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A Stepbrother for Christmas: The Hard and Dirty Holidays

Page 5

by Celia Aaron

  “Straddle me.”

  She hesitated. I put my free hand around her pretty neck. “Do it, Anna.”

  She swallowed and opened her mouth to protest. I squeezed. She didn’t say a word. She slowly straddled me, taking care not to touch my cast. At that point, I didn’t give a shit if she kicked the damn thing as long as I was balls deep in her cunt within the next five seconds.

  I released her neck and hit the button on the bed to put me in more of a sitting position. Her tits needed to be in my mouth as she rode me. I flicked on the light behind us, a soft glow in the dark room, then I yanked off my hospital shift, the snap buttons popping loose easily, and dropped it to the floor.

  Tucking my thumb beneath my cock, I positioned it straight up. She eased onto it. I didn’t want slow, I wanted it all. Right then. I let go of the button on the bed and gripped her shoulder, pushing her down until every inch of me was embedded inside her slick pussy. She bit her lip and moaned, but I couldn’t stop. I licked up her collar bone as she adjusted, her cunt squeezing me in the most pleasant vise.

  I gripped her hips and lifted her before sliding her back down to earth. “That’s it.” My fingers would bruise her. I didn’t care. Her body was mine.

  Her tits rubbed against my chest, the nipples demanding attention, and I would bloody well give it. I nuzzled down her chest until I came to the soft flesh. I bit into her breast lightly, leaving teeth marks on the ripe tip. She moaned and kept the pace I’d set for her, working my cock in and out.

  I nipped at her dusky nipple, teasing it lightly. Her hips momentarily lost their rhythm and she moaned, but my hands guided her back to it. I lifted and dropped, lifted and dropped, her ass slapping against my thighs. She hadn’t looked at the door once since I took up residence inside her, where I belonged.

  Her dark eyes were focused on me. Her breaths were shallowing and she squealed when I bit down on her budded peak. I didn’t let up, rolling it back and forth between my teeth as she bounced on my cock.

  Her moans grew louder and she threw her head back. I thrust up into her harder and harder as she plummeted onto my shaft. I released her nipple and sucked her breast into my mouth. I latched onto her perfect tit and lashed her with my tongue as my balls drew up, ready to shoot my load inside her. I refused, not until she was crying my name. I wanted her gone, checked out of her headspace and awash in nothing but the feeling of me inside her, beneath her, all over her.

  “Such a hot slut, riding this cock.”

  Her eyes lit when I talked dirty, upping the fire even higher.

  She ran her hands through my hair and gripped, the sting of sensation spurring my hips faster, harder. I wanted to punish her, needed her to know I was the one in control even as she rode me. I moved my hand to her clit and rubbed the swollen numb with my thumb.

  She moaned, the sound echoing around the room and likely audible in the hallway. I loved every single second of it.

  “You going to come for me, Anna?”

  “Yes.” It was a breath prayer more than an answer.

  “Come all over my cock like a good girl?”

  “Yes, please.” Her voice was sex. My shaft pulsed, desperate to coat her cunt with my seed.

  “Say my name, Anna. Say it when you come. I want to hear who’s making you feel so good.” I pressed harder against her clit and rubbed up and down to her quickening rhythm.

  “It’s you. You. I need to come. I’m there. Please.”

  God, I loved it when she begged. I intended to make her beg so many more times. Enough to fill every nook and cranny of my mind with her words, her whimpers.

  I surged up, getting every last bit of contact as her tight cunt throttled my cock.

  “Say it and you can come, Anna. Who’s making you come?”

  “Nile—” The word turned into a strangled cry as she rocketed down onto my cock and let go. Her pussy crushed me as she repeated my name, her body shuddering with each wave of pleasure. I couldn’t take the pressure, the sounds, the feeling of her body against mine as she gave herself to me.

  I gripped her hips and held her down on my cock. I groaned as the first spurt erupted into her and bit her shoulder as the tsunami of release washed over me. I shoved up, lashing her with my cum as her pussy took every last bit I had to offer. When I couldn’t give anything else, I pulled her to my chest and lay back. I hit the button so that we were lying flat again. She was still panting though her breaths were slowing. I whipped the sheet back over her, though I hated losing sight of her luscious skin, and I clicked off the light.

  We simply lay for a while, breathing and coming down from the high. My leg reminded me of its existence, blood rushing to it instead of my dick. It was still inside her, barely.

  “This is a mistake.” Her voice was so soft now.

  “No, it’s not, love.”

  “It is. Our parents are married.” She ran her fingertips down my chest and rested her head over my heart. “They would freak.”

  “Nah. They’d be glad that we aren’t at each others’ throats all the time.”

  “We weren’t always fighting, I guess.” Her eyelashes whispered against my skin, a pleasant sensation.

  “I was always being a todger. I knew it then. I know it now. Only difference is now I regret it.” I rubbed my hands along her back.

  “Well, you were. That’s true.” I could feel her nibbling at her lower lip. “But maybe I should have cut you more slack. You were having a hard time with a whole new life in Dallas, whole new family, all of that. I guess I wasn’t exactly welcoming.”

  I remembered clearly the skeptical look on her face when my father and I pulled up in front of her house. The day we’d first met – just a casual get-together while our parents were dating. I hadn’t been looking forward to meeting Annalise or her mother. Annalise had watched me like I was some sort of invading insect. I also hadn’t expected such a chilly welcome. Then again, I was so angry about everything – my mother, my father, moving to the States. But now, with her in my arms, everything was different.

  “We started on the wrong foot.” I dropped kisses in her hair.

  “We did.”

  “I’d like to start over. I kind of hope we already have.”

  She nibbled at her lip a bit more and then let out a sigh. “We have. Clean slate. Erase the past.”

  “Hang on a tick.” I smoothed a hand down to her ass. You aren’t erasing the past two days, are you?”

  She giggled and something inside my heart melted. “No. I’ll keep these in the positive column.”

  I gave her ass a squeeze and wished it bore some of my handprints. Next time.

  “I should get dressed.” She tried to roll away. My dick slid out and I groaned, but I wasn’t letting her go so easily.

  “No, wait a while. Just relax. You’re under the covers. Nurse won’t know.”

  She yawned. “I guess you’re right.”

  She nuzzled against me and after a short while, her breaths became relaxed and even. I loved every moment of it – the sex, of course – but the feeling of her in my arms even more so.



  A sharp intake of breath woke me. I sat up.

  Mom and Brent were in the doorway. Shit. I had fallen asleep in Niles’ bed, naked.

  Mom reached up and slapped her hand across Brent’s eyes. I looked down and scrambled to pull up the sheet. My tits had just been hanging out for all to see – but mostly Brent – because I’d been so startled.

  “What in the name of all that is holy are you doing, Anna!” Mom’s voice was probably heard on other floors of the hospital.

  My neurons couldn’t fire. I couldn’t even begin to come up with a plausible explanation for why I was naked in my stepbrother’s bed. “I just, we’re just—”

  “We’re together.” Niles sat up and drew the sheet tighter around me.

  Brent slapped mom’s hand away and took in the full scene, sans breasts this time.

u can’t be together. Your siblings for Christ’s sake!” An edge of hysteria crept into Mom’s voice. Usually I would tell her she was overreacting, but at this point, after what I’d done, maybe she was right to lose it a bit.

  “Oh, sure they can.” Brent shrugged and strode the rest of the way in before plopping down on the sofa. He beamed at us, clearly not an awkward bone in his body.

  “But they’re siblings, Brent.” Mom zombie walked, unable to take her eyes from us, and collapsed on the couch next to Brent.

  Niles stroked my back before apparently thinking better of it and giving me a reassuring squeeze.

  “They aren’t blood, Ellen. This sort of thing is common in England. Step siblings getting married and such. It’s only a thing to you yanks. It’s not a big deal. Truly, love.”

  “Whoa, we aren’t getting married or anything. I mean, not that I don’t like him, but it’s not … I mean, we aren’t … all we’ve done is—” (fuck).

  “Started a relationship.” Niles jumped in before I could ruin it further. I looked back at him and he smiled, far more confidently and sexily than any man should be allowed. “It’s brand new to us, too.”

  “I just don’t know what to think.” Mom leaned back against the sofa and stared at the drop ceiling. “I mean, I would never have guessed this. Brent, did you guess this or something.” She whipped her head to him. “Did you know?”

  “Of course not, love. I just thought they were acting the polar opposite of how they used to around each other. I hoped for the best and—” he gestured to Niles and me “—the best happened.”

  I began to feel more and more creeped out as Mom appeared shell-shocked and Brent looked happy as a lark. I was still naked and I was almost certain I could make out Niles’ morning wood beneath the sheet.

  I cleared my throat. “Well, I really need to get dressed, so if you two could give me a second.”

  Mom stood and gave me another bewildered look before walking to the door. Brent rose and followed her. He turned back to us and mouthed “she’ll be fine,” before leading her from the room and closing the door.

  I pulled my knees up and dropped my head onto them. “‘Fucked up’ isn’t a strong enough phrase to describe that.”

  He rubbed my back some more. It was comforting, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be comforted right then. I slid away from him and pulled on my clothes.

  “Don’t do that.” He sighed.

  “Do what?”

  “Get all up in your head and regret us, yeah?”

  I yanked my turtleneck down and turned to him. “There is no us, Niles.”

  Hurt flashed across his blue eyes, but somehow, I felt the pain, too. It was as if I had jammed a splinter into my heart. But it was true. We weren’t a couple. We were practically strangers. I’d let my body make my decisions and it had to stop. Even if he’d changed, it didn’t matter. Mom was right.

  “I need to go back to the house. Get cleaned up.” I didn’t look him in the eye. I couldn’t.

  He sighed. “Fine, Annalise. It’s fine.” Resignation and disappointment all rolled into four words.

  Tears rose in my eyes. I rushed to the door and almost collided with the nurse. I sprinted past her, past Mom and Brent in the hall, and burst into the stairwell right as my tears started falling. What was I doing? I took the stairs as fast as I could, even as my vision blurred.


  I stayed in my room, only coming down to the kitchen for food when I knew Mom and Brent were out. Mom came by and knocked a couple of times – the second time saying she was sorry for acting like she did at the hospital. I gave in and told her it was fine, but I didn’t open the door. I knew my eyes were puffy and I looked a wreck. Funny, I hadn’t shed any tears over my last ex-boyfriend, Gavin. Now I was a blubbering mess after Niles.

  He came home from the hospital the next day. I heard Mom and Brent helping him into the house. They set him up in the living room on the couch near the enormous tree. I imagined him sitting there, all wrapped up in a cast like a sad Christmas present. It would have been funny if he were the old Niles and I was the old Annalise, but we weren’t.

  I felt ridiculous for running at the hospital, for the way I’d reacted, for the things I’d said. I wanted to apologize, but I was too embarrassed. Instead, I maintained my hideout and watched as the snow fell out my window.

  I tried to do schoolwork on my laptop, but my thoughts kept straying down the stairs. Niles was like an itch I couldn’t scratch. The notes and reading I needed to do quickly fell by the wayside once I realized I’d read the same sentence about ten times over and still didn’t know what it said.

  I goofed around on the Internet, reading about the blues of Oxford and Cambridge, the town where Niles had grown up, and his courses of study. I even found a picture of him with his shirtless rowing team. They all had their arms hung around each others’ shoulders and smiled into the camera. Niles was in the center. I could see it now, how he could be the heart of a team.

  I stared at his easy smile (and, yes, his hard body) for a ridiculous amount of time. I leaned back in my bed, heat racing through me as I thought about him, the things he’d done, the way he’d treated me – just the way I wanted and needed.

  My stomach growled and I realized I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. It was after ten. Mom and Brent had already gone to their room. Niles had to be doped up and asleep. Still, I didn’t want to risk running into him. My stomach growled again, this time more of a roar, and made the decision for me.

  I crept to my door. Silence. I opened it slowly, trying to ward off any creaking hinges. It worked. No noise. I padded down the hallway and peeked over the balustrade. The living room below was dark, but the twinkle of the Christmas tree illuminated enough for me to see Niles asleep on the sofa.

  I prayed my stomach would be quiet and tiptoed down the stairs. I glanced over to Niles every so often. He looked beautiful, his face serene in sleep. One arm was slung over his head and his t-shirt had risen up his stomach, revealing his abs. An ache went through me that was related to an entirely different sort of hunger, but I pushed it away.

  I eased through the hallway and into the kitchen. I let out the breath I’d been holding and opened the fridge. Everything looked good at this point, even the bottle of mustard. I grabbed up some lunch meat and got the bread from the pantry. I was doing well with the ninja routine. I made a sandwich and eyed a bag of potato chips desperately, but I left them alone. Too much noise.

  I returned to the island to grab my sandwich, but I was shoved forward and a hand clapped over my mouth, covering my scream.

  A hard body behind me and warm breath at my ear. “Thought it would be that easy?”

  Niles pushed his hard cock against my ass and my panties drenched. His other hand ripped my pajama bottoms down. His cock was already free, pressing into my ass.

  “Not a fucking sound, Anna.” He released my mouth and splayed his fingers on my back, pushing me down onto the island. “You brought this on yourself.”

  His head nudged to my entrance and I couldn’t stop the soft moan that lofted from me.

  “Tell me you deserve this, Anna. You deserve worse – but I can’t spank you like you need, not until later. This will have to do for now. But I want to hear you ask for it. Tell me.”

  I was panting as he rubbed his stiff head all over my pussy lips. He pushed me down harder, my breasts pressing against the granite.

  “I-I deserve it.”

  “Too right you do.” He shoved inside me and I jerked forward, but there was nowhere to go. The thin sliver of pain turned into the finest pleasure as he withdrew and sank inside me again.

  I moaned again, incapable of keeping the sensations inside. His fingers clenched my back at the sound and he began pistoning into me, wet sounds echoing around the room. I only hoped they didn’t make it up the stairs to our parents’ room.

  I was black powder and his cock was the match. My pussy tensed with each strong stroke. I felt his puni
shment, his aggression as he worked it out on me. I wanted every bit of it, every emotion he could give. Pouring it into me, he fucked me perfectly. My face against the cold granite and his cock inside my hot pussy. He grunted with the effort of his hard strokes, deep and masculine sounds that spoke to me on a primal level. I couldn’t move, my legs trapped against the cabinets and my torso prone on the island. I was his to use.

  His cock thickened inside me as he thrusted. He snaked a hand to my clit and rubbed in vicious swirling strokes.

  “You don’t deserve this, Anna.” His voice was guttural, animal. “I shouldn’t let you come. I shouldn’t, but I want you so fucking sated you’ll never think of running again.” He hammered me harder the more he spoke, his fingers working the pleasure from deep within me to the surface. “You going to run again?” He took his fingers away, the buildup ebbing. No!


  “You sure?” He flicked his fingers across my clit.

  “I’m sure. Never. Please, Niles.”

  He stroked me full on again, making me writhe beneath him even as he kept me immobile on the stone.

  “Then come, Anna. All over my cock.”

  He surged forward harder, his thighs slapping my ass as I rose all the way onto my tiptoes. A few more pushes and I was gone, shooting skyward and exploding. I bit down on my hand to keep my moans quiet. I didn’t know if I’d succeeded, my shuddering pussy taking precedence over anything else. It was a hard come, the tension seizing Niles’ cock and dragging it further inside as I trembled at the explosion rocking me from head to toe.

  “Bloody hell,” he gritted out before pulling his cock free and grunting. I felt the hot spurts coating my pussy and ass. He shot all over me even as my pussy kept clamping down, wanting his length back inside.

  When he was done, he reached next to me and grabbed a kitchen towel. He wiped me clean and then collapsed on my back, still breathing hard.

  “You’re mine, Anna. All of you. If you run, I’ll catch you. There is no one else for you. Only me. Is that clear?”


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