long before you return to the States?”

  The burning question was finally out.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You don’t need to get back to your job?”

  “If by that you mean do I work at Yale University? The answer is no. After teaching classes, my husband would come home and I’d help him do his research on the computer.”

  “What will you do now?”

  “Andrea’s going to have her hands full from here on out.”

  The deep masculine voice could only belong to one person. She hadn’t heard Lance enter the library.

  Corinne swung around. “Chéri—” she cried with uninhibited longing. “I heard you were back!”

  “Bonjour, Corinne.” He shut the doors behind him, but made no advance toward her. “I’m glad to see you two have already met. It saves me having to find you in order to make introductions.”

  “Mrs. Fallon and I were just getting acquainted.” She hurried toward him, and grasped his arm. “Now that you’re here, let’s go somewhere private. It’s been forever since I last saw you, and we have so much to catch up on.”

  “We can do that later. Right now I have something important to tell you.”

  “Not in front of your father’s guest surely,” she pleaded in a hushed tone, but Andrea heard her.

  “This involves Andrea. It can’t wait.”

  At this point Corinne’s head jerked around. Her eyes stared at Andrea as if she were some kind of alien. “What could she possibly have to do with us?”

  “Since you became my stepsister ten years ago, and we’re family so to speak, I would say quite a lot.”

  Andrea was coming to know Lance’s moods. Right now his features had taken on a faintly chiseled cast. She was reminded of that night in the forest when he’d ordered her off the property. It sent a shiver down her spine.

  The other woman looked less sure of herself. “Lance—I don’t understand you.”

  “Then let me enlighten you.”

  He removed Corinne’s hand from his arm and crossed the expanse to reach Andrea. “I told you I’d be in to remind you to take your pill,” he said to her sotto voice.

  “I would have taken it when we went into lunch.”

  To her surprise he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close against his hard physique.

  “Corinne?” he addressed the woman standing there like a piece of petrified wood. “You might as well hear our news now.”

  “What news?”

  “I’m in love and have found the woman I’m going to marry.”

  It was a good thing Lance was holding on to Andrea, otherwise she would have collapsed in a heap.

  “If Papa continues to improve, we’re hoping to be married within three weeks time.”

  Corinne’s face lost color. “Married—”

  Lance hugged Andrea tighter. Looking down at her he said, “It happened so fast we can hardly believe it either can we, mon amour. I never believed in the coup de foudre. Not until I met you. It was love at first sight.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her hard on her astonished mouth before turning to Corinne. “I know you’ll be happy for us, but I have to ask you a favor. Papa doesn’t know yet. We’re going to tell him at lunch.”

  His smooth shaven jaw brushed against Andrea’s cheek. Despite the chaos of her emotions, the feel of his skin sent a curling warmth through her body.

  “I’d like the two of you to become good friends. In the meantime I hope you’ll forgive me for interrupting, but something has come up. I need to talk to Andrea alone.”

  He grasped her hand and started walking toward the door. Corinne stared at Lance in anguish before leaving the room ahead of them. She disappeared down the hall with her suit jacket flapping.

  Lance headed for the staircase. He tightened his grip, letting Andrea know he had no intention of allowing her to break free until they’d reached the third floor.


  ANDREA walked in her room ahead of Lance. After shutting the door, he leaned against it while she went over to the bedside table and took another pill with a glass of water.

  “You deserve an explanation for what happened just now, and you’ll get it. Just hear me out before you consign me to hell for a second time.”

  She rubbed her forehead where she could feel a headache coming on. “I’m listening.”

  He began pacing, then stopped. “I had no idea Corinne had arrived. Thank God Henri told me he saw her head for the library. I had to get you out of there fast. There was only one way to do it. For once I was able to strike the death blow before she could see it coming.”

  Andrea swung around. “It was a death blow to her,” her voice throbbed. “I’ve never seen anyone so crushed in my life. By now she has probably run to your father and told him everything.”

  A cruel smile broke out on his lips. Only moments ago she’d felt them on hers and was still weaving from the effect.

  “She would like to, but she won’t dare because she’s unsure of her ground at the moment.”

  Andrea’s temper flared. “Perhaps you’ve forgotten I’m a guest in your father’s home. He has allowed me to sleep in this incredible room and use his library. Even if I’ve agreed to marry you, for you to draw me into some kind of intrigue that involves your stepsister is hardly the way to repay him.”

  “Have no fear. He knows you’re the innocent here. My issue with her goes back years.”

  Their eyes met. His had darkened until there was no more blue left to be seen.


  “Do me a favor and sit down while I talk to you?” he said emotionally. “After your emergency visit to the clinic the other day, this is all you need to suffer a relapse. If anything happened to the baby because of me—”

  The fear in his eyes and voice drove her to obey his suggestion. In truth, since the ugly confrontation with Corinne, she fe
lt drained.

  After she sat back against the pillows, he leaned over to ease her legs onto the bed. Every touch increased her awareness of him.

  Like before, he drew the chair close to the bed and sat down. She watched him run a hand through his hair in a gesture that could have meant resignation or defeat. Andrea had the impression he was tired, as if he’d been wrestling with the same nightmare for years.

  It brought out her compassion, a reaction she fought against, yet she doubted he was aware of its effect on her.

  His head reared. “Where to begin,” he muttered.

  She moistened her dry lips. “Try the beginning.”

  A nerve hammered at the corner of his mouth. “In the beginning, there was a happy family of three. I was halfway through my engineering studies at the University in Rennes where I was living in an apartment when mother came down with the flu. She had a low immune system, and it took its toll on her.

  “Rennes is only a forty minute drive from here, so I moved back home temporarily. Papa and I watched her like a hawk, but we couldn’t prevent her from catching the pneumonia that took her life.”

  “How awful,” Andrea whispered. A tight band squeezed her lungs to think Lance had come home from the military to discover his father suffering from the same condition.

  “It was a hellish time.” His eyes had a wintry look. “Life wasn’t the same for either of us after that. I went on to finish up my degree, but Papa fell into a decline. When I graduated, his closest friends Helene and Yves Dupuis gave a party for me.

  “It was there my father met an attractive divorcée named Odette de la Grange. She was from Paris. According to Helene, Odette’s husband had divorced her, but left her well enough off.

  “Her daughter Corinne was reputed to have suffered from the divorce and had been in and out of several unsatisfactory relationships. A strong hand was what she needed. She was twenty-two at the time, two years younger than myself.

  “Papa was lonely. In his vulnerable state both needy women brought out his protective instincts. So he married Odette who it turned out had no money left. Papa didn’t worry about that. He was much more concerned about taking care of them and being a good father to Corinne.”


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