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Revenge of a Queen (Black Hallows Book 2)

Page 21

by G N Wright

  “Ash has something for us,” I muse, trying to make conversation and it seems only Linc takes the bait.

  “What sort of something?” he questions.

  “Probably not the sort you are wishing for, brother,” Jace cuts in with a wink and I laugh for the first time all day.

  “Fuck off,” Linc replies, losing a little of that cool he always holds on to so tightly.

  “Did he say what?” Marcus asks, interrupting them both, his sole focus on me.

  I shake my head no, “I’m sure whatever it is won’t make me feel better,” I mumble with a grim smile and then silence descends between us again. I can’t stand the tension so I excuse myself and head to the bathroom so I can have a few moments alone with my thoughts.

  As I am washing my hands, the toilet flushes behind me and the door opens, revealing Cherry for the second time today. She looks at me with disdain, the comforting look she offered me earlier nowhere to be seen. Ah, so I’m getting the real Cherry now that we don’t have an audience. I remain silent as I finish washing my hands and go to dry them.

  “I’ll get him back you know,” she says to my back before I turn around to face her. “Marcus, I mean,” she confirms, like I didn’t understand her meaning. Maybe she is stupid after all.

  “Is that so?” I respond without emotion; she is so predictable.

  “I waited for him, watched him fuck his way through this entire school before he finally noticed me,” she says taking a step towards me, “I had him and you ruined it,” she spits. “I will get him back, I won’t lose him to some North bred whore who has decided to slum it,” she pushes me against the wall. I allow her little show of rage, as I assess her angle, and wonder what her endgame is here. This seems like a lot of anger over just one guy.

  “Go back to that rich asshole from the North Side,” she adds, and I frown inwardly, who does she mean? Ash? Why would she bring him up? How the fuck does she even know about him, he hasn’t been here since the first week of school and that was months ago.

  I push off the wall and that move alone causes her to falter backwards.

  “Listen to me, Cherry, because I am only going to say this once,” I say firmly. “Marcus is mine, always has been. You may have thought you had him, but you didn’t. You never could and I am sorry for that,” I’m not but she doesn’t need to know that. “It will always be us, and anyone who tries to come between us. will regret it,” I pull the knife from my waistband and glide it slowly across my fingertips and her eyes follow the movement.

  She gulps before finding her bravado, “Whatever psycho barbie, I’m out of here,” she says spinning around to leave. A wise choice on her part.

  I follow her out the door and shout after her, “Oh, and Cherry?”

  She turns looking at me with an angry expression as I continue, “Don’t make me come for you, you won’t like it if I do,” I say, pointing at her with my blade and she huffs at that, before turning and marching away as a laugh hits my ear.

  “Naughty, Queenie,” Jace says from behind me. I turn to find him leaning on the wall a few feet from the door, just casually smoking a joint in the middle of the hallway.

  “Pretty boy,” I acknowledge him, “Spying on me?” I ask and he smiles wider, blowing smoke into my face.

  “It was me or your boyfriend,” he shrugs, and I roll my eyes. Stupid, overprotective bastards.

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” I grit at him as I stalk back to the cafeteria, and he follows me with a laugh.

  “Oh, trust me I know. I’ve seen your creative extra curriculars,” he muses taking another drag of his joint, like we aren’t in the middle of fucking school, “but an extra pair of eyes on you can’t hurt, can it?” He takes one last drag before stomping it out on the wall at the same time Principal Lock rounds the corner. Graham looks at him displeased, but Jace just mock salutes him and enters the cafeteria.

  “Elle a word?” he asks, as I go to continue after Jace, halting me in my tracks.

  I nod and he continues, “I have just heard from the school board about a Winter ball,” he says with a frown.

  “Okayyy,” I respond wondering why the fuck I would care about some stupid school dance.

  “Hallows Preparatory is inviting us to join their festivities,” his face is set in a tight grimace as he talks.

  Fucking Elliot Donovan. I was a fool to be on edge thinking he would attack me out in the open in retaliation. That’s not how snakes work though, is it? They stalk and slither through the grass, waiting to stumble across their prey. He is using his name and connections like always to try and get to me.

  “I see,” I say, acknowledging what he said.

  “Is there something I need to be made aware of, Elle?” he asks, looking worried.

  “Honestly, at this point, Graham, I wouldn’t even know where to start,” I say in truth. “I have to go but I will explain everything soon, I promise,” I add, and he nods.

  I dart back into the cafeteria and nod my head at the guys that we need to go, they don’t hesitate before rising from the table. I don’t wait for them as I make my way out of school ahead of the guys and text Ash telling him to meet us at the house with whatever he has found. I make it to the bottom of the steps before someone grabs me from behind and I drop my phone to the floor. I throw my elbow back immediately hitting my attacker in the stomach, but the hardness there hurts my arm probably more than it did them.

  They trap my arms down at the side of my body, in an impressive move, making it impossible to reach my knife. So, I have to get creative. I throw my head back and smash right into whoever is holding me, connecting with their nose and I smirk as they grunt in pain.

  I don’t get a chance to fight any further before I am slammed against the wall and recognition flows through me at the familiar face, and the last one I ever expected to find here. What the fuck?

  “Getting sloppy, little sis,” he says with a smirk as blood drips down from his nose onto his lip.

  Before I can even form a response, Lincoln appears grabbing him by the back of the neck and slams him against the wall by his throat, as Marcus pulls me into his side.

  “You must have a death wish,” Linc says to him coolly, with a firm grip around his neck but my attacker just smiles wider, flicking his eyes back to me.

  “Oh, I like this one, can I keep him?” he asks, licking the blood from his lips, and bringing his gaze back to Lincoln.

  “Cut it out, Logan,” I groan with exasperation and Linc frowns.

  “You know this guy?” he questions, not taking his gaze from Logan’s.

  “Unfortunately,” I reply. “You can release him,” I gesture at him.

  “Or not,” Logan teases, “I will gladly let you show me what else that hand can grip,” he says with a wink and I roll my eyes.

  Lincoln drops his hand and steps back, but his gaze doesn’t move as he assesses him. No doubt trying to work out everything about him, and how he can use it against him, if need be. I’m sure once we leave here, he will take his name and go all hacker on his ass, until he knows everything from where he was born to how he takes his fucking coffee.

  Logan ignores him for a moment and turns back to me, “Missed you, sis,” he teases with a gleaming smile.

  “Sis?” Marcus questions, looking between the two of us.

  Logan takes in his grip on my hip before holding his hand out for Marcus to shake, “Ah, you must be the famous River. Nice to finally meet you,” he preens, before turning to me. “Fucking hot, sis, no wonder you came back to this rat-infested dump,” he says, holding his hand out for me to fist bump, but I just shake my head at him so he drops it.

  He turns to the others, “So that must mean you’re Jace,” he asks nodding to him, “and this delicious glass of tall and handsome is Lincoln. I hear you swing for the better team, if you are interested in taking a ride?” he purrs, grabbing his crotch with a completely serious tone and a flirty smile on his face.

  “Boys, meet Logan,” I
say, gesturing my hand from him to the guys.

  “Her brother,” he adds with a smile and I groan.

  “Arthur and Helen's adopted son,” I confirm.

  “The best child they ever picked,” he says with a wink.

  “Where’s Lily?” I question, trying to change the subject and finding out where his twin is.

  “Eurghhh, who knows where that little Satanist ever is,” he declares with a shrug.

  “But she’s here with you?” I confirm.

  “Of course,” he rolls his eyes, like I’m the one being ridiculous.

  “Why are you here?” I ask and he frowns.

  “I called Mom and she said everything was fine. We all know that is code for everything is not fine, and since Lils and I haven’t seen you in forever, we decided to road trip,” he speaks the way he always does, matter of factly and oozing with confidence.

  I’ve known the twins ever since I met Zack and made it to Arthur and Helen. Logan and Lily are biological siblings, they are a year older than me and have been with the Roytons since they were five and their parents were killed in a car accident. They both have smooth golden skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes, so strikingly similar that you would know instantly they’re twins. Their personalities, however, couldn’t be more different. Logan is confident, outgoing, laid back, and a super slutty bisexual. Lily is quiet, shy, reserved, and would rather be alone than with company. The only person she truly opens up with is Logan, she just about tolerates me and Zack although we have seen a softer side of her, ever since Cass was born which I appreciate.

  I scoff, “No, dickhead, not here in town, here at my school?” I question.

  He smiles and trails his gaze over Lincoln again, “Came to check out all the eye candy, of course,” he teases, adding another wink.

  I sigh again, “Well come on, we are meeting Ash back at the house, so we need to go.”

  “Ahhh, and how is the beautiful little psycho these days? Still dark, dangerous, and delicious?” he muses, biting his lip as he follows me towards Linc’s SUV.

  “Lincoln seems to think so,” Jace offers, and that just riles Logan up more. For fuck’s sake, there’s two of them.

  “Hmm, so I have some competition,” he broods, like he is genuinely thinking about what to do next. “Good. I love a challenge,” he declares with a savage grin.

  I punch his arm to get his attention, “Just meet us back at the house, dickface. I will catch you up on what has been going on,” I say, as I swing open the door to Linc’s ride.

  He walks away from us backwards towards his car, “Sure thing, sissy,” he drawls at me with a menacing smile, knowing how much I hate that fucking nickname.

  I flip him off before jumping inside. Just what I need around here, another fucking testosterone filled alpha male, hell bent on saving my life. This should be fun.

  Chapter 33


  Is there some kind of record for the highest amount of hot teenage boys in one place? Like do they run competitions for that sort of thing. Because I’m pretty sure if they did, the boys currently standing around my kitchen island would win. I’m standing with Marcus and Logan on one side and Jace and Lincoln on my other. Like some sort of fucked up family orgy as we wait for Ash to show up. All of the boys are currently staring a hole into Logan's head, trying to work him out. They shouldn’t bother, I ‘ve known him for almost four years, and still haven’t managed to work out his brand of crazy. Of course, Logan is being his typical insufferable self and making any situation more sexual, it’s a true skill of his.

  “Sis, how the fuck do you get anything done with these three around you all day? I’ve got a semi just thinking about the fun I could have with them at the same time,” his tone is completely serious as he appraises the three other guys standing around me.

  “She gets stabby,” Jace unhelpfully replies with a wink in my direction. Logan takes the opportunity to fully check him out, just like I did on the first day of school. You would have to be blind not to, you don’t get as many girls as he does without being a walking fucking Adonis.

  “Ever sucked a dick, Jacey baby?” Logan asks him with genuine curiosity. I can see he is picking up on their similar flirty natures. Lord help me, they would be fucking chaotic together if Jace swung that way. Thank the devil he doesn’t.

  Jace doesn’t look offended in the slightest as he answers honestly, “Sorry man, I am on a pussy only kinda diet,” he shrugs, “just can’t beat it.”

  “I get it,” Logan nods, “I like a bit of both myself, but I just love dick too much to commit to any one girl,” he replies offering an equal amount of honesty. I already know the two of them are going to be fast friends.

  Logan turns to Marcus who is still silently assessing him with a stoic look on his face, which just makes Logan smile wider, “Ooff, I bet that alpha attitude is fucking killer in bed, Elle,” he comments, and I blush furiously.

  “Shut the fuck up, Logan,” I scold.

  He barks a laugh, “Please don’t tell me you are still holding onto that pesky V card with all this cock around?” he splutters through his laugh and I blush harder.

  “Not after this weekend, ey Queenie?” Jace winks again. I want the ground to open up and fucking swallow me whole.

  “Cut it the fuck out, brother,” Marcus warns Jace in a deathly tone, causing Logan to smile.

  “Oh yes, definitely hot in the sack. I can tell,” he says offering me a high five which I decline, and he shrugs.

  We are saved from any more awkwardness when Asher finally arrives, casting his glance around the kitchen until he notices Logan standing there and rolls his eyes.

  “Oh great. Look what the cat dragged in,'' Ash sneers as he enters, eyes locked on Logan's. “Always a displeasure to see you, little Royton,'' he draws out sarcastically.

  “We could easily change that to a pleasure, you little psycho, just say the word,” Logan jibes back, licking his lips as he looks him up and down. He has flirted with him furiously since the day they met, much to Asher’s annoyance.

  Ash huffs in exasperation, “Do not start with me, Logan.”

  Logan holds his hands up in mock defense, “Oh, don’t worry, I have my sights set somewhere else now,” he teases as he slides his gaze over to Lincoln causing him to blush.

  Ash snorts, “Of fucking course you’ve got your eye on the help,” his tone completely dark and accusing, causing Lincoln to snap his gaze over to him.

  “Is it so hard to believe someone would, dark prince?” he stares at him so intensely, showing his cards a little, as we all get a glimpse of how much of an effect Asher has on him. I wonder how Ash feels about that.

  “Oh, dark prince, I like that,” Logan wiggles his brows. “I could be the filling in this flirty sandwich you guys have going on,” he gestures between the two of them. I notice Lincoln blush at just the idea of both of them and decide to jump in and save him.

  “Cut the shit, we have got enough shit to be worrying about without you two jibing at one another,” I fume at them.

  Logan stares at Ash and Linc one more time before bringing his attention back to me, “Fine!” he huffs out, “Bring me up to speed of what happened over the weekend.”

  “He knows what you do?” Lincoln questions me.

  Logan snorts, “I thought you said he was smart?” He turns back to Linc, “Don’t let my obvious good looks and flirty nature confuse you, Mr. Blackwell. I am lethal in everything I do. Do you really think I would let my sister go off to war without being a soldier by her side?” his tone is unusually dark.

  I watch as Lincoln soaks in his words, dissecting them until they process through his dark and wonderful mind. There is a tense minute of silence before Linc nods at him which is like his version of approval. Fuck me, it looks like Logan is joining the team officially.

  I look at Asher who is watching Logan and Lincoln’s interaction without emotion, but something in his eye is unfamiliar to me. It’s like he is trying to see wha
t makes them both tick at the same time, as trying to work out how to end them.

  “Ash, what have you got?” I question him just to break the tension in the room. His eyes snap to me before he takes a deep breath and speaks.

  “Elliot is officially on the war path after what happened at the docks, he is amping up his guards, and doubled the amount of money on your head for you to be brought to him alive,” he looks hesitant as he speaks, and I know there is more as Marcus curses at what he has already said.

  “Go on,” I encourage him.

  “He has sought the help of Captain Baizen, in getting every piece of information he can find on everyone you know,” he says looking at the three Rebels before adding, “Also, he threatened your parents trying to see if they knew anything about where you are.”

  “Well, that’s a waste of his time, like those fucking assholes would know anything about me.”

  “You had contact with your sperm donors?” Logan interrupts with his question.

  “Unfortunately,” I reply with a grimace, “we followed them on a stake out. Jonathan went into a warehouse on 5th and Middleton. We still don’t have any true information on it, and my mother cornered me while dress shopping.”

  “You never told me that,” Marcus snaps, and I huff at his pissy attitude.

  “It was before you stopped being an asshole,” I offer him with a smile.

  “Ohh, burn,” Jace whispers under his breath for us all to hear and Marcus glares at him.

  “Can we fucking focus?” I curse, just as Lily, Logan’s twin enters the room.

  “Lils,” I say with a desperate smile hoping to coax more estrogen into this cock fest. She looks up taking in the five guys around me and senses the tension between us all.

  “Nope,” she says, before she does a complete one-eighty and leaves without another word. I can’t help but laugh at her.

  Jace watches her leave, “She seems…” he pauses, I’m sure trying to find the right word, ‘interesting,’” he finishes.

  Logan laughs, “You have no idea.”

  I ignore them as I press on, “Seems Captain Baizen is the most pressing issue then,” I muse aloud, as the others bring their attention back to me.


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