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Agents of Chaos

Page 44

by Des Pensable

  ‘The winner of the game is the player whose animal is the final survivor. Almost as an afterthought he added that since the bracelets wouldn’t work through a force field there would be no cover over the arena and that people should be careful to stay clear of the edge.’

  As the six slaves were herded into the arena and six of Darkmantle’s friends queued for a bracelet, Aquitain said to Terrin.

  ‘You’re not seriously going to let this game continue are you? Five of the slaves are going to get killed. You know I’m not happy about people getting killed.’

  ‘Of course I am. Slaves get killed all the time in Moonmist. Besides if it’s in your dream they’re not real. Let’s see what happens.’

  Aquitain wasn’t at all happy about Terrin’s cold attitude to the Newman slaves but was powerless to do anything. Miranda wasn’t happy either and asked if Llalorax could help the slaves or stop the game. His reply was ‘Only the Queen can do that.’ So the game continued.

  The game was an instant hit. The animals chased each other trying to tear the weakest apart. The players screamed in fear one moment or exulted in the glory of the chase and occasionally the kill. The rest of the audience was entranced not sure whether the antics of the players or the animals were more exciting. The game lasted less than three minutes but the players were lathered in sweat and exhausted.

  At the end of the first game Lord Darkmantle offered a second and there was a rush and scuffle to be one of the six players. The second game proceeded much as the first but this time there were countless bets among the Lords as to who might win and great applause when one of the popular northern Lords won.

  Darkmantle then announced that he only had enough slaves for one more game then they would have to settle for the more traditional animals games. He suggested that the Queen Aurora be allowed to play in the final game as one of the players if she so wished. Most savoured the thought of watching her face as her animal was killed by one of the others. She declined. So Darkmantle said that he had a spare bracelet of emotion with six buttons on it. If she wished she could feel the feelings of any of the six animals in the game just by pressing the appropriate colour button. This way she could feel the feeling of either the victims or victors.

  This interested her as no one would know which animal or player she was feeling so she agreed and a chair was brought to the edge of the arena for her to get the best view of the game.

  The game started with four rodents and two foxes. The rodents screamed in fear and ran in all directions, the foxes ran after one but then changed their minds as another seemed closer. Soon the two foxes turned into leer cats and the rodents into foxes and the scramble was on again. Then disaster happened. The Queen suddenly jumped up, cast off her snake guardian and leapt out of her chair into the arena and as she hit the floor she changed into a rodent. Immediately all six slaves turned into foxes. They saw the dazed rodent and charged. She didn’t have a chance. One grabbed her by the neck another grabbed her by the rear and they tore her in two. The other four foxes all barged in for a share of her as well.

  Women screamed and looked away in horror. Men shouted then there was absolute silence. It all happened so fast that the audience was stunned into disbelief. Several lords cast lethal powers into the arena killing the foxes but it was too late for the queen. She was dead.

  Two of her personal guards jumped down into the arena as pieces of her body transformed back to their Elendari shape. They took off their cloaks and covered her remains.

  There was absolute silence as everyone tried to comprehend what had happened. Was it an accident or planned?

  Someone shouted.

  ‘Queen Aurora is dead, long live Queen Gemelica.’ And all eyes turned to Princess Gemelica who was standing with Lord Darkmantle looking shocked.

  Darkmantle quickly went down on one knee and pledged his allegiance to Princess Gemelica. Many of the other Lords did the same but about half were not so ready to concede this swift change of power.

  Llalorax appeared stunned for a moment but not for long. Queen Aurora was dead. He was freed from his blood oath to her. He was quickly going through the possibilities.

  Darkmantle appeared to have engineered the Queen’s death probably with Princess Gemelica’s agreement. With the Queen gone Gemelica could assume the throne and select a new Royal Wizard, a new Royal Champion and a new Royal House. If Darkmantle became engaged to her as whispered or became the new Royal Champion, a position that he coveted, then the Llanlleans, his people would be in a very vulnerable position. They would have to go into hiding. They would be hunted and harassed as in times before. They could be wiped out. He had to avoid that at all costs.

  He turned to Miranda and said. ‘Would you like to have the power to get your mother’s gate world back again and stop the Newman slaves being killed in those games.’

  She looked at him a little unsure as to what he was meaning.

  ‘Of course I would. It goes without saying. How do you know who I am?’

  ‘I know many things. You’re Princess Miranda of Argenta and this is a chance to get your home back.’

  ‘She’s Princess Miranda?’ exclaimed Yllandril quite shocked.

  ‘Yes, now follow me quickly.’ he replied. ‘We have about ten minutes while they argue about protocol,’ and he raced off to the hut. Miranda grabbed Yllandril and followed wondering what he was planning.

  When she arrived in the hut, Llalorax was emptying a bag of magic items onto the table. He then grabbed another bag and tipped it on the floor.

  ‘This is your mother’s spare set of armour and I have a brand new Grand Druid staff that your mother commissioned to be made but never actually used. I think you have to load powers into it somehow. I also have a collection of old druid scrolls in that cupboard which may or may not be useful as I can’t read them.’

  ‘Get dressed and arm yourself. We’re going to the ball.’

  ‘If I’m going to the ball I want to go as Miranda not Dragonfly.’ stated Miranda.

  ‘Good idea.’ replied Llalorax and he picked up a rod of greater dispel and pointed it at her. Moments later there was a surge of magic, her glamour vanished and she turned from ugly Miranda back to beautiful Miranda. She quickly donned her mother’s golden armour then sorted through the scrolls selecting several. She leaned the staff against the wall and cast the powers held in three of the scrolls at the staff, which soaked up the magic. She then reached for the golden mask of chaos and asked Llalorax who was loading up with several wands what the mask did.

  ‘I don’t know but Aquitain said that it was the mask that he had been searching for. It apparently talks to him.’

  Yllandril at first stood in awe. This woman was an exact replica of Sindel before she had died and become Snowbelle. She knew Sindel was quite ruthless and had coveted the throne. If Miranda was anything like her mother in temperament she would have no problems stepping into the Queen’s shoes. Was this one of Llalorax’s plans she wondered?

  ‘I feel useless.’ said Yllandril suddenly. ‘What can I do?’

  ‘Mindlink us all together my sweet.’ replied Llalorax and watch our backs.

  Miranda strapped on the mask and mentally asked it what it did. No reply so she verbally asked it what it did and to her surprise it answered using mindspeak and told her what it could do. Doesn’t sound very useful for the current situation she thought but it would cover her face until she wished to reveal it. So she kept it on.

  Llalorax handed her a cloak that was glowing radiantly with multiple shimmering bands of colour rippling over its surface.

  ‘It’s beautiful.’ she said dazzled by its brilliance. ‘What does it do?’

  ‘I don’t know but it looks powerful doesn’t it. It should make a favorable impression.’

  She put on the cloak and asked it what it did both mentally and verbally but received no answer then asked Llalorax what the plan was.

  ‘Agree with everything I say, if it comes to a fight then kill everyone ag
ainst us, if I die or we look like losing use the amulet of return to teleport back here if you’re still alive, then you’re on your own. How’s that sound?’

  ‘Not quite as positive as I’d hoped.’ replied Miranda a little worried.

  ‘Well it’ll have to do as I’m going to be doing a lot of bluffing and I hope it all works.’ said Llalorax as they prepared to teleport to the ball.

  ‘Can you replace the glamour effect in case I need it? asked Miranda.

  ‘Mmm. Yes that might be useful.’ replied Llalorax and placed a glamour on her.

  Miranda recreated her dragonfly persona then switched it off. She took a few deep breaths and began thinking like a Princess.

  ‘Thank you, I’m ready!’

  Chapter 33 Time of Testing

  Aquitain watched in disbelief as the Queen was torn to pieces by the foxes. He looked at Terrin and said.

  ‘That’s quite disgusting? Is that supposed to make me leave the dream?’

  ‘No. It’s not a dream. Let’s see how it plays out.’

  They watched as the Lords took sides. It seemed that there were two camps. Darkmantle’s group sided with Princess Gemelica and the others who thought that there should be a grand conference to decide whether others could challenge for the crown as the law allowed.

  The two groups argued for several minutes then suddenly Llalorax appeared accompanied by a woman who wore golden Brilliant Armor like Snowbelle, a golden mask in the shape of a snarling Jeti, an archwizard’s cloak of radiance, held a High Druid’s staff in her hand and had a small stone spider perched on her shoulder which scuttled down her back and off behind the dragon throne.

  It took about ten seconds for Aquitain to realize who it was.

  ‘By the Powers, that’s got to be Miranda. What’s she up to? She’s going to get in over her head for sure. She’ll need my help.’

  ‘Are you sure? As a Warden perhaps you shouldn’t interfere.’ replied Terrin.

  ‘I might be Warden of Moonmist but she’s my chosen and that comes first.’ he replied as he watched the proceedings looking between the crystals in the dragon’s crown.

  Llalorax walked over to Darkmantle with Miranda at his side and casually asked ‘What’s going on here?’

  ‘Get lost Llalorax.’ said Darkmantle rudely wondering who the new woman was.

  ‘Do you mind? I am the Royal Mage. It is my duty to arbitrate any disputes between Lords at the ball.’

  ‘Queen Aurora is dead and she locked you in prison.’ replied Darkmantle. ‘You have no standing.’

  ‘I dispute that Lord Darkmantle. I was not locked in prison. I was told by Her Majesty to wait until called by her as she expected problems tonight. She was quite correct. Unfortunately it seems she did not call in time. However, I am here now and it is my duty to resolve any problems between the Lords.’

  ‘He’s correct.’ said Lord Neutral,

  ‘Her Majesty informed me that Lord Llalorax was waiting in case of trouble.’

  Darkmantle was furious. ‘OK! Let’s assume that you are correct. We believe that Princess Gemelica should be crowned Queen. They want to have a conference, to determine whether anyone would like to challenge the Princess for the throne.’

  ‘Have you anyone in mind?’ Llalorax asked those opposing Darkmantle.

  ‘Not specifically but we need time to discuss it.’ said one of the Lords.

  ‘The rules state that there can only be two contenders for the throne at any one time and since there are already two there is no need for any further discussion.’ replied Llalorax.

  ‘What do you mean there are two contenders?’ demanded Darkmantle and the other lord almost in unison.

  ‘Well there is Princess Gemelica and Queen Miranda of Argenta who stands beside me.’

  ‘I have captured Argenta.’ stated Darkmantle. ‘It is now a possession of our kingdom and last time I heard the outlaw Snowbelle was Queen.’

  ‘Well you have been misinformed. Our esteemed deceased Queen Aurora ordered no such attack on Argenta and was expecting the new Queen Miranda to attend the ball tonight as a special guest. You all know that she planned a special announcement tonight and that is what it was to be about.

  Queen Snowbelle tired of the dispute between us has abdicated naming her daughter as her successor. I wish to present her majesty Queen Miranda who now contends for the throne.’

  Miranda was shocked to the core. What was Llalorax up to? He couldn’t mean it. She was contending for the crown of Queen of Moonmist? This was unbelievable!

  All eyes were on Miranda. She stepped forward and removed the mask. There was a hushed silence as most present recognized Miranda. She was the image of her mother Sindel before she had been reincarnated as Snowbelle. Darkmantle turned visibly white. There was no doubt that it was Snowbelle’s daughter.

  Maybe what Llalorax said was true. He hadn’t consulted the Queen about attacking Snowbelle’s gateworld. Maybe the Queen had planned this as a counter to his plans. Maybe Snowbelle had abdicated to her daughter; she certainly looked regal enough and was wearing Snowbelle’s radiant armour.

  The other Lords quickly realized that this was an ideal opportunity to thwart Darkmantle’s grasp for power.

  ‘We nominate Queen Miranda as our contender.’ said one of the Lords.

  ‘But only a member of the Royal family can contend the throne.’ argued Darkmantle weakly.

  ‘That is not quite correct Lord Darkmantle. As you are aware I am the keeper of the Royal Code. I know it intimately. It states that only a member of a royal family may contend the throne. It doesn’t stipulate which royal family.

  As Queen Miranda is Queen of a realm she is a member of a royal family and she was born in our kingdom. In fact I believe she was born at Darkmantle estate.’

  Darkmantle’s face turned red and in a furious voice shouted

  ‘As Queen’s Champion I challenge her champion to a duel. The winner will have his Queen crowned Queen.’

  ‘You are not a Queen’s champion.’ replied Llalorax calmly.

  Darkmantle flashed the sceptre of lordly might and said ‘This says I’m Queen’s champion and I defy anyone to dispute the fact.’

  Suddenly there was a great murmur within the crowd as they recognized the sceptre.

  ‘How do we know it’s not a fake?’ asked Llalorax.

  ‘As you know Queen Aurora invited in independent artisan from Mudrun to the Ball tonight who is well acquainted with the sceptre as his family made it. Perhaps he can verify it.’

  All eyes were upon Garret as he was escorted to the centre. He examined it closely and verified that it was indeed the real sceptre of lordly might.

  ‘We are getting ahead of ourselves.’ said Llalorax.

  ‘The contenders must be approved by the dragon throne before they can become Queen. I suggest we seek the approval of the throne before we have any challenges.’

  ‘That will be a waste of time.’ replied Darkmantle. ‘The throne has been inactive for nearly fifty years.’

  ‘The protocol is that the candidates shall each make their way to the throne and each shall touch an arm of the throne and state the words ‘I submit to testing.’

  Darkmantle looked at the crowd. They all knew what would happen if anyone approached the throne. There was excitement in the air.

  ‘Okay.’ replied Darkmantle with a cunning smile.

  ‘Have it your way. I suggest Her Majesty, Queen Miranda goes first.’

  Miranda nodded.

  ‘I accept. I will go first.’

  Llalorax ordered the arena closed and the wooden floor slowly slid out of its housing and covered the arena to the excited chatter of the crowd. When closed Llalorax gave Miranda a nod and she started to walk to the throne then remembered that the bronze statutes would probably try to stop her. She went to the line on the floor and stepped over. The eyes of the front two statues opened. She took another step and the statues turned to face her. One more step and they would probably charge.
  ‘This should be interesting.’ said Terrin to Aquitain using mindspeak.

  ‘You must not help her or she will be disqualified.’

  Aquitain was nervous. I hope she knows what she’s doing he thought as he heard some scratching behind his back. He diverted his sight to the rear and noticed two spider legs appear at the rear side of the crown that were soon followed by the rest of Yllandril.

  ‘So there you are. What’s been keeping you? We watched you for hours and were worried that something must have happened to you.’

  ‘It did, but I’ll have to tell you later. Are you mindlinked with Miranda and Llalorax?’

  ‘Of course, I’ll link you in.’ replied Yllandril then joined Aquitain to watch the spectacle.

  Miranda hesitated and thought damn them they’re all waiting to see me fight four animated statues. Well they’re not going to get the opportunity this time. She banged the staff loudly on the floor, the noise reverberated through the hall and heightened the tension. There was absolute quiet as everyone held their breath in apprehension.

  Miranda sang a few druidic words and two monstrous great creatures of fire appeared in front of her.

  ‘Protect me.’ She commanded in druidic as she strode forward to the throne. The two closest bronze statues raised their four weapons and stiffly but quickly moved with metallic footsteps ringing on the stone floor to attack her. The two great fire elementals stepped forward and blocked their approach so the statues attacked the fire creatures, which in turn simply wrapped themselves around their metal attackers.

  Each statue got hotter and soon began to glow a cherry red colour as they struggled to break free until suddenly they simply sagged, melting into a pool of flaming red metal on the floor. The remaining two statues became active and quickly attacked the fire creatures but the result was the same. A brief struggle and two more pools of hot metal.

  Miranda stood in front of the throne flanked by the two fire creatures. She was an awesome sight with the flame reflecting off her golden armour and glowing cloak. Even Darkmantle couldn’t help being impressed. She was about to place her hand upon an arm of the throne when both throne arms burst into fire. At first she thought that it must be an illusion but when she moved her hand to touch the arm of the throne she could feel the intense heat. She turned to one of the fire creatures and pointing to one arm of the throne she said.


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