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The Sheikh’s Marriage Deal (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 17)

Page 7

by Cara Albany

  Just by looking at her, by simply demonstrating his obvious, feral need for her, Taliq had made her even more determined to keep him at bay. Because, she knew that if she let him in, let him have his way, then everything would change. And this whole, crazy agreement might fall apart even before it started.

  Abby stretched out on the bed. Now that she had agreed to potentially many years of marriage, she was filled with uncertainty about just what their relationship would be like. Would they be able to hold such a relationship together?

  Of course they would, she thought, wondering if she was lying to herself. There were the children to think of. At a minimum, she and Taliq would hold the marriage together for them. But, once the children were grown up, what then? Would Abby and Taliq just drift apart, having fulfilled their obligations to one another?

  Abby pushed those thought firmly out of her mind. She wondered how she was going to break the news to her parents. She'd have to do it soon, but she realized that, having just arrived in Qazhar, it might be best to wait a few days at least. In that way, the whole arrangement might seem more plausible. The last thing she wanted to deal with was awkward questions from her mother.

  The best thing to do over the next few days would be to make it look like Abby and Taliq had simply rekindled their relationship. That way, any surprise announcement of a wedding wouldn't raise any eyebrows.

  And then, once she and Taliq were married, the whole, terrible money situation of her parents could be taken care of in a natural way that would make sense to everyone.

  As she considered all of this, Abby had to admit that Taliq had been right. There was no other way. It did seem as if fate had brought her back to him. That she and Taliq had been destined to come back to one another.

  But, that didn't mean she would have to allow him to possess her in every possible way. That he could just do whatever he wanted with her. She'd have to build an independent life of her own. And that wasn't going to be easy. It would take time, and there would be challenges along the way.

  A passionless future filled with difficulty. Was that what she had to look forward to? Was that what she had agreed to?

  Abby sighed. Tiredness took hold of her body. It had been an exhausting day. One that she could never have imagined in a thousand years.

  She had gotten one thing she had come for. But, in the process, she had agreed to a life she wasn't sure was able to face.

  She had signed up to a life with Taliq, a life as a mother, and to an uncertain future.


  For the next few days she and Taliq spent time together, planning the upcoming wedding. They spent long hours walking in the gardens and throughout the palace in full view of the staff. Abby noted that the children took a definite interest in her and Taliq spending time together. From time to time she and Taliq would come across the children, and each time Aisha and Kamil would smile knowingly at Abby and Taliq.

  She and Taliq discussed all the details of the ceremony, going over everything that would have to be done. He had clear ideas of how he would like the marriage ceremony to be conducted. Abby understood that there were certain expectations and traditions to be followed, and she was happy to go along with them.

  Like everything else about this situation, talk of the wedding seemed almost unreal. Under normal circumstances she might have toiled over every detail, obsessing about outfits and flowers and catering. But, this wasn't like any normal wedding.

  She had struck a deal with Taliq and she would see it through.

  Spending the time together also gave the children and staff the impression that Abby and Taliq were gradually getting to know one another all over again. She knew it was really a false impression, and she felt bad about doing it. But it was necessary if they were to have any chance of convincing everyone that the upcoming marriage had been prompted by genuine feeling instead of private and very mutual necessity.

  In between the time she shared with Taliq, Abby took the chance to spend time alone with the children, visiting them in there rooms. She enjoyed spending time getting to know them. She tried to maintain the same friendliness toward them that she had established on arriving. Abby had a feeling both children liked her, but she also knew it was too early to really tell if that was something which would last.

  Every once in a while over the next few days, Abby encountered Taliq and the children in some part of the palace. During such encounters, Taliq made sure that Abby was drawn into whatever activity he was sharing with the children.

  Before she knew what had happened, Abby realized that she was taking a deep interest in the children, even while she was trying to keep her interest in Taliq well and truly under control.

  She knew what he was trying to do. Taliq was trying to draw them all together so that when the time came to announce the wedding to the children, it would not come as a complete shock to them.

  As she thought about Taliq doing that, Abby had to reluctantly admit that it demonstrated a considerable sensitivity on Taliq's part, something she wouldn't have expected of him a year ago.

  And it had its intended effect. As the days passed, Abby felt a closeness to the children that genuinely took her by surprise. She had always thought that at some point she would have children of her own, that she would have a family. But, she'd had no idea it would happen quite like this, she reflected.

  So, when it came time to announce to the children, over a dinner a few evenings after Taliq had proposed, Abby was delighted by the reaction of both children. At first there had been shocked expressions on their faces. But then the disbelief had been replaced within moments with excitement and obviously genuine joy.

  Taliq had been careful in his choice of words as he'd made the announcement, and he'd insisted that Abby had sat alongside him as he'd told the children. Abby had looked at him as Taliq had declared that from now on he and Abby would be the children' parents.

  Afterwards, Abby was glad that it had gone so well, pleased that the children had taken the news with obvious delight.

  Later that evening, Abby had called her parents and broken the news to her mother and father. They had reacted with astonishment at first, but after a long conversation, during which Abby had explained how she and Taliq had renewed their relationship, her parents had expressed real joy at the announcement. And they'd been really excited at the prospect of attending the wedding, which Abby and Taliq had agreed would take place in a few weeks' time.

  The other really important announcement to be made had been the one Taliq had made to his own family. That had proved more daunting to Abby than anything she'd felt before telling the children. She'd been nervous about being presented to Taliq's parents.

  During the hours leading up to the meeting, Abby had been seized by anxiety about whether she could go through with the meeting. The weight of her marriage arrangement with Taliq seemed heavier now that she was about to reveal her and Taliq's intentions to his closest family members.

  Taliq had invited his entire family to the palace. His parents came along with his other two brothers and Gemma, Ahmed's American wife. It had been obvious from the expressions on everyones' faces that some kind of announcement had been expected. And that it would probably involve Abby.

  And then Taliq had made the announcement which had been greeted with astonishment, but also with visible pleasure on the part of Taliq's parents. Congratulations were given to Abby and Taliq, and the celebration lasted long into the evening.


  "You are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen," Taliq said to Abby as they stood side by side in the palace's garden.

  The wedding ceremony inside the palace drawing room had just concluded, and everyone was outside beneath the bright sun. The approximately two hundred guests were crowded around the outside of the huge marquee which had been erected, inside which the wedding reception would begin in a short time.

  Abby felt Taliq's arm around her waist. She forced herself to smile at him. "And you look prett
y good, yourself," she said. He smiled back at her and dipped his head, kissing Abby on the forehead. It was a surprising gesture, but she realized why he'd made it.

  Facing Abby and Taliq stood Abby's parents. Abby glanced across at them and saw the broad smile on her mother's face. She saw her mother glance at Abby's father with obvious delight. For a moment, Abby was so glad they were both here with her. She couldn't imagine what today would have been like if they hadn't been able to come.

  But, of course, they'd made the journey. Now that all of their troubles back home had been sorted out, they were more than happy to come to their daughter's wedding to a wealthy sheikh, Abby told herself.

  It must have seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Now that their financial troubles were a thing of the past and their only daughter was married. To her parents, standing here today like this, the world must have seemed like a good place, Abby reflected. She could hardly blame them for thinking that.

  "I think Taliq's right," her father said. "You look beautiful, Abby," he added smiling. "But, I guess I'm biased."

  "Thank you, Papa," Abby said.

  "I don't think I've ever seen a wedding couple who look quite like you both," her mother observed.

  And Abby had to agree. She figured she looked about as different from a standard bride as it was possible to look. She had eventually opted for a traditional Qazhar bride pearl colored outfit, which consisted of elaborately decorated gown, cut flatteringly, but not too revealing. It had a short train which didn't require too much effort on Abby's part to control.

  Taliq was dressed to look like someone who had just emerged out of the desert on a wild stallion. He had on flowing robe and headdress. The entire robe draped his powerful body with an ease and comfort.

  She thought about how he had looked at her during the wedding ceremony. Throughout the ceremony, he had stood proudly facing Abby, gazing steadily into her eyes as they had both exchanged the brief Qazhar marriage vows.

  During that exchange of vows, Abby had struggled to control her emotion. And she had seen how Taliq had tightened his jaw, maintaining a steady, impassive mask across his features throughout the ceremony. It had seemed that both of them had been equally determined to create a serious and convincing impression for the benefit of the two hundred onlookers.

  Maybe they'd succeeded, Abby told herself as she leaned closer to Taliq. Looking at her parents, Abby didn't see even a shadow of doubt in their eyes. They believed what they were seeing, which only made the reality even more difficult to bear, Abby reflected.

  Since they'd arrived a couple of days before the wedding, Abby had only had a few short conversations with her parents, during which she had done her best to convince them that her marriage to Taliq had been prompted by genuine feeling. She'd felt bad pretending like that, but she had asked herself repeatedly if there had been any other way, and had concluded over and over that there had been none.

  All that mattered was that they were safe now. All that mattered was that the children would feel that, once again, they had a home with two parents they could rely on.

  That was something worthwhile, she told herself. Wasn't it?

  There was a sudden movement by her side, and Abby turned to see Aisha and Kamil coming quickly toward her and Taliq. The two children barrelled excitedly into Abby and Taliq. They were both similarly dressed in formal and very traditional-looking Qazhar white outfits.

  Abby laughed with surprise. "Slow down, you two," she said cheerily.

  "When does it start?" Kamil asked, glancing toward the marquee.

  "In a short while," Taliq replied.

  "I'm hungry," Aisha declared, smiling up at Abby.

  Abby laid a hand across Aisha's shoulder, drawing her nearer. "I'm sure you are."

  "The ceremony went on for ages," Aisha stated.

  Abby narrowed her eyes. "Are you saying you didn't like it?" she asked smiling.

  Aisha shook her head and looked suddenly serious. "It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw," she said.

  Abby glanced at Taliq. He had an arm around Kamil's shoulder. "I think I'd agree with that," Taliq said, a bright expression in his eyes. "What did you think, Kamil?" Taliq asked shaking Kamil's shoulder in a friendly manner.

  Saying nothing in response, Kamil merely nodded, smiling hesitantly. Abby frowned, reminding herself, not for the first time, that it might take Kamil a while longer to adjust to the new arrangements.

  Abby glanced across at her mother and saw an expression of admiration and even pride on her mother's face. She wondered what must be going through her mother's mind, watching Abby and Taliq with the children like this.

  What must she be thinking? Did her mother have any idea what this might mean for Abby? The responsibility she had taken on by marrying Taliq?

  From behind her parents, Abby saw Ahmed and Gemma appear from the crowd of guests. Ahmed was Taliq's older brother, and Gemma was his American wife.

  "I can see you've already got your hands full," Gemma said pleasingly, looking at the children.

  Abby wrapped her arms around both children' shoulders drawing them close to her. "You could say that," she agreed smiling down at them both.

  Was it so obvious that she looked comfortable with the children? Did she already look like a mother to them? That thought seemed amazing to Abby, considering she'd only been here a few weeks, but she had formed a rapid bond with Aisha, and with Kamil. Although Kamil still seemed determined to hold some part of himself back.

  Ahmed glanced at Taliq. "That's quite a family you've got there, brother," Ahmed said jokingly.

  Taliq glanced at Abby and then down at the children. He nodded. "It is, isn't it?"

  Abby saw him move closer to her. Why had it needed his brother's prompting before he did that?

  "And you?" Taliq asked. "When are you planning on having some of your own?" he said looking from Ahmed to Gemma.

  Abby saw Gemma's face flush slightly. "It'll happen," Gemma said curtly. It was obvious she didn't want to say anything more about that subject. Maybe that was too intimate, too personal.

  Ahmed wrapped an arm around Gemma's waist. "We're working on it," he said lifting a brow at his wife.

  She tilted her head and peered at him. "Ahmed! What did I tell you?"

  He pretended to be surprised at her admonishment. Abby figured Gemma liked to keep some things private. Of course, given her background as a former social media celebrity, Gemma would be more sensitive than normal about private matters. And there was hardly anything more private than the subject of having children, Abby reflected.

  As if desperate to change the subject, Gemma looked at Abby. "You look stunning."

  "I heard your own dress looked pretty amazing too," Abby replied. Abby had seen the pictures of their wedding and amazing didn't come close to describing how beautiful Gemma had looked on her day.

  Gemma shrugged. "It was. But, Ahmed insisted I look my best. I really would have preferred something more modest."

  Ahmed lifted a brow. "You? Modest? With all the world desperate to know what you would be wearing? There wasn't much hope of that."

  "I guess you're right," Gemma admitted. "But, the whole day was amazing." Gemma glanced around at the gathered guests. "Just like today."

  Abby nodded. "Even if I'd wanted this to be a small affair, Taliq wasn't going to let that happen."

  Taliq smiled. "Why would I? I'm only marrying the world's most beautiful woman," he said.

  Abby forced herself to smile at him. He was playing his part to perfection, she told herself. The least she could do was go along with the whole thing. "You're embarrassing me," she said in a coy voice.

  "It's true," Taliq said. "Even the children said so," he said glancing down at Aisha and Kamil. "Isn't that right. Doesn't your mother look amazing?"

  The word hit Abby like a physical blow.


  Abby glanced at her parents to see what kind of reaction Taliq's choice of words had caused. But
there was none. Had they just accepted this so easily? So quickly?

  Abby glanced down at the children who similarly seemed oblivious to there being anything wrong with the idea that she was their mother now.

  Aisha and Kamil gazed up at Abby. Then they both nodded, and Abby almost choked up right there on the spot. She felt her cheeks flush with emotion and she firmly blinked back the moistness in her eyes.

  There was such trust in the eyes of the children, such faith in Abby. She wondered how she had managed to win them over quite so fast, and then reminded herself that the children probably felt the need for someone in their life, someone upon whom they could rely.

  Perhaps even someone they could come to love. In time.

  She laughed quietly and hugged the children close to her. Abby turned to Ahmed and Gemma. They hadn't failed to notice how much that comment had affected Abby. There was sympathy and understanding in their gazes.

  "Aren't they just adorable?" Abby said holding them close to her.

  Her parents nodded and Ahmed and Gemma smiled in agreement. Nothing more needed to be said, as far as they were concerned. The bond between the children and their new parents already looked unbreakable.

  Some of that had to be put down to Taliq's efforts over the past few weeks. Abby had been aware of the many instances when he'd deliberately arranged for them all to spend time together, in the palace, and on some excursions outside the palace and into the city.

  But, there had been one suggestion Abby had made which had caused an awkward moment. It had been when she'd suggested they all go out to the desert on horseback. That had drawn looks from Taliq, but no explanation afterwards.

  Apart from that incident, it seemed as if Taliq hadn't wasted a single opportunity to bring her closer into the lives of himself and the children. And today was simply the cap on all of that.

  They chatted a while longer until it was announced that the formal reception would start. Then they all made their way into the marquee. For the next few hours, speeches were made, toasts were proposed and there was much dancing.


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