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The Sheikh’s Marriage Deal (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 17)

Page 13

by Cara Albany

  Taliq had seemed slightly awkward in the face of the obvious bond which had been created between Abby's parents and the children. It was almost as if Taliq was being overprotective, Abby had told herself as she'd watched him.

  And then they'd taken her parents to the airport, making sure they were settled into Taliq's private jet. Abby joked with her mother that it looked as if she was getting used to the high life. Her mother had taken that in good humor, even if there was more than a grain of truth in what Abby had said.

  Her parents' fortunes had been transformed. And for that she had to be grateful to Taliq. Which made his reaction this morning all the more infuriating and almost impossible to understand.

  The limo eased out of the airport gateway and out onto the highway. They'd be back in the palace soon, and Abby knew there wouldn't be much time to talk with Taliq, so she came straight to the point.

  "Why did you leave like that, this morning?" she asked.

  He sat alongside her, dressed in a casual dark blue suit and open-necked white shirt, unbutton at the collar. She saw him draw in a deep breath and frown slightly. Maybe she'd been too abrupt, she told herself. But she needed answers before they arrived back at the palace.

  He gazed out into the darkness. "It was a mistake," he said in a low voice.

  She hadn't expected him to be quite so honest with her. "A mistake? Is that all?"

  He turned and gazed at her. His eyes were dark with determination and obvious emotion. She thought he looked incredibly troubled and realized that he'd been masking his emotions all afternoon. "I mean what I say. I've had time to think about it." He paused, as if trying to find the right words. He sighed heavily. "It was a reaction. A foolish one, I admit. It wasn't what you think."

  She frowned. "How do you know what I was thinking?" she snapped.

  "Because I saw the way you reacted."

  She turned to face him and folded her arms. "And how exactly did I react?" she asked with a note of sarcasm in her voice.

  He didn't react to the change in her attitude. His gaze remained steady, unflinching, determined. He seemed unwilling to answer the challenge she'd just issued him.

  She just wanted an explanation, but, by the seriousness of his demeanor, he seemed to want so much more.

  Perhaps her forgiveness, she told herself. Well, she wasn't sure she was going to give him that. Not after the way he'd dealt with her, this morning. She'd reflected on what had happened and had come to a conclusion that had shocked her.

  Taliq turned away from her, gazing out, once more at the passing cars. Beyond the road to the edge of the dark desert which could almost be seen by the reflected lights.

  This morning, he'd looked positively resentful toward her. As if she'd taken away his freedom. She'd refused to believe that any woman could ever take away Taliq's freedom. If he'd lost that, it would because he'd chosen to give it up. Not because she had stripped him of it. No-one had the power to do that, especially to someone like Taliq Al Kharif.

  Perhaps their love-making had just been some kind of primitive physical release for him, after all. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if she really knew Taliq at all.

  Taliq turned back to her. "I shouldn't have done what I did, Abby," he said.

  The sound of her name on his lips sounded sweet. He had a slight accent, and the way he said her name had never failed to affect her. And this time was no different.

  She swallowed, feeling a sudden emotion swell within her chest. "It wasn't good, Taliq," she said. "You know that, don't you."

  He shifted on the wide, leather-covered seat. His legs weren't quite touching hers, but she could almost feel the heat of his body. "I know that now." He sighed. "This hasn't been easy for either of us."

  She frowned. "That's putting it mildly, Taliq," she said. "I haven't had the easiest of days."

  His eyes narrowed. "What happened?"

  She rolled her eyes. "You don't want to know," she said with an exasperated groan.

  "I do," he said in steady voice.

  She stared at him for moment and saw the sincerity in his eyes. Maybe, he had had time to think about what he'd done. And perhaps he'd undergone some kind of change of heart.

  Abby told him about her time spent getting to know how the palace was run. She gave him an account of her conversations with Mira, but she left out the part about the way the staff had looked at Abby when she'd come down the stairs on her own.

  Taliq frowned as she concluded her account. "I asked Mira to make sure she didn't overwhelm you. That it was your first day as mistress of the house. It appears she didn't follow my instructions. I will have to speak with her when I get back."

  "You don't have to do that, Taliq," Abby said. "Mira was probably surprised that you weren't around. She was just trying to be efficient, I suppose."

  He closed his eyes momentarily, as if her words had caused him physical pain. "I should have been with you. It was my place to be by your side. Especially today of all days."

  He looked straight ahead, averting his gaze from her for a few moments. She saw his jaw tighten and heard him sigh. There was so much tension in him that she wondered how he could possibly calm himself.

  Abby was surprised by his reaction. She could see the distress on his features.

  "What must the staff be thinking, now?" he murmured.

  Was that all he cared about? How he would look to his palace staff?

  "You still haven't answered my question, Taliq. Why did you leave?"

  He gazed at her. "I've been trying to understand that." He tilted his head and the shrugged. "It's simple."

  "Really? It didn't seem like that, this morning," she said trying to control the snarky tone in her voice.

  Abby peered into his eyes and could see how hard he was working to find just the right words. The struggle to control his emotions. His lips were set in a thin line and his gaze was steady and even.

  "When I awoke this morning, something took hold of me. A terrible thought."

  "What was it," she asked, feeling suddenly anxious.

  He gazed at her. "That I couldn't be with you. That I don't belong with you." His voice was heavy, cracking with emotion.

  Abby felt a jolt of shock vibrate through her. Was that what he actually believed? Was that what had driven him to abandon her this morning? "You don't belong with me? What are you talking about?"

  He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "You have to understand what my life has been like up until now."

  "I know that already," she said. "Have you forgotten how we met?"

  He smiled softly. "How could I ever forget that?" he eased closer to her, his expression changing visibly. Her gaze flickered down to his body, at the way even the smallest move contained power and temptation. "How could I ever forget how I felt the first time I saw you? You took my breath away. Completely," he said. "I'd never seen anyone more beautiful than you."

  His voice was a low growl. No man had ever spoken to her in that way. And she knew no other man would ever be able to look at her quite like the way he was looking at her, right now. He knew what that voice did to her. Knew the effect of it on her.

  Was he trying to tempt her? Or even trying to do worse than that. Cloud her judgment so that she would forget what he'd done? Forgive him?

  Abby felt her heart quicken, but she did her best to hide how his words had affected her. She wanted him to continue with his confession.

  Because that was what it was beginning to sound like. More than that, even.

  Almost a declaration. The kind he'd made once before to her a long time ago. The kind she'd thought she'd never hear from him again.

  The car shifted slightly in the road to overtake another vehicle. Taliq's body moved against hers, his thigh pressing against her. Just touching him again made the sensations of the night before ignite again. Familiar, wonderful feelings swept through her.

  Taliq stretched out an arm, supporting himself against the back of the seat, preventing him
self from crushing against her. But, she realized she wouldn't have minded if he'd pressed himself against her. Not at all.

  Abby moved her hand and rested it against his thigh. She saw his gaze flare with instant desire. Their eyes met and then his head dipped suddenly, his lips crashing down upon hers.

  Abby gasped and curled her fingers around his powerful shoulders, holding him at bay, even though every instinct told her that was the last thing she wanted to do. She delighted in the feel of his lips, the gentle probing of his tongue, the taste of him. His scent was intoxicating, sending her sense reeling.

  Abby felt heat flare at her core, and her nipples hardened as he pressed his chest against her. She shifted, allowing herself to submit to him. She'd seen enough in his gaze, heard enough in his word to know that his expressions of regret were genuine.


  Taliq's hand drifted to her breasts, his thumb teasing her nipple through the thin fabric of her dress. She was glad that the dark screen shielded the sight of their passion from the driver.

  His touch sent shivers of delight coursing through her body. The breath was dragged out of her body and her mind was an exquisite blank as she gave herself over to desire.

  Then Taliq's hand slid down her belly, tugging on her dress. She felt his fingers on her bare thighs and then he was easing her panties aside. She felt the roughness of his skin against her, felt the tips of his fingers explore her folds. Her core glowed with desire and anticipation. Still, his lips caressed her, his tongue sending waves of pleasure.

  He had taken possession of her again. Just like always. Just like he always would, she told herself. They were together and nothing would tear them apart.

  His thumb found her most sensitive area, moved slowly around it and she gasped. His head dipped, his tongue tracing a line down her neck. She lifted her head, closing her eyes and gave herself completely to the moment. It felt so good to be under his control. Just for now.

  His thumb on her sensitive mound produced spasms of ecstasy, drawing gasps from her, making every nerve in her body turn into perfect flame.

  He continued to kiss her neck, then moving upwards, finding that same spot at her ear which only made the pleasure almost unbearable. He was an unstoppable force of nature, and he would not be denied. She didn't want him to stop giving her pleasure.

  She had no intention of denying him that. Not right now. Not ever. They were one, and always would be.

  Time and again, his fingers teased her sensitive place, driving ecstasy throughout her body. She arched her back, spasming with the sensations, until it became impossible to hold back the tsunami of her climax.

  She reached out as he continued his relentless pursuit of her pleasure. She grasped him as the wave swept over her, holding onto him for dear life. Because it felt as if her entire being was melting, as if he was drawing something elemental out of her.

  Then she cried out, forcing herself against his shoulder, grasping him tightly.

  The pleasure consumed her until she felt she had nothing left.

  For long moments afterwards, he held her, and she pressed herself against him. She could feel her heartbeat begin to slow, the frantic rushing sensation of her blood begin to calm.

  As she laid her head against his chest, she heard his own heartbeat, steady, but equally as fast as hers. She could sense what that had meant to him by the way he held her. His arms enfolded her as if she was the most precious thing in the world. And that was how he had made her feel. Like a jewel he would never let go. Not for any price.

  He murmured sweet words to her as the car continued on its way through the night. Some of those words were in his own language. She knew what some of them meant. They were words of affection, devotion.

  Even of love.

  And, as the limo drove through the palace gates and started up the driveway, she lifted her head and smiled at him. "And I love you too, Taliq," she said softly.

  His smile was broad and absolutely genuine, filled with sincere gratitude. "I love you, Abby. But then, you've always known that, haven't you?"

  She nodded and settled against his warm, strong chest. "I have, Taliq," she replied

  And it was true. Even though there had been times when she'd doubted it, she knew that he had always wanted her. And that he always would.

  The limo stopped and they got out. They went into the palace and walked up the staircase. His arm was wrapped around her waist as they climbed the stairs. At the top of the stairs they looked at each other. They paused a moment, as if they were both weighing up an important choice.

  And then she made it for them both. "Let's go to our room," she told him.

  Taliq smiled, obviously relieved that, as far as he'd been concerned, the worst had been avoided. Separation from her within his own palace.

  As they started to make their way along the corridor toward their new suite, she realized she hadn't talked with him about the children. Or about how she'd felt like a fish out of water when trying to deal with the needs of running the palace efficiently.

  Maybe there would time for that later, she told herself.

  For now, all she wanted to do was go with him to their own private space, the place where they could devote themselves to picking up where they'd left off last night.


  When she awoke the next morning, Taliq was right there by her side. He was sleeping with his back to her. She could hear his soft breathing and see the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

  She smiled to herself, remembering how they'd made love just hours before. It had been amazing, just as it had been on their wedding night. This time though, one thing was different. Taliq was still here.

  Where he belonged. By her side.

  There had been no repeat of his doubts, his deeply held anxieties. They'd been swept aside by another night of passion, and long moments of sharing their feelings.

  Quiet talk and murmured reassurances. Declarations of love.

  She recalled his whispered words in the darkness of the night as they'd lain in each other's arms. He'd gazed into her eyes as he'd declared his love to her; how he would devote his life to making life perfect for her; how he wouldn't allow anything to stand in the way of her happiness.

  The words had made her heart warm, made peace settle in her soul. She knew he meant every word. That he would keep his promises. Just as she intended to do exactly the same for him.

  Because, she knew that she was probably the luckiest woman in the world, and that this man meant everything to her. That the family they'd created was the most special thing a woman could ever hope for.

  Abby reached out, just as she'd done the previous morning. This time she felt his warm body, the heat of his skin, the power of his muscles. She felt him move and he turned to her. His gaze was sleepy at first, but then he focused his dark eyes on her. He smiled and leaned toward her. "Good morning," he growled, his voice still slightly raw.

  She smiled. "Good morning."

  He kissed her. Gently and tenderly. She savored the sensation of his full lips, the touch of his hand on her bare shoulder. She wondered if he wanted to make love again. Recalling the many times they'd enjoyed each other during the night, she asked herself if she was ready.

  She knew he would be. He was insatiable. When it came to giving her pleasure, it seemed his stamina knew no limits.

  He shifted closer to her, his nakedness pressing against her. He was ready, she told herself. She felt his hardness against her and she smiled at him. Then he wrapped her in his embrace and held her close. She felt the strength of that embrace, sensed the need in his body. But, for now, it seemed he was satisfied with simply holding her.

  The light filtered into the room through the thin curtains. Another day, she thought to herself. She wondered what the day would hold for them. One thing she was sure of was that it wouldn't be like yesterday. There would be no repeat of their difficulties. No separation. She wanted to be close to him, needed to feel herself by his s
ide. Where she knew she belonged.

  For a long while they lay in each others arms, until the sun became brighter and she knew it was probably time to get up. The children would be getting up soon and she wanted them all to share some time at the breakfast table, this morning.

  As if sensing her thoughtfulness, Taliq gazed down at her. "What do you want to do today?" he asked.

  "I thought we might spend some time together, as a family," she said.

  For a brief moment, he seemed surprised. His brows furrowed. Perhaps he was disappointed he wasn't going to have her all to himself, she speculated. But, then he smiled. "That sounds great."

  "Really?" she asked.

  He nodded. "I can't think of anything better," he admitted.

  "The kids will be pleased," she said. "I think they missed you yesterday at breakfast."

  "I know," he said, frowning. "But, that's all in the past. We've got today to look forward to."

  "My Mom and Dad kept the kids busy."

  "I'm sure they did," he said.

  He sat up, leaning back against the headboard. She sat up next to him, the blanket slipping down to her waist. For a moment, she saw his gaze flicker downward, taking in the sight of her bare breasts. There was an appreciative look on his face, and his hand drifted down instinctively to his middle, as if he was trying to control an urge that had flared into life beneath the bed sheet.

  She squinted at him, shook her head and then laughed quietly.

  "What?" he asked, pretending innocence.

  "Nothing," she said.

  "So, what are we doing with the kids, today?" he asked.

  She was secretly pleased that the prospect of spending time with Aisha and Kamil had ignited his enthusiasm. "We talked about it yesterday at breakfast," she said. "And we came to the conclusion that we'd all like to go riding on horseback in the desert."

  Taliq's brows furrowed, but he said nothing.

  Abby peered at him, knowing that it would have been impossible to avoid this subject. Not after what she'd learned at breakfast the day before.

  "What do you think?" she probed.


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