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Alpha Mage

Page 6

by Janelle Peel

  Joining her at the front door, I turned the handle and gave her the stank eye, “Stay close, okay?”

  With her nose pressed tightly against the frame, she ignored me.

  Wondering what had put a burr in her ruff, I pulled open the door and followed her onto the stone steps.

  The Moon was high in the sky and placed the time somewhere near midnight. A shiver wracked my frame as I pulled my hood over my head. It was freezing! Clenching my teeth, I muttered, “Come on Bex, hurry up.”

  She prowled down the steps on silent paws. Without a backward glance, she made a beeline directly for the trees.

  Suddenly, an irrational fear overcame me. Goosebumps pricked my skin that had nothing to do with the cold as the hair on the nape of my neck stood on end. Someone, no, something, was watching us.

  “Bex!” I whisper yelled.

  Again, no response.

  Panic lit through my veins as I stormed down the steps after her, “Bex, get back here!”

  Quietly, she continued her forward motion without any sign of hearing me.

  Taking a deep breath, I cursed myself for not wearing shoes and kept pace with her. After a few more minutes, I’d had enough. Digging my hand into her ruff, I pulled her to a stop and crouched down to her level.

  Completely white, her eyes stared through me like I wasn’t even there.

  Pure fear dropped my stomach to my knees. “Bex? Baby? Hey,” I touched her muzzle gently.

  Her low growl carried to my ears and I immediately dropped my hand. What the hell? Not knowing what else to do, I called to my well. Silver magic broke out along my hands and cast her iris less eyes in an eerie light. Hoping for the best, I called a single flame to the tip of my finger and tapped her nose.

  She yipped once in pain and dropped to the ground with her tail tucked beneath her belly.

  I hesitated, “Bex?”

  She whined softly and cringed as I reached for her.

  Swallowing the bile pooling in my mouth at her reaction, I lifted her chin.

  Pale blue, her gaze snagged mine before her lids squeezed closed as if she expected another blow.

  A strange wail sounded over my shoulder, sending my erratic pulse skyrocketing.

  Without warning, Kane was suddenly there. Bending at the waist, he plucked Bex’s cowering form from the cold ground with ease, “Get back to the house, slowly. Do not show fear. Just move.”

  Confusion littered my thoughts as I followed his directions to the letter.

  No wind stirred nor did any animals make a sound as we proceeded at a leisurely pace toward the house.

  Closing the door, I shrieked, “What the hell was that?”

  Gently, he lowered Bex to the floor.

  Immediately, she popped up and hid behind my thigh.

  Crouching, I whispered to her soothingly and ran my fingers through her soft fur, “Hey, shh. It’s okay.”

  Crossing his thick arms, he rumbled disapprovingly, “Why did you leave the house?”

  I lifted my chin defiantly, “You never said we couldn’t and Bex needed to use the bathroom,” I bit my lip, “or so I thought.”

  His dark brows lowered, “Explain.”

  Straightening, I strode into the kitchen with Bex hot on my heels. Once I’d settled into a chair, she hopped onto my lap and trembled. She was much too big, but I pulled her closer regardless. I needed her touch as much as she needed mine. Reinforcing our bond, I inhaled her scent and rested my chin atop her head. After a few moments, her shaking stopped and she let out a relieved sigh.

  Only then did I meet Kane’s jade eyes. “I awoke to her scratching at the door, so I assumed she needed to go outside.” I paused, “But once we got there, she was unresponsive. She kept walking further into the woods.” Shivering, I continued, “It felt like we were being watched and it was… so cold. When I dropped down to her level, her eyes were solid white. I panicked, she growled, then I shocked her with my magic.” Softly, I whispered to Bex, “Sorry, Babe.”

  She chuffed, snuggling closer. All was well.

  The knot in my chest slowly relaxed, “Then the sound… You were there. What was that?”

  He shook his head sharply, sending his dark hair swishing with the motion, “I don’t know. I was on my way back from my Beta’s home. Whatever you felt, I felt as well. I also heard the strange… wail.”

  I frowned, “What do you think it was?”

  “No clue, but I don’t want you outside after dark again.” He paused, “Why can’t she shift?”

  I sighed. Bex could shift, she just chose not to and I had no idea why. “I don’t know.”

  His eyes tightened in disbelief.

  I clarified with a partial truth, “Even before her Pack joined our Clutch, she never shifted.”

  His brow furrowed, “Fine. Next time, you get me and we go together.”

  I shook my head. “Next time, she can use the dammed tub. I don’t want to experience that ever again.”

  He laughed.

  Tossing him a glare, I snorted, “Well, I won’t be sleeping any time soon. You got a TV around here?”

  With a nod, his boots carried him out of the room.

  “Hey,” I whispered to Bex, “you sure you’re okay?”

  Her wide eyes met mine and she licked my face once.

  Good enough for me.

  She hopped down and we followed Kane.


  Quietly, so’s not to wake Nat and Bex in the other room, he poured a cup of black coffee and answered Justine, “That’s just it, I don’t know what it was.”

  Deftly, her fingers combed through her tangled blonde hair before twisting it up into a messy bun. “What did it feel like?”

  Blowing over the rim of his mug, he recalled the moment, “Cold and terrifying.”

  Grabbing her own cup, she clenched it between her palms. “If you want me to try to find answers I can, but it’s not a lot to go on. I’d have to leave for a few days.”

  He debated for a moment as the coffee scorched the inside of his mouth. Relishing the heat, he replied, “I think that may be best. No offense, but something is going on and it’s definitely out of your league.”

  She nodded, “None taken. I know my magic is weak. My best work is potions and spells, but I’ve exhausted all of those already. I need to resupply anyway.”

  Rubbing her face, Nat strode into the kitchen and yawned. “What’s going on?”

  Justine glanced at him before answering, “We were discussing whether I should leave or not.”

  Her brows formed a v, “Do you think it will help? Whatever that thing was, it scared the shit out of me.”

  “We don’t know, but I need a new supply for my spell work.” Lifting and dropping a shoulder, she hesitated, “If you don’t mind, how does your magic work?”

  Nat’s chin lifted a fraction, “I reach for it and it answers.”

  Justine’s eyes widened, “It just comes? No spells, incantations, potions?”

  She nodded, “Yes, my Mistress’s magic is the same way.”

  Flabbergasted, Justine continued, “I don’t understand. Would you answer my question from earlier? Were you bitten or born?”

  Cocking her head, Nat seemed to debate her reply. After a moment, she answered, “Bitten. By Bex, actually.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath, “She bit you?”

  Her tone hardened, “She was hurt. It wasn’t her fault.”

  All he could do was stare as his Wolf whispered, Mate… What a rare treasure she was. He had to agree with the beast, she was marvelous. Nat’s eyes glowed briefly as if she’d heard his inner monologue. She couldn’t possibly, right? Without a twin soul, his Wolf couldn’t properly communicate with her… Or could he? Filing away the thought, he tuned back into their conversation.

  “How long were you a Mage before you were turned?” Justine asked.

  Nat shrugged, “Not long. Maybe a week?”

  Justine smiled, “I was a late bloomer, too.”

bsp; She grinned back, “Have you seen Her?”

  Stilling, Justine bowed her head in reverence. “The Goddess? No.” A wistful note entered her voice, “Maybe one day.”

  Pulling out a chair, Nat sat at the table and tapped her fingers on the polished oak. “I met Her, once. In Empyrean; Her plane. Sora, as Her Chosen, used to speak with Her pretty regularly. After she defeated the Council back home, the All Mother has been strangely silent.”

  Justine sat as well, “Is that bad?”

  “We don’t know.”

  Kane interrupted, “As interesting as all of this is, we need to come up with a plan. Justine, get your things ready. I’ll see you to the border personally.” Tipping his head to Nat, he continued, “Could you call your friends? See if they’ve come up with anything?”

  She nodded.


  After they left, I called Daisy.

  Unfortunately, they hadn’t made any progress. She’d said she had a hunch and would call me the moment they found anything.

  Bex padded sleepily into the kitchen and sat on the hardwood floor. Her blue eyes sparkled as her tail knocked into the leg of the table repeatedly.

  “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” I asked with a grin.

  She yipped softly in the affirmative.

  Searching through the fridge, I pulled out some left-over steak and cut it into pieces for her. Crouching down to her level, I said, “We’re taking this upstairs. You’re going to eat, then you’re going to shift and talk to me. Understood?”

  She looked back toward the hallway and pricked one ear.

  I answered her silent question, “No, everyone’s gone right now. It’s just us.”

  With a snort, she moved out of the kitchen and clattered up the stairs.

  Mentally, I did a fist pump to congratulate myself on our compromise and followed her.

  The plate was clean and Bex was lounging on the bathroom rug as I stepped out of the shower. Toweling off, I pulled a teal tank out of my bag and selected another pair of yoga pants. Once I was dressed, I threw my damp hair into a pony tail and opened the door.

  Settling on the bed, I grabbed my sweatshirt and placed it on the mattress. “Quit stalling and come in here, Bex.”

  Hesitantly, she made her way into the room and hopped onto the bed.

  “Come on, Shift,” I encouraged.

  Between one blink and the next, a scrawny teen sat with her legs tucked beneath her naked rear. Reaching for the hoodie, she slipped it over her head with an uncoordinated movement.

  Lifting a hand, I helped her find the collar as her white-haired head poked through.

  Her pale blue eyes met mine as I examined her. She was finally growing into her high cheekbones and her pink lips had filled out. Her nose lifted slightly at the end and softened the line of her sharp chin. Musing internally, I traced over her hair with my eyes and noted it’s increasing length. “You’re going to be a knockout, kid.”

  She smiled.

  I grinned for a moment then promptly sobered, “Tell me what happened last night.”

  The smile slid off of her face as her lips lowered into a frown. Scratchily, she whispered, “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know, or you don’t want to tell me?”

  She shook her head, sending her hair over half of her face and nodded. Hiding behind the white curtain, she mumbled, “Someone called me.”

  Using my fingers, I tucked her wayward tresses behind one ear and froze.

  Where her ear had been rounded before, it had developed a point.

  Her brow lowered as I ran my index finger over the tip. Dropping my hand, I attempted a normal tone, “Who called you?”

  She shrugged.

  “Bex, this is really important. Who called you?”

  Her eyes closed in remembrance, “It sounded… like… music. Beautiful music.”

  My fists clenched involuntarily, “Music? Like a boy or a girl singing?”


  Flaring my nostrils, I pressed, “Do you hear it now?”

  She nodded.

  “Did you want to follow it last night?”

  Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as her thin shoulders trembled, “The urge isn’t as strong during the day. But, last night, I had to.”

  My heart broke and I gathered her to my chest. Kissing her crown, I whispered, “No one will take you from me unless you want to go.” I growled, “No one.”

  She sniffled as her tears leaked onto my shirt, “Promise?”

  Pulling her back to arm’s length, I looked into her gorgeous eyes and rumbled, “I promise. You are mine, and I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  Her small smile transformed her face for a moment. Shifting again, she shredded my hoodie.

  Sighing, I helped her out of the ripped material and took her snout into my hands, “I need you to promise me something as well.”

  Thumping her tail on the mattress, she chuffed.

  “Promise to stay by my side no matter what. I can’t protect you if you run off.” I borrowed Sora’s mom look and used it, “Deal?”

  Snorting, she touched my cheek with her cold nose.

  Assuming it was the best answer I was going to get. Releasing her, a knock sounded on my door.

  “Stay put,” I whispered, standing. Padding to the door, I called out, “Who is it?”

  “Kane. I have a couple of typed accounts from the Pack. I thought you’d like to come down and read them with me?”

  Turning the handle, I opened the door and came to an abrupt stop.

  Shirtless, a few drops of water dribbled down the broad planes of his chest and disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. Riding low on his hips, the dark denim showcased a perfect v, further enhanced by his rock-hard abs. Snapping my eyes to his, I gulped audibly and squeaked, “We’re coming.”

  The corner of his lip lifted into a smirk before his blank mask slid into place. Turning on his heel, he pulled a blue tee over his head and walked barefoot down the hall.

  Wondering what all that was about, I nodded to Bex, “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 7


  In the kitchen once more, Kane pushed a few pieces of paper across the table without looking up. “Two accounts so far. One is my Beta’s, Jet, and the other is a lower ranking member of our Pack, Rich. Both were in their twenties when they moved here.”

  Taking a seat, I leafed through the pages of neat print. “That’s it? Two sheets?”

  Lifting a brow, he growled, “It was one battle. My uncle was a brilliant strategist. What the Pack lacked in numbers, they more than made up for in strength. Add in every Shifters innate healing ability and there was little the Fae could do to stop them.”

  Biting my lip, I had to admit he was probably right. Sure, I could fight with tooth and claw, but I had no reason to. Magic was more… comfortable? Easier? Shrugging internally, I focused on the text before me.

  July 1988


  As we covered the ground to the battle field near the River Lea, a frigid breeze picked up. Icicles soon formed on my Wolf’s lashes as we looked out with our eyes and into the dark night.

  Frost crunched beneath our paws despite it being one of the warmest months of the year. A wail sounded on the wind; a battle cry or a warning, we didn’t know.

  Chase, our Alpha, yipped sharply from the front line. It was time to form up. Moving into position behind the higher-ranking members of our Pack, we waited. The wind picked up and howled viscously throughout the trees with a high-pitched keening. Four more wails sounded as snow began to fall from the sky. My sensitive ears listened as the river on the other side of the ridge slowly became muffled… almost as if it had stopped flowing. Crackles could be heard, like ice breaking from a glacier before falling into the sea.

  Then, silence.

  Fear pierced our shared heart. Something was out there, watching us. Waiting… Every strand of my ruff stood on end as we held our ground against the unseen thr

  The lines blurred as I paused to recall the previous night when Kane spoke, “Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?”

  Shaken, I nodded. Eerily similar…

  Chase growled in challenge. We were waiting as well.

  An ice spear sailed through the air as an older Wolf shoved us roughly to the side and it embedded itself deeply into the ground where we had just been. While we watched, it shattered and reformed; leaving a six-inch hole in the frigid earth. Faster than we could track, it sailed back from whence it came.

  Snorting, we thanked our savior. That was too close.

  A blood curdling cry sounded, announcing another member of our Pack wasn’t so lucky.

  Without hesitation, Chase roared in outrage and led the charge.

  Everything happened quickly after that. It was so cold, even our enhanced sense of smell was practically useless. Growls and rumbles rent the air; a creepy chorus to the wailing of their banshee like cries.

  Finally, a scent permeated the numbness of our nose; blood. The coppery tang slid down our throat and we nearly gagged at its intensity.

  Flashes of white; a long limb here, a leg there. None of which belonged to our Pack. Moving through our group like a mini tornado, they hacked and slashed with their frozen weapons. There could have been five or fifty, neither my beast nor I knew.

  The Goddess smiled upon us as we caught a break in the melee and sank our sharp teeth into our first opponent’s thigh. Her scream nearly shattered our eardrums with its pitch. Refusing to let go, we applied more pressure until her femur shattered inside our maw. Her blood tasted like eating a handful of frostbitten ice. She screamed again and slashed our snout with her spear. Releasing our grip, we caught her arm and repeated the process. Spitting out her ravaged appendage, we watched as she attempted to crawl away.

  This victory was ours.

  Slowly, we stalked her retreating form as she whimpered into bloody snow. Rumbling low in the back of our throat, we gave her the chance to face us before her death.

  With one last heave, she flipped herself onto her back.

  My Wolf wanted to finish her immediately, but I stood too stunned to move. She was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Pale blue eyes, high cheekbones and a sharp chin with full, pink lips. Her white hair was splattered with her own blue blood and the red of my Pack, but her skin glowed with a porcelain radiance as if lit from within. Her dark lashes widened before closing. Tipping her head to the side, she bared her neck and whispered, “Finish it. It is a good death.” As her hair shifted and my Wolf slipped his leash, I noted the tip of one pointed ear just before we sank our teeth into her throat.


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