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Monroe, Melody S. - Hidden Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “I thought it would be obvious.”

  She couldn’t decide if she could handle having both of them there. Part of her screamed yes, but the logical side of her brain said she’d regret giving in. “I need my sleep.” Boy, was that lame.

  Chase leaned into her on the right, and Tom dragged his hand lower on the left. Neither spoke, but their actions said it all. They were here to stay. Chase’s hard cock pressed against her side, and Tom slapped his dick on her thigh.

  “I’m not really comfortable with two men in my bed.” Especially two naked men that she had no ability to say no to. “Do you think this is a good idea?” Each word came out weaker.

  Tom pushed up on an elbow and hovered over her. He kissed her hard as he slipped a finger inside her. Her pussy went into a spasm. Need filled her, and a traitorous moan escaped.

  “That’s it, honey. Let go. We want to make this so good for you you’ll be begging us for more.”

  Her breaths came out in short spurts. “This is making it more complicated.”

  “Because you like what I’m doing, right?”

  “Uh-huh.” Now why had she admitted that? Her ability to lie had evaporated with the first brush of her clit.

  Tom nibbled her neck as he slipped a second then a third finger inside her. The pulses came in waves. She’d been alone too long. Never had she met two men who seemed to want her to enjoy the experience first and foremost. Sex was always about them.

  Tom leaned back, and Chase took over. He slipped the strap of her gown over her shoulder and lifted out her breast. His warm breath caressed her exposed tip. He sucked on her hardened crest, and every nerve ending exploded. When he pulled away, cool air pebbled the tip again.

  Tom removed his fingers, ceasing the wonderful tingling below. Devastated at the sudden loss, she cried out, “Why did you stop?” She never should have said that.

  Chase dragged a hand down her face. “We want you to tell us what to do.”

  Her? What did she know about sex? “What you were doing. I liked that.” God, she sounded so wanton and so needy.

  Tom leaned over, only this time lower, and playfully nipped her covered breast through the light material. “We want more, too, honey, if you’re willing to oblige.”

  Both of them? My God, the only man she agreed to actually sleep with had been Phil, and look where that had gotten her. Tom, she guessed, would want something she couldn’t give.

  Chase dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “We promise we won’t hurt you. In fact, we’d rather die first than bring you any harm. We want to make this the most memorable experience of your life.”

  “Won’t you lose your jobs?” That’s what Shayna had told her.

  “Maybe, but it’ll be worth it just to sample you.”

  Sample her? He talked like he lived in the 1800s.

  Tom got off the bed. “I’ve got just the thing to help her make up her mind.”

  She held her breath as he left the room. He returned so quickly he must have had something in the other room. She couldn’t tell what he had in his hand, but from the small reflection of light off the white object, it looked to be a jar.

  “What is it?”

  He lifted up her gown, exposing her. “Do you trust me?”

  He didn’t answer her question. “I hardly know you.” He placed a hand on her stomach and his heat unnerved her.

  He rubbed her bare thigh in small circles, slowly moving upward. “You know we’d give our life to protect you.”

  Tom sounded so sincere. She believed him about protecting her, but would they be gentle when he had sex with her? “I haven’t had sex in seven years.” Her throat nearly constricted at the admission.

  Neither man moved for a minute. Then Chase stretched out next to her. “The men you’ve come in contact with must have been idiots, and it was smart to turn them down. If we promise to go real slow and let you decide how much you can take, will you give it a try?”

  His voice sounded so kind she nearly gave in.

  “Tell you what,” Tom said. “Let me put this cream on you and see what you say. Okay?”

  She wouldn’t mind having some body lotion on her. Her skin had nearly pruned having the paint on her body for hours, followed by the intense scrubbing. “Sure.”

  Ever so slowly, Tom spread her legs. Panic tripped up her spine. “Tom?”

  “Honey, we know what we’re doing. Trust us and I promise you’ll like it. We’re going to take it real slow for you. We’ll treat you like a newborn colt.”

  Having sex with one man was scary enough, but two? On a positive note, if one got too excited, she hoped the other would calm him down. She nodded, though she wasn’t sure they could see her in the dark.

  A squishy, sucking sound came from next to her. The pressure of three fingers across her wet pussy startled her for a moment. The cream’s coolness almost made her sigh. He rubbed it in, and his light touch made her spread her legs wider, wanting him to dip more intimately into her.

  “That feels good.” She wiggled her hips to give him more area.

  “It’ll feel better in a sec, honey.”

  Tom sat her up and removed her nightgown in one quick move. She was tempted to cross her arms, but since it was dark, she saw no need. The cream began to warm. In fact, sparks of heat radiated from her center.

  She stiffened at the fire brewing. Her heart raced at the unfamiliar sensation. “What is that stuff?”

  Chase rubbed her breasts with more cream. “You like it, darlin’? Tom mentioned to me outside how much he thought you’d want to have some on your cute little tits.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted more heat to pulse through her. Her pussy already ached. A strong need to be touched grabbed her. They must have sensed the change in her since Chase pulled her to him. Her back to Tom, Chase kissed her gently at first, then with a passion she’d never experienced.

  “Open your mouth for me, darlin’, and let me in.”

  Phil hated to kiss with an open mouth, but being with Chase, she had an urge to go for it. She timidly stuck her tongue inside his mouth, not sure if she was going to like it. But when his tongue slipped around hers, she lost control. It was if she’d tasted water for the first time in a week in the desert. She couldn’t get enough of him. Her leg seemed to have a will of its own, for she slid her calf over his hip, exposing herself to him. His cock rested against her pussy, and she wanted him to plunge inside her.

  He pulled away. “You know you’re tempting me something fierce, darlin’?”

  The power assaulted her. She returned to kissing him, but this time, she purposefully pressed her naked body hard against his cock. Juices flowed, and she wanted to make love to him worse than anything.

  Tom nudged her from behind. His hand stroked her hair, her shoulders, and her thighs, his touch soft and warm. With Chase’s dick pressed against her opening and Tom’s cock against her backside, she began to float, lost in a sea of divine erotic pleasure.

  Chase was the first to pull away. “I want you to fuck me.”

  She wasn’t quite sure what he meant. Did he mean she had to be in control? “You want me to straddle you?”

  “Just like you’re riding a horse, darlin’. You can hold the reins and go fast or slow. Any way you like it. Tom will be right behind you to make sure every part of you is on fire.”

  Tom dragged his tongue right below her ear, and spikes of desire traced a line down her body. She couldn’t even catalogue the bombardment of feelings. It was if she was in on another planet, and the atmosphere didn’t contain oxygen but rather some aphrodisiac.

  He squeezed her shoulder. “Don’t analyze. Do what feels right, honey.”

  She might never get another chance to explore, let go, and enjoy making love without anyone’s feelings getting hurt.

  She grabbed Chase’s huge cock and opened wider. Going slow, as he suggested, wasn’t going to happen. Her body needed the release. Seven years of pent-up repression had burst her dam. She swung a knee o
ver Chase and hovered her pussy over his throbbing cock. He lifted his dick to position it at her opening.

  “Do you need Tom to get you ready, darlin’?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve never been more ready in my life.”

  Taking his shaft in her hand, she slid down on him, stoking the fire inside her.

  Tom pressed his cock against her bottom, and he rubbed her nipples hard. She trusted Tom not to try something she wasn’t ready for. The pain of his manipulations immediately turned to pleasure. She opened up wider and enveloped Chase in one long slide downward.

  “Jesus Christ. You are so wet yet so tight.”

  He stretched her walls so much, she couldn’t breathe for a moment. It took a bit before her inhalations returned to normal. Tom massaged her breasts and stomach, matching her speed. She lifted up, held for a moment, and slid right back down. Chase clasped her arms and squeezed as if he too needed to hold on tight.

  “I love the feel of your snatch. I don’t know how long I can hold out.”

  The thought he loved being inside her spurred her on. She pumped harder and faster. Tom’s hands rubbed her everywhere. When his finger slid down her belly to her clit, she tensed.

  “Easy, honey. Just giving you more stimulation.”

  More? She didn’t need any more. Blood pounded in her ears as her climax built. Four palms massaged her. Chase grabbed her hips.

  “I love being inside you. Faster. I’m going to come, darlin’.”

  He guided her in a sensuous rhythm, the pressure building until she nearly screamed his name. Her walls contracted, and waves of desire took hold. Her climax shot through her. A second later, warm cum filled the back of her womb.

  Chase lowered her to his chest and rubbed her back. “That was something else. I hope it was half as good for you as it was for me.”

  She was too breathless to answer until Tom began to make slow circles on her butt, exciting her all over again. How was that possible? “Uh-huh.”

  Tom lifted her shoulders and helped her off Chase. Without a word, he dragged kisses down her arms. The butterfly touches got her going all over again. He rolled her over and nipped at her tits. The sparks of delight shot through her. Though her tender pussy vibrated, she wanted more. Never had she felt more cherished in her life. She never wanted this time with the men to end.

  “Honey, I want you get on your hands and knees to experience a real man.”

  “I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “Tonight, I want your pussy. I’ll have to stretch your puckered hole before I enter you.”

  Had she had the strength, she might have laughed, but from the dreamy tone of his voice, she knew he spoke the truth.

  He lifted her hips so she was on her hands and knees. Just as his cock touched her clit, someone pounded on the door.

  Every muscled stiffened. Both Tom and Chase jettisoned off the bed.

  “Don’t move.”

  Chapter Five

  Tom motioned for Chase to stay to the left of the door. The place really needed peepholes to see out. He pulled open the door fast. The beefy-looking man on the other side looked startled as if he was expecting Larissa to open up instead.

  “What do you want?” Tom tried not to sound hostile, but from the way the guy clenched his fists, he’d failed.

  “I’m looking for Larissa. I need to talk to her.”

  “You Phil?”

  Phil’s eyes widened. “Yeah.”

  Without waiting for an invitation, Phil tried to step past him. Tom’s gut churned. If this guy even tried to lay a hand on his woman, he’d be sorry. He grabbed Phil’s arm.

  As if he’d pushed the button on a bomb, Phil’s right hand swung, meeting Tom’s left cheek. The blow knocked him back an inch, but he didn’t let go. Before he got the satisfaction of beating the shit out of him, Chase appeared from behind and put Phil in a strangle hold.

  Tom relaxed. Phil tried to pry Chase’s fingers from his neck, but Tom knew that would never happen. Chase had arms of steel.

  He watched the guy flop like a dying fish for a good minute. “Let him go, little brother.”

  Chase obeyed. Phil staggered, coughed, and backed up. “Who the fuck are you guys?”

  “We’re Larissa’s bodyguards.”

  His shoulders sagged, and he planted his hands on his knees. “Thank God you two are here to keep her safe. Someone’s trying to kill her.”

  Not what he expected to hear. “Larissa told us you were trying to kill her. Even took a potshot at her and hit her friend instead.”

  His inhale wheezed. “Not me. I went to the Tucson police and proved to them I was out of town when that happened. I’d never hurt her.” He coughed. “As for Dana, I’ve checked up on her. She’s a little sore, but otherwise fine.”

  “You could have hired someone to shoot Larissa.”

  Phil straightened. “Why would I do that? I love her. I want to get back with her.”

  Tom’s stomach somersaulted. “You love her?”

  “Yes. Not that it does any good. She won’t return my calls. Won’t even talk to me.”

  Larissa cleared her throat. “Because you’re an asshole. You treated me like crap. Now all you want is my money.”

  Tom stiffened at the harshness of her tone. Relief washed through him that she didn’t love her ex-husband in return.

  Phil stepped forward, but Tom grabbed his arm again. “That’s not true, baby. I love you.” He jerked his arm out of Tom’s grasp but stayed put. “When I heard someone was out for you, I came to protect you.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “Shayna didn’t want to tell, but once the police let me go, she wanted you to be safe, too.”

  She crossed her arms. Thank God she’d dressed in something sensible, though Tom couldn’t wait to get her naked again.

  “As you can see, I’m well protected. So leave.” She raised her chin.

  Phil glanced between the three of them. “Fine, but if you need me, you have my cell.”

  Larissa didn’t answer. Instead, she shot him a death stare. It took all of Tom’s control not to laugh. Phil turned around and strode out.

  When he was convinced the bastard wouldn’t be back, he opened his arms to Larissa and moved toward her. To his relief, she stepped into his embrace.

  “Aw, honey, I’m sorry he found you, but at least you don’t have to worry about him anymore. I don’t think he’ll be bothering you.”

  She sighed into his chest. “Thank you.” She looked up, and her eyes widened. “He hit you?”

  Tom touched his cheek. “I’m afraid he got the drop on me. I was too slow because my focus was still on you. It doesn’t hurt, so don’t you worry.”

  “You need ice on that so it doesn’t swell.” She looked over his shoulder. “Chase, can you get us some?


  “I don’t need any ice, honey. I’m good. Trust me, a lot worse has happened to me.”

  Her face fell. “I don’t like to hear that. I couldn’t stand knowing someone or something hurt you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me.”

  She smiled, and his insides melted.

  * * * *

  Larissa woke to a hand on her stomach and two mouths on her breasts. She bucked a little then opened her eyes.

  Both Chase and Tom lifted their heads at the same time. For a split second, they looked alike, all sleepy-eyed, warm, and very lovable.

  “Good morning, darlin’.”

  “Did you sleep well, honey?”

  When they both smiled, warmth spread through her. She stretched her arms over her head. “Good morning to you, too, and yes, but I’ve never been woken up like this before.” That was an understatement.

  “I hope to rectify that soon.” He tapped her nose. “If I recall, honey, we got interrupted last night.”

  Tom pressed his erection against her thigh, and all kinds of thoughts raced through her. “I remember.” Phil
had a knack of ruining a lot of things.

  Tom nuzzled her neck. “You willing to give me a wake-up ride this morning? I’ve been thinking about you all night long.”

  Oh my. Phil only liked to have sex at night. “I’ve never done it during the day.”

  He cupped her sex. “I plan to change that, too.” He looked up and winked. “You have a lot of catching up to do. So much loving and so little time.”

  Before she had a chance to respond, he slipped between her legs and licked her. The rush spread over her like an avalanche, and she sucked in a breath. When he added a finger and rubbed her walls, she nearly came.

  “Take it easy. I’m just trying to warm you up, honey, not send you over the cliff.”

  With each swipe of his tongue, she got hotter. When he added another one of his masterful fingers into the mix, she nearly exploded. “I’m ready.”

  “Oh, no. You don’t know what ready is. We want you to scream for it.”

  “That doesn’t seem very ladylike.”

  No sooner had she made the comment when her eyes rolled upward from both of their touches. She spread her legs wider, needing more of Tom. She couldn’t wait to feel his thick cock inside her, exploring, pumping, and satisfying her. How could she have not wanted sex before? This was amazing.

  “Now?” She hadn’t wanted to sound so needy, but she needed the release.

  “Are you begging?” She wasn’t looking at Tom, but if she had, she bet she would have seen his wink.

  She wasn’t sure she had any control over her body right now. “Yes.”

  “That’s what I’ve been waiting to hear.” He rolled her over and lifted her butt in the air.

  “Not in there.” She tamped down the quick shot of panic until she accepted the fact neither would do anything to make her uncomfortable. In fact, the opposite was true.

  “I know, honey.” He traced a finger around her puckered hole but didn’t dip in. She imagined him exploring a different part of her body, and her excitement level elevated.

  With her butt in the air, she was exposed and vulnerable, but trust filled her.

  “Say it,” Tom said.

  She loved his dirty talk. “Fuck me.”


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