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Revenge of a Queen (Black Hallows Book 2)

Page 9

by G N Wright

  “What do you want Marcus? I’ve had a long day and I am not in the mood to deal with your petulant childish ways right now,” he replies, knocking back the clear liquid in the glass. Vodka, I’m guessing.

  He still hasn’t brought his stare back to mine and it pisses me the fuck off, game on prick. “How's the family today, Donovan?”

  Finally, his eyes lock with mine, a look that tells me he would murder me where I stand if I push him too hard and, boy, do I want to fucking push.

  “Careful, Riviera, don’t think because of what feelings Elle has for you that I won’t put you in the ground here and now if I felt like it,” he grinds out to me, before looking back out into the room. I watch as the corner of his mouth tilts slightly into a smile and I don’t have to look to know who has drawn that emotion from him. She’s here.

  I turn and come to lean on the wall beside him as we both look over to her. If moody and dressed down Elle is hot, well then drunk and happy dressed up Elle is a fucking volcano. She is wearing some form of red netted top that barely holds in her fucking tits. It tucks down into black velvet pants that are so tight they might as well be fucking glued to her. She has forgone her usual combat boots for stilettos and fuck me they make her legs look long and thick. The kind you want wrapped around you. Her hair is long and straight down her back and her lips are painted red. Fucking flawless.

  She is holding onto Taylor’s arm as they laugh at some inside joke and Lincoln and Jace come up behind them. When she feels their presence, she looks to them and smiles even bigger like they are her whole world.

  “That smile could be yours if you pulled your head out of your ass,” Asher cuts into my appraisal of her and I curse inwardly at being caught.

  “Yeah, whatever, I don’t fuck people I hate,” I shrug and take another sip of rum.

  He laughs, a rare thing from him, “Hate? Is that what that look was?”

  “Yes, pure hate.” I grit out.

  “Please,” he snorts.” You have many feelings towards Elle King, always have, but hate isn’t one of them.”

  “I do hate her I...” I start to reply but he cuts me off.

  “No, you don’t. You hate that she lied. Hate that we lied. That for once Elle and I are the ones with a secret and not you. You don’t know what it’s like to be on the outside looking in, to be the one left in the dark.”

  “Except, I’m not in the fucking dark anymore am I, Donovan? Your secrets have a fucking beating heart, now don’t they?” I spit the words at him, barely containing my cool.

  He pushes off the wall, “Careful Rebel, I won’t allow any threats to my family.”

  “I’m not scared of you, Donovan,” I reply, and he laughs.

  “Stupid of you really,” he says with an eye roll. “But no, it’s worse, you're afraid of that pretty little blonde with the black blade, because no matter which side you fall on now, she will cut your heart out and keep it as her own. You just need to decide how she will do it.”

  Before I can respond I feel her presence, my missing part.

  “Everything okay here?” She asks, I flick my gaze to her as she looks between Asher and I.

  “Yep,” I reply, popping the P. “Everything’s fine, traitor, just catching up with your boy here,” I add with a smile and she flinches ever so slightly looking to Donovan. He is just standing silently observing with that stupid fucking impassive face of his.

  “Traitor?” Taylor’s voice interrupts us, I see Elle freeze.

  “Don’t worry about it, Kennedy,” I say with a huff and then decide to play another game as I lean in close and slowly check her out, “Looking good, btw,” I add licking my lips.

  She looks at me with a frown before laughing loudly, “God, you really are fucking dumb, Riviera,” she shakes her head, snagging the bottle of rum from my hand with a wink and then turns back to Elle.

  “Come on, Smell, let's leave these two measuring their dicks, we came here to have fun,” she doesn’t wait for Elle to respond before walking away, heading back over to where my brothers are now sitting, their glares burning into my head. Elle looks at me for a second before releasing a breath and looking to Donovan.

  “You coming, Ash?” she asks him, with a tentative smile reaching her hand out to him and I tense at the offer.

  Asher stares at me and then smiles smugly, taking her hand and linking their fingers together, “Always, baby girl.”

  They walk off together, and I watch them go as they join Jace, Lincoln, and Taylor sitting on a couple of leather sofas in the corner. When they reach them, Jace keeps his glare on me as he pulls Elle down next to him and puts his arm around her. A move that I thought would provoke Donovan, but he just takes a seat next to Linc not caring that Elle is now snuggled up to a Rebel. A Rebel that isn’t me. Not that I care. Except I do, I really fucking do.

  I grind my teeth before grabbing another bottle of fuck knows what and head back over to Cherry, who, shocker, is still sitting where I told her to wait. I roll my eyes, are girls really that dick desperate that they will just fall at the feet of any guy who gives them the slightest bit of attention? I almost feel sorry for her, but I shut it down. She has one purpose and one purpose only. Make me forget about Elle. So why can’t I pull the plug and let her do it?

  Chapter 13


  The self-control I am exhibiting right now, should win fucking awards. I have never possessed so much of it in my entire life, I didn’t even think it was possible for a person to have this much, let alone me. Watching Cherry grind her ass into Marcus’ dick on the dance floor like it’s an Olympic sport has me wanting to plant a bullet in her pretty little skull. Over the top? Maybe. Do I give a fuck? No.

  He is drunk as shit, that much is clear. It’s like he is in competition to see how much he can drink before he fucking passes out. Watching as his hands grip her waist has me hoping it’s before they move this fucking sex show to his bedroom.

  “If you stare any harder, you are gonna pop a vein,” Lincoln cuts into my thoughts. I scowl at him.

  “I hate to agree with the help, but he is right.” Asher adds on. I grind my jaw hard.

  “Yeah, well, excuse me if I’m not into fucking sexual voyeurism.”

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it,” Lincoln adds, and both mine and Ash's gaze snap to him. Linc just laughs when I raise my eyebrows at him. I realize he is drunk too, for the first time since I have met him, he seems a little lighter. Like, he is actually having fun for once and not taking life so seriously.

  “You are letting your jealousy cloud your judgment, princess,” Jace adds pushing forward from the sofa so he can lean into me.

  “Look what they are fucking doing, pretty boy,” I snap back at him, the anger flowing out and Taylor laughs at that. I flip her off, but she just laughs harder.

  “I am,” he replies, “Look at how his hands grip her waist, how he pulls her body into his and how his eyes are on you and you alone,” he adds talking low and close, putting on our own little show in return. I try to keep my emotions at bay, but I know for sure I am failing, as I watch him sway with her to the music.

  I watch him and his stare is so intense I can practically feel it on my skin as he sways with her to the music. His eyes are so dark they are practically black, and his grip tightens every time Jace leans into me. I frown because I really am confused at this point and Marcus smiles at my expression like he knows he is winning this fucked up game of chess we are involved in. Well, game fucking on.

  I jump up and hold my hand out for Jace, “Come on, pretty boy, let's dance.”

  He looks at me confused slightly before showcasing his megawatt smile and taking my hand, letting me pull him up. He leads me onto the dancefloor, not too close to Marcus but close enough that he has a clear line of sight to us. I knew there was a reason I liked Jace so much.

  He spins me around and then pulls me in, so I am in the same position that Marcus has Cherry. My back is against his firm chest and we sway
in time to the music. The song isn’t one I recognize but the beat is smooth and bold meaning grinding is the perfect dance to match it. I have never danced like this with anyone in my life, so I am praying Jace is better at this than me.

  I try to lose myself in the music, but it isn’t long before I risk a glance at Marcus. His glare is so intense, I think if he could, he would rip Jaces arms off my waist with his mind alone. I can’t take the heat, so I turn in Jace’s arms and throw my arms around his neck and drop my head to his chest.

  His arms curl around me and rest on the top of my ass.

  “Remember what I said about touching my ass, pretty boy,” I say with a laugh.

  “Oh, princess, you love me too much to make me bleed,” he replies, looking down with a smile. “Besides,” he leans in to drop his voice to my ear, “You should see Marcus’ face right now, he looks about ready to fight me, or fuck you. Don’t know which, doubt he even does.”

  I glance over my shoulder and see he has spun Cherry to mirror Jace and I, I grind my teeth as he slips his hands over her ass at the same time Jace grips mine. Not a move I would allow from anyone usually, but I know how invested Jace is in pushing his brother to the point of no return. I’m just not sure what happens when we get there.

  I turn back to Jace, “This is a dangerous game we are playing, pretty boy.” I look up at him and he smiles.

  “Story of our fucking life, princess, now wanna seal the deal and kiss me?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me and I laugh.

  I laugh looking around, “I think I’d need a little more liquid courage for that,” I finally say.

  “Seems like someone has already beaten you to that point,” he says, through gritted teeth and I look back up at him to see his stare over my shoulder. I follow his gaze and freeze.

  I watch as Cherry reaches up and kisses Marcus and all the joy, I felt a minute ago, playing him at his own game, evaporates.

  I push Jace back and he releases me immediately after witnessing the same thing I just did. He looks more shocked that I do. I leave him standing, staring at the two of them and push past everybody and make my way outside. I turn down the same alley Marcus cornered me in last time I was here and walk all the way down it until I hit a metal fence. I grip it tight and try to control my heart, it feels like it might burst right out of my chest.

  I am fighting to try to catch my breath so I can smooth out my heartbeat, but it feels all too much. A feeling I have never felt before churns in the pit of my stomach. Is this what jealousy feels like? Like true jealousy and heartbreak seeing your guy with someone else. Fuck. It hurts more than I thought it would.

  A noise behind me has me spinning around quickly to see Marcus stalking down the alley towards me, he doesn’t even get to speak before I slap him hard across the face. His head swings to the side before he looks back to me slowly. I am panting so hard trying to catch my breath, but it doesn’t come.

  He takes one last step forward closing the distance between us and then before I can even second guess it, I slam my lips against his. He freezes at my attack before he grabs me hard and pushes me back into the fence, returning my kiss with everything he has got.

  It's exactly like when we kissed at the club. Hard, punishing, reckless. The kind of kiss that leaves a stain on your soul. I know I shouldn't, but I can't seem to stop myself. It’s like my head and body aren’t in sync anymore, my heart for sure fucking isn’t. His touch against my skin is scorching.

  His hands reach down and squeeze my ass and he uses his grip to pull me up against him, so I have no choice but to wrap my legs around him. He swings me from the fence into the wall and pushes further into me, his hard on hitting my core, and I moan into his kiss. I slide my hands into his hair and tug hard and he growls ripping his mouth from mine.

  His dark black stare collides with mine assessing me. I’m drunk, he’s drunk. Are we really doing this? Just when I think he is going to pull away he crowds into me again.

  His hands cup my face, “Does he kiss you like this, little traitor?” He whispers to me as his lips just barely graze mine. I daren’t answer and I doubt he really meant it for me to answer. His hands slide down my face onto my neck before he slides them to my chest. He looks down and watches his hand trace over both my nipples as they harden under his touch and glare. He pinches them both causing me to moan slightly before he tightens his fingers on them and pulls until I am sure I could orgasm from that alone.

  I don’t think before I grab his neck and drag his mouth back to mine and he comes willingly. I have no idea what game we are playing now, when not even five minutes ago we were both grinding into someone else. But when his tongue tangles with mine I find myself not caring as much as I should.

  His hands push down my body until he finds the button of my pants and rips it open with both hands before pushing them down slightly. I pull back and so does he and he pauses. Even drunk, he is stopping to ask for permission, and I give it to him with a nod. I unwrap my legs from around him and slide down until I am pressed back into the wall on shaky legs. He looks down and then curses.

  “Fuck,” he says as he takes in the red netted top I am wearing as he realizes it’s actually a bodysuit, “So fucking sexy.” He says with a groan. He traces a finger along my seam, and I shudder at the light contact. He drags it back and forth until I am soaking through the material onto his fingers and I can’t take anymore.

  “River,” I say breathlessly and his eyes snap back to mine.

  “Feeling needy?” He asks with a sexy smile, “Want to come for me, Ells?”

  “Yes,” I say pleadingly before I can even think about it and he doesn’t waste any time pulling my bodysuit to the side and gliding his fingers through my slick folds. He pushes down into my wetness and gathers it as he drags his fingers up to my clit and circles it in quick motions until I am panting and moaning against his hand. Fuck!

  My drunken haze means I can only think about what he is doing to my body and nothing else. He pushes a finger inside me and brings his thumb to my clit, working me over until I am moaning loudly, and not caring who might catch us out here.

  He slams his lips back against mine and pushes his tongue in my mouth and kisses me ravenously capturing my moans. His hand moves faster and faster until I am practically writhing against it and the wall, until I begin to shake. One last flick of my clit and I am coming hard all over his fingers and he pulls his lips from mine and groans as he watches his fingers pump inside me a few more times as I ride out my orgasm.

  I sag against him and his stare comes back to mine and just for a moment everything feels right, how it should be. There is no tension or hate, just two people who care about each other, but as usual, nothing lasts forever. I feel when he slaps his mask back in place as he rolls his shoulders before pulling his fingers out of me and I gasp as he drags them past my clit, he smiles a smug smile before shoving them into his mouth and sucking them clean. Fuck, that shouldn’t be so hot.

  “Mmm, who knew traitors could taste so good?” He says with a wink as he awaits my retaliation, but I know how drunk Marcus likes to play now.

  I reach for the fingers he's just taken from his mouth and suck them into my own. His stare turns dark again as I drag them fully into my mouth before releasing them with a pop.

  “Nope, just tastes like pussy to me,” I say with a smile and I see his jaw tighten.

  “Yeah, I’ve tasted better. I should get back to Cherry and compare,” he fires back.

  I reach down and cup his still hard cock, squeeze, and he gasps in surprise slamming his hands to the wall either side of my head. I'm surprised too because I don’t know what is making me so brave. Note to self, tequila makes me handsy.

  I lean in close, as I squeeze him again, and feel him shudder against me before I whisper into his ear, “Touch her again, Marcus,” I say before pulling away and ducking under his arms and walking backwards out of the alley my gaze still on him.

  “I dare you,” I add before turning
away from him and heading back inside.

  I get back into the warehouse and allow my heart to finally stop racing as I let the music calm me down.

  What the fuck was that?

  How did I go from dancing with Jace to grabbing Marcus’ dick? And I let him finger me, AGAIN! Like seriously. I am a sane person. Okay, so I kill people sometimes, but I still consider myself to be someone who is calm and responsible, someone who always thinks through their actions. So why the fuck did I just do that? It’s like anytime my body has alcohol in it and Marcus is around, I suddenly lose my mind. Absolutely no more drinking for me.

  Just as I think that Taylor comes up to me and hands me a shot. “You look like you need this girl,” she says. I don’t even hesitate in knocking it back.

  “Thanks Tay, you have no idea,” I say with a wince letting the alcohol burn.

  I look back at her and she is staring at me with a smile, “What?” I snap and her smile just grows wider.

  “Might wanna fix your lipstick,” she replies with a cheeky smile. Fuck.

  She hands me a mirror and I take in my flushed cheeks and smeared lipstick. I look different, wild, satisfied, comfortable. It’s not a look I see on myself often and I don’t want to allow myself to think about what it means right now.

  I give the mirror back to Taylor, she nods, and we push our way back inside to the guys, who as I approach, I see all have a frown on their face. I follow their stares and find Marcus back with his arms around Cherry. When he notices me staring, he raises his glass with a big smile as he uses his other arm to pull her closer.

  Oh, he really wants to fucking play. Well, get ready for check fucking mate.

  I don’t even think before I drag Jace to me and kiss him with everything I have got. I feel the shock in his body before his arms mould around my body and he kisses me back. There are zero sparks, no lust, no tension, even as I slide my hands into his long hair. The kiss itself is great, even with my limited experience I can tell how skillful he is and I can see why the girls throw themselves at him but apart from that, I feel nothing. Nothing except payback, especially when I hear the smashing of glass and a few people yelling. I pull back and Jace speaks first.


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