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Agents of Chaos

Page 23

by Des Pensable

  Chapter 18 Quab’s Revelation

  Featherdown and Quab teleported back to the High Wizard’s tower with the manacled priest. They went straight to a room in the basement of the tower and Featherdown cast a polymorph effect on the priest who turned into a large mushroom.

  Quab chuckled. ‘That should keep him out of the way for a while. Do you want me to get some mouldy hay for him to digest while he waits?’

  ‘No. He’ll be all right. He’ll stay out of mischief this way until we’re ready to interrogate him. I’d like the High Druid or a council representative here when we do. Can you make the arrangements?’

  ‘Sure.’ replied Quab highly amused.

  They returned to the entertaining area for a hot drink and discussion to discover that there was a message for Quab. He had a visitor in his sanctuary.

  ‘Were you expecting anyone?’ asked Featherdown.

  ‘No.’ replied Quab. ‘The High Druid perhaps? He’s bound to be hopping mad with you acting as him to stop the fight at the Southern Gateway entrance.’

  ‘Yes, perhaps I had better go with you.’ replied Featherdown.

  ‘No. This is druid business. If you see smoke, come running.’ said Quab with a grin and left.

  Quab was a little anxious as he returned to his sanctuary. He had improved the wards and now it excluded any person or creature with a lawful alignment just in case one wanted to make trouble.

  He passed through the wards at the front entrance and continued on to his cottage. He saw a white haired male Newman in druid attire sitting on the ground in the sun smoking a pipe. He couldn’t see who it was as the person’s back was facing towards him.

  ‘Hello Quab.’ said the Newman. ‘It’s been a long time.’

  Quab stopped. ‘You’re dead. I saw you cremated … it must be thirty years or more ago.’

  ‘Yes. I remember it well. I was a sad day for all, including me when I left. I spent nearly two hundred years of my life here. I helped make it the paradise it is today. This is my real home. It’s great to be back.’

  Quab hurried around in front of the Newman to see his face.

  ‘Is it really you master? I thought you died.’

  ‘Yes it is really me. I did die. The Lady had more work for me to do and allowed the Inter-World Druid Council to resurrect me to act as an advocate for Mudrun on the Council. I had a name change and I have been bound to a chair ever since then and I have hated every minute of it but someone had to do it I guess.’

  ‘Why are you here now then?’ Quab asked.

  ‘It has been my job on the Council to keep a watch over Mudrun. Several druids here are Council agents, spies if you like. They have never met me but send regular reports on what is happening here. The latest report has troubled me so I am here to find out for myself what is happening. Your name is prominent in all the recent reports. It seems they believe you are in league with an Agent of Chaos. Tell me about it.’ instructed the old Newman.

  Quab was hesitant. He was unsure whether to be excited to see his old druid master or afraid of some imposter. He had seen him die. Perhaps it was some sick joke of the High Druid to get him to talk. He needed proof as to who the person really was.

  ‘I want proof of who you are. Tell me something that only you and I would know.’

  ‘He He.’ chuckled Safronius. ‘I guess it is wise to take precautions. I remember when I taught you how to shape change to an eagle and you were too scared to fly. I had to literally drag you to a cliff and throw you off to make you fly then you loved it but were too scared to land. You ended up landing in the water off the beach. I suggested maybe you should fly around as a duck or pelican rather than an eagle. You even did that for a while until you were attacked by an eagle then finally decided to fly as one.’

  Quab flushed at the memory. It was one of his more embarrassing life experiences. Safronius continued with another couple of Quab’s gaffs and finally accepted that this was his old mentor. He went into his cottage and returned with two wooden mugs and a small cask of well-aged mead he had been saving for a special occasion.

  They talked well into the night at first about old times remembering many humorous and poignant moments. Safronius talked about his job with the Council. He told Quab that he was present when the Yith delegation had gone to Panmagica nearly twenty-five years ago, to present a case to claim the world. He said the case was sound, but unacceptable to the Panmagicans, as they had significant financial interests in Mudrun.

  He didn’t expand on what the interests were, but Quab had the feeling that he knew. It was a poorly held secret that Panmagica had farms that grew some type of drugs on Mudrun. These were exported though the commercial gateway in Twin Towers. That was the main reason for the custom’s houses. It was to keep Mudrun’s most profitable export a secret.

  Safronius asked Quab what he thought of the new High Druid. Quab was scathing. The Newman was an idiot, a trouble maker, an egotist. He was the cause of much dissent amongst the Mudrun druids. Many also feared him. Curiously Safronius seemed pleased.

  ‘I will let you in on a council secret. The Council agrees with you. He was nominated as a Council member about the same time as I was. The Yith nominated him, however, no one has ever been able to verify his nomination by talking to those that nominated him. They seem to have disappeared. He quickly developed an interest in Mudrun and nominated a number of young druids to work here. A couple of years ago he lobbied to get a post here and was successful.’

  ‘After coming here he quickly established ambitions to become the High Druid of Mudrun. He contacted all the young druids that he had placed here and through them developed a power base. He was recently successful in becoming High Druid and since then a large number of chaotic events had taken place.’

  ‘Let me get this straight. You think the new High Druid is involved somehow in the strange events happening?’ asked Quab.

  ‘What about Aquitain, the one everyone seems to think is an Agent of Chaos and the cause of a lot of the problems?’

  ‘I’m undecided whether he is an Agent of Chaos as yet.’ stated Safronius. ‘He may be just a convenient scapegoat. However, I could be wrong.’

  ‘What do you think Quab?’

  Quab was astounded.

  ‘I think that you’re right. I have had a lot to do with Aquitain and I can’t see him as an Agent of Chaos. He is an honest guy. He’s the type you would expect to be a hero. He’s powerful, courageous and simply not the type to be an Agent of Chaos. In fact he doesn’t believe he’s an Agent of Chaos and I believe him.’

  ‘You’re sure?’ asked Safronius.

  ‘Yes I’m sure.’ replied Quab.

  ‘Well Aquitain has been mentioned in reports as well. He has a rather unique name. When his name was first mentioned I took the liberty to ask people what they thought of the name. Most said it sounded like a name of power. So I checked. Do you know that everyone I asked said that Aquitain sounded like a name of power but no one could answer why.’

  ‘You’re right. It does sound like a powerful name but I don’t know why.’

  ‘How did he get this name?’ asked Safronius.

  ‘He told me his mother said his father wanted him called Aquitain.’

  ‘And who was his father?’ asked Safronius.

  ‘He doesn’t know.’ replied Quab innocently.

  Suddenly Quab became alert. Safronius hadn’t mentioned Aquitain all night but he had just admitted the Council was very interested in Aquitain. He would have to be careful, as Safronius was very cunning. He used to be known as Safronius the Wise. What was his interest in Aquitain?

  ‘I’m told that chaotic things have happened all around Aquitain. These have helped him attain some sort of hero image since he’s been here.’ said Safronius.

  ‘That’s true.’ replied Quab carefully. ‘He has developed a hero image because he is one.’

  ‘Surely that is just a popular myth created by those who spend most of their time in the inn. They need a
hero in times of difficulty.’

  ‘He is a hero because of his deeds. I know reliable people that have been present when these deeds happened. He risks his life for people and asks for nothing in return. As with all stories there is much exaggeration after the event but the basis of the stories you have probably heard are all true.’ replied Quab.

  ‘That makes him dangerous!’

  ‘All Agents of Chaos I have observed have the signature of one of the gods upon them. Aquitain seems to wear no signature of any god.’

  ‘Surely that means he is not an Agent of Chaos.’ stated Quab.

  ‘No it means he could be an Agent of Chaos for some hidden master and that would make him more dangerous.’

  ‘You are wrong Safronius. You are looking for a villain where there is none!’ said Quab becoming annoyed.

  ‘Quab my student, you must learn to see beyond the obvious. He is a hidden Agent of Chaos. He deceives his so-called friends and they champion him. It is all a part of his nefarious scheme of deception. He is a new kind of Agent of Chaos, an innocent bearing a poisoned dagger for the back of his friends.’

  ‘Safronius, don’t patronize me! I am no longer your student. You are wrong about Aquitain. I will not accept your proposition. Aquitain is a hero of the people. You may not like that but that is the truth. I believe in him and that is the reality of the situation. If you came here to find out what is really happening then listen to me!’

  ‘Good. I see you have developed a strong backbone. You are a worthy friend of his. ’ said Safronius obviously trying to back off a little.

  ‘I must apologize for offending you. The stakes are high for all concerned. You see when I began investigating Aquitain’s family to find out about him and his background I discovered that I was not the only one. The Yith were interested in him and so were members of at least three religious groups. It seems that there is something interesting about him and what he is doing here.’

  ‘Do you know that his family have had business connections with the Yith which is unusual since Panmagica has very strained relations with the Yith. His shape changing abilities are unusual for a Newman and resemble those of certain Yith species. No one knows who his father is. Do you know I talked to someone who thinks that his mother is not his real mother? Aquitain has spent most of his life closely protected within the family. He has no friends outside the family. There is conjecture that he may not be a Newman at all.’

  ‘Are you saying he may be a Yith?’ asked Quab incredulously.

  ‘That is possible. We will not know until we can test him. However, if he were to be Yith it might explain the Yith interest in him and why the Yith are looking so closely at Mudrun at the moment. We also think they might be going to invade Mudrun soon.’

  ‘So you think he’s a spy for the Yith?’

  ‘Yes. It would make sense if he’s not an Agent of Chaos as you so strongly assert. Think about it, he makes himself a hero among the people who will have to defend Mudrun. He has their trust, he learns their secrets and betrays them all to achieve victory for his Yith allies.’

  Quab sat thinking. At last it all started to make sense. It was Aquitain’s grandfather that had recommended Featherdown for the job here. Safronius would have known that. Quab had been selected from all the druids on Mudrun to be the liaison between the Mudrun Druid Council and Featherdown. Safronius could have arranged that. Quab was expected to know what Featherdown was doing but was never told what the Council was doing. Quab was expected to be a sleeping spy.

  When the Yith Allan Amber had met Featherdown about three years ago and told him about the prophesy of the Time of Chaos. Featherdown had told the High Druid who had reported it back to the Inter-World Druid Council. Safronius would have taken notice and started to investigate whether Featherdown or Aquitain’s grandfather had any dealings with the Yith.

  When he found a business connection between the grandfather and the Yith it cast suspicion on Featherdown. That’s when Curbut was brought in as an assistant to Featherdown. He was a spy to keep a close eye on Featherdown. But Curbut also had a connection to the priest they had caught so perhaps he was spying for them as well. It would have been Curbut that told both the Mudrun Druid Council and his religious contacts about the secret arrival of Aquitain and that would have set off a further range of enquiries.

  ‘You don’t believe in prophesy about the Time of Chaos do you?’ said Quab.

  ‘You think it’s some type of Yith trick to take our attention away from the Yith invasion. You think Featherdown may be a Yith agent placed here to look after other Yith agents such as Aquitain to help the Yith invade the place.’

  ‘Yes.’ said Safronius. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘I think you’re bloody mad!’ replied Quab.

  ‘Featherdown is totally committed to defending this world. He’s trained dozens of people to do that. He’s built the town of Twin Towers. Why would he bother if it’s going to be handed over to the Yith. Featherdown doesn’t need money he’s already very wealthy and he doesn’t need fame or notoriety he’s already got that. He’s not our enemy and I don’t think Aquitain is either.’

  ‘Why have the Yith waited until Aquitain came here to invade this world knowing full well that the Panmagican Alliance will send an army here to try to get rid of them?’ asked Quab but didn’t wait for an answer and continued on.

  ‘They know something that we don’t. Perhaps it is about how and why this planet was destroyed. Perhaps it is about this Time of Chaos prophesy or perhaps it is something altogether different. I can accept Aquitain is here for a purpose but it is hidden to us all and possibly even to him.’

  ‘Aquitain is not in Mudrun at present, he’s gone to Moonmist. For every day he spends there, five will pass here. He is searching for someone and that will take a few days of Moonmist time but weeks of our time. If you wished to talk to him you are out of luck Safronius. You will have to wait until he returns. In the meantime, if the problems we currently face continue unabated, then it is safe to say that they are not due to him but some other influence.’

  ‘If you wish to find villains then go and find out why the new High Druid is more intent on making enemies than friends. Find out why a score of druids and a priest attacked me and two friends in this sanctuary? Find out why the new High Druid wished to try, convict and execute Princess Miranda of Argenta when he knew it would cause a war. Find out who ordered Curbut to kill Aquitain. Find out why there is a priest and druids attacking and killing little people and Crin.’

  ‘By The Lady, what is happening here? I was not told about these things.’ said Safronius suddenly. ‘Perhaps you can explain them to me?’

  It was something about the way that Safronius asked Quab to tell him more that made him a little suspicious that something was amiss.

  ‘I’ll get some more wine first. We might as well enjoy the evening.’ laughed Quab.

  He went into his cottage and searched for an old bottle of wine made by Safronius with a label made by Quab. It was made using an unusual berry that was normally toxic to Newmans but drinkable by druids. Safronius was one of the few druids that knew how to make the stuff nontoxic so that Newmans could drink it. He took it out and showed to Safronius expecting a laugh but got none. Safronius didn’t recognize what it was. Alarm bells rang in Quab’s mind as he tried to control his fear.

  I’ll get some glasses for this wine, it’ll taster better than from the wooden mugs.’ he said and went back into the cottage. Once inside he searched around for a small glass sphere. It was given to him years ago. Merchants in Panmagica used them to check whether someone was trying to charm them while selling or buying goods. If you were charmed the glass ball glowed.

  Quab found the ball and clenched it in his left hand and it glowed brightly. He returned to the fake Safronius.

  ‘You’re an imposter, a convincing one at that but an imposter all the same. The real Safronius would have recognized that wine and had no reason to charm me.’ then he shou

  ‘Lady I seek your favour. Rid me of this imposter.’ and the sanctuary lit up with a golden glow and Safronius was teleported and dumped unceremoniously in the swamp north of Twin Towers.

  Quab dropped to his knees and thanked the goddess for her protection then stood up with a happy smile on his face thinking how wonderful The Lady was. He sat down and poured himself a wine to contemplate what had happened. The talk with this fake Safronius had actually raised quite a few issues that were most interesting.

  ‘By The Lady, this is a wonderful wine it tastes almost divine.’ He thought. ‘Maybe I should save some for Featherdown. No. He wouldn’t appreciate it. I’ll drink it all myself.’

  After an hour of deep thought and a full bottle of wine Quab decided to go and see Featherdown. He had just reached the mage tower when the recently deposed High Druid Heteronimus teleported in a few paces from the entrance.

  ‘Hello Quab! I’m here to see the High Wizard. Would you like to accompany me? I believe you’re involved in this incident with the priest.’ said the druid.

  Quab nodded but said nothing as he accompanied the old druid to the front door. Featherdown greeted them suggesting that the old druid must have recently advised the wizard that he was coming.

  ‘Welcome Heteronimus,’ Said Featherdown, ‘It is a pleasure to see you again. Would you like a hot drink or a brew?’

  ‘No thank you! Let’s get right to the point. I specifically told you to keep out of druid business. I believe you were involved in an incident a short while ago involving a priest. I want him released to me immediately.’

  ‘I can’t do that.’ said Featherdown. ‘The law states that I will have to put him on trial here as he was caught in my territory. He will get a public trial so that all the people will know why he was here and see that justice was done.’

  ‘That is rubbish and you know it. This is a political matter.’ replied the old druid. ‘You will do as I say or there will be serious repercussions!’

  ‘I follow the laws that you and your council gave me to administer. It has not been changed so it is still in force. I am still the High Wizard here and until I’m told otherwise I will administer the law by the Druid Council rules.’


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