Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale) Page 4

by Flamank, Nathan L.


  Seth and Amber were sat on the balcony, the double doors to their bedroom open wide. Both of them were naked; they didn’t need to worry about being seen by anyone and Amber continued to dry her hair with a plush white towel; the rest of her body still dripped with water from her recent shower.

  ‘I can’t believe we did that, what if anyone we knew had seen us?’

  ‘And what would they have said? You worry too much.’

  Amber laughed as she picked up the cushion from her chair and dropped it on the decking between Seth’s legs. She sat before him and handed him her hairbrush. ‘I worry too much; I’ve never seen you like that before.’

  Seth began to brush her long red hair. ‘I guess I didn’t care what people saw.’

  They sat in silence for a spell as Seth brushed her hair repeatedly and when he was finished he let his hands roam down Amber’s front where he cupped her breasts and he kissed the top of her head.

  ‘We better get ready before I get ideas.’

  Amber got to her feet and before she could step away Seth grabbed her hips and kissed her buttocks. Amber leaned back in to Seth’s face and she felt his tongue push between the cleft of her buttocks and the tip of his tongue flickered across her bum-hole causing a shiver to flutter through her.

  ‘That’s nice.’

  Seth let her go, ‘I know, but come on let’s get ready.’ He got to his feet, ‘I can’t wait to see you in that dress, are you going to wear the necklace.’

  Amber turned to him at the double doors. ‘I want to, but I don’t want to appear flashy.’

  Seth slapped her ass as he motioned her inside.

  ‘You really think our friends think like that, after all these years?’

  ‘No, I guess not, I guess I’m just afraid to wear it, what if something happens to it?’

  ‘Nothing’s going to happen to it.’

  Amber saw that he had laid out the dress she had bought earlier and the pair of Louboutins high heels with the distinctive red underside, he’d also laid out a pair of black fishnet hold-up stockings but she didn’t see any underwear. Amber raised an eyebrow at Seth and he shrugged and said, ‘I want easy access.’


  Seth sat at the end of the bed, his right leg tucked underneath his bottom as he watched Amber apply the last touches to her make up; she finished applying the dark plum coloured lipstick and then she applied a clear coating of sealant with a thin brush from a bottle.

  ‘Why does it always take women so long?’

  Amber pursed her lips and said, ‘I had a lot more to do, all you had to do was shave, slip on a clean shirt, which I really like by the way, navy blue suits you, put on jeans and tie your shoe laces. I on the other hand had to do all of this to look like I do now.’

  ‘You look amazing no matter when it is.’

  ‘Why thank you kind sir,’ she said as she braced her hands on his thighs and gave him a quick kiss; she was pleased to see that his eyes went straight down the front of her dress. Amber loved how he always looked at her; hungry was the word she would use to describe the way her husband always looked at her; like he could devour her at any given moment.

  She stood up and asked him to pass her the pair of black five inch heels; he handed them to her and she used his shoulder for balance as she slipped first one and then the other on to her feet. She stood up straight and did a small twirl on the spot. ‘Like what you see?’

  Seth stood up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her softly on the corner of her mouth, ‘I’m glad I’m bringing my camera I know that much.’

  The dress looked stunning on Amber, it was made of a material that she had mentioned to him back in the shop but he had since forgot; silk, satin, PVC, something like that or maybe a mixture, all he knew was that it shimmered like it was wet, like she’d worn it under the shower. It was cut in a deep “vee” at the front, the hemline about four inches below her pubic area; her ass covered perfectly, but he knew that if she were to reach for her toes that it would slide up over her buttocks and then they’d both be in trouble. His favourite part though was the metal zipper than ran from the point of the “vee” right down the front of the dress to the hem, he’d watched her put it on earlier and as she had brought the two fronts together and start to slowly pull the zipper up he had watched mesmerised until her breasts disappeared. She’d undone the zipper a couple of extra inches revealing an enticing amount of breast curvature.

  ‘Easy access,’ she had confirmed before slipping on the black fishnet hold-ups; the patterned tops just hidden beneath the dress’ hemline. ‘I’m not sure about the lack of knickers though,’ she’d added at the time but he had told her again no knickers and that she’d just have to be careful tonight not to give someone too much of an eyeful.

  ‘Too much?’ Amber had laughed, ‘I just hope the rest of the girls are dolled up to the nines otherwise I am going to feel well and truly out of place.’ She’d asked him how he’d like her to wear her hair and he had told her to wear it up, and she had spent thirty minutes getting her long auburn hair pinned in a fancy style high at the back of her head; he’d kissed the exposed nape of her neck eliciting moans of pleasure from his wife; the nape of her neck was one of her most sensitive spots and he often used that tactical knowledge to his own benefit.

  Seth had helped her with the diamond and ruby choker and as she looked at him in the mirror; his reflection looking back at her image she had smiled and said, ‘I love it more than anything else.’ She adjusted it so that the three pendulous strands at the front draped perfectly from her throat and in to her tremendous cleavage; the middle thread ending just as her breasts met; her breasts, without a bra were squashed together, her décolletage perfect in its emphasis.

  ‘I just love being objectified,’ she had told his mirror image; the sarcasm obvious and Seth had smiled and said, ‘I know you do, that’s why I allow you to let me to allow you.’

  She had to think about what he had said and dug him in the ribs with her elbow. ‘I know that the feminist movement wouldn’t be happy.’

  ‘Hey, you gave me the booklet, this is all your doing.’

  Now, she applied a layer of mascara and Seth said, ‘I love the colour of your eyes, they’re so blue, when I first met you I thought they were coloured contacts, have I ever told you that?’

  ‘Nope,’ she replied as she slipped some make up in to her small clutch bag, along with her purse, and a small compact mirror. She sprayed her throat with “CK Be” and Seth inhaled the perfume.

  ‘I love that smell.’

  Amber smelt his face and said, ‘I love your smell too.’

  ‘“Joop”: your favourite.’

  ‘Come on, let’s go, which car shall we take?’

  ‘The Spyder, it’s still hot out there, we’ll keep the roof down.’

  ‘As long as it doesn’t ruin my hair.’


  Seth parked the car in the small car-park of “The Hound”; one of their favourite pubs. As the engine died they could both hear the waves crashing on the rocks on the other side of the road; Portreath beach was a beautiful rugged beach with large rock formations at either end of the quarter mile stretch of beach; one area of rocks contained a large rock pool, that many years before had been altered by local fishermen to take on the look of an outdoor pool; the rocks had been chiselled by hand to form a ledge that many people dived off and Seth and Amber had on numerous occasions in the past made love in that very pool.

  They could both smell the salt in the air and Seth looked out at the sea and put a hand up to his eyes, shielding them from the sun and said, ‘I think there’s going to be a heavy fog later on.’

  ‘Come on, and don’t forget to act surprised when we go inside.’

  ‘I’ll get your door,’ Seth said and he got out of the car and walked around to her side; he opened the door and as she swivelled her legs to get out he pulled the digital camera from behind his back and fired of
f a couple of Paparazzi style up-the-skirt shots.

  ‘Take my hand you fiend,’ she laughed as he helped her up out of the sports-car. ‘Are you going to be snapping photos of my cunt all night long?’

  ‘If I get the opportunity to.’

  She slapped at his arm playfully.

  ‘Idiot, come on,’ she said and they headed across the tarmac. Seth hit his key-fob and the Spyder’s roof went up and the doors locked. ‘Boys and their toys,’ Amber added before he opened the pub’s door for her.

  ‘I know, act surprised,’ he whispered as he followed her inside. Amber opened the inner door for Seth and he stepped in to the pub’s main reception room to an ear splitting choruses of Happy Birthday Motherfucker. The expletive was a much used word amongst his group of friends and could signify anything. Seth looked appropriately shocked and Amber slipped in alongside him and the door swung shut behind them. They were both quickly surrounded by all of their friends and hugs were handed out.

  ‘You look amazing,’ Sarah said, Sarah was the wife of Daniel, one of Seth’s oldest friends and she returned the compliment; Sarah was wearing a gorgeous ivory coloured sequined short dress and like Amber there was plenty of flesh on show and Amber relaxed when she noticed that all of the women present were indeed dressed-to-the-nines.

  Everyone was congratulating Seth at once and she heard Seth say, ‘I thought we were coming here for a quiet meal for two; you guys.’

  A huge man; easily two hundred pounds barged through the crowd, he looked like a grizzly bear with his long brown hair and full beard, and before Seth could do anything he was hoisted up in the huge man’s arms and crushed. The man was Tiny, and Tiny (and aren’t all huge behemoths nicknamed Tiny) smacked a huge kiss on Seth’s mouth and said, ‘I knew we’d fool you you motherfucker, happy birthday bro, where’s this man’s drink?’ Tiny asked of no one in particular. Tiny saw Amber and let Seth down and he turned to Amber and said in a voice far more cultured than his hulking size would suggest, ‘Amber you look ravishing, a vision.’

  ‘Thanks Tiny,’ she replied and he kissed her left cheek and like all of Seth’s male friends his eyes never left her face. She had asked Seth once why none of his friends ever looked at any woman other than their own in any other way than as if they were looking at a sister. ‘I mean,’ she had explained at the time, ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen them check me out in that way, or any of the other wives or girlfriends, and Lucy is by far the prettiest of us all, and yet no one ogles, how is that possible?’

  Seth had explained that the eight of them, seven boys, one girl (Kathy) had grown up together, had faced everything together, that they were family, and so by extension everyone’s partner was like a sister (or brother in Kathy’s case) and it would be a bit strange to ogle your sibling.

  A large vodka and tonic was thrust in to her hands by Andrew. ‘You look lovely Amber,’ he said, ‘I guess birthday boy has had the time of his life today?’ Andrew was another old friend, and he was also Seth’s accountant.

  Amber thanked him for the drink and nodded her head. More people hugged her and kissed her and Seth was crushed in numerous overtly manlike embraces. Amber could see he was loving it and then music blasted out from a duke box and all the guys started to sing, “I waded through water and I waded through mud until I came to the place they call the Bucket of Blood...”

  Marie, Tiny’s stunningly good looking wife sidled up next to Amber. Marie was the complete opposite of her hulking husband, slim and petite with stunning facial features; high cheek bones and huge brown eyes that drew you in. Her petite frame was not apparent at the moment though, her belly was huge and rounded (she was expecting their first child soon) and her breasts were large and full of milk, she looked lovely in a flowing red dress that like Amber emphasised her abundant cleavage.

  Over the cacophony of singing Marie said, ‘I take it your husband didn’t fall for it at all?’

  Amber laughed and said, ‘Seth knew all about it, do you think they all know he knew?’

  Marie sipped from a glass of orange juice. ‘Not a thing, by the way that necklace is truly wondrous.’

  Amber’s hand went to the choker, her fingers toying with it, her face reddened, ‘I was in two minds whether to wear it; it’s not too in your face is it?’

  Marie grasped Amber’s hand and said, ‘Amber, when are you going to realise that we all love you, we love seeing you both doing so well, you worry way too much.’

  The two women hugged and Amber said, ‘I’ve dreamt of this necklace for years.’

  ‘Is that the one you both saw all those years ago?’ Another woman asked, this one a blonde small framed woman named Carol, the wife of Stephen.

  ‘You guys know about that?’

  The two women nodded their heads, and Carol and the other wives moved across the crowded room and they all passed on news to each other as the eight friends; seven men and one woman finished up with their singsong: “When the lights came back up, old Jimmy’d gone to rest, I’d put nine of my bullets in his MOTHER-FUCK-ING chest!”

  Amber laughed along with the other wives as the friends all took turns to lift the birthday boy up in to the air.

  An hour later and things had slowed a little, the pub was closed to the public and the friends and their partners were all chatting among each other catching up with news and a bit of gossip. Couples took the cleared dance floor whenever a song came on that they liked. Only Seth and Marie were not drinking and everyone else had a buzz going; Amber herself felt well on the way to being drunk. She sat at the large table between Seth and Marie and all around them people were telling stories about Seth who sat and took it all in in happy quietude. Amber had his hand in hers; resting on her lap and his fingers were toying with her fishnets; her way of knowing that he was embarrassed by all the attention.

  Tiny tapped his beer glass when the juke box finished its last song and everyone went quiet as Tiny said, ‘Seth; we’ve all known you since we were all five years old growing up on that hellhole of a council estate, by my reckoning that’s twenty five years, twenty five years where we have all remained steadfast friends.’

  There was a chorus of agreement from the others.

  ‘We all knew you’d make it big one day and looking at your beautiful wife’s necklace that day has finally arrived.’

  Seth could see that Amber’s face was flushed, but he wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or the quantity of alcohol that she had been putting away. Seth picked up his glass of apple juice and everyone clinked glasses in salute.

  ‘Anyways in light of your birthday we all chipped together and got you something a little special.’ Barry the landlord appeared at the table and placed a large carton on the table, he picked up several glasses and Amber noted that the older man did look down the front of her dress.

  Seth looked at the box which was a carton of printer paper.

  ‘I didn’t know you all cared,’ Seth said sarcastically.

  ‘Dickhead,’ said Tiny. ‘Just open it.

  Seth lifted the lid of the box and inside in its own box was the latest model Nikon digital camera with the latest set of lenses. It had to have cost upwards of four thousand pounds and Seth was taken aback by the overwhelmingly generous gesture from his lifelong friends.

  ‘I don’t know what to say guys.’

  Amber saw that her husband had tears welling in his eyes. She squeezed his hand and he looked at her. ‘You knew about this?’

  Amber shrugged, ‘Tiny asked me what camera you were salivating over so I told him.’

  ‘Seth, if it wasn’t for you none of us would be where we are today,’ Andrew said and Seth shook his head in disagreement.

  ‘It’s true,’ added Kathy, ‘I never thought I’d survive that council estate but when you and this lot took me under your wing I actually felt safe for the first time ever.’ Kathy leant over the table and gave Seth a wet smacker of a kiss on his forehead. Everyone laughed as she stumbles backwards in to her seat; of eve
ryone present she had drank the most and she said, ‘I think Kevin’s going to get lucky tonight.’ Kevin her husband laughed as everyone jostled him good naturedly.

  ‘Seriously though Seth,’ Tiny said, ‘I speak for us all when I say that without you keeping us straight, telling us that we could achieve whatever we wanted in life and all we had to do was to work hard and stick together to get what we wanted. I think most of us would have ended up inside like almost every other kid from that shithole. Through all the shit, you, above us all, showed us what it meant to be loyal, and well, we just wanted to let you know that we love you man, both of you, thank you.’

  Everyone raised their drinks in a toast. ‘Happy birthday motherfucker,’ Tiny said and everyone chorused the sentiment.

  ‘Who wants a drink?’ Barry shouted from behind the bar and everyone said that they did.

  Drinks were dispersed amongst the tables and individual conversations started up. Amber sipped her drink and winced. ‘That’s strong; are you trying to get me drunk?’ Amber asked Seth and he just shrugged his shoulders.

  Seth placed his right hand against her cheek and kissed her softly on the mouth, she nibbled his bottom lip and he could tell by the slightly glazed look to her eyes that she was well on her way.

  ‘I love you.’

  ‘Love you too sexy-pants,’ she replied in a girlish giggle.

  “A Soft Place To Fall” by Allison Moorer started on the jukebox and Seth slipped from his seat and helped Amber to her feet. ‘Let’s dance.’

  They took to the floor along with Tiny and Marie and two other couples and Seth slipped his arms around Amber’s waist and she slid her hands behind his neck and pressed her body against his; as the song progressed they got closer until it felt to them both like they were one. Amber could feel his hands on the top part of her ass and his fingertips pressing against her; she rested her head on his chest as the beautiful words of the song enveloped them. When the song ended Tiny shouted for Barry to play it again and asked Amber to dance. Seth took up hold with Marie.


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