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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

Page 8

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  Amber surfaced first and swam out a few more metres; she touched the bottom with her feet; the level of the water was even with her breasts; the gentle lapping current just above her hardened nipples; their outline clear to see through the wet material of her bikini. She looked around for Seth but she couldn’t see him yet. She did see a group of swimmers about two hundred yards away and a few others at the water’s edge; back on the beach there were a couple dozen sun-worshippers but no one was near where they had set up their own claim.

  Amber turned in a circle; she still couldn’t see her husband; the man was like a fish; he was the strongest swimmer she knew. Amber looked up in to the sky as a single propeller aeroplane flew over the beach dragging a banner behind it advertising some tourist event the following weekend at Land’s End; maybe they’d take the kids to it. The plane continued on down the coast and Amber turned once more and then she was screaming like an idiot as she felt Seth’s head and shoulders beneath her and as he stood up she was lifted out of the water so that she was sitting on his shoulder.

  ‘You scared the shit out of me you asshole,’ she laughed. Seth looked up at her; her breasts right above him; her face looking back down at him and he smiled as he walked out a little further. He stopped when the water’s level reached just above his own nipples and he turned to face the open sea.

  ‘You were right; I do like the results.’

  Amber rested her hands on his head. ‘I knew you would.’

  Amber’s body sparkled with golden glitter; Seth kissed her right thigh.

  ‘Take your top off,’ he told her as he looked up at her.


  ‘You heard. Do it.’

  ‘Bugger,’ she whispered but she was smiling as she reached behind her and undone the top, the garment dropped in to the water in front of Seth and he grinned as he looked up at her exposed breasts. Seth lowered himself in to the water until he was fully submerged and Amber slid free of his shoulders. She had to tread water until Seth stood up and slipped his hands beneath her buttocks and pulled her close. Amber held the bikini’s top in one hand and splashed water at her husband’s face with her other hand. He pulled her close and kissed her; her breasts crushed against him. He loosened his grip and Amber floated on her back as Seth’s hands held her buttocks. Her breasts glistened with gold as they broke the surface of the water looking like two small islands and Seth said, ‘I have a hard-on.’

  ‘Good for you,’ Amber said not catching his meaning but she was soon up to speed when he untied her bottoms and she said, ‘Seth, what if we’re seen?’

  ‘No one’s looking in our direction.’

  Amber bit her bottom lip and then nodded: she would honour her promise.


  She slipped her hands below the water and quickly freed his cock and he pulled her through the water until she felt the hardness of his cock pressing against her cunt. Amber rubbed her clit as Seth pushed himself inside her. Amber wrapped her free hand behind his head and she kissed him passionately. ‘Just don’t make it too obvious what we’re doing, there are some kids on the beach.’

  ‘They won’t suspect a thing,’ he replied as he slipped a finger up her ass and she pushed her mouth against the cleft of his throat and kissed him. Seth slowly fucked her; his movements helped by the gentle current. Amber continued to rub herself until she felt her orgasm drawing and she locked her mouth over his; their tongues rolled over each other’s and as she came he lowered them both beneath the water. Seth went down until he was squatting on the sandy ocean floor. Amber opened her eyes; she could see the blurred image of her husband looking back at her as she smiled and then her orgasm crashed harder as he pulled her down on to his up-thrusting cock until he was in her as deep as he had ever been and the air exploded from her lungs as she felt an orgasm so powerful that her muscles began to quiver and then Seth was pushing himself up from the ocean floor and as their heads cleared the water Amber clamped her mouth on his and said, ‘I’m coming again, Jesus,’ she said as she broke the kiss and panted. ‘Fuck, that’s so good,’ she was panting and laughing as she tensed her vaginal muscles and she felt him unload inside her and totally surprising her she came for a third time and to avoid shouting out and alerting the whole beach to what they were up to Seth took them down below the gentle current once more.

  Resurfacing again Amber was grinning like an idiot as she wrapped her arms around Seth’s neck; she let the current take her body and she hung in front Of Seth as he held her by her torso. She kicked her feet gently holding her position and Seth watched her buttocks as they surfaced above the clear waters.

  ‘I don’t want to fill your head but that was amazing, I’m still trembling now, like mini-orgasms.’

  ‘What can I say? I’m a stud.’

  ‘Dickhead, I mean it,’ Amber laughed, ‘I haven’t orgasmed like that for a long time.’

  ‘Thanks...I think.’

  Amber pulled herself closer to him and kissed his nipple. ‘Idiot, you know what I mean.’ Amber had her bikini bottoms in her hand, Seth had the top. ‘Let’s go in a bit so that I can stand up and put my briefs on.’

  Seth waded in a few metres and Amber stood up, the water was just below her breasts and she faced him and put her bikini briefs on. ‘Can I have the top part now?’

  Seth shook his head. ‘No, I want you to walk back to our site topless.’

  ‘Seth, there are people on the beach.’

  ‘So, I don’t mind.’ Seth kissed her mouth. ‘Besides you’ve gone topless before.’

  ‘Yeah, but only once I was sunbathing, you want me to walk out of the sea and up the beach for everyone to see.’

  ‘I know, and I also want you, when you’re about ten strides from the wind break to take your bottoms off.’

  Amber shook her head. ‘No, that’s too much baby.’

  ‘Do I have to remind you of your promise?’

  Amber knew that he had her, she had promised to obey him and she wasn’t going to break her word, and there was a large part of her that did like having no power to argue; it was kind of addictive.

  ‘Okay, okay, I’ll do it.’

  ‘I know you will, and one last thing, when you take your bottoms off walk slowly to the camp. I want to savour every moment.’ Seth cupped her breasts and kissed her mouth; she slipped her tongue between his lips and he sucked her tongue in to his mouth. He let her go. ‘And make sure you wiggle that gorgeous ass.’


  ‘Let’s go then, I’ll be right behind you.’

  Amber began to walk towards the beach, as the gentle lapping of the sea reached her nipples she paused and looked along the beach; there were now easily a hundred people scattered about; she was relieved to see that all the children and families seemed to have navigated to the left of her, near the cliffs that led up to the “Minack Theatre”, where the younger children would be in shade and sheltered from the sun’s scorching heat. She could see a few dozen couples scattered along the beach but they all appeared to be engrossed in their own little worlds and most were flat on their fronts letting the sun do its work. Amber’s main concern was a group of six young men; probably in their early twenties who had set up about thirty feet along from where they had set their stuff; although she wouldn’t have to walk by them she would be heading up the beach and from where they were all sat drinking beer she knew that they would see everything as she got out of the water and walked to the wind break. Amber turned around to face Seth. ‘Will my doing this make you happy?’

  Seth kissed her and again his hands cupped her glistening breasts and her nipples grew immediately hard. Great, now they’ll see my huge nipples.


  ‘Okay,’ and with that Amber turned around and without stopping she walked out of the sea. She cast a quick glance along the beach and noticed that a few people further down the sand looked at her but they soon turned back to what they were doing; as her feet cleared the wet sand she instantly felt the heat f
rom the dry sand and she picked her pace up a little. She made sure to appear relaxed but inside she was shaking. She wiggled her ass provocatively as Seth had ordered and when she looked back over her shoulder she was pleased to see that Seth was taking in every step she took. Half way towards the windbreak she noticed that three of the young men in the group of six were looking at her and they quickly nudged their mates who joined in ogling her; she smiled at them and felt a tingle inside. Four of them went bright red and quickly found other things to occupy their attention but two remained staring and she thought fuck it and cupped her breasts for a brief moment. The two lads were openly staring now and when she was the designated distance from the area that Seth had set up for them she untied the briefs and let the pink material slip from her crotch exposing her neatly trimmed pubic hair and everything else for the young men to see, Amber let the garment dangle from the fingers of her right hand. She cast a quick glance back at Seth who smiled at her and she had to laugh. Then she was at their little bit of the beach and she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled on to her beach mat. Thankfully she couldn’t see the group of young men anymore and then Seth was sitting down next to her and she hugged him and said, ‘I can’t believe I just did that, did you see those young guys.’

  Seth nodded his head and he handed her a towel and she began to dry her hair. He had noticed the two young men ogling his wife, but when they noticed him looking at them they must have seen something in his eyes as they both quickly found the sand between their feet really engrossing.

  ‘You’ve given them masturbation material for the week.’

  Amber chuckled. ‘Only a week?’

  Seth dried his feet with a towel and then did the same with Amber’s.

  ‘Do you want your bikini back?’

  ‘No point now, and it’s not as if anyone can see, well not unless they come and look right in at us.’

  ‘Or look down from the cliff-top.’

  ‘I like being naked, if you like it?’

  ‘I better get the sun-cream.’

  After Seth had covered her once more with the glitter-fied sun-cream he opened the cool chest, inside were blue rectangular blocks of frozen liquid, these blocks kept the rest of the chest’s contents perfectly cold; they lunched on ham and coleslaw sandwiches washed down with cartons of ice-cold apple juice. For dessert Seth fed her fresh strawberries.

  ‘That’s the nicest lunch I’ve had in a long time,’ Amber said as she reclined back against a rock worn smooth by countless years of water and sand. Seth was next to her and they had their feet towards the wind break; although they could hear other people on the beach they could not see anyone; for a while Seth had expected the group of young guys to try and get another look at Amber; throughout his lunch he kept waiting to see a head pop up over the wind-break but of them there had been no sign.

  Seth rummaged in Amber’s bag until he found his compact digital camera and for the next thirty minutes he took various nudes of Amber as she basked in the sun.

  He made her pour a bottle of water over her breasts and the shots he got were amazing. After this little photographic shoot he lit them both a cigarette and Amber wiped sweat from her breasts; like Seth she was dripping from the exhaustive heat; luckily they had brought plenty of bottles of water.

  Amber finished her cigarette and lay once more on her mat; she rested her head on Seth’s thighs and turned her head to look up at him.

  ‘This has been a wonderful day,’ she told him and she closed her eyes.

  Seth sat and smoothed her hair from her face and kept running his hands across her shoulders and down over her breasts; he kept repeating the cycle and Amber purred her pleasure and he realised after fifteen minutes that she had dozed off.

  Seth took the latest Stephen King novel that she had bought him for his birthday from her bag and he began to read; he held the book in his right hand and with his left he kept massaging (playing) with her breasts; his hand only leaving the slickness of her exposed flesh to turn a page.


  Amber opened her eyes and the first thing she realised was that she had been asleep for quite some time, the sun was far over the other side of the cliffs and although it was still stifling hot a breeze had started up cooling her body. The second thing she realised was that she needed to pee. She looked up at Seth who was still reading; his thigh still acting as a pillow. She could see that he’d made quite a dent in the novel.

  ‘How long have I been asleep for?’

  Seth checked his watch. ‘Nearly four hours, the beach has emptied out some.’

  He was right she realised, she could hardly hear any noise other than the sea. She sat up and got on to her knees and looked beyond the wind-break; the beach was empty bar one old couple sitting in deck chairs at the other end of the beach. She turned to Seth.

  ‘What’s the time?’

  ‘Almost five.’ Seth closed the book and put it back in the bag. ‘It’ll get busier again after tea.’

  Amber stretched her arms above her head and yawned; her breasts lifted high and Seth cupped them before sliding his hands down and around to her buttocks and he pulled her down on top of him and they kissed as he rolled her on to the mat and looked down at her; Amber giggled and wrapped her right leg behind his knees. They kissed for several minutes until Seth sat up and he opened another bottle of water and he downed its contents in one. He opened another and offered it to Amber. She shook her head: no. ‘I need a pee, I’m almost bursting.’

  ‘Drink it,’ Seth said a little more forcefully.

  ‘But I’ll wet myself,’ Amber joked and it wasn’t too far from the truth, as it was she didn’t think she’d make it to the public toilets up near the main road; maybe the sea would be the safer option.

  ‘I’m ordering you to drink it.’ He put it in her hand. ‘Now.’

  ‘If I wet myself it’s your fault,’ she said and put the bottle to her lips and drank. As the cold water hit her stomach she felt herself clench instinctively otherwise she would have indeed wet herself. She finished the bottle and squeezed her legs together. She smiled at Seth.

  ‘Happy now, I’m going to have to make a run for the sea.’ She looked for her bikini; she spied it on a rock; it had dried out in the sun.

  ‘No you won’t.’


  ‘You’re going to pee here.’ Seth said and he rolled up one of the mats clearing a space on the sand.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Amber asked as she grabbed the two pieces of her bikini.

  ‘You first; then me - you wanted to try water sports, so we’re going to. Now.’

  ‘On a public beach? This isn’t funny, I really need the toilet.’

  ‘I know, and I’m telling you that you’re going to pee on me and that I’m going to drink it and then I’m going to do the same to you.’

  Amber let the bikini drop from her fingers and she turned to see that Seth had lain back down on the sand and had removed his shorts; his cock was rock hard; thick and throbbing and she felt a shiver of apprehension shoot between her legs.

  ‘But the people?’

  ‘Can’t see and when we’re done we’ll leg it in to the sea; and it’ll be a whole lot less messy here than it would be at home; I don’t fancy cleaning the floors at home.’

  Amber crawled to the end of the wind-break; the old couple were still the only other people on the beach. She turned back around and saw that Seth had his cock in his hand and was rubbing his thumb over the engorged end of his cock. Amber licked her lips and said. ‘I can’t believe you’re suggesting this.’

  ‘I’m not suggesting, I’m ordering it. Now kneel above my face and pee.’

  ‘And you’ll do the same thing to me; you won’t chicken out?’

  ‘Not happening, now get your ass up here before I lose my patience.’ Amber noted a trace of steel in her husband’s voice and she felt her juices beginning to flow; she liked this dominant aspect to her husband that up until yesterday had been well hidden.r />
  Amber crawled up alongside Seth and then lifted her right leg over his body and he pulled her along until her knees were either side of his head; she was facing him and she reached back with one hand and took his cock in her hand and she began to work her hand up and down his cock; it felt red hot and throbbed beneath her touch.

  Seth made eye contact with Amber. ‘Do it now you whore.’

  Amber wasn’t sure if it was his tone of voice or the use of the word whore but her left hand slipped between her legs and she teased her clitoris and then she let her muscles relax and her urine squirted out in a horizontal fan; she almost yelped and hopped back but Seth’s hands secured her by the hips and he said, ‘I want it all.’

  ‘Fuck,’ Amber said and she continued to pee. Her pee splashed her husband’s face and she used her fingers to direct the stream of her pee and then Seth shocked her even more; he was looking up at her hungrily and then he pulled her hips downwards and she felt his mouth clamp over her cunt and she could feel his lips on her sex as he gulped her pee. She watched him and she saw him swallow again and again and again. She felt his tongue probing at her and as she continued to pee in to her husband’s mouth she orgasmed and Seth pulled her cunt and ass down on to his face harder and she let out a small cry of pure animal pleasure as her orgasm hit new heights. She finished peeing and she felt Seth’s tongue lapping at her getting at ever last drop of her urine.

  Finally on very shaky knees she swung her leg back over him. She sat back in the sand and realised that whilst she had been peeing in to Seth’s mouth that he had orgasmed. Blobs of spunk were splashed across his belly and she lowered her face to his torso and began to suck each globule of semen up. When his stomach was clean she took his softening cock in to her mouth and sucked the remainder of his come from his cock.


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