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All Because of You (Morgan's Bay Book 1)

Page 12

by Theresa Paolo

  Harper leaned up, lifting the edge of the sheet and letting the sand fall off. “In my heaven, sand would stay off the sheet.”

  “Is this going to be all summer?” Milo asked.

  “Depends on if you learn the concept of why we bring a sheet to the beach.”

  Milo dramatically rolled his eyes and flopped back, flinging his arm over his eyes.

  Harper smirked, smoothed the sheet down and reclined on her elbows, looking over at Isla. “How’s your grandma doing?”

  A tear slid out from under Isla’s sunglasses, and she swatted it away. She sniffed and sucked in a jagged breath.

  “Uh, I’m going to go see how cold the water is.” Milo, never one to handle emotions, jumped up from the sheet and jogged down to the ocean’s edge, kicking up sand in his path.

  “Oh Isla.” Harper wrapped her arm around her, and Olivia came up on the other side, resting her head on Isla’s shoulder. The three of them had been through a lot together, and one thing remained true—no matter what, no matter how much distance was between them, they were there for each other.

  “You don’t have to tell us,” Olivia said.

  “No.” Isla took a deep breath. “I’m good.” She shook her hands out and smacked them on her knees. “Sorry. She has her good days and her bad days. I bring her an arrangement every so often to brighten up the house and lift her spirit. Today I’m bringing her some snap dragons.”

  Isla’s family owned the local florist, and Isla had been working there since ninth grade. She had always planned on moving away and starting a family, but after her breakup with Nolan, she never did.

  “I bet she loves that,” Olivia said.

  “She does. Or at least I think she does.”

  “I’ll have to stop by soon.” Olivia adored Mrs. Garrick. She was the fun grandma everybody wanted to spend time with.

  Isla’s face brightened. “She would love that! She asks about you guys all the time.”

  Harper smiled and ran a hand over her ponytail. “That’s so sweet. Does she still call us—”

  “Charlie’s Angels? Yup.”

  Mrs. Garrick had been calling their trio that for as long as Olivia could remember.

  Olivia fondly recalled all the sleepovers at Mrs. Garrick’s house. She always made brownies and let them watch PG-13 movies. In the summer, she would bring them to the beach and after to Pie in the Sky for some afternoon sweets. It was hard to imagine a woman who was once so full of life losing a little more of it every day.

  “Maybe we could bring her to the beach one afternoon.”

  Isla smiled, but there was a sadness in the press her lips and downcast of her eyes. “I bet she’d love that. It’s a date.”

  Olivia’s phone beeped in her bag, and she sat up, adjusting her bikini top before digging for it. Daniel’s name flashed on her screen, and she wanted to chuck her phone into the ocean. Instead she opened the text and startled when it wasn’t the insult she expected.

  Her eyes lingered on the words.

  I miss you.

  Her finger stalled in the air, unsure of what she should say or if she should even respond. He’d said some pretty awful things and now he missed her?

  Her phone beeped again.

  I don’t expect you to believe me, but I do. Give me a chance to make this right. Come back to the city. You can stay at the apartment in Midtown. I’ll have all your stuff sent over and set up for you.

  The apartment in Midtown was nice. It was a stone throw away from Fifth Ave, and with three bedroom, two bathrooms and closest space in every room, it was the perfect place to recoup. It would also make life easier when she started sending out her resume and having to travel in for interviews.

  It didn’t mean she’d take him back. He cheated on her, and she would never forget that. But if he was willing to help her out a little, why wouldn’t she take him up on her offer? She definitely wasn’t going back to work for him, but maybe he could tap into his connections and get her past the resume and straight to the interview.

  Confusion danced like drunken frat boys in her mind. On one hand, she was enjoying time with her friends, and then there was Shane…

  But on the other hand, she needed to jumpstart her life again. While she enjoyed waitressing, it wasn’t the career path she’d envisioned for herself.

  “Who are you talking to?” Harper asked.

  Olivia dropped her phone in her bag. “Just my dad asking when I’ll be home.” She hated lying to her friends, but she needed to make this decision on her own.

  “I love your dad,” Harper said. “You’re lucky you got a good one.” She stood up and nodded toward Milo. “I’m going to go push him in.”

  “Wait,” Isla said, reaching for her own phone. “Let me get video.”

  The two of them ran down the beach toward Milo, and Olivia took her phone back out of her bag and typed a quick reply to Daniel. Let me think about it.


  Shane drove alongside Olivia, rolled down the window, and whistled. She stamped her foot to a stop, flung her sunglasses on top of her head, and spun, hands on hips and fire in her eyes. When her gaze met his, the death stare cracked, and a smile formed.

  “Oh, it’s you,” she said.


  Her sun-kissed skin complemented her brown eyes and highlighted her bright smile. “Not at all. I was worried you were a creeper who wandered into town.” She glanced down the length of the car. “Nice wheels.”

  “My uncle let me borrow it until I figure something out.” Shane was still shocked that after his conversation with Mimi, Uncle Grady had popped in and willingly handed over the keys without Shane even prompting him to. He hadn’t had time to stick around and chat, though, which Shane would have preferred over the car, but the car wasn’t a bad consolation prize. The town was small, but walking took time, and Milo had other things to do other than driving Shane from point A to point B.

  Olivia bent down, her top dipping forward, revealing a black bikini top. “That was nice of him.”

  Shane cleared his throat, bringing his eyes away from the tiny black swatches. “Where you headed? I can give you a lift.”

  She bit her lip and shyly batted her eyes. “I was actually heading to see you.”

  Warmth spread through his heart, and he ignored how happy her admission made him feel. “Is that so?”

  She shrugged. “I knew you were talking to your grandmother today. I wanted to see how it went. See how you’re doing.”

  He nodded to the passenger seat. “Get in. I’ll tell you all about it.”

  He watched Olivia as she walked in front of the car. Sculpted, tan legs stuck out of jean shorts that melded to her ass. She was in flat sandals today, and while he loved the way her high heels elongated her curves, he preferred her like this. She looked more at ease.

  She lifted the handle and pulled, but it didn’t open. Realizing the door was locked, he clicked it open at the exact time she lifted the handle. A laugh rumbled up his throat as he hit the unlock button again just as she lifted.

  Her hands went on her hips, and she angled her head down to the window. “Not funny.”

  “I’m not doing it on purpose.” The laughter probably didn’t help his case, though. “Don’t touch anything.” He motioned to the lock and held his hand up to her. She rolled her eyes, popping a hip while she waited.

  He hit the unlock button, and she finally got in the car with an amused smirk on her lips. Her fruity, floral scent filled the car, quickly becoming a favorite of his. She placed her purse on her lap, crossed her legs on the seat and positioned to face him.

  Her bikini tie stuck out the top of her shirt, and he took it between two fingers. “Coming from the beach?”

  She nodded. “First beach day of the season with Harper, Isla, and Milo. Harper tried pushing Milo in the water, but he caught her and tossed her in instead.” Amusement flashed in her eyes, and a jealous poke hit him in the gut.

  He envied Olivia and he
r friendships—loved how she lit up every time she spoke about her friends. And more than that, he was jealous at every person who got to see Olivia in that tiny black bikini today.

  He leaned over the console and pressed a kiss to her lips. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but desire took the reins, his palms cupping her face and pulling her to him. Her lips were pliant beneath his, and her hands thrust into his hair. Goosebumps erupted on his skin as her fingers trailed from head to neck.

  His cock throbbed beneath his pants, and he searched deep inside himself for control. He slowed the kiss and pulled back. “Hi.” He smoothed Olivia’s hair into place.

  She bit her lip, her long lashes touching the apple of her cheeks. “Hi.”

  He kissed her forehead and got back on his side of the car, adjusting himself. “Where do you want to go?”

  Her chin tilted, gaze focused on him, making him want to haul her onto his lap. “I don’t know.”

  “I have an idea.”

  Olivia let out an excited squeal as he cut the wheel and made a quick three-point turn.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The beach,” he said.

  “I was just at the beach.”

  “I know, and I’m jealous I wasn’t there.”

  She cast an apologetic glance in his direction. “I would’ve invited you, but I knew you were talking to your grandma. How’d that go?”

  “Good. At least I think it was good. I blurted out that I knew she wasn’t my biological grandma, and I think I hurt her feelings somehow.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t do it maliciously.”

  “I didn’t. She told me that my father was her son, even though she didn’t give birth to him. She said despite what a DNA test says, she raised him, she stayed up with him, she went to all his games. She was his mother, and she is my grandmother. I couldn’t argue with that.”

  “Are you happy now that it’s all out in the open?”

  He nodded. “I am, but I also understand why they didn’t say anything. The adoption wasn’t something she thought about. In her mind she was my dad’s only mother.”

  “I’m happy it went well… or as well as it could.”

  Shane’s eyes caught on Olivia’s hands. She was fidgeting more than usual. “Everything okay with you?”

  “Me?” Her voice squeaked. “Everything is fine. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “You seem… I don’t know… like something is on your mind.”

  “Daniel texted me.” She let out a loud breath and slumped in her chair. “I wasn’t going to tell you, or anyone for that matter, but I don’t know. The minute I saw you I felt guilty.”

  “Why do you feel guilty?”

  “He told me he missed me. Wants to talk. He said I could come to the city and stay at one of his apartments.”

  Anger from some deep-rooted area in his mind raged to the surface, and Shane’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as he tried to figure out where the hell it was coming from. He and Olivia weren’t anything serious. They were having fun, and the fact that she was having a conversation with her ex shouldn’t have bothered him, but it did.

  “He cheated on you.” He and Olivia weren’t together, but he respected her enough not to pursue anyone else while they were doing whatever it was they were doing. Her ex sounded like a grade ‘A’ douchebag, using his wealth to get Olivia back. She deserved better than a promise of an apartment.

  Olivia shrugged. “I know, but a conversation wouldn’t hurt.”

  “I would just tell him no.”

  Olivia laughed. “No one tells Daniel no. As he once told me everything has a price, and he’s willing to pay whatever it is to get it.”

  “So, you’re going to let him buy you back?”

  “I’m not letting him buy me. If anything, I’m letting him right his wrong by allowing him to help me out. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, if you saw the apartment in Midtown, you’d be hesitant, too.”

  “That’s where you and I are different. It doesn’t matter to me the size of a home.”

  “It does a little, though, doesn’t it? I mean if you had the choice, wouldn’t you go for bigger and better?”

  “If you’re asking if I’d be happier, I can say with one hundred percent certainty, no. I base my happiness on moments and memories. And the great part about that”—he pointed to his head—“as long as I have my mind, they’ll always be there. I’ll never lose them, and they’ll never fall apart or get outdated. They’re mine and mine alone. Every memory you have is a one of a kind. No fancy apartment or material item could replace that.”

  She ran a hand over her purse with the unmistakable designer LV’s sprinkled across it. “I guess I see your point, but I still love my bag.”

  “Do you love the bag or the memory of being able to walk into that store and pay for it with your hard-earned money?”

  Her lip quirked, and he could tell she was thinking about that exact moment. “Have you always been this insightful?” she asked. “Or did you develop the skill over time?”

  “I like to think I’ve always been this awesome.”

  A loud laugh bellowed out of her, and the pure joy was infectious. It was a sound he could never get sick of. And though the thought should scare the ever-loving shit out of him, it didn’t.

  He came to a stop in the parking lot and put the car in park. He turned to Olivia, taking her face in his hands. “I don’t mind being your rebound, but if you plan on going back to Daniel don’t string me along.”

  “I wouldn’t do that, and besides, I’m here with you, aren’t I?”

  A relieved chuckle escaped him, and he reached for the hem of his shirt, yanking it over his head. “Time to find out what all the hype is about these east coast beaches.”

  He got out of the car and met Olivia by the trunk. She’d stripped her shirt off and was down to her tiny black bikini top. His cock twitched at the sight.

  “What?” she asked. “I’m just following your lead.”

  He scooped her up, and she let out a string of giggles as he ran with her in his arms, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time.

  Chapter 14

  Cindy apologized for the tenth time while Olivia hurried toward McConnell’s to meet up with Harper and Isla for an early lunch before her shift started.

  “Cind, don’t worry about it. We can get coffee another day. I’ll let Harper and Isla know you said hi.”

  Being so close in age, Cindy got along really well with Olivia’s friends, and Harper and Isla had become like little sisters to her over the years.

  “Don’t forget to tell them my babysitter cancelled on me, and I really wanted to see them.”

  “I will. Love you.” Olivia hung up the call and headed inside, looking forward to another cheat day, so she could indulge in a big plate of fries. Her trainer was going to have her neck if she went back to the city, and he found out she had more cheat days than exercise.

  Olivia spotted Harper and Isla in the corner table, and she made her way toward them, waving to a few familiar faces as she went. She slid onto the seat next to Isla and hung her bag on the back of the chair.

  “Cindy’s sorry she can’t make it.”

  “We know. She texted us,” Harper said.

  “Then why did she…”

  “Because it’s Cindy,” Isla said.

  “Good point. So, what’d I miss?”

  “Nothing.” Isla put her menu down. “We got here not that long ago.”

  Connor came over and took their order.

  “I can clock in now if you need me,” Olivia said as he wrote down Isla’s order.

  “We’re good for now. Enjoy your lunch. I have Shane if it picks up.”

  Olivia glanced over to the bar where Shane was talking to Hal who sat in his usual seat at the far end of the bar.

  Shane caught her looking and sent her a wink. She suppressed the smile, heat creeping up her cheeks. Connor headed to the kitchen, and Olivia focused on her frie

  “I bought a fish,” she blurted and reached into her bag to get her phone to show them some pictures.

  After Daniel’s text, she thought back to their previous text exchanges. If she did take him up on his offer, she wanted him to know she wasn’t a child, and she was capable of taking care of something.

  “She’s officially lost it.” Isla took a sip of her lemon water before pushing the empty glass to the edge of the table. “I always knew it would happen, but I assumed it would be when you were in your sixties, and it would be a million cats.”

  “I don’t even like cats.” Olivia had always been a dog person…now a fish person. “And for your information, I have not lost it. I’m taking responsibility for something other than myself.”

  Olivia showed Harper and Isla pictures of her blue betta that she was now the proud mother of. “Isn’t he adorable?” Olivia flipped to the next picture and the next. “He’s beautiful and majestic, right?”

  “It’s a fish,” Harper said.

  Olivia’s mouth opened, and she hugged the phone to her chest. “He’s my child.”

  Harper’s brown eyebrows curved toward the straight line of her nose. “Why?”

  Harper didn’t need to elaborate Olivia knew exactly what she was asking. Olivia shrugged. “I don’t know. I just… I thought…”

  “Let me guess.” Harper crossed her arms over her chest. “Daniel?”

  “No. Yes. Maybe.” She couldn’t lie to her best friends, and there was no point in trying. “I wanted to prove that I can be responsible.”

  “To him?” Harper scoffed. “Screw him.” Fire lit Harper’s hazel eyes. “He’s a childish prick who didn’t have the balls to break up with you before inserting his dick into someone else. He can shove it up his ass.”

  Harper was as sweet as could be with a heart of pure gold, but she also had a more colorful vocabulary than a men’s locker room.

  “He told me he missed me.”

  Harper rolled her eyes. “Liv, you’re smarter than that.”

  Isla tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder. “I don’t know, he can be persuasive with his money and his big fancy promises.”

  “That’s the thing…” Olivia said. “He wants me to move back to the city and stay in the Midtown apartment.”


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