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Passion, Vows & Babies: Born in the Storm (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Storm Series Book 4)

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by M. Stratton

  “It's happening today,” Jackson said. “There's no more waiting. He's going to be coming home with us, his parents.”

  “But what if?”

  “Stop. You can do all the what ifs in the world, but you have to relax and enjoy this, Kat. Don’t be borrowing trouble. Don’t think about things that could go wrong. Simply be in the moment of meeting your son—being able to hold him and bring him to the special room we created for him. Just think of that.”

  Kat looked over at the man she married, the one who pulled her out of the darkness and made her believe in happily ever after. She sighed. “I know you’re right, but I can’t stop myself.”

  “You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t worrying about everything. But you of all people know that worry doesn’t change anything. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.”

  “I can do this. I can do this. I can do this,” Kat chanted softly. “I know this is going to happen.” She pressed her hand to her stomach and rubbed the scars that ran deep across it—the reason she couldn’t have children. She prayed this chance of having a child would go according to plan, and not be ripped away from her.

  “I can’t believe you haven’t told Lexi or Evie about this.”

  Kat shook her head. “If for some reason everything fell through, I couldn’t deal with their sympathy on top of my own devastation. I would need to wait until it wasn’t so fresh.”

  “I can understand that.” Jackson reached over and pulled her hand away from her stomach, and laced his fingers through hers. “But you know they would be there for you no matter what.”

  “I know, but then Lexi’s been going through the complications with her pregnancy. She’s not here right now, and you know she’ll just worry. She needs to concentrate on herself and the baby.”

  “Don’t you think this could bring her some joy?”

  “Oh, I know that this is going to bring her tremendous joy. Once everything is done. Once we can let everyone know he’s officially ours. We already have a trip planned to see Lexi and Noah. I’m hoping they’ll be able to meet their nephew.”

  “I think they would love that.”

  Jackson pulled into a parking space and turned the ignition off. They both sat there looking out the window for a minute before he broke the silence. “Let’s do this.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Kat whispered. “I’m so scared.” She couldn’t catch her breath. “I’m so frightened I’m going to be a terrible mother. I’m going to do something wrong. I’m going to hurt him, or not be able to protect him. That somehow I’m not going to be able to give him everything he needs to succeed in life.”

  “Come here.” Jackson pulled her into his arms and squeezed. “You, my dear, are going to be an excellent mom. Are you going to make mistakes? Of course. He’s going to end up hurt—especially considering I’m his father, if he picks up on my clumsiness. But don’t you understand, Kat? You’re going to give him everything he needs in order to succeed because you are going to love him. That’s all it takes. Love can conquer all.” He framed her face with his hands and forced her to look at him. “We know this. Love. Conquers. All. Look at everything you’ve accomplished since you were attacked and left for dead. You can do this. You are going to be the best mom for that little boy.”

  Tears rolled down Kat’s face. “I love you so much, Jackson. I have so much love to give and I can’t wait to give it to my child.”

  “All right then, let’s do this.” Jackson turned from her and opened his car door.

  In the brief moment she was alone in the car, Kat couldn’t contain the smile that burst from her. She was going to be a mom.

  Jackson opened her door and held out his hand to her. “Let’s get our son and bring him home.”

  Placing her hand in his, she got out of the car and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Five

  “See? I knew you’d be an excellent mother,” Jackson said.

  Kat smiled and cuddled their son Troy to her shoulder. Having him in her arms, his weight heavy on her and his little hand clutching her finger tightly, made everything perfect. As his deep breaths relaxed her, she felt content knowing she was doing what was right. Her son was safe and protected.

  “I still feel like I’m messing something up,” she whispered.

  “You’re not. I mean look at us—we just took our new son on an uneventful plane ride from Boston to Rock Springs. We’ve got this.”

  “It certainly helps we’ve had experience with Lexi and Noah’s girls.”

  “Considering they are both little hellions like their father, it hasn’t been easy, but yeah, a great learning experience.”

  Kat gently slapped him on the arm. “Stop. Those girls are little angels and have you wrapped around their little fingers. Noah isn’t here to give a hard time to, so save it until we’re at their house.”

  Jackson grinned. “I’m just practicing.”

  “Trust me; you don’t need the practice.”

  “Well, you know what the coaches always said: ‘Taylor, if you want to play professional ball, you’ve got to practice all the time.’ And so I did, and was able to play for the Pittsburg Steelers.”

  Kat rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you practice getting our luggage so we can get on the road.”

  Once they were settled in their rental car and on the road to the house Lexi and Noah were renting, Kat relaxed, knowing Troy would continue to nap.

  “I don’t know how Lexi does it.” Kat shook her head and watched the houses go by. “She’s been through a lot and it seemed like she was finally getting everything she could ever dream of. I can’t imagine the worry she must constantly be under.”

  “I know.” Jackson reached over and grabbed her hand. “But you know she’s a fighter, just like you. Neither one of you would have gotten this far if you weren’t. Everything’s going to be okay. It’s just a little bump in the road. They’re down to four weeks to reach the minimum the doctor thinks she needs to stay pregnant. She’s going to make it.”

  “I know. I’ve been praying as I’ve never prayed before.” Kat turned in her seat to check on her son. “They’re going to be so surprised.”

  “You’re assuming nobody spilled the beans already.”

  Kat shook her head. “I don’t think so. Evie and Anthony were surprised when they came back, which means the Trio didn’t say anything to them, and we all know how hard it is for them to keep a secret.”

  “True. If they haven’t been told, I think this is going to be the pick-me-up they need.”

  “I can’t believe we are finally parents.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to teach him football.”

  “As you’ve said a half a dozen times a day since we found out we were getting a child.”

  “Hey, they’re never too young to learn the beauty that is football.”

  Kat rolled her eyes. “If it’s so beautiful, then why you do swear so much when you’re watching it on television?”

  “Because they don’t listen to me when I’m yelling at them which plays to run.”

  “I still say you should go into coaching; you love the game so much.”

  “Yes, football is my passion, but I’d rather spend my time with you, and now Troy. Family is everything. I’d have to spend too much time away from the two of you.”

  “Selfishly, I have to say that you wanting to spend so much time with us means everything to me.”

  “Here we are,” Jackson said as he pulled into the driveway.

  Immediately, she got out of the car and opened the back door to get her son out. Watching his little arms and legs kick in excitement when he saw her melted her heart. Cuddling him to her chest, she turned around when she heard the door open.

  “What do we have here?” Noah asked and held his hands out for the baby. “Who is this handsome young man?”

  Jackson came around the end of the car and put a blanket over the baby in
Noah’s arms. “Meet Troy Taylor, the newest addition to our family.”

  “Really?” The grin that spread across Noah’s face was pure joy. “You guys are really parents? That is perfect. I’m so happy for you—I know you’ve wanted to adopt for a while, and now you have your son.” He turned from them and walked up the stairs, and opened the door to the house.

  “Aren’t you going to help with our luggage?” Jackson called after him.

  “I am,” Noah said. “I have the most precious piece of luggage you own right here in my arms.” Stepping through the door, he yelled into the house, “Hey, Lexi, you won’t believe what Jackson brought us.”

  Kat quickly walked into the house and followed Noah, leaving Jackson outside grumbling about not getting any help to bring all the luggage inside. Standing at the doorway to the bedroom, she saw Lexi propped up by some pillows and Troy in her arms.

  Lexi looked up at Kat with tears rolling down her face. “I’m so utterly happy for you. I know how much this means to you, and I can’t put into words everything I know you are feeling.”

  Kat had to take a deep breath before she could speak. “You know.” She walked over and sat down on the bed next to Lexi, and put her hand on the small of her son’s back. “He’s really ours. I didn’t want to say anything until the papers were signed and he was in my arms. I didn’t want to hope and dream, only for it not to happen. But once it finally did, and he was here, in my arms looking up at me, everything fell into place.”

  “Tell me everything,” Lexi said.

  “He’s four months old, and his mother was a teenager. She knew she couldn’t give him the life he deserved, so she put him up for adoption. They found out pretty quickly he didn’t have much hearing, and because of that, there weren’t many couples who even showed interest in him. But Lexi, when I first laid eyes on him, I knew he was ours, as surely as if he had been conceived by us. This little boy right here deserves everything. He deserves all the love in the world, and that’s exactly what we’re giving to him.”

  “Looks like we’re all going to have to learn sign language,” Lexi said.

  “Jackson and I have already started. He’s super smart, and I think he’s already picking the signs up.”

  “Of course he’s smart,” Lexi said. “He’s got you as a mother.”

  “Why not like me as his father?” Jackson asked as he leaned up against the doorjamb.

  Lexi raised one eyebrow as she looked at him. “You forget, I’ve known you most of my life.”

  “Oh, burn.” Noah slapped Jackson on the back. “Good to have you here. We’ve missed you.”

  “You’ve missed giving me a hard time.”

  “Always, my man. Always.”

  Chapter Six

  Lexi and Noah lay in bed together, cuddled up watching a lightning storm out the window in the late evening.

  “I can’t believe Kat and Jackson are actually parents.” Lexi sighed. “I know this is a dream come true for her, and that little boy is very lucky because they are going to love him to pieces.”

  Noah stretched and put his hands behind his head. “I must say, it sure was fun giving Jackson a hard time.”

  “Please,” Lexi said. “You live for that.”

  “True. I’m pretty sure that little boy steals everyone’s heart as soon as they meet him. Did you see that smile?”

  “He certainly melted my heart with it. Such a happy baby.” Lexi rubbed her belly. “I wonder what our son is going to look like. You know these boys are going to be pretty close in age. I think it’s so great they’ll end up growing up together.”

  “Do you want to have the conversation now about how much trouble they are going to get into together, or save that for later?”

  Lexi elbowed him and enjoyed his grunt of pain. “Our children are not going to get into trouble.”

  “Really? Because I can pretty much tell you I was not an angel, and you know right well neither was Jackson. I can guarantee they are going to be causing more trouble the older they get.”

  “I’m ignoring you,” Lexi said.

  They fell into silence as the storm escalated. Flashes of light and thunder filled the room. She could feel her son jump when a deafening boom cracked.

  “You’re doing great—everything is progressing as it should. You’re getting plenty of rest and you’re not straining yourself. No additional stress, so there is no reason to worry about the appointment tomorrow.”

  Lexi sighed. “How do you always know what I’m thinking?”

  “Love, pure and simple.”

  “Or the fact I’m predictable.” Carefully Lexi propped herself up on one elbow to look at Noah.

  Noah winked. “That might have a bit to do with it.”

  “I can’t stop worrying.”

  “I know.” Noah ran his hand over her shoulder and down her back. “And I wish you would let me do all the worrying and you relax and enjoy this time before our son arrives. Because as you know, once he’s here you’ll be getting no rest.”

  “If he’s as demanding as you are, then yes, there’ll be no rest for me.”

  “Hey, I’m not demanding.” Frowning, Noah shook his head.

  Lexi raised an eyebrow at him. “Please—who was the rock star?”

  “Still am, babe. Still am.”

  Lexi rolled over on her side and curled around him. “My rock star.”

  “Always.” He kissed the top of her head. “I want you to have the sweetest dreams.” Softly, he began to sing her favorite melodies to fall asleep to.

  Chapter Seven

  Evie and Anthony walked through the door of their house and she threw her bag on the table, grumbling under her breath.

  “I know you’re frustrated—”

  “Damn straight I am.” Evie’s fists clenched and her body was tense.

  “We have a few things to finish here, and then we can go back and check on Lexi. They’re almost at thirty-six weeks, so she’s doing great. You can relax—they’ve come further than the doctor thought they would, which is a good thing. Now, why don’t we have a seat and I’ll see if I can take your mind off your problems and relax you.”

  Evie narrowed her eyes at him. “I don’t want to relax. I want to revel in my frustration. Besides, you should know you can’t tell me what to do.”

  Grinning, Anthony loved how she was playing into his hand. “I seemed to recall you taking issue with my bossiness.” He sat down on the couch. His hand attempted to pull Evie with him.

  She pulled back, placing her hands on her hips, her height forcing him to wrench his neck and look up at her from his vantage point. God, she was beautiful—and luckily all his. Any other man she would have eaten alive with her moxie.

  “Did I say that?” She pouted, tapping her foot which he nudged with his shoe. Evie glared back, not giving him any quarter. Yes, why would she make this any easier for him at all?

  “I distinctly remember you saying ‘bossy.’ Maybe even something about a stick up my bum, but why quibble over details?” Shrugging, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back into the couch. His face was a contradiction of emotions, his right eyebrow quirked up, challenging her to say more. Evie sensed he was about to get his way, again, and didn’t bother to censor her opinion on the fact.

  She rolled her eyes. “Right. Bossy is as bossy does,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Anthony leaned forward, his hands clenching her legs just behind her knees, propelling Evie in an unsteady step. She resisted for all of two seconds.

  “I am the boss, aren’t I?” Looking up under his dark lashes, he rubbed his thumbs behind her knees, weakening her resolve and forcing her legs to shuffle another step closer. His hands traveled upward underneath her skirt.

  Evie slapped his hands away when she felt his fingers hook into her lace panties, tugging them.

  “I’m the boss?” It wasn’t a question so much as asking for permission when he pulled the offending fabric down her miles of long legs.

/>   “You’re the boss.” She bit her bottom lip when Anthony nudged her legs to step out of the underwear now tangled in his fingers.

  “I’m the boss,” he said again, this time pulling her down to straddle his lap.

  Mouth parched with desire, Evie only nodded as he slipped one hand into her loose hair. His other hand rose up, holding her panties, bringing them close to his face so he could smell her scent.

  “God, I love everything about you,” he said, pocketing the silk and lace in his suit pocket. His hands pulled her close, letting her pussy rub bare and wet over the ridge in his pants.

  “Anthony,” Evie whispered, her eyes slit open and a moan coming low from her chest.

  “I can feel you soaking my pants, darling.” He rolled his hips up from his seat on the couch, grinding into her.

  “So take them off.” Her nails dug into his shoulders and Anthony merely shrugged, smiling a wicked, dark smile.

  “Uh-uh, I make the rules,” he said, shifting her quickly over his lap before she could protest.


  Anthony interrupted her, setting her flat across his lap where he had the best access to all of her. “Quiet, Evie.”

  He reassured her by petting her back. When he reached the hem of her dress he lifted it, exposing her backside. Plump buttocks filled his palms, despite her lean physique.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he said, rhythmically rubbing his palm over her back and forth. He snaked a finger between her thighs, feeling for the telltale sign that she wanted him too. Sure enough, his fingers came away sticky sweet from her arousal. “I have a feeling I’m not the only one, huh?” he teased.

  Evie squirmed over his lap and Anthony pushed the back of her dress up high, exposing her to her lower back. A soft slap stung her right cheek.

  “Anthony!” She tried to look over her shoulder but his arm blocked her and forced her back down.


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