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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

Page 14

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  Seth “zoomed” the lens in on Amber’s pubic area and he said, ‘Amber, you can start now.’

  Amber propped herself up on her elbows and looked at Seth, she nodded her head and she moved her left hand between her legs; she pressed her fingers down against the folds of her sex and a stream of urine arced out from between her legs; Seth was back far enough so as not to get hit by the stream of pee as Amber pressed with her fingers controlling the force and direction of her pee; Seth fired off six rapid shots and then told her to stop.

  Amber bit her bottom lip as she controlled her peeing until the flow stopped. She could feel her bladder straining; she needed to finish peeing.

  ‘Hold it in Amber.’

  ‘Okay, okay,’ she said through pursed lips; the pressure was growing with each passing second; stopping mid-flow was tricky to say the least.

  Seth walked to the open passenger window and placed the camera on the leather seat. He walked back to Amber and stood right in front of her spread legs; he crouched before her and slid his hands beneath her ass and cradled her buttocks in the palms of his hands.

  ‘Wait until I squeeze your buttocks, if you pee before I squeeze I’m going to be angry okay?’

  ‘But baby I really need to pee; it’s unbearable.’


  Seth lowered his face to her sex and he gently began to place light lingering kisses all over her cunt, he kissed her swollen clitoris, her labia, the folds of her lips, he could smell the scent of the wipes that she had used a little while ago to clean herself and he flicked his tongue against her opening and started to flicker the tip of his tongue against Amber’s clitoris.

  ‘Fuck Seth!’ Amber spat through clenched teeth. ‘Please, you’re gonna make me come and pee at the same time, stop, please!’

  Amber closed her eyes and concentrated on fighting the urge to pee, she could feel her orgasm building but it was fighting with her need to pee. I could use the safe word, she thought, but she didn’t, as much as it frustrated her she found herself loving the sensation, and Seth closed his lips over her sensitive clitoris and he began to suck and continue to flick his tongue across the engorged tender bud.

  ‘Please Seth!’ Amber cried. ‘Shit, I’m about to come!’ And as she felt the orgasm hit her she felt Seth’s mouth move down a little and he squeezed her buttocks and with immense relief she released her bladder. Her orgasm was immense as Seth clamped his mouth firmly against her sex and he swallowed her pee as she urinated for all she was worth.

  Seth was swallowing her pee as fast as he could; Amber was peeing hard and fast as she cried out about her orgasm and he gulped the warm, tangy pee as fast as she produced it. He must have been drinking from her for thirty seconds before he felt the pressure slowing and after a few more mouthfuls he felt the last dribbles of her pee splash his tongue, he swallowed again and then began to lick her cunt clean.

  Seth looked up between her legs at Amber’s face and he could see her panting as her groin produced a series of spasms until finally the orgasm receded.

  ‘Fucking hell baby, that was something else.’ Amber laughed and Seth stood up.

  Amber let her feet drop to the ground and she sat up, she slid forward on the surface of the car and Seth lowered his face to hers and she kissed him passionately; she could taste her fluids on his lips and tongue and when she finally broke away from the kiss she told him that he was something special. ‘I don’t half love you mister Noonan.’

  ‘Right back at you babe.’

  ‘So,’ Amber said as she reached for his zipper. ‘How can I repay you master?’

  Seth smiled and playfully swatted her hands away.

  ‘Fancy a swim?’

  Amber laughed.


  ‘Sure, the tide won’t be in for a while yet, figured we could go skinny-dipping.’


  ‘The rock pool?’ Seth asked and Amber nodded her head in agreement.

  ‘Sure, why not, as long as I get a lay in tomorrow.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Seth said and helped Amber to her feet. ‘Are you cold?’

  ‘Not really, it’s quite balmy for this time of the night.’

  ‘Good, stay naked.’


  Portreath beach is a rugged landscape; a half mile strip of sand bracketed by imposing rugged cliffs at one end and a dynamic outcropping of rocks and its harbour wall at the other; the sea is rough on the west coast of Cornwall and as Seth and a naked Amber made their way down on to the beach they could both smell the rich salty air, moisture from the breaking waves carried on a slight breeze covering them both in a fine mist of sea water.

  Seth had parked the car at the far end of Portreath’s main car-park; near a concrete slope that led down on to the coarse sand that covered the beach; they both knew from experience that nearer the water’s break-line the ground would be coarser still; mainly tiny jagged stones and pebbles, but here near the imposing harbour wall the sand was fine enough not to cut Amber’s bare feet.

  Amber was carrying a clean bath towel that she had taken out of the holdall in the car; Seth’s hands busy holding Amber’s ass as he followed closely behind her.

  The moon was higher in the night sky; its radiance reflecting off of the pools of water gathered in tiny puddles on the seaweed covered rocks at the end of the harbour wall. The rocks went back out in to the ocean a good three hundred yards and the highest rock formation was where they were heading.

  Seth looked down the front of Amber at her overly enlarged nipples; they had taken a bit of a pounding that evening; and that combined with the chill of the coastal wind made her nipples stand out and in the moonlight they looked several shades darker than they actually were.

  Amber knew what Seth was looking at and she bumped her hip against him.

  ‘It’s a good job its after midnight, I wouldn’t be doing this if there were people on the beach.’

  ‘You would if I told you to.’

  Amber laughed; the throaty timbre of her laugh was carried out over the sands by the wind, ‘I guess I would at that,’ she said.

  Seth stepped up on to the first of the jagged rocks and he held his hand out to Amber; bare foot she stepped up on to the rock.

  ‘Ouch!’ she barked as she stepped on the sharp edge of a barnacle, ‘I should have worn shoes.’

  They hopped on to another rock and again Amber cursed.

  Seth stopped and slipped his left arm beneath her right armpit and across her back; his hand slipped beneath her left armpit, with his other arm he snaked it beneath her knees and picked her up.

  Amber laughed as Seth watched her breasts wobbling.

  ‘You can’t carry me, what if you fall or trip?’

  Seth kissed her forehead, ‘I won’t, trust me.’

  ‘I do, but the rocks are covered in seaweed that green algae crap, not to mention barnacles and limpets and what have you, if you stumble we’re fucked.’

  ‘Trust me okay?’

  Amber turned her face and kissed his Adam’s-apple.


  Amber was amazed at how sure-footed Seth was as he skipped across the rocks, a couple of times she yelped in fear as he cleared a large gap between rocks but not once did he falter or slip on the treacherous rocks and when she looked up at his face she could see in the moonlight that he wasn’t looking down at the rocks but straight ahead.

  Amber’s heart was beating fast when Seth finally stepped up on to the smooth large rock that they had been heading for all along. He let her down and she linked her hands behind his head and kissed him passionately, she could taste sea-salt on his lips.

  ‘I can’t believe you just did that without sending us both to the hospital, how could you even see where you were stepping?’

  ‘No need, I know these rocks like the back of my hand. Tiny, me and the guys would be down here every day of each summer when we were growing up, pretty much from sun-up to sun-down.’

  ‘Even so, I am suitabl
y impressed.’

  Here, three quarters of the way out along the rocks was the reason for their night-time stealth mission, the rock they were on was easily twenty feet across and backed against the ancient harbour wall; at the foot of the rock they were standing on was a large swimming pool; a mixture of mother nature and some industrious Cornish men and women from the past who had chiselled away at the edges; the pool was eighteen feet in length and ten feet across, one end of the pool met the harbour wall and at the other end someone had bolted iron rungs in to the rocks so that swimmers would be able to climb back out; at its deepest point the pool was eight feet deep and Amber knew that the pool’s water would be icy cold at this time of the night but that didn’t put her off and she stepped to the edge of the rock and dived in to the pool; she entered the water perfectly and when she surfaced three seconds later she let forth with a tirade of curse words that had Seth laughing.

  ‘Gee-Zus! It’s colder than I thought; fuckkkk!’

  She swept her arms about her and kicked her feet to stay afloat. She looked up at her husband four feet above her head and she watched him strip out of his clothes until he was bare-ass naked; the series of scars on his abdomen and arms were silver in the moonlight, a reminder to Amber that it was truly a miracle that Seth had grown up to be the wonderful man that he was; she didn’t know much about his childhood but at Seth’s birthday party Tiny had alluded to the horridness of Seth’s childhood living with his brother and step-father. Before her thoughts became too depressing Seth was diving off of the rock and she saw his body pass over her head and then she heard the splash of water behind her and she turned in the water; she was facing Seth just as he surfaced and he was grinning.

  ‘You’re right, this is cold,’ he said as he pushed her head under the water.

  Amber was pushed down and she gripped Seth’s thighs and pulled him downwards as she kicked for the surface, she felt Seth’s face brush her breasts as he went down.

  Amber coughed out a mouthful of briny sea water and wiped the water from her eyes. She tried to find Seth but it was too dark beneath the surface of the water and she couldn’t see him. Amber looked at the surface of the water looking for bubbles or a ripple in the water to indicate where her man might be hiding but again there was nothing to go by.

  ‘Damn it,’ she said, she knew that Seth could hold his breath for ages and he was a far better swimmer than she was. He would sneak up on her when she least expected it. ‘Two can play that game baby,’ she said and she took a deep breath and dived downwards.

  In the shadows of the pool Amber couldn’t see a thing; the water was reasonably clear but in the dark she couldn’t see shit so she kicked for the bottom of the pool and as her hands touched the smooth rock bottom she propelled herself along the base of the pool, she had her legs together and bent them and kicked back with her feet, if only I had flippers she thought to herself.

  The water was very cold and she felt it most on her hard nipples; they were throbbing from the amount of sucking and squeezing that had been administered to them earlier by Seth, Naomi and Mike. Amber felt a fish or an eel brush against her neck and she swiped it away and kicked for the surface; she came up near the harbour wall and stood up on a carved away stone block; the water covered her to her shins and she ran her hands back over her head; pushing her hair back behind her ears. With her back to the cold surface of the harbour she saw Seth finally and he surfaced just in front of her.

  Seth stood up in front of her and he climbed up on to the small ledge that she was on.

  ‘I couldn’t find you,’ she said, her voice had a slight stutter from the cold water and Seth rubbed her arms; he could feel the goose-bumps covering every inch of her.

  ‘I was right behind you; I had a very nice view of your amazing ass.’

  ‘I c-c-couldn’t se-see fuck all.’

  ‘Come on; let’s get you dry, you’re turning blue.’

  Amber laughed. ‘I-I-It’s not that bad.’

  ‘Come on,’ he said. Seth clambered up over the rock and he turned back to Amber and bent over and lowered his hand to hers. ‘I won’t drop you.’

  ‘I kn-know.’

  Amber raised her left hand up to him and Seth’s hand closed on hers and he effortlessly lifted her vertically from the pool; she saw the rock face glide by as he hoisted her powerfully upwards. When she was standing next to him he fetched the towel and wrapped her in it and he vigorously dried her.

  ‘Aren’t you cold?’

  ‘Not really, he said.

  Amber flicked his limp cock, which had shrunk in the cold.

  ‘Not cold huh?’

  ‘Well maybe a little,’ he replied laughing.

  ‘Let’s see if I can help warm you up.’

  Amber placed the towel on the rock at Seth’s feet and she got on her knees. She held his cock in her left hand and then licked the end of it; she felt a tiny spasm flicker along his shaft and she opened her mouth and slipped her lip’s down the entire length of his soft cock. She cupped his balls and was pleased when Seth’s cock started to grow; within moments it was at full attention and she began to give him a blow-job.

  Seth gripped Amber’s shoulders and said, ‘I need to pee baby, so that’s not going to work.’

  Amber released him from her mouth and looked up at him. ‘What are you waiting for?’

  ‘It’ll get messy.’

  ‘I’ll jump in the pool to rinse off when we’re done.’

  ‘You’re sure?’

  With her face tilted up towards Seth’s she chuckled and said, ‘You’re asking? I thought you were my master and me your frail sex-slave?’ She was grinning.

  ‘Oh yeah, I must have forgot,’ Seth replied and he let rip.

  Amber laughed harder as a stream of pee hit her forehead and she felt his hot urine running down her exposed face. The powerful jet of pee splashed across her face and downwards; she opened her mouth and he filled her mouth; it was hot and tasted of bitter apple and she swallowed before the jet cascaded down her front; she opened her eyes and watched Seth direct the aim of his peeing and then he was peeing over her breasts and she yelped when the jet of liquid hit her left nipple and he concentrated the stream of piss against this nipple and Amber pushed her breasts together and the heat of his urine coated her breasts and hands and he started to walk around her and she felt his pee between her shoulder blades; the stream of pee ran down her back and between the cleft of her buttocks and she dropped to her hands so that she was prostrated on her hands and knees before him, and she felt his piss splatter against her cunt-lips and down her thighs.

  Seth’s urination slowly ebbed away and he got on his knees behind Amber; he nudged her legs apart and he grasped his erection in his hand, with his right hand he parted her buttocks and he moved forwards and rubbed the end of his cock against her wet cunt.

  Amber looked back at him from over her right shoulder and she said, ‘Use me baby, I’m so your fucking slut!’

  Seth nodded his head, ‘I know.’

  Amber felt his cock against her cunt and she pushed backwards on to him but Seth pulled back and she knew then that he intended to fuck her up the ass. Amber rose up on to her knees and reached behind her and she spread her buttocks for him.

  ‘Do it baby,’ she breathed and he reached around her and grasped her left breast, helping her to maintain her position on her knees, and with his right hand he pushed his cock against her bum-hole, he pushed and then pulled back and she heard him spit and she felt his saliva dripping on to her puckered anus.

  ‘In future I’m carrying a bottle of lube wherever we go,’ Amber said through her laughter and Seth jokingly told her to shut up and then, as she spread her buttocks as wide as possible he pushed his cock inch by inch up in to her ass until he was fully in her and he jokingly told her he was going to fuck her so hard that she wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.

  Amber giggled. ‘Promises, promises.’ And then he did just that, Amber cried out in surprise; a mixture of
immense pleasure and considerable pain as Seth proceeded to fuck her in the ass very hard and very fast.

  ‘Fucking hell, Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!’ Amber cried with each powerful thrust of his cock inside her ass. Amber let go of her buttocks and she braced herself forwards on one hand; she reached between her legs with the other and furiously rubbed at her clitoris.

  Seth gripped Amber by her hips and thrust harder; he would almost withdraw his cock fully from her bottom before plunging back up inside her. He reached along her back and gripped a handful of her red hair and he pulled back hard on it, pulling her head back, stretching her throat and she cried out as an orgasm fired through her.

  ‘Coming, coming,’ she said and she squeezed her anal muscles and she felt Seth thrust in to her ass really deep and he pulled her back by her hair; the force pulled her backwards up on to just her knees once more and he kissed the side of her face and exploded inside her ass.

  ‘That’s it baby, come in my ass,’ Amber said and she rested her arched back against his chest; Seth released her hair and wrapped his arms around her, his hands cupping her breasts as he thrust twice more inside her, when he finished she made him stay in her ass as the shudders of her orgasm radiated outwards from her cunt; like ripples in a pool Amber could feel the rippling effect flowing through her.

  Finally she stopped juddering and she kissed his left forearm, ‘I loved that.’

  Seth kissed the back of her head, ‘I love you.’

  Amber kissed his arm again. ‘Always.’



  Seth stepped down from the last of the rocks and lowered Amber once more on to the sand, she could feel the wet sand between her toes; the tide was coming in.


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