Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale) Page 3

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  They both laughed when the young man, who was looking back at them over his shoulder stumbled on the cobbles before regaining his footing and walking around the corner and out of sight.

  Seth took her lacy knickers and slipped them in to his jeans pocket and he took her hand and said, ‘I like this being-in-command shtick.’

  Amber kissed the side of his mouth and said, ‘I’m surprised at how quickly you’ve gotten in to the role.’ Seth’s right hand rested on her buttocks and he said, ‘I think we need to find you something drop-dead sexy to wear tonight.’

  ‘It’s your birthday, whatever you say.’


  They stopped for a late lunch at a cafe outside of the city’s museum and Seth lit two cigarettes and handed one to Amber. She inhaled and said, ‘I love my dress, and the shoes are stunning but weren’t they just a little bit too much, I know we’re doing okay but I still get guilty when I spend money like that.’

  Seth drank his coffee in silence and looked at Amber. ‘I have something for you Amber but first you have to do something for me.’

  Amber exhaled smoke and cocked her head to one side.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘After you do what I tell you.’

  ‘Okay, you’re the boss.’

  ‘Remove your bra right this second.’

  Amber looked around at the packed forecourt where other patrons of the cafe restaurant sat at tables smoking and drinking, the place was packed and she looked at Seth and said, ‘I can’t.’

  ‘Do I need to remind you that you said the immortal words?’

  Amber stubbed her cigarette out in the glass ashtray and said, ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this, if I get arrested.’

  ‘I’ll bail you out.’

  Before she could over think about where she was or what she was doing she reached behind her and found the bra’s clasp beneath the dress, she felt it pop loose and then she slipped first one strap and then the other down her shoulders, she quickly had the left side free and she felt the bra slide loose from her left breast. Amber quickly tugged the right strap down her arm and managed to slip it off over her fingers; now the bra was loose beneath the dress and as she slipped her hands up beneath her dress she saw an elderly couple looking straight at her and she went red in the face as she finally pulled the bra free, she put it down on the table in front of Seth who smiled and said, ‘I love you.’

  Amber reached for his cigarettes and lit another one. Her hand was shaking as she held the cigarette to her lips and inhaled deeply.

  A waitress came over to them and looked at the silky balconette bra and then at Amber and then smiled as she looked quite openly at Amber’s cleavage and said, ‘Honey you don’t need that bra anyways.’

  Seth laughed as Amber’s face went redder than her hair. The waitress asked if they needed anything else and Seth ordered them both another cappuccino. The waitress winked at Amber and then left them. Amber saw that the old couple were gathering their things and leaving.

  ‘It better be something good baby.’

  Seth reached between his legs and lifted a small bag on to the table; the name of a local jeweller was embossed on the card bag.

  ‘When did you get this?’

  ‘When you were in the clothing shop.’

  ‘You said you needed the toilet.’

  ‘I lied.’ Seth took the half finished cigarette from Amber and slid the bag across the table to Amber. ‘I hope you like it.’

  Amber straightened her dress and smiled as Seth’s eyes alighted on her plunging cleavage; the waitress had been right, she didn’t really need to wear a bra; as if thinking the same thing Seth said, ‘I agree with the waitress, your breasts are perfect.’

  Amber laughed, ‘I don’t think she said that exactly.’

  ‘It’s what she meant though, you’re beautiful baby and every day I am so grateful to have you in my life.’

  Amber smiled at her husband, ‘I love you too; you’re the best man I know.’

  ‘Open your gift.’

  ‘It’s not even my birthday.’

  Seth shrugged and watched as Amber removed the velvet box and then flipped the hinged lid open; he watched as her mouth opened in shock and then tears began to run down her face and she looked up at Seth and sniffed back the tears and said, ‘I...I mean, how, this is, how is this possible?’

  Amber’s finger tips glided over the contents of the box and her eyes were sparkling with tears, she wiped her cheeks with the backs of her hands and she once again looked at Seth.


  The box contained a diamond and ruby choker with a set of three pendulous strands of further smaller diamonds and rubies at the front; they had first seen the necklace nearly a decade before when they had been shopping for engagement rings, back then something this expensive was only a far off pipe dream but Amber had tried it on just for the sensation of it and Seth still remembered how it had looked on her, the three strands running down her chest; the central strand laying deep within her cleavage. When she had taken it off and handed it back to the jeweller Seth had said, ‘I will buy that for you one of these days.’ But she’d never for a million years thought that they’d ever be able to afford something that cost as much as some houses.

  Amber was silent as she looked at the necklace and she didn’t even feel the tears dripping from her cheeks.

  ‘How is this possible baby, we can’t afford this, how?’

  Seth started to answer but their waitress returned just then and placed the two cappuccino’s down on the table. The waitress saw the necklace and gasped and then blushed before putting a hand to her mouth and saying, ‘I’m sorry, but that is the most beautiful necklace that I think I’ve ever seen.’

  ‘Isn’t it though,’ Seth said.

  Amber looked up at the young dark haired waitress and sniffed and said, ‘I can’t believe it.’

  The waitress left them alone and Seth said, ‘I’ve been in touch with the jeweller every year, making sure it hadn’t been sold, the jeweller had begun to regret stocking it, but when I went in to his shop this morning he knew exactly why I was there, I got a good price.’

  ‘It’s not possible, how?’

  Seth moved his chair around the table and pulled Amber’s chair around to face him, their knees touching, his eyes spied her dress up high on her thighs and he saw the beginnings of her pubic area. Amber stroked his hands and said ‘I need to know how this is possible; my heart’s beating like a drum.’

  Seth put a hand to her breasts; he could feel the hardness of her nipples beneath the dress and the heavy thudding of her heart.

  ‘I got the call this morning from Terence.’ Terence was his agent. Amber nodded distractedly, she closed the box and clasped it in her hands; Seth could see her hands shaking and he also saw gooseflesh on her bare arms and thighs.

  ‘The rights to “Second Chance” have just been sold in Australia, America and Canada, for more money than I could have ever hoped.’

  Amber wiped at her face with her free hand and in a soft whisper said, ‘How much?’

  Seth smiled, ‘Between the three territories just over a million and a half.’

  A noise like nothing either of them had ever heard before escaped from Amber’s throat and she barked out a laugh and clasped a hand to her mouth. Seth laughed. ‘That’s not all.’

  ‘Tell me,’ Amber spat out with excitement.

  ‘My UK publisher has just offered a three book deal worth another quarter of a million.’

  ‘Holy fuck,’ Amber said, her whole body beginning to tremble.

  ‘Per book,’ Seth added, laughter spewing forth, he’d struggled all day with the news and now it was finally out and Amber’s exuberance was catching and Amber sprang on to his lap, the box clasped tightly in one hand as she covered his mouth in kisses. She was crying so hard that most of the patrons had turned to the commotion in the corner. Several were shaking their heads in annoyance but the vastly young crowd of other diners were
smiling as Amber kept kissing Seth.

  ‘I knew you’d make it baby, I knew it, I knew it, I knew, what did I always tell you.’ She was hiccupping now and it took Seth several minutes to calm her enough to get her to sit back down in her seat. He told her in a conspiratorial voice that her ass was exposed and she laughed as she tugged the dress down beneath her buttocks. She straightened her dress and said, ‘I can’t wait until tonight, the guys are going to be so proud of you.’ Amber picked up the cigarette pack in trembling hands but Seth had to light them; her hands were still shaking too much.


  Four hours later, weighed down with bags they headed back to the car. It had been a great day for both of them. After the cafe they had visited a bookstore where Amber had picked up several veterinary textbooks that she had ordered and Seth had purchased a couple of crime novels, in another store they had bought perfume for her and aftershave for him and bought a few other toiletry items. They visited a nationwide lingerie store where Amber purchased several sets as well as a large pink vibrator and numerous packs of stockings; unlike other men in the store with their respective partners Seth wasn’t embarrassed in the slightest. Seth was the hardest person to embarrass and Amber had tried several times over the years but it had never worked, in the shop she had waved a large vibrating cock under his nose hoping to illicit a red face but he had laughed and told her in a loud enough voice for others to hear that it wasn’t big enough for what they had in mind and he had laughed when Amber’s cheeks blossomed red.

  Back at the car now and Seth opened the boot to stow their purchases, the jeweller’s bag Amber kept hold of. ‘I’m not letting this out of my sight; I still can’t believe that after all these years you were able to buy it.

  ‘I’m glad you like it.’

  ‘Like it? I fucking love it,’ she replied. A car pulled away from near them, leaving their car alone in the corner of the third floor of the multi-story.

  Seth took the jewellers bag from Amber and put it in the boot and closed the trunk on the bags. Amber pouted. ‘I want it with me.’

  Seth pulled her in to his arms. ‘You can have it back in a while; right now I’m going to fuck you.’

  Amber cast a look around the car-park and saw that there were only a half dozen cars left, all of them parked near the stairwell.

  ‘Here and what if we’re caught?’

  Seth shrugged and pointed out to Amber the security cameras on several columns; one was aimed in their direction but was situated at the far end of the car-park, about a hundred feet away.

  ‘I’m not worried if you aren’t.’

  Amber turned her face to the stairwell as a family of four came in to the garage and headed away from them towards the grouping of parked cars.

  She turned back to Seth and said, ‘I’m game if you are.’

  He kissed her and she opened her mouth letting his tongue in. Her hands ran up his chest as he ran his hands down her back and pulled her dress up exposing her naked ass, he caressed her buttocks as she sucked on his tongue. Seth’s hands gripped her ass and she moved her hands down to his jeans and quickly fumbled the buttons open, she reached inside his boxers and slid her fingers around his already hard cock. She pulled his foreskin back and ran the pad of her thumb over the end of his cock and Seth moaned in to her mouth. He pushed her back against the rear of the car and she lowered herself backwards on to the warm metal of the boot. Seth grabbed her dress and pushed it up her body until she had to lift her arms and in one move he pulled it off of her so that she was totally naked in just the high heels.

  ‘I can’t believe we’re doing this,’ she said as she lay back and spread her legs, allowing Seth to move closer.

  His hands moved to her full breasts and he massaged them in his hands, his fingers trapping her nipples, and he lowered his face to her right breast and sucked the nipple in to his mouth; his tongue swirled over the ridged areola and Amber put her hands beneath her head and looked around the car-park; she saw the family of four’s car exit and then the parking level was empty once more but for how long she had no way of knowing; here she was butt naked in a public place, anyone could walk in on them and catch them but she found herself not concerned in the slightest, and the video camera didn’t faze her either; in fact, the idea that someone right at that moment could be watching them on a monitor in the security hut on the ground floor turned her on even more; the overt exhibitionist in her kicking in fully now.

  Amber moaned louder as Seth sucked harder on her nipple. ‘Suck them both, as hard as possible baby, you know what I like,’ she said and Seth’s mouth clamped harder on her nipple and he sucked like a baby animal at its mother’s teat and she cried out as his tugging on her sensitive nipple increased and she opened her eyes and looked down at Seth’s face as he pulled his head backwards stretching her nipple and raising her breast with the force of his sucking.

  ‘Fuck,’ she said through gritted teeth as his tweaked her other nipple with his finger and thumb; now both nipples were fully extended; stretched to the point where the pleasure was bordering on severe pain; her nipples were huge and with one final tug she cried out as her orgasm hit; he could always make her come this way and she grabbed his face in her hands and pulled him towards her and they locked lips once more; they were hungry for each other and she felt his left hand between her open legs and she could feel him push two fingers inside her wetness and she clamped his inner muscles on his fingers.

  ‘Fuck,’ she said in to his mouth; their eyes were locked on each other and she fumbled at his groin, her hands finding his cock and she told him that she couldn’t wait; that he needed to fuck her right now.

  Seth grinned as he stepped back and Amber moved up on her elbows and said, ‘I want you in me baby.’

  Seth turned her over on to her belly and pulled her backwards and said, ‘Stick your ass up in the air.’

  Amber knew what he was going to do and she obliged him as she felt his fingers wipe her juices against her puckered anus. Her breasts were crushed against the metal of the car and she managed to get up on her elbows and she looked over the Audi and froze when she saw a young couple step out of the stairway. The couple hadn’t looked their direction yet and Amber didn’t care if they did as she felt Seth’s cock push against her asshole; she relaxed her muscles as he slid slowly inside her bottom, she bit her lip as he slowly inserted all eight and a half inches of himself inside her tightness. Seth’s hands reached beneath her; his hands sliding between her breasts and the car and he squeezed her breasts as he began to slowly fuck her in the ass.

  ‘Jesus!’ she said, she knew the minute the word left her mouth that she had spoken it too loudly and she saw the young couple’s heads turn towards her. Amber’s eyes locked on to the young woman’s; who grinned at Amber with nervous shock at the sight before her. Without processing what she said she said loud enough for the couple to hear, ‘I couldn’t wait until we got home.’

  ‘Fuck it Amber,’ Seth whispered in her ear and for a second she worried that he was going to pull out of her bottom and that it would all be over so she pushed back on his cock and said through gritted teeth, ‘Just fuck me.’

  The young couple were rooted to the spot, not sure what to do, Amber could see that they were talking quietly to one another and then the young man was pulling his partner by the hand and they walked hastily to their parked car where Amber saw them climb in and she was pretty sure that she saw the young woman climb in to the back seat of the car but she lost all interest in what the young couple were up to as Seth pulled her back by her long red hair and she felt his chest press against her shoulder blades as his cock began to move faster and harder inside her ass. His free hand massaged her breasts and Amber slipped one hand between her legs rubbing at her clitoris; her other hand she snaked back behind Seth’s bum and she gripped his right buttock.

  ‘I’m gonna come soon Amber.’

  Amber knew this was his warning, giving her time to slip off of him but she felt like g
iving him an extra birthday treat so she said, ‘I want you to come in my ass baby, quick, I want it now.’

  Seth slammed himself harder inside her and his hands gripped her breasts and then he was panting in to her hair and he exploded inside her ass. She cried out herself as another orgasm rocked her and Seth continued to pummel her ass until his explosions subsided and he slipped his cock from her ass.

  ‘Fuck,’ she said as the end of his cock popped free from her asshole and she stood there; her knees feeling soft, tremors circulating through her legs.

  ‘I think we gave them an idea,’ Seth said and Amber opened her eyes and looked across the car-park at the young couple’s car which was rocking on its suspension. The vehicle’s rear window was steamed up and they could both see a pair of small hands pressed against the glass.

  Amber laughed as she struggled in to her dress.

  Seth buttoned himself up and walked Amber to the passenger door; he opened it for her and she gratefully slunk down in to the leather seat. He closed the door and returned the boot, he popped it open and removed the jewellers’ bag and closed the boot’s lid and then he climbed in to the driver’s seat.

  Seth handed her the bag and she placed it on her lap and gestured with her head at the other car; the rocking had increased and they could hear groans and squeals coming from inside the car.

  ‘I can’t believe you just did that to me, in public, you, Mister Reserved,’ Amber said; she removed a box of tissues from the glove box and wiped between her legs.

  ‘A bit messy isn’t it?’

  Amber laughed warmly, ‘A bit, I’ve got come running out of my ass.’

  Seth laughed. ‘I so love you.’


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