MOTORCYCLE CLUB: Rebel Riders (Billionaire MC Romance) (Biker With A Cause Book 1)

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MOTORCYCLE CLUB: Rebel Riders (Billionaire MC Romance) (Biker With A Cause Book 1) Page 3

by Alexandra Stone

  “Do they all have wolf tattoos as well?” I asked.

  “Yeah, something like that,” he said.

  I was in the wolf’s den. This was somewhat of a headquarters I assumed. I probably was not welcomed here. That was confirmed a second later.

  I was about to get off the bike when I heard raised voices. It took me a second to realize they were directed at me.

  “Is that your new bitch?! Get her out of here! She doesn’t belong here!” a girl yelled.

  “Shit,” Kit said starting his bike again.

  A glass beer bottle crashed at my feet. I screamed.

  “She doesn’t belong here! Get that preppy bitch out of here!” she continued to yell.

  I could barely see the girl in the dark, but she was making her way toward us. Kit peeled out on his bike and held on tight as to not fall off. He drove fast and in seconds we were out of sight of the house. He took me to my car parked at The Pipe.

  I got off the bike and I was shaking. I had never had an encounter like that before. It was a lot to deal with after having an adrenaline filled night of sex on the beach and now this.

  “Who was that?” I asked Kit with wide eyes.

  “I’m sorry Mary. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I know you’re not used to that kind of behavior. Are you alright?” he asked putting his hands on my shoulders.

  “I’m a little shaken,” I admitted.

  “Who was that?” I asked again.

  “That was my ex-girlfriend. We haven’t been together in months, but she thinks she owns me.”

  “Oh,” I said and then sat silently.

  “She really is my ex-girlfriend. We’re not together.”

  We both sat in silence then he said, “Oh shit!”

  He was looking at my car. I followed his gaze. I didn’t see what he was looking at until he walked over and kicked my tires. They had been slashed.

  “Fuck!” I yelled.

  “I’m sorry. It was definitely her. It had to be. I’m sorry. I could change your tire, but it looks like all of them are slashed.”

  I sighed deeply and pulled my phone out of my purse. I called a tow truck.

  “It’s going to be half an hour before they’re here,” I said as I hung up the phone and looked at Kit with a frown on my face.

  “You’re not at Harvard anymore. It’s rough out here. I warned you,” he said.

  He was right. He did warn me. Everyone warned me and I ignored it.

  “It’s just a car,” I finally said. Even though I knew that being attacked at his house and now my slashed tires were so much more than that. I was trying to convince myself more than I was convincing him.

  “Come on,” he said.

  He grabbed me and pushed me against the car. He kissed me deep and with more passion and aggression than before. I had the feeling that all this danger turned him on. When I let go and stopped being scared I realized it turned me on too. This was what I sought out, and now it was real. I allowed the feeling of danger and fright to combine with my sensations of desire and it was overpowering. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. He shoved his hand down my pants and entered me with two long skinny fingers. I yelled out at the feeling. It was intense. I opened my legs wider and his fingers went deeper inside of me. It felt so good and the adrenaline rushed through me. I wondered if at any moment his girlfriend would show up and cause more problems. The thought of being in danger again sent me over the edge. I started yelling, “I’m cumming!” once more.

  I relaxed against the car and allowed the pulsations to flood me. I could feel his hard cock against my thigh and his breathing was heavy and he was moaning. He was ready to fuck me again. Just then large headlights came down the road. I held my breath. Who could it be at this time of night? I was scared it was someone coming to hurt me, but it also made me excited. Then it got closer. Kit stepped in front of me and pushed me behind him. The headlights turned into the parking lot and blinded us. Then we finally saw, it was the tow truck. I sighed in relief. It was a lot earlier than we had expected.

  The man hooked up my car and towed it to the garage for tires that I would go buy the next day. After we were done, Kit drove me back to my apartment. It was already dawn and I had been out all night. It felt good to not have to answer to anyone. I had one wild night I thought to myself. I kissed him and then he drove off.

  I went to bed and slept all day. I missed all my classes. My grades were already suffering, but I didn’t care. I was tired and bored of school.

  Two days later I had my car back in my possession. I had seen Kit briefly when he came by the apartment to make sure I had my car back with out problems. We kissed a little and then he left, but one thing was for sure. We were both in this. We were in deep. I was becoming addicted to him and I looked forward to when I would see him again. He was very elusive and I had to wait until he came to me. I wasn’t welcomed at the bar or his house. So it was all up to him when I would see him. I didn’t like that, but it was okay for now. I only cared about seeing. I only cared about having him inside of me again and again.

  A week later it was time to pay attention to my other life again. I had become distant from Lillian and she knew why, and she was not happy about it. I didn’t dare tell her about the slashed tires or the crazy ex-girlfriend. I didn’t want to hear I told you so at all from her. She wouldn’t understand my desire for the adrenaline rush of the danger and the erotic pleasure it gave me. She wouldn’t understand the longing I had all my life to be with a guy like Kit. So I didn’t bother to tell her. Now something was happening that made me once again focus on my life as a preppy Connecticut rich girl. I would have to readjust and put myself back in that mind set of the social elite. It was all happening tomorrow and I was not looking forward to it. In fact it was a day I had been loathing for several weeks now. It was parent’s weekend at Harvard.

  This was the weekend when parents came to check on their kid’s progress and join in on their own elite parent activities. It was an event steeped in old tradition. There would be parties, a football game, and men gathering with cigars and brandy. It really had little to do with our grades as parents rarely met with teachers. It was more about showing off to each other in their elite circles that disgusted me. I would be required to go to all the functions. This meant my father would be coming to check up on me and boss me around. I was beyond nervous that he would sense it on me. That he would sense I had been reckless and finally living my own life and making my own decisions. I was terrified that maybe he knew because most of the friends in my circle were family friends and they loved to gossip. I was not happy about seeing him again. I went to the store for a few items to make the apartment look presentable. I drove up to my apartment deep in thought about my father, so I wasn’t ready for what awaited me in the parking lot.

  I pulled my car into the parking lot in front of our apartment. I shut off the ignition and got out. I was about to get a few things out of the back seat of my car when I heard, “Hey preppy bitch!”

  I turned around and saw three biker girls coming toward me. I froze like a dear in the headlights.

  “Yeah bitch I’m talking to you stupid little rich girl!”

  They walked fast and were on top of me in no time. It was Kit’s ex-girlfriend and she looked pissed. She had a murderous look in her eyes. I shut the door to my car and turned to face her. I don’t know why. I think I was scared of my car door being uses as a weapon.

  “Kit is my ex-boyfriend and will be my boyfriend again. He’s mine! We break up all the time. This time is no different. Stay away from him or I will cut your throat,” she snarled at me.

  I was terrified. She was a tough looking girl with lots of tattoos, piercings, and jet black hair that was almost blue. I don’t know how I found the courage, but out of being in complete shock I talked back.

  “I think he can make his own decisions. Leave me alone,” I said. I knew it wasn’t exactly tough talk but I didn’t have that in me. I said it el
egantly and with confidence. I stepped away from my car and headed toward my apartment.

  Then suddenly, before I knew what had happened, there was a sharp pain on my face. I was falling, falling, but before I hit the ground everything went black.



  I was in a dark haze. It was completely dark. I could hear sounds echoing. I didn’t know where I was. I didn’t know what had happened. I slowly started to feel like I was coming back to reality. The sounds got sharper. They were voices. I heard the beeping sounds and rushes of air. It was an odd environment. I definitely was not in my apartment I thought. I slowly fluttered my eyes open. The light was very bright and strong. I squinted as I tried to focus. Then I heard.

  “Mary Elizabeth? Mary Elizabeth?”

  I opened my eyes fully and saw that I was in the hospital. A nurse hovered over me.

  “Yes,” I said annoyed that I was in the hospital.

  Then it all came flooding back to me. Kit’s ex-girlfriend had harassed me in the parking lot of my apartment. We argued. She was a mean scary girl with piercings and tattoos. Her jet black hair was almost blue and I remembered the look of murder in her eyes. She had come at me with her friends and I remembered talking back like a smart ass. Then I remembered a sharp pain on my head and then falling to the ground when everything went black. I freaked out and panicked suddenly realizing I had no idea what had happened. Had I been stabbed?

  “What happened?” I asked the nurse.

  “You suffered a bump to the head. You have a mild concussion but nothing serious. You have a bit of a black bruise on your temple there. You will be alright though.”

  “A bump?” I sighed in relief that I had not been stabbed. What a crazy bitch that girl was. I guess fights and attacking people were normal things to do for her, but it had never happened to me.

  “More like a blow. Do you remember anything? Do you remember what he hit you with?” she asked.

  I tried to process what she was saying.


  “The cops are here they are talking to your father and your roommate. They will want to know what you remember if you are up to it.”

  “Wait…he? What do you mean he?”

  Before she could answer my roommate Lillian rushed in. She was being dramatic as usual.

  “Oh my god! Mary! You’re awake. I’m so glad. How do you feel? Are you alright? I told you that guy was bad news. You never listen to me. Now your father is here and he’s pissed. Don’t worry though he’s already been arrested and you can press charges and everything. It has all been taken care of.”

  She rambled on so fast I couldn’t get my head around what she was saying.

  “Lillian slow down please. What are you saying? Who is arrested?”

  “Kit of course,” she said sighing in disbelief.

  “Kit? Why? For what?” I asked sitting up in bed.

  “For beating you of course.”

  “What! No, he didn’t hit me. It was his ex-girlfriend! We argued in the parking lot and she hit me. Kit would never. He’s not like that.”

  Lillian looked at me like I was a battered wife hiding the fact that her husband beat her as though I was covering it up. Then my father walked in.

  “Lillian, please excuse us,” he said sternly.

  I didn’t wait. I didn’t want to waste another second. Kit was being wrongly accused and it was my fault.

  “Father, Kit didn’t do this. It was a girl. His ex-girlfriend. She did this. Not Kit.”

  “Mary, you have behaved very poorly and look where it has gotten you. I hope you learned your lesson to not get mixed up with their kind. You are not to see that boy again. I will not let a boy beat my daughter.”

  “Father, you’re not listening. He didn’t do this. Regardless about dating someone that you don’t approve of, I’m telling you the truth. He did not do this!”

  “Mary Elizabeth!” his voice boomed in the hospital room.

  I suddenly became a scared little girl again. I sat in silence.

  “That’s enough. You are not to see that boy again. You have ruined parents weekend and I will be talked about all over Harvard. You have embarrassed me and the family name. Now you will stay here until the doctor releases you and then you will go straight to your apartment. You will finish the semester and then you will come home for the summer where you will be properly watched.”

  With that he buttoned his blazer and walked out the door.

  I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t ask me how I was. It was typical. He only cared about himself and how he looked to society. I started to cry. It still hurt that he was so cold to me. He was never a loving or good father. My mother had moved to San Francisco a year ago and I rarely saw her. I knew it was because she hated my father. I didn’t blame her.

  The nurse came back in.

  “I would like to talk to the police please. I would like to make my statement.”

  “They’ve already gone dear,” she said.

  I was furious. How dare they arrest Kit on suspicion with out the truth? It was wrong. I wanted to yell. They had the wrong person. He wouldn’t dare touch me like that. He would never harm a woman I was sure of it. It was his crazy bitch ex-girlfriend.

  “When can I go home?”

  “You will be released tomorrow. You will just be here overnight for observation,” she said.

  I sighed. I was helpless here in bed. All I could think about was Kit getting arrested. I hoped he didn’t protest or get beat up. This was all my fault. If he had not got involved with me, he would not be in jail. I didn’t want to stay away from him though. He made me feel happier than any guy had in a long time. I liked him so much. I was on my way to falling in love with him. I was in deep.

  I fell asleep thinking about this and waiting for the morning when I could set things straight.

  The next day I woke up bright and early waiting for the doctor to evaluate me. I had a bruise and bump on the side of my head. It was not pretty to look at it. It was purple and black. I looked in the mirror but didn’t care what I looked like. All I could think about was getting to the police station and telling them what really happened so that they could release Kit into my arms. The doctor did a few exams on me, and looked at my MRI results. He said I was okay to go and gave me a few instructions and prescriptions. I was not allowed to drive today of course so I would have to cab it.

  Then I was finally released and I got out of the hospital gown and into some clean clothes that Lillian had brought for me. I got in a cab and went straight to the police station. I realized that I must look like a battered girlfriend now that I had seen the bruise on my face. I didn’t know how I would convince them that I was not lying.

  I walked in and frantically asked to talk to an officer. I waited in the waiting area for half an hour. I was very anxious. I felt guilty for every minute he stayed in jail because of me. He was wrongly accused and it was my father’s fault. He always ruined everything for me.

  I finally talked to an officer and told him what had happened. I pleaded that Kit needed to be let go and that he was falsely accused. I made sure he understood that I didn’t want to press charges on Kit. He was the wrong person.

  “We know ma’am and he has already been released,” he said once I gave him a moment to speak as I had been rambling on and on.

  “You know? Then why was he arrested?”

  “He was arrested on suspicion based on your roommate and father’s statements. However this morning we acquired the security camera footage from the parking lot of your apartment complex. It clearly shows you being attacked by three women. We have an apb out on them. They have previous records here. We know them quite well.”

  “Oh I see. So Kit is not here?”

  “No, he was released about three hours ago.”

  Thank you.”

  I was confused and in shock. Now that Kit was free I felt better but how would I see him? I had not thought that far ahead. I knew where I had to
go. Would he want to see me though? Had he had enough of the drama that seemed to follow me? I hoped he didn’t hate me for being arrested. There was only one way to find out. I couldn’t keep making assumptions. I had to know from him.

  I went to my apartment and went inside to shower and change. Lillian was not home and I was thankful she must be in class. Exactly where I should be on this Friday, but I’m sure being in the hospital was a get out of class card at the least.

  I showered, changed, and got into my car. I drove to the biker bar. I saw the line of bikes outside lined up. I didn’t dare go inside or pull into the lot. I waited across the street in my car. I sat there for half an hour staring at the door. I didn’t have my phone on me in my rush to get out here and now I wish I had it. Finally I saw his familiar figure emerge from the darkness inside the bar into the light of day. I took a deep breath. I was thankful when he came out alone. As soon as I saw him a rush of emotion came over me. I wanted him. He was all I wanted right now in this moment. I needed him to comfort me and protect me from everything that was happening. I just didn’t know if he still felt the same.

  I lightly tapped on my horn. He looked up and gave me a dark look. Then he came over. He opened the door and got in the car. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes and then he hugged me tightly.

  “I’m so sorry Mary. Are you okay? I wanted to go to the hospital, but I wasn’t allowed.”

  “Yes, I’m okay. I have a bump on my head and had a concussion, but I’m feeling better.”

  “Let me see,” he said.

  I turned slightly so that he could get a look at it.

  “That bitch. I’m sorry. I didn’t know she would take it that far. She’s crazy. She’s fled town. I’m glad she didn’t do worse. She’s capable of it.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m sorry you got arrested. Kit you must know it wasn’t me that said you did this. It was my father and my roommate. They had no idea. They didn’t see it. They just assumed. I’m so sorry you got arrested you must forgive me.”


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