Go-Ahead Rider
Page 16
Chapter Seventeen
“We had to leave Woody back in Muskogee,” Rider was saying. “He’s hurting some, but he’ll be all right, I think. Anyhow, it’s over.”
He walked over to the coffeepot on the stove in the sheriff’s office. Then he shot a glance at George.
“Can I have some of this?” he said.
“Sure,” said George.
“Well, since it all happened outside of our jurisdiction,” said Judge Boley, who was seated on the edge of the big desk, “it’ll be up to the federal lawmen to write up the reports, tie up all the loose ends. At any rate, we’re glad you’re back.”
Boley reached down to pick up Rider’s badge, which was still on top of the desk where Rider had dropped it days ago.
Rider looked at the judge just in time. Boley pitched the star at him from across the room. Rider had a cup in his right hand, but he managed to catch the flying badge with his left.
“Now that you’re back home you’d better pin that back on,” said Boley.
“I resigned,” said Rider.
“I didn’t accept your resignation. You didn’t write it out.”
“You want me to write it out?” asked Rider.
“Write what out?” said Boley. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. See you around.”
The judge picked up his hat and walked out of the office without another word. Rider put his cup on top of the stove and pinned the badge back on. He hadn’t expected that from Boley, but he was glad. He did like his job. He looked at George.
“Well,” he said, “everything been all right around here?”
“Yeah,” said George. “No problems. I’m getting married.”
“I asked her last night, and she said yes.”
Rider took a sip of his coffee.
“You talking about Miss Hunt, I guess,” he said.
“Sure,” said George. “Who else?”
“I just thought I should ask. You never know. Well, that’s real good, George. I’m glad for you. Congratulations.”
“Thank you, Rider.”
“You ain’t moved in with her yet, have you?”
“No,” said George, his voice indignant. “We’re not married yet. You’re going to be the best man. You will, won’t you?”
“I’d be proud. But right now, since you’re still living at my house, let’s go home. I want to see my family.”
George looked at Rider. It was sure good to have him back. Everything had worked out for the best. He thought about Exie and Tootie and Buster up on the bluff waiting for Rider to come home and wondering about him, and he thought that he didn’t really need to be in the way just then.
“You go on, Rider,” he said. “I’ve got some paperwork to catch up on here. I’ll lock things up, and I’ll be along later. Okay?”