Monroe, Melody S. - Hidden Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Hidden Fantasy [Fantasy Resort 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Melody Snow Monroe

  They pulled up in front of the resort. “You go on in, darlin’. Tom and I need to take care of a few things.”

  And leave her alone? That was a change, but she wasn’t going to complain. She got out and watched Chase drive around the back. Tom followed. She slipped inside and called her friend.

  “Hey, you ready for me to pick you up?”

  “Yes. Tom and Chase are off doing an errand.”

  “I’m in the car now. I’ll head on over.”

  She and Shayna discussed a few more of the details. If all went well, she’d be on her way to Texas within the hour. She debated leaving the men a note letting them know she hadn’t been kidnapped or harmed, but if she started a letter, there’d be a need to tell them how much they meant to her. The act of discussing her feelings might make her change her mind.

  The gang wanted her dead. That much she knew. There was no other way out. She had to leave if she wanted to keep all of them safe.

  With one ear listening for their return, she packed her suitcase and slipped out the side entrance. She’d told Shayna to meet her on the east side of the property, away from where Tom and Chase had parked their car.

  God, she didn’t want to go. Their love had meant everything to her. She was a new woman with a new lease on life. Leaving them was the hardest thing she’d ever have to do, but it was the right thing.

  The sun beat down on her head, and the back of her shirt got soaked with sweat under the Arizona heat, but she couldn’t chance anyone seeing her. Finally, Shayna pulled up and waved. As Larissa was placing her suitcase in the backseat, one of the valet attendants marched up to them. Shit.

  “Hi, ladies. Can I help you with your luggage?”

  She’d never seen him before. Good. “No thanks. We’re just going for a drive.” Larissa smiled. She prayed he wouldn’t ask why she had suitcases.

  The kid slapped the hood of the car. “Have a good time.”

  That was close. Thank goodness he hadn’t recognized her. She rolled up the window. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  While she didn’t think there’d be another attack on her life, she kept her gaze on the rearview window. No one followed them. She expected her phone to ring as soon as Tom and Chase found her gone, but that couldn’t be helped. She’d let their message go to voice mail.

  The trip across Texas was arduous and the text messages and voice mails endless. She hated she’d made them worry, but she didn’t dare answer for fear they could somehow trace her call or convince her to return.

  Shayna stopped often as they changed driving duties. Larissa wanted to get to Houston as soon as possible. Shayna claimed she’d found a small two-bedroom apartment in a nice part of town for rent.

  Weary and exhausted beyond belief, Shayna finally pulled up to the apartment complex. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you.”

  Larissa gave it one more try. “You could always move here.”

  “And leave my parents to fend for themselves? Don’t I wish. Besides, you know I love my job.”

  “You could visit.”

  “I will, but not for a while. Who knows who will be watching me. When I do call, we’ll have to keep our conversations short. Calls can be traced.”

  Larissa got out of the car, doubt heavy on her shoulders. “Maybe I should take my chances in Tucson.”

  “Larissa, you know you’ve made the right decision.”

  “Then why do I feel like shit? I’ve lost the two men I love, I won’t have you in my life, and now I have to start all over again looking for a job.”

  Shayna hugged her. “Once you move in, you’ll feel better. Houston is a great town.”

  “I know.”

  For the next two days, with the help of her friend, she unpacked her things and scavenged garage sales for furniture. Her small apartment was a far cry from what she was used to, but with poverty came a sense of safety.

  Countless times she debated calling Tom and Chase, but once she heard their voices, they’d plead, and she might give in and tell them where she was. No. The only way to maintain discipline would be to keep her distance.

  A week later, everything changed when she went into the bathroom and vomited. At first, she thought it was some of the spicy Mexican food she ate, but since Arizona had tons of Mexican restaurants that she often frequented, she decided it might be something else. Something she wasn’t ready to address.

  Even though she felt better in the afternoon, it became more difficult to spend the day walking around the city looking for jobs. She hadn’t had her period while at the resort, but she’d figured the stress had caused her to stop. When she’d been a gymnast in high school, she was very thin, and because of the grueling workouts, she had no period for over a year.

  But that was years ago. After another week of throwing up each morning, she relented and bought a pregnancy test.

  She wasn’t sure whether she wanted the little wand to say yes or no. The idea of carrying part of her lovers inside thrilled her to death, but at the same time, she wasn’t able to support herself yet, let alone a baby. If she did get a job at a law firm, she knew the hours would be long. Who would take care of her child then?

  She should pray for a no. She needed some security before she brought someone into this world. You should have thought of that when you had sex twice a day for six weeks without protection.

  She stepped into the bathroom and held her breath as she waited for the results.

  The line indicated she was pregnant. She body numbed and her brain refused to sort through all the issues. Sitting on the closed seat, she dropped her head in her hands and wept. Stupid hormones.

  It took her a good twenty minutes to come to grips with the reality. Now what?

  Could she in good conscience have the child without telling the men they were going to be fathers? Should she tell them where she was so they could have visitation rights?

  Larissa grabbed her belly and rubbed. A tear ran down her cheek. “I promise, no matter what, to love you.” She knew in her heart her child would be a boy and look just like his fathers.

  Overwhelmed, she had to chance a call to Shayna. Her friend picked up immediately.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Yes. No. Maybe. I’m pregnant.”

  “Oh. My. God. That’s fabulous.”

  She was surprised at Shayna’s exuberance. “Why would that be fabulous? I don’t have a job.”

  “You said you’d never date again, that no one could come close to being as wonderful as Tom and Chase. Now you get to keep a part of them forever.”

  “There is that.”

  “I just wired another two thousand dollars to you.”

  Shayna had put the house up for sale at a ridiculously low price, and it was scooped up immediately. “I could use it. Listen, I just needed to hear your voice. I don’t want to stay on the line too long. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, honey.”

  Her insides ached every time Shayna used that endearment. It remaindered her of Tom. Wonderful Tom. She longed to hear Chase’s “darlin’,” but she knew it could never be.

  Getting a job would be more difficult now, especially with the morning sickness. Not telling her future employer about being pregnant might be less than welcome once they found out. But like her mother before her, she’d deal.

  About a week later, after an exhausting search of trying to find a job, she was sitting on her tiny balcony, overlooking another apartment building, drinking a glass of ice water when her doorbell rang. Every muscle froze. A hard knock followed. There was no way any member of the Tucson gang could have found her. None of them would have driven all this way to kill her, or would they?

  She set her glass on the table and rushed inside for her mace. At least she could be prepared when she answered the door.

  She checked the peephole, but no one was there. She collapsed back against the door. Paranoia was not a pretty trait. It must have been a bunch of kids ringing doorbells. She was halfway
back to the terrace when the bell rang again. Pissed, she strode to the door.

  “Who is it?”

  It wasn’t Shayna, and she hadn’t met anyone yet. Maybe it was some dumb salesman. Just what she didn’t need.

  “It’s me.”

  She had no idea who “me” was, but apparently she knew this person. With mace in hand, she pulled open the door. Her heart nearly stopped.

  Tom and Chase barged in, the look of fury on their faces. Once her breath returned, she wanted to throw her arms around them, but they looked like they were going to beat her silly if she got within reach.

  “What are you doing here?” It was a dumb question. She really wanted to know how they’d found her.

  Both men hovered over her.

  “Strip her,” Tom commanded.

  In the past, that command would have thrilled her. To have the hands of two men she loved all over her would have been ecstasy, but not under these circumstances.

  Chase took the mace from her hand and tossed it on the sofa. She backed up and held her hands in front of her chest. “You can’t do this. I have rights.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, darlin’. We’ve been to hell and back with you gone, and you will pay. At the moment we don’t care what you want. You need to be punished.”

  For a split second, her pussy wept for the times when she loved her spanking. This time, the erotic pain might be torture. While Chase could have ripped off her clothes, he didn’t. In fact, he took his time unbuttoning her blouse. Tom stood next to her, probably ready to hold her down should she protest. His breath on her ear nearly made her knees buckle. As soon as Chase unclasped her front-hooked bra, he scooped her tits in his hands and gently massaged them.

  “I’ve been dreaming about these.”

  “Chase.” Tom’s stern comment must have made Chase refocus, for he unbuttoned her pants and slid them off.

  She didn’t fight them, hoping that when they saw her naked, they’d be so desperate to make love to her that they’d forget their anger. Once naked, they half dragged her into the bedroom.

  “On your hands and knees.”

  She loved this part where Tom spanked her then fucked her silly. Her juices flowed. The first slap was much harder than she anticipated.

  The sting raced up her back. “Hey, that hurt.”

  “It’s supposed to hurt. We loved you, cared for you, and what did we get in return? You walked out on us, without a note, without a phone number. We got nothing, as if we didn’t count for shit.”

  “That’s not true.” At least not all of it.

  The second slap was even harder. She could roll over, but she deserved the spanking, deserved whatever they had to dish out to her. Tom continued to spank her. His arm must have gotten tired, because he stepped back and let Chase take a whack at her. Despite the pain, the burn turned exciting. Her clit vibrated with need. She shouldn’t want to make love to them, but she’d become more desperate with each day.

  Tom rolled her over and pulled her to her feet. He was naked and her gaze could only focus on his huge cock.

  “The last time we saw you, you said you want to do us. So suck it. Hard.”

  She was happy to oblige. Taking his cock in her hand, she reached under him and massaged his balls with the other. Tom’s eyes closed and his lips pressed tightly together.

  “That’s it, honey. Put your tempting mouth on me.”

  She leaned over and sucked hard on his dick. She milked his balls, willing him to come in her mouth. Her strokes got faster. Tom threaded his hand through her hair and pressed hard on her head. She didn’t mind.

  Chase slapped her ass, but she refused to whimper. As she tried to swallow all of Tom, Chase plunged two fingers up her pussy. She nearly came right there.

  She let a moan escape and nearly forgot to breathe.

  “That’s it honey. Take all of me in your sweet mouth. I want all of you.”

  As she contracted her butt cheeks, wanting more of Chase’s heavenly fingers, Tom pumped his cock so far into her mouth she nearly choked. He held his dick to the back of her mouth and spurted into her. When he pulled out, she drank his salty juices. Nothing ever tasted better.

  She turned around, needing Chase’s cock in her. “Fuck me.”

  Chase narrowed his lids and walked her back to the wall. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto his cock. Without a word, he kissed her as he found her opening. The exquisite size of his cock took her breath away.

  His eyes closed. “I need you.”

  She didn’t say anything. Instead, she wrapped both her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She leaned her head forward and kissed him with every ounce of love in her body. She rode him like a wild stallion. He pummeled and pushed until they both reached their climax together.

  When he appeared sated, he slipped her off.

  “Now that we’ve taken care of our needs, we have to talk, darlin’. Let’s clean up first though.”

  Chase stepped into the bathroom, ran some water, and came out with a wet cloth. He seemed to take extra time wiping her down.

  “Don’t think because we did this that we are any less pissed with you. Your punishment might last months.”

  She smiled. “Promise?”

  They didn’t return her joyful sentiment. “Into the living room.”

  They were allowed to drag on pants while she’d been forbidden to put anything on. She was pleased she hadn’t started to show. The hard part would be telling them of her pregnancy.

  They motioned she sit. They stood, she supposed, to show they were superior.

  “Tell us why you left.”

  She crossed her arms over her bare chest. “I think it should be obvious. I didn’t want to be responsible if anything else happened to you.”

  “Don’t you think that should be our choice, honey?”

  At least he’d softened his voice. Maybe having sex had reduced his anger a little. “You would have come with me?”

  “Would that have been so bad?”

  She shook her head and looked to the ceiling, trying to figure out how to word it without sounding silly. “No, but I had no right to ask you to give up your life and your friends to protect me.”

  Tom and Chase took up seats on either side of her. “What do you think love is?”

  From the way he tilted his head, it wasn’t a rhetorical question.

  “It’s when you’re willing do anything for someone. When they become more important than yourself.”

  He smiled, and her insides nearly melted.

  “Exactly. What you did tells us you think you love us. But by walking out the way you did, we know you don’t.”

  “You couldn’t be more wrong. I do love you.” She took each of their hands in hers, but they didn’t return her squeeze.

  “Not when you don’t trust us enough for us to make our own decisions.”

  She hadn’t thought of that. “I’m sorry.”

  “Honey, we love you so much we’re willing to move the earth to be with you.”

  She didn’t dare hope they truly wanted to be with her. “What about your jobs?”

  Tom shook his head and looked at her as if she just didn’t get it. “We have more money than we know what to do with. The job at the resort was great while it lasted, but now that we’ve found you, we can’t work there. We could never be with another woman.”

  “When I sold my six boats,” Chase explained, “I made enough to live off the profits forever. The job was dangerous, and people died. I didn’t like it. But if we wanted to get jobs, Houston would be the perfect place.”

  “I can’t believe this. You’d really move here?”


  She lowered her arms to hug her belly. A flicker of concern must have crossed her face, for Tom touched her shoulder.

  “What’s wrong? You want us here, don’t you?”

  “Yes. More than anything.”

  “You don’t sound happy.”
/>   “Yesterday, I found out something that might make you change your mind about coming here.”

  “Darlin’, if there is one thing you should have learned, it’s that we’ll never change our mind when it comes to you.”

  Here goes. “I’m pregnant.”

  Chapter Twelve

  She held her breath as Tom and Chase both leaned forward and eyed each other.

  “How far along are you, darlin’?”

  “A month, maybe.”

  Tom took her shoulders and Chase her hips. They dragged her over Tom’s knees. Then they really spanked her. Tears leaked out of her eyes.

  When she was sure her butt was closer to purple than red, they lifted her up and set her down.

  “Were you going to tell us?”

  Shit. The anger she’d diffused had come back.


  “When, honey?” Tom’s lips pressed thin. “After the baby was born? After the Southside Posse Bloods had all died of old age and our son had graduated from high school?”

  Maybe. Probably.

  “I was thinking about how I could tell you without you storming here.”

  “How long were planning on thinking?”

  She swore she saw a twinkle in Tom’s eye. Chase was still flushed. Tough.

  She firmed her lips together, stood, and faced them. “Enough of grilling me. Tell me how you found me, because if you could find me, what’s to stop those gang members from knocking on my door any minute and putting me and our baby in jeopardy?”

  Both men leaned back.

  “Our baby, huh? Glad you admit it.” Tom threaded his arms behind his head. “You know that iPhone I gave you?”


  “Well, if you hadn’t had your nose in a law book for the last seven years, you’d know that smart phones have GPSs in them. I’ve been tracking your every movement since you left.”

  That left her speechless for a moment. “That’s an invasion of privacy.”

  “No it’s not. Everyone knows about it when they buy a smartphone. You could have turned off that app.”

  “What would you have done if I had?”

  “Well, the tracker on Shayna’s car was our backup.”


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