Book Read Free

The Ministry of Truth

Page 43

by Dorian Lynskey

defiance of logic, ref1, ref2

  fetish for data, ref1

  GO’s response to, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  post-war fears, ref1

  racism and antisemitism, ref1, ref2

  See also Nazism; Spanish Civil War; totalitarianism

  “Faster” (Manic Street Preachers), ref1

  Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), ref1, ref2, ref3

  fellow-travellers, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  The Fires of Saint Dominic (Zamyatin), ref1

  The First Men in the Moon (Wells), ref1

  Fischer, Louis, ref1, ref2, ref3

  “Five Years” (Bowie), ref1

  Flag, Bob, ref1

  Fletcher, Robin, ref1, ref2

  Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, ref1

  The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Wells), ref1

  Foot, Michael, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Foot, Paul, ref1, ref2

  Ford, Ford Madox, ref1, ref2

  Ford, Henry, ref1

  Fordism, ref1, ref2

  Forster, E. M., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  Fox News, ref1

  France, Anatole, ref1

  Franco, Francisco, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5 See also Spanish Civil War

  Franklin, Bruce, ref1

  Fraser, Hugh, ref1

  “Freedom and Happiness” (Orwell), ref1, ref2

  Freedom Defence Committee, ref1, ref2, ref3

  “Freedom of the Park” (Orwell), ref1

  free intelligence, ref1

  Freeland (Hertzka), ref1

  Freud, Lucien, ref1

  Freud, Sigmund, ref1

  Friedman, Milton, ref1

  Friedman, Sonia, ref1

  Friedrich, Carl J., ref1

  The Future Is History (Gessen), ref1

  “Future Legend” (Bowie), ref1

  Fyvel, Tosco, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Gabriel, Peter, ref1

  Gaitskell, Hugh, ref1

  Gandhi, Mahatma, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Garton Ash, Timothy, ref1, ref2

  Gas Light (Hamilton), ref1

  GB 75, ref1

  Gellhorn, Martha, ref1

  General Union of Workers (UGT), ref1

  George, Henry, ref1, ref2

  George Orwell Productions, Ltd., ref1, ref2

  Gessen, Masha, ref1

  Gide, André, 21, 194, 198

  Gillette, King Camp, ref1

  Gilliam, Terry, ref1

  Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, ref1

  Ginsberg, Allen, ref1

  Ginsbury, Norman, ref1

  The Girl from the Fiction Department (Spurling), ref1

  Giroux, Robert, ref1

  Gissing, George, ref1, ref2

  Giuliani, Rudy, ref1

  Glass, Philip, ref1

  Gleick, James, ref1

  Glover, Dennis, ref1

  Godard, Jean-Luc, ref1

  The God That Failed (ed. Crossman), ref1, ref2, ref3

  Gogol, Nikolai, ref1

  Goldblum, Jeff, ref1

  Goldring, Douglas, ref1

  Golf in the Year 2000, or, What We Are Coming To (McCullough), ref1

  Gollancz, Victor, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  The Betrayal of the Left anthology, ref1

  GO’s early works, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Left Book Club, ref1, ref2

  post-war reporting, ref1, ref2

  Goodman, David, ref1

  Good Morning, Mr. Orwell show, ref1, ref2

  Google, ref1

  Gopnik, Adam, ref1

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, ref1

  Gorer, Geoffrey, ref1

  Gorky, Maxim, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Graham, David, ref1

  Grass, Günter, ref1

  Great Depression, ref1

  The Great Dictator (Chaplin), ref1, ref2

  Greatorex, William, ref1

  Great Railroad Strike of 1877, ref1

  Greene, Graham, ref1, ref2

  Greengrass, Paul, ref1

  Griggs, Sutton E., ref1

  The Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn), ref1

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Haggard, H. Rider, ref1

  Hail to the Thief (Radiohead), ref1

  Halas, John, ref1

  Halfway to 1984 (Jebb), ref1

  Hamilton, Mark, ref1

  Hamilton, Patrick, ref1

  Hamilton, Suzanna, ref1, ref2

  The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  “A Hanging” (Orwell), ref1

  “The Hanging Stranger” (Dick), ref1

  Hanighen, Frank, ref1

  Harben, William, ref1

  Harbou, Thea von, ref1

  Harcourt, Brace publishers, ref1

  Harding, Luke, ref1

  Harris, Josh, ref1

  Hartley, L. P., ref1

  Haseler, Stephen, ref1, ref2

  Havel, Václav, ref1

  Hawkins, Desmond, ref1

  Hayden, Steve, ref1

  Hayek, Friedrich, ref1, ref2

  Haymarket massacre, ref1

  Heath, Edward, ref1

  Heinlein, Robert A., ref1

  Heller, Mikhail, ref1

  Hemingway, Ernest, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Henson, Francis A., ref1, ref2

  Heppenstall, Rayner, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Herland (Gilman), ref1

  Hertzka, Theodor, ref1

  “Hey Big Brother” (Rare Earth), ref1

  “H.G. Wells” (Zamyatin), ref1

  The Hidden Persuaders (Packard), ref1

  That Hideous Strength (C. S. Lewis), ref1

  High Sierra, ref1

  Hill, Christopher, ref1

  Hillegas, Mark, ref1

  Hilton, James, ref1

  Hiss, Alger, ref1

  The History of Mr. Polly (Wells), ref1

  Hitchens, Christopher, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Hitler, Adolf, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

  Chaplin’s portrayal, ref1

  post-war representations, ref1, ref2

  Wells’s description, ref1

  Ho Chi Minh, ref1

  Hofstadter, Richard, ref1

  Holbrook, David, ref1

  Holden, Inez, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  on GO’s future fame, ref1

  journalism, ref1

  literary circle, ref1, ref2, ref3

  World War II, ref1, ref2

  Hollenbeck, Don, ref1

  Hollingsworth, Roy, ref1

  Hollis, Christopher, ref1

  Holtby, Winifred, ref1

  Holzer, Jenny, ref1

  Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Home Guard, ref1, ref2, ref3

  homophobia, ref1

  Homo Sovieticus, ref1, ref2

  Hook, Sidney, ref1

  Hoover, J. Edgar, ref1, ref2

  Howard, Ebenezer, ref1

  Howells, William Dean, ref1, ref2

  “How the Poor Die” (Orwell), ref1

  Huber, Peter, ref1, ref2

  Hudson, W. H., ref1

  Huffman, Steve, ref1

  The Human Drift (Gillette), ref1

  The Hunger Games (Collins), ref1

  Hurt, John, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Huxley, Aldous, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  biographies, ref1

  Brave New World, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  science and technology, ref1

  Huxley, Julian, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, ref1, ref2

  I, James Blunt (Morton), ref1

  Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI), ref1, ref2

  Icke, Robert, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Idiocracy (Judge), ref1

  imperialism, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
/>   Imperium in Imperio (Griggs), ref1

  In Darkest Germany (Gollancz), ref1, ref2

  In the Days of the Comet (Wells), ref1

  Independent Labour Party (ILP), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Indian Imperial Police, Burma, ref1

  Information Research Department (IRD), ref1, ref2

  InfoWars, ref1

  “In Front of Your Nose” (Orwell), ref1

  Ingrassia, Tony, ref1

  “Inside the Whale” (Orwell), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  International Rescue Committee (IRC), ref1

  International Times magazine, ref1

  the internet, ref1

  Internet Research Agency, ref1

  In the Second Year (Storm Jameson), ref1

  The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic (Cantril), ref1

  The Invisible Man (Wells), ref1

  Iraq invasion and occupation, ref1

  Irish Republican Army (IRA), ref1

  The Iron Heel (London), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Isherwood, Christopher, ref1

  Ishiguro, Kazuo, ref1

  Island (Huxley), ref1

  The Islanders (Zamyatin), ref1

  The Island of Dr. Moreau (Wells), ref1

  It Can’t Happen Here (S. Lewis), ref1, ref2, ref3

  It Must Not Happen Here (Chalfont), ref1

  Ivanov-Razumnik, Razumnik, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Jacob, Alaric, ref1

  the Jam, ref1

  James, Henry, ref1

  James, M. R., ref1

  James, P. D., ref1

  Janis, Irving, ref1

  Jebb, Gladwyn, Lord Gladwyn ref1

  Jefferies, Richard, ref1

  Jerome, Jerome K., ref1, ref2

  Jobs, Steve, ref1, ref2, ref3

  John Birch Society, ref1

  Johnson, Paul, ref1, ref2

  Jones, Paul, ref1

  A Journey in Other Worlds: A Romance of the Future (Astor), ref1

  The Joy of Sex (Comfort), ref1

  Judge, Mike, ref1

  Judge Dredd, ref1, ref2

  Jura (Scottish Hebrides), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Kael, Pauline, ref1

  Karp, David, ref1

  Keep the Aspidistra Flying (Orwell), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Keun, Odette, ref1

  Keynes, John Maynard, ref1

  Khrushchev, Nikita, ref1

  Kimche, Jon, ref1, ref2

  Kinnock, Neil, ref1

  Kipling, Rudyard, ref1

  Kipps (Wells), ref1

  Kneale, Nigel, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Koch, Howard, ref1

  Koestler, Arthur, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

  anti-communism, ref1, ref2

  communism, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Darkness at Noon, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  GO’s essay on, ref1

  Kohout, Pavel, ref1

  Koolhaas, Rem, ref1

  Kopp, Georges, ref1, ref2

  Korda, Alexander, ref1

  Kristol, Irving, ref1

  Kropotkin, Peter, ref1

  Kubrick, Stanley, ref1

  Kundera, Milan, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Labedz, Leopold, ref1

  Labor, Earle, ref1

  “The Labour Government After Three Years” (Orwell), ref1

  Labour Party (Britain), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24

  1945 electoral victory, ref1

  “The Land Ironclads” (Wells), ref1

  The Land of the Changing Sun (Harben), ref1

  Lang, Fritz, ref1, ref2

  language. See dystopian terminology

  Largo Caballero, Francisco, ref1, ref2

  Laski, Harold, ref1, ref2, ref3

  The Last Man in Europe. See Nineteen Eighty-Four

  “The Late Mr. Wells” (Wells), ref1

  Lawrence, D. H., ref1

  The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (A. Moore), ref1

  League of Nations, ref1

  “Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool” (Orwell), ref1

  The Lego Movie, ref1

  le Gros Clark, Frederick, ref1

  Le Guin, Ursula K., ref1

  Lenin, Vladimir, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  “Lenin’s Heir” (Burnham), ref1

  Lennon, John, ref1, ref2

  Lennox, Annie, ref1

  Levada, Yuri, ref1

  Lewis, C. S., ref1

  Lewis, Sinclair, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Ley, Robert, ref1

  lies. See propaganda and lies

  Life magazine, ref1, ref2, ref3

  “Life on Mars?” (Bowie), ref1

  The Lights Go Down (Mann), ref1

  Limouzin, Nellie, ref1

  Lindbergh, Charles, ref1

  The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius (Orwell), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  “Literature and Totalitarianism” (Orwell), ref1

  Lloyd, David, ref1, ref2

  Lloyd, Henry Demarest, ref1

  London, Jack, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  “London Letter” (Orwell), ref1, ref2, ref3

  London’s Burning: A Novel for the Decline and Fall of the Liberal Age (Wootton), ref1

  “Looking Back on the Spanish War” (Orwell), ref1, ref2

  Looking Backward: 2000 (Bellamy), ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Looking Further Backward (Vinton), ref1

  Love Among the Ruins: A Romance of the Near Future (Waugh), ref1

  The Lower Depths (Gorky), ref1, ref2

  Lucas, Audrey, ref1

  Lucas, George, ref1, ref2

  Lucas, Scott, ref1

  Luce, Henry, ref1

  Lynch, David, ref1

  Lyons, Eugene, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Lysenko, Trofim, ref1

  Macbeth (Shakespeare), ref1

  MacCormack, Geoff, ref1

  Macdonald, Dwight, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom (Burnham), ref1

  “The Machine Stops” (Forster), ref1

  Macintosh computers, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Macmillan, Duncan, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Mahogany (Pilnyak), ref1

  Mair, John, ref1

  Mairet, Philip, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Major, Anya, ref1

  Major, John, ref1

  Malraux, André, ref1, ref2

  The Managerial Revolution: What Is Happening in the World (Burnham), ref1

  The Manchester Guardian, ref1, ref2

  Manic Street Preachers, ref1

  Mann, Erika, ref1

  Mann, Golo, ref1, ref2

  Mann, Thomas, ref1

  Mannin, Ethel, ref1

  The Man Who Was Thursday (Chesterton), ref1

  Mao Zedong, ref1, ref2

  Marshall Plan, ref1

  Martin, Kingsley, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Martin, Steve, ref1

  Marvell, Andrew, ref1

  Marx, Karl, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  The Matrix, ref1

  Maugham, Robin, ref1, ref2

  Maugham, Somerset, ref1

  May Days, ref1

  Mayer, Julius Robert von, ref1

  McCarthy, Joseph, ref1, ref2, ref3

  McCarthy, Mary, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  McCarthyism, ref1

  McCullough, J., ref1

  McGahey, Mick, ref1

  McGoohan, Patrick, ref1, ref2

  McNair, John, ref1, ref2

  McTeigue, James, ref1

  media, ref1, ref2, ref3

  See also BBC; propaganda and lies

  Mein Kampf (Hitler), ref1, ref2

  Mencken, H. L., ref1

  Men Like Gods (Wells), ref1, ref2

  Mercader, Ramón, ref1

  Mercier, Louis-Sebastién, ref1

  The Mercury Theatre on the Air, ref1
  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, ref1

  The Messengers documentary, ref1

  Metropolis (Lang), ref1, ref2

  Meyer, Michael, ref1

  Mill, John Stuart, ref1

  Miller, Henry, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

  Miller, Joaquin, ref1

  Miłosz, Czesław, ref1

  Milton, Harry, ref1

  Mind at the End of Its Tether (Wells), ref1

  Minimum Man: or, Time to Be Gone (Marvell), ref1

  Ministry of Information, ref1, ref2, ref3

  The Mirror of the Past, Lest It Reflect the Future (Zilliacus), ref1

  Mission to Moscow film, ref1

  A Modern Utopia (Wells), ref1, ref2

  Moore, Alan, ref1, ref2

  Moore, Leonard, ref1, ref2

  Moore, Michael, ref1

  More, Thomas, ref1, ref2

  Morgan, Arthur, E., ref1

  Morgan, Ted, ref1

  Morland, Andrew, ref1

  Morozov, Pavlik, ref1

  Morris, William, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Morton, A. L., ref1

  Morton, H. V., ref1

  Mosley, Oswald, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  Moss, Elisabeth, ref1,

  Moss, Robert, ref1, ref2

  Mr. Sammler’s Planet (Bellow), ref1

  Muggeridge, Malcolm, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

  on the BBC adaptation of Nineteen Eighty-Four, ref1

  on GO’s illness and death, ref1

  MI6 work, ref1

  political views, ref1, ref2, ref3

  on Rand’s works, ref1

  writings, ref1, ref2

  Muldowney, Dominic, ref1

  Münzenberg, Willi, ref1, ref2

  Murakami, Haruki, ref1

  Mussolini, Benito, ref1, ref2

  “My Auto-Obituary” (Wells), ref1

  “My Country Right or Left” (Orwell), ref1

  Myers, H. L., ref1

  My Life and Work (H. Ford), ref1

  “The Mysticism of Cruelty” (Deutscher), ref1

  The Napoleon of Notting Hill (Chesterton), ref1

  National Association for Freedom (NAFF), ref1

  National Confederation of Labour (CNT), ref1, ref2

  National Front, ref1

  nationalism, ref1

  Nationalist Clubs, ref1, ref2, ref3

  National Review, ref1

  National Security Agency, ref1, ref2

  National Union of Mineworkers, ref1

  Native Son (Wright), ref1

  Nazism, ref1, ref2

  literary and film portrayals, ref1

  propaganda and lies, ref1

  racism and antisemitism, ref1, ref2

  See also fascism; World War II

  Nekrich, Aleksandr, ref1

  Nelson’s Column, ref1

  neoconservatism, ref1

  Never Come Back (Mair), ref1

  Never Let Me Go (Ishiguro), ref1

  New Amazonia: A Foretaste of the Future (Corbett), ref1

  New Maps of Hell (Amis), ref1

  News from Nowhere (Morris), ref1, ref2


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