MOTORCYCLE CLUB: Rebel Riders (Billionaire MC Romance) (Biker With A Cause Book 1)

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MOTORCYCLE CLUB: Rebel Riders (Billionaire MC Romance) (Biker With A Cause Book 1) Page 4

by Alexandra Stone

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve been in that jail before. Been there many times before. It was fine. But look Mary. We really have to stay away from each other. We get together and you end up in the hospital and I end up in jail. Regardless of the circumstances we just can’t be together.”

  “No. I don’t want that. I like being with you. Please don’t do this.”

  “I’m sorry Mary. We just can’t,” he hugged me tightly and planted a kiss on my lips and got out of the car. My heart broke right at that second. I was devastated.

  I drove off and went back home. I sat in my room on my bed feeling heartbroken and completely numb all over. I knew that Kit had feelings for me and they were strong feelings. Now he was trying to protect me by not being with me. I understood that. I respected it. However, it hurt more than I had ever been hurt by anyone before. What was wrong with me? I hardly knew this guy and it was as if we had been together for years and years. I was hurting and breaking on the inside. I heard the front door open and close.

  “Mary! Are you home? Mary it’s Lillian!” she yelled as she came down the hall.

  She knocked on my door, “Mary are you in there? Can I come in?

  “Come in.”

  “Mary, I’m so glad you are home. Are you okay?” she hugged me lightly not wanting to accidentally brush against my head.

  “My head feels okay. The bruise hurts a little.”

  “You look white as a ghost. Are you going to vomit or something? Lay down.”

  I did as she said and laid down in my bed. I wasn’t going to tell her about Kit. I couldn’t trust her. I knew she just thought he was bad for me and also wanted to protect me, but she didn’t know what it was like.

  “I think I’m going to spend the weekend at Rivers. It’s a good idea for me to recuperate.”

  Rivers was an overnight spa that you could check into. It was very luxurious and expensive. It offered nutritious meals, massage, and other therapies.

  “That’s a great idea. I would join you but there’s this rad party this weekend and I have to study for a test.”

  “No, of course stay. I need some alone time anyway.”

  The next morning I packed a light bag and got ready to leave to the spa. Lillian stayed out all night and had not come home yet. Then I heard it, the loud roar of the bike. I instantly felt happy. I looked out the window and saw Kit on his bike. I waved down to him and went outside. A heavy dark veil lifted from me and I felt my heart healing slowly. I felt the life come back to me.

  “I’m so glad to see you,” I said.

  “I can’t stay away. I realize that after I told you yesterday. Spending the entire day and night with the thought that I would never see you again, I couldn’t do it. It made me feel shitty.”

  “I went through the same thing,” I said throwing my arms around him and squeezing him tight.

  “What do you say we get away from all this for a few days? I know exactly where we can go. My friends don’t know about it. We can just be.”

  “I would love too. Let me get my bag.”

  A few minutes later I followed Kit in my car to his house. The wolf den, but I didn’t pull in. He parked his bike and then came over to my car and took the wheel. Then we were off into the countryside. I hugged him tightly and inhaled deeply of his scent. An hour ago I thought I would never see him again and now we were off on a romantic and isolated getaway. Just the two of us, and it was all that I could want.

  We drove for an hour outside of Cambridge and then drove down a long dirt road. Dust kicked up around the car and Kit slowed down. There was a high fence archway that we went under that had two birds on it. It looked like a ranch to me. He pulled up to a small white house on a large piece of land. There were stables in the distance with a few horses and some men working outside.

  He parked the car and I got out and looked around.

  “Where are we?”

  “It’s my family’s ranch. They are in Europe though for a month. So we are all alone, besides the ranch hands over there.”

  He pointed in the distance. He pulled out a house key. We walked up to the house and he opened the door. It was a mix between and old colonial house and a country house. It was painted white and there was a large porch.

  “Come on,” he said grabbing my bag from me. He led me inside. The house was very rustic on the inside and it didn’t look lived in. It looked like a country getaway.

  “You’re family lives here?”

  “Only sometimes,” he said.

  Well that was confusing I thought. His family had a country home and they were in Europe for a month. It sounded more and more like my family and not the family of a poor rebel biker guy. I dismissed that thought and began to look around.

  “Come here,” he said sitting in a chair at the kitchen table.


  “Come here,” he gestured for me to sit on his lap.

  I sat on his lap. “I’m glad she we’re finally alone.”

  “I’m very sorry Mary. None of that should have happened. I want to protect you.”

  His words melted my heart. I loved hearing him say things like it. It felt good. I pushed my face into his neck and gave him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

  He kissed me and ran his hand up my leg. Our kiss was one of longing and I thought I would never feel this good again. Now I was with him kissing him and feeling his body and that was all that mattered. He rubbed his hands all over my body. I was getting hotter by the second. I wanted him. I needed him. I wanted him inside me again. It had been too long and I had gone through a lot since the last time we were together, since he was inside me last. I ran my hands through his dark curls. Then I pressed my hand against his tight chest feeling the material of his cotton t-shirt. I couldn’t take it anymore. I reached down and unzipped his pants and shoved my hand down them. I found his hard cock and massaged it. He groaned loudly. Louder than I had ever heard him, but we were alone, so we could.

  He moved his hand against my pussy and cupped it. I opened my legs wider to let him explore me there. His cock was hard and stood straight up. It was very long and reached passed his belly button. I smiled at him. He looked down at my shorts. I knew what that meant. I unbuttoned my cut off shorts and grabbed them with my panties. I slipped them down my legs. I picked up one leg and threw it over his waist and straddled him. He grabbed his cock and guided it to my opening. I slowly sat down, letting him slide in slowly. He moaned loudly. He kissed my neck and I turned my head to the side to give him better access. Then I unbuttoned my shirt and slowly slid it off. I wasn’t wearing a bra so now I was completely naked. I grabbed my tits in my hands and played with my nipples while I bounced up and down on Kit’s cock. He moaned and wiggled under me. I looked at him and kissed him deeply, then I pulled away and said.

  “Fuck me from behind. Please, please fuck me from behind.”

  He smirked. His white teeth flashing in a side smile. It was a smile that drove me crazy. I stood up slowly and let his cock slide out of me. He moaned and threw his head back as he felt the sensations. I stood in front of him and turned around and put my ass in his face. I leaned over the table. I put my elbows on the table and put my weight on the table. I was getting wetter by the second. He stood up behind me. I heard him groan at what he was seeing. I felt the pressure of the tip of his cock in my pussy. I threw my head back waiting for what was to come. He slid it in slowly. He slid it back and out and in again.

  He breathed heavily. I reached down with my hand and touched my clitoris. I ran circles around it. I was so close. I felt the familiar sensations and pulsing in my pussy. Kit got louder. Then he stopped and pulled out of me. “Turn around,” he said.

  I got up from the table and turned around. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me out of the kitchen. He carried me to the bedroom and gently laid me on the bed.

  “I like it when you’re dirty with me, but I just want to make love to you. If you will let me?” he s

  My mouth dropped open. He really was a gentleman, even though he had the bad boy image.

  “Yes,” I said.

  I laid back and he hovered on top of me between my legs. He slid his cock inside of me and then didn’t move. He kissed me deeply and stopped. He stared at me.

  “Kiss me Mary. Kiss me like you love me,” he said.

  “I do love you Kit. I’m in love with you. I have been since the first time. You have my heart. As wrong as it is I can’t help it.”

  He leaned in and kissed me. His tongue explored my mouth. He kissed deeply and with passion. Then he pulled away and kissed my face all over. Small sweet kisses that meant more than any fuck could ever mean. Then he started moving again. This time slowly. He was making love to me.

  “Oh Mary, you are mine. My sweet girl,” and with those words Kit released himself inside of me.

  Then we fell asleep. We both slept deeply and intertwined with each other. It was if we were both extremely exhausted from everything that had happened and we needed the rest.



  The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I panicked but then I smelled the delicious smell of bacon frying and coffee brewing. I smiled and stretched in bed. I grabbed Kit’s t-shirt off the floor and put it on and made my way to the kitchen.

  There, my bad boy was making me breakfast. I felt spoiled and taken care of.

  “Good morning beautiful. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I’m starving. It smells delicious,” I poured myself a cup of black coffee. “Where did this all come from?”

  “I went to the market while you were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful. How’s your head?”

  I lifted my head to the bump. “The bump is smaller and it barely feels sore. I think that’s a good sign.”

  Kit came over and kissed me on the forehead. He placed a plate of biscuits, eggs, and bacon in front of me. I dug in ravenously.

  We ate breakfast together and I felt very happy and stress free for the first time in a long time. After breakfast he showed me around the ranch. It was lovely. I met the ranch hands and Kit showed me the horses. One horse seemed anxious and Kit grabbed the reins and talked softly to it. The horse calmed down. I was impressed. How did he learn to do that? Did he grow up on this ranch? There was so much mystery to him. We spent the entire weekend lounging lazily in the grass and riding horses. It was so much fun I thought I would burst from it. We just really got along. More than I got along with anyone including girlfriends. He really saw me for the real me. He knew what I was thinking with just one look. I stared at him often. He was perfect. He was the guy I always wanted. He was a bad boy but inside was a sensitive guy that treated a woman well. It was an odd combination, but I liked it. I couldn’t believe that he had dated that crazy biker chick that clubbed me on the head. That didn’t seem to fit him at all. That was the type of person someone dates when they are rebelling against their parents. I laughed at the thought, as I was sort of doing the same thing.

  Later that night we went to bed like a married couple and made love under the covers. There was no dirty talk or actions, it was just love staring at each other in the eyes. I knew that I wanted this forever.

  After the weekend was over it was time to go back to Cambridge. My stomach hurt at that thought. I liked the pretend life we had invented for ourselves here on the ranch in the Massachusetts countryside. I packed my bag and looked around the house trying to burn the memory of the weekend in my mind. There was always a looming threat in my mind that Kit would be taken away from me. It was threat that seemed so real as everything was against us. My father forbids me to see Kit. My friends didn’t like him and his friend’s didn’t like me. We had been in jail or the hospital because of seeing each other. It was all stacked against us. I had little hope for us. I pulled my long dark hair into a low ponytail .

  We drove off the ranch and I was sad to leave. This was the happiest place for us. It was a place that we could just be together and I loved that. I would miss it. A part of me wanted to give up my entire life and leave the family behind and run off with Kit forever. We drove through the countryside and I held on tightly to him. I wanted to prolong this moment and feel him near me. The countryside was beautiful and fall was giving way to winter.

  Finally I pulled up to my apartment after I dropped him off at his house. Again I didn’t go inside. I thought about what I would tell Lillian about the spa as I had to keep that lie going. I couldn’t tell her I was with Kit all weekend. She would definitely tell my father. I unlocked my front door and walked in. I was not prepared for what waited for me inside.

  “Daddy?” I stopped in my tracks. My father was sitting on the couch and he did not look happy.

  “Where were you Mary? I called the spa that you told Lillian you would be at and you were not there. You were gone all weekend.”

  I put my bag down and sat next to him on the couch. I was with Kit. I’m a grown woman. You can’t tell me what to do. You have to let me live my own life.”

  “Letting you live your own life has already ended you up in the hospital. It’s better that you obey me. Stick with the plan.”

  “What plan? Your plan?”

  “Finish Harvard and then marry Tom Ford. He’s a good match for you and he is willing to wait. He will take care of you.”

  “I can’t marry someone I don’t love. Don’t you want me to be happy?”

  “I want you to be provided for. I want you to be happy because you don’t have to struggle to put food on the table and a roof over your head. You don’t know what it’s like.”

  “I won’t marry for money. I will only marry for love.”

  “You will finish this semester and then you will transfer out of Harvard. I won’t let you stay here and ruin your life with that no good criminal.”

  “But I want to stay here at Harvard,” I pleaded.

  “Your grades are slipping. You are an embarrassment. Pick another school. If you stay here I will cut you off. You can’t afford a Harvard tuition or this apartment. So either way you won’t be going to Harvard.”

  He stood up and grabbed his keys, “I don’t want you to see that boy.”

  I sat in silence. Once he left I started to cry uncontrollably. Lillian came out of her room.

  “Is he gone?”


  “Your father is intense. Always has been Mary. Don’t let it get to you too much.”

  She sat next to me and consoled me. “He does have a point though Mary. Don’t you think? You’ve changed so much I don’t recognize you anymore.”

  “Is that so bad Lillian? We are supposed to grow up and change. The life I lived living with my family was stifling for me. It was hard. It’s not me. We’re not allowed to be who we want to be and I’m miserable. I want to live my own life.”

  “I guess we just see things differently,” she said.

  She was right. We saw things very differently. Lillian would love to marry Tom Ford and just sail through life doing what she was told. I on the other hand needed to have experience and feel love, real love.

  “Shh…don’t cry. I’m sure it will all work out. It always does. Go to bed and get some sleep you will feel better in the morning.”

  “Okay, you’re right,” I grabbed my bag and went to my room. I took a long hot shower and cried myself to sleep in my bed.

  The next morning I felt sluggish getting ready for school. It had no appeal for me and I had missed so much class that I felt lost. Harvard was hard enough and I always felt like I didn’t belong here. I went through the motions of going to class. Then I made it to French class. For the first time in a long time, I paid attention. The professor had such passion that I was drawn to it. I spoke French of course since my parents made me learn it at a young age, but I never thought about it as a profession. My mind started to wonder about doing the French language as some sort of profession. I could be a translator in Paris for inter
national business. My mind reeled and I suddenly felt excited about my life outside of Kit. Now, I wanted to graduate and get a degree in French and International Business Relations. I sighed realizing I had just made things very difficult for myself.

  Over the next week I balanced going to class and hanging out with Kit. I had to meet him in town at a diner because I didn’t want Lillian telling my father. I told him about what my father had said that I was leaving after this semester. It made him very upset. We made plans to spend as much time with each other as possible. Including making another trip back to the ranch where we were happiest. The bruise and bump on my head was healing and it was no longer black and purple. I was glad because I was tired of people staring at it.

  “I’m going to figure out a way for us to be together,” he said.

  I didn’t tell him that I was starting to enjoy the idea of staying in school and getting a degree in French. I think it was better to keep that to myself, at least for the time being. I went home and I was ready to study, however when I got home I couldn’t.

  I walked in and Derek, Lillian, and few other people were gathered in my living room watching the game again.

  “Sit with us Mary,” Lillian said.

  A few of the guys looked each other and laughed.

  “Oh thank, I’m just going to go to my room and study.”

  “Oh come on Mary, you’ll fuck around with that dirty biker boy, not us?”

  “Derek!” Lillian yelled.

  “It’s true. Do you like being a biker slut?” Derek’s friend added.

  “Fuck you asshole,” I said.

  “Yes, fuck me please,” he said.

  I had enough. I turned around and walked out. I was very upset. What right did they have talking to me like that? They didn’t know anything. They didn’t know what true love was like. They just fucked. I was furious. I needed to find Kit. I needed him. I drove far out to the biker bar. I saw his bike with the others. Normally I would wait across the street, but I was too upset. I needed to see him. I pulled my car into the parking lot. There was a group of people outside but I didn’t look at them. I focused only on finding Kit.


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