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Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  He shook his head. “Nope.” Ryker liked her.

  She tutted. “Then I will continue to be rude, in the hope that maybe you’ll leave me alone and I can have some peace.”

  This, once again, made him chuckle.

  “You’re a lot more fun than any roommate I’ve ever had.”

  “Just keep on reminding me that you’ve been inside, and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” She rolled her eyes, and he watched her read. She was a beautiful woman, and he liked to watch her.

  It was refreshing to feel this relaxed near a woman.


  One week later

  Ryker, The Convict, as Scarlett kept referring him to in her mind, still hadn’t left. Sitting on her back porch step, she watched as he mowed her lawn. She’d been heading to do that this morning, but when she got to the job, she found he’d already started. In fact, over the past week, she’d noticed he did a lot of jobs around the house, and she wasn’t ungrateful for it either; far from it.

  She could afford to get anyone to come and repair her place. All it would take was a call to her father and someone would be there. That was the kind of relationship she had with her father. He didn’t want to have to deal with anything else, but he liked throwing money at her when she needed it. She didn’t mind as it kept him out of her business. She’d never been close to her father, and hadn’t wanted to start. Of course, he would randomly stop by when he felt like it to see her. The visits were always short, which was why she didn’t mind them.

  Oh, well.

  It had taken her a great deal of time, but she lived with what happened to her. No one wanted anything to do with her, and she was more than fine with that.

  Ryker stopped, and she watched as he lifted his arm up and wiped some sweat from his brow. The way his body looked with his thick, inked muscles, Scarlett was a little startled by the sudden pull within her. Her pussy grew slick, and need coursed through every single nerve inside her. She didn’t know what to do as nothing like this had ever happened before. She’d never been sexually attracted to anyone.

  He left the mower and walked toward her. “This for me?”

  Words failed her, and she simply nodded.

  This man had gone to prison.

  He still should be in prison.

  No one had come for him, not that she imagined they would. A lot of people ignored her, and chose not to come anywhere near the forest. This was one of the reasons she’d picked this place. The previous owner had said if she was looking for a social life, then she needed to find somewhere else. This cabin home was for people who didn’t like the outside world, and she was more than happy with that.

  She’d been part of it, and had gotten burned by it. The last thing she wanted was to stay there. People always looked at her like she was some kind of victim, or like she was going to snap at any minute.

  Living with her real father had been a nightmare as he had a guard with her at all times just in case she wanted to try something. There was nothing she ever wanted to try. All she really wanted to do was live her life and forget about the past.

  “It’s really hot today,” he said.

  “Yep. Last days of summer.”

  She sipped at her drink, more aware of him every passing second that he stayed by her side. Biting her lip, she tried not to think about how good it would be for him to hold her. He didn’t frighten her. She didn’t know his life story, and to be honest, she really didn’t care either. If her own experiences had taught her anything, it was that people only saw what they wanted to. They rarely looked for the truth.

  “You have a lovely home,” he said.

  She smiled, turning to look at him. “Is that why you’ve not left yet?”

  “You could just kick me out. Nothing stopping you from doing that.”

  “Nope, you’re right. Nothing is stopping me from doing that, but then I’d have to mow my lawn, and fix the few roof tiles, and paint the porch. I don’t suppose you’re trying to earn your keep, are you?” she asked, nudging his arm.

  “Not at all. Just trying to be useful, and it looks to me like you could use a man around this place.”

  Her smile died a little, and she averted her gaze. No man would ever want her.

  Gripping her glass a little tighter, she watched as her dog lay out, rubbing his back along the grass.

  “What are your plans for when the winter comes? Snow falls, and you can be trapped up here for weeks, Ryker. It’s not a good place to be if someone is hunting you, or if you want to get as far away from here as you can.”

  “I didn’t make plans for what would happen after.”

  “Who framed you?” she asked.

  “My boss.”

  “And you really know how to clear your name?”

  “Yep, and all it will take is a visit to a safety deposit box.”

  “In a bank?” she asked.

  “That’s the one. I got one opened, and that’s where I placed the security tape with my name on it.”

  She frowned. “Why didn’t you tell anyone else about it?”

  “I didn’t have anyone on my side. He made sure that my case was rushed through, and that they had all the necessary ‘evidence.’”

  Scarlett rubbed her temple. “Do you have any plan on how you’ll clear your name with this tape?”

  “Yes. I intend to upload it, and show the world that I’m innocent, and while that is happening, I’m hoping my name will be cleared.”

  She sipped at her drink, and thought about it. “You’re going to need help.”

  “Yep, I am, but I can’t go straight away,” he said.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s right in the center of the city, and if I’m caught, my ass is thrown straight back into jail, and I’ll do even more hard time for leaving.”

  “What do you want to do?” she asked.

  “Whatever I have to. I need to stay here for a couple more weeks, a month, maybe two. Enough time for people to think I’ve skipped the country, and then by the time they realize I’m still very much here, I’ll unleash the video, and I’ll be free.”

  “I’ll help you,” she said.

  “You will?”

  “Yes. I don’t like it when people’s lives are ruined by the actions of others.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I’ll help you, Ryker.”

  When he wrapped his arm around her, and she felt so safe within his arms, she closed her eyes and hoped she didn’t lose herself in the process.

  Chapter Three

  They found a routine together. Ryker shared his meals with her, did odd jobs around the house, and at night, he sat with her watching television while she read, or vice versa. He loved her books, but he just loved spending time with her.

  Scarlett was a nice woman; a gentle woman. In the few short weeks that he’d been with her, he found himself caring about her more and more. There was no way to hide from the feelings she evoked within him, from her smile to watching her sleep, and he did watch her sleep as they shared a bed.

  Of course, she spent most of their time together ignoring him. She either read a book or just curled up and went to sleep.

  That was how he found himself one Sunday morning; watching her sleep. When they fell asleep, she was always turned away from him, but she must have moved in the night. Her hands were clasped together, resting beneath her head, and she looked so peaceful. Reaching out, he pushed a small curl off her face and simply watched her sleep.

  His cock tightened, but he ignored the need to touch her. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare her.

  A sigh left her lips, and she opened her eyes. She smiled at him, and his heart leapt within his chest.

  “Morning,” she said.

  “Morning right back at you.”

  “Have you been watching me sleep for long?” she asked.

  “Nope. Just a few minutes. Maybe half an hour.”

  She rubbed her eyes. “That’s not creepy at all. I must look a fright.”r />
  He couldn’t resist, and he touched her face, running his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “I think you look so beautiful. No one could ever be more beautiful.”

  He saw that he surprised her, but he didn’t care. This woman was so many different things. He wasn’t used to women who cared about others, and every time he looked at one of the pictures she kept, he knew she had a dark past. One filled with more horrors than he could ever imagine.

  The gun he’d pointed at her, he’d gotten rid of and wrapped it up, placing it in a box in her basement. He’d never point anything at her, and only when he needed it, would he ever get it out again.

  “You shouldn’t do that,” she said.

  He didn’t stop touching her. He didn’t want to ever stop touching her. She was such a beautiful woman. “Why not? Do I scare you?”

  “You don’t scare me.”

  “What is it?” he asked, worried that he made her think of that piece of shit.

  “You make me want things I really shouldn’t want.”

  Okay, now his dick was thinking all different kinds of things. “What do you want?”

  “I want you, and I shouldn’t want you.”

  “Why shouldn’t you want me?”

  She chuckled. “The obvious one, you’re a convict.”

  “I was falsely imprisoned.”

  “And second, you don’t look at me like I’m going to break.”

  “I know you’re not.”

  “I’m a freak, Ryker.”

  “You’re not a freak. You’re a fighter. A woman who has survived so much, and deserves to have some happiness. A lot of happiness.”

  “You don’t see an abused woman when you look at me?” she asked.

  The tears in her eyes would stay with him forever. “No. I don’t.” And now he was going to take a risk. “I see a beautiful woman, Scarlett. Not only do I see a beautiful woman, but the things I want to do to you, you should kick me out right now, and call me the asshole that I am, and stay away from me.”

  “What do you want to do to me?”

  She didn’t heed his warning.

  Slowly trailing his fingers down her neck, he teased across her pulse and went toward the edge of her crop top. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and he saw the outline of her nipple. Stroking his thumb across her bud, he watched her gasp.

  “I think about you naked. How these gorgeous tits would look, and what they’d taste like. I think about fucking you, and I want to drive my cock so deep inside you that you scream my name, begging for more. I never want to stop, and I always want to hear the pleasure in your voice, always. Not a moment goes by when I don’t think about how good your tight cunt would feel wrapped around my cock.”

  He didn’t know if he was going too far, but he decided when it came to Scarlett, he’d always tell her the truth. He wouldn’t try to spare her.

  He’d be the one to help guide her, to show her that she had someone to catch her when it got a little too hard.

  “I’m not an innocent virgin,” she said.

  “They’re kind of overrated,” he said. “You’re reading way too many books.”

  Her gaze drifted to his lips, and he watched as she licked hers, almost as if she was imagining what it would be like to taste him.

  “Kiss me, Ryker, please.”

  He didn’t need to be asked twice. Pressing his lips against hers, he cupped her cheek and tilted her head back.

  Lightly at first, he explored her mouth, and closed his eyes as his cock grew even harder. Her hands went to his chest, and if she pushed him off, he wouldn’t push. She didn’t try to get him away from her. Her hand fisted his shirt, tugging him closer.

  Her lips were firmer as they pressed against his, and seeing that she wasn’t going to run away scared, he didn’t hold back.

  Licking her lips, he took advantage the moment she gasped, plunging inside to taste her.


  Scarlett’s pussy was so wet, her nipples really tight. She wanted him, couldn’t resist him. The moment Ryker’s lips touched hers, it was like he created an inferno inside her. She didn’t know any other man’s touch, but she wanted his. The hand on her cheek moved down, and he cupped her tit.

  He pinched her nipple, and she gasped, breaking from the kiss, arching up. Ryker shoved her shirt up, exposing her chest, and she gasped as he took her into his mouth, biting down on the hard bud before sucking it.

  “That feels amazing,” she said. “Don’t stop.”

  He trailed his tongue toward her other breast, and he did the same, showing attention to each one. She was on fire. Pressing her thighs together, she tried to relieve the pressure, but it wasn’t enough.

  Ryker moved her, shoving out of the way the pillows she’d used to create a wall between them, and he got her to the center of the bed.

  Spreading her legs, he moved between them, and she felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her stomach.

  His lips were once again on hers, and she moaned into his mouth, needing his touch more than anything.

  “Yes, yes,” she said.

  He kissed down her neck, taking her nipples again, and down he moved, pulling her shorts from her body.

  She wasn’t wearing any panties, and Ryker wouldn’t let her hide, not that she wanted to. His gaze told her so many things, along with the outline of his cock pressing against his boxers.

  His hands rested on her knees, and he spread her legs wide. When she went to touch herself, he shook his head. “No, I want to see your pretty pussy.”

  She placed her hands beside her legs and waited. She didn’t know what she expected. His fingers traced across the fine hairs, and when he slid between her slit she gasped, arching up.

  He touched her clit, running his finger across the swollen nub, making her gasp. She’d caressed her pussy many times before, but she’d never felt this. Biting her lip, she tried to contain her moans as he slid a finger within her.

  When a second finger was added, she thrust up to meet him.

  “Don’t treat me like I could break. I won’t. I promise.”

  “I’m not. I’m just watching what drives you crazy. Watch as I touch you.”

  Staring down between her thighs, she saw his fingers within her as well as feeling them. His thumb pressed against her clit, sliding back and forth. The dual pleasure was almost too much.

  “I love how tight you feel, baby. So fucking tight.” He groaned. “I need to taste this cunt.”

  His fingers pulled away, and she whimpered.

  The fire didn’t dull within her as she watched him lick the cream from his fingers.

  “You taste so fucking perfect,” he said.

  He moved down to the bed, capturing her hips with his head poised above her pussy. He opened her pussy, and she didn’t look away even as his tongue began to attack her clit.

  The sensation was out of this world. She thought she’d experienced everything, but the moment he touched her, it was like nothing she’d ever felt before.

  She wanted more.

  She didn’t want him to stop.

  “Please,” she said.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’m not going to let go of you.”

  As he stroked her clit with his tongue, his fingers moved within her and began to pump inside her.

  The fire began to build, and she felt her orgasm heading toward that peak. She’d never been so aroused in all of her life, and when he toppled her over the edge, she screamed his name, driving her pelvis up against him.

  She didn’t want him to stop, but then the pleasure became too much, and the moment it did, he eased up.

  It was like he knew her body even better than she did.

  He placed a kiss to her clit, and when she opened her eyes, which she’d closed during her orgasm, he was over her, licking his lips. “I’m going to warn you now that I’m going to want to do that more often. You’re so tasty.”

  She covered her cheeks, feeling them heat. “Should you be sayi
ng things like that?”

  “I’m a guy that likes to show his appreciation.” He dropped a kiss to her lips.

  When his cock touched her, she felt how hard he was, and she touched his chest. He still wore a shirt, but that didn’t deter her. Running her hand down his body, she slipped her hand inside his shorts, and she gripped his shaft.

  He groaned, and his hand was suddenly there, stopping her. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “You’re rock-hard.”

  “I can take care of it.”

  She tilted her head to the side but didn’t pull away. “Are you taking care of it because you think I can’t?”

  His grip on her hand loosened, and she ran her hand up and down his length, watching the pleasure flash in his gaze.

  “No, I know you can take care of it.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” she asked.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want.”

  She smiled. She couldn’t help it. He was a convict, and yet he had to be one of the sweetest people she’d ever known.

  Pushing him to the side, she straddled his lap, shocking him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I can promise you, Ryker, I no longer do anything that I don’t want to do.” She teased the hairs at the back of his neck. “And right now, I’d very much like to take care of your problem.”

  She placed one of her hands between them and gripped his cock. Going from the root to the tip, she began to slide up and down his length. She felt empowered knowing that she’d caused this.

  “And I hope you won’t stop me.”

  Chapter Four

  Ryker only had so much control, and with her hand on his dick, he didn’t see a problem with her helping him at all. So long as she knew that it was him, and no one else. He watched her face as she touched him, her hand moving up and down his length, driving him crazy already.

  There had been many times in the past few weeks that he’d taken care of his hard-on. His cock had been hard as fucking rock, desperate to be inside her, and he’d spilled his cum into the shower, watching the milky strands disappear down the drain.

  All of his fantasies were the same, and they were all focused around this woman.


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