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Alpha Mage

Page 14

by Janelle Peel

  Sora answered first, “No. It’s too dangerous, Nat. If she senses you have broken the curse, she will see it as a betrayal. She might even force you to do the ritual. It’s too risky. We’ll have no way of helping you.”

  Viv chimed in, “She’s right, Babe. How can we help if we can’t get to you? What if you do this, and these other Elemental assholes make an appearance in the future? How will we deal with them if you don’t make it back?”

  Daisy spoke next, “I agree. Break the curse, then take Kane’s Pack and head home. We will all rendezvous in SoCal and confront this as a family. Cooper is making arrangements as we speak. You’re not alone, Nat.”

  “I’ll call you back,” I muttered.

  Before they could respond, I ended the call. I knew they meant well, but I needed a moment to think this through.

  Kane took my hand in his. Squeezing once, he rumbled, “Your friends are right. This is too big, Nat. We need help.”

  Did we? The longer I took to decide, the worse things would get. At the very least, every second I waited placed Bex in more danger. On the flipside, if I tried and failed… they could all die. Swallowing my pride, I mumbled, “We break the curse. Then we go home.”

  Chapter 14


  In the early hours of the morning, I sat in the meadow with my hands buried beneath the cold soil where the Pack had been cursed. Not an owl hooted nor did a cricket chirp; the silence was absolute.

  Bex paced an agitated circle around Jet and Kane as they stood before the entire Pack. Insurance, he’s said. It was true, if shit hit the fan, I definitely wanted backup.

  Calling to my well, silver and gold flames flickered playfully along my bared skin. Tethering them to the soil, I closed my eyes. Pushing my will, I located the exact spot where the curse had originated. Gold and blue, the intertwining magic shot down for about a foot before expanding out to encircle the entire forest.

  Taking a deep breath, I coaxed the magic toward me, “Come.”

  The golden lines shimmered for a moment before answering my call. My brow furrowed as the blue colored magic refused to budge. Like everything else in my life, I was a tad slow on the uptake. Èriu and Amadahy were both present for the curse… Maybe… No. I could do this. Redoubling my efforts, I pulled with everything I had. The golden light poured through my veins and was quickly absorbed by my well. It pulsed once violently; I was almost full. I couldn’t do it on my own. Snapping my eyes open, sweat beaded on my brow as I cried, “Bex!”

  Instantly, she was at my side. Without hesitation, her cold nose touched the top of my hand. The blue magic answered her call in one massive wave as an ear-piercing wail rent the air.

  Pulling the pup into the shelter of my exhausted body, I buried my hands into her ruff as she panted and mumbled, “It is done.”

  Then my world went black.


  Cradling Nat in his arms, he rushed back to the house. They had to leave, now. The banshee like cry could only mean one thing; they were out of time.

  It was a good thing he’d dipped into the Pack’s trust and rented a private jet, he truly doubted an international flight would let a Wolf pup on board.

  “Everything’s loaded,” Jet rumbled as Kane slid into the large SUV and tucked Nat more securely against his chest.

  Bex’s chin rested on the console as her eyes pulsed in a dizzying array of blue hues. Abruptly, she sat up and bared her teeth at her reflection in the passenger window.

  Slamming the back door, he bit out, “Step on it, Jet!”

  His dark eyes met his own in the rearview mirror, “What about the Pack?”

  Kane’s Wolf growled once. Their Mate was in danger. This was not a debate.

  Jerking a nod, Jet turned the ignition and slammed the vehicle into drive. The tires spun out as the ground began to shake. Fuck, they were coming! Finally catching traction, they shot down the gravel drive toward the barrier.

  Gritting his teeth, he prayed for the first time in his life. Please, Goddess! Let us pass!

  Tinkling laughter sounded as a soft touch ruffled the raven strands of his hair, “It is done, Wolf.”

  Jet gasped from the front seat and the SUV slowed.

  Nat stirred in his arms as he roared, “Drive, Jet! Drive!”

  Bex rumbled a warning just as Èriu stepped onto the road. The sheer fabric of her dress flickered in an unseen wind. Raising her hand, green and golden flames lit her skin. Her lips lifted as she directed a bolt of pure magic in their direction.

  One moment he held Nat securely in his arms, the next she was gone.

  His Wolf howled as they spotted her directly in the path of fire. Her eyes glowed the most beautiful shade of moss as she glanced back at them and whispered, “No.”

  Between one blink and the next, the massive wave of power hit her body, throwing her high into the sky.

  Frantically, he jerked on the door handle; desperate to see where she’d gone.

  “Wait!” Jet cried.

  Mashing his face to the glass, he couldn’t believe his eyes. With one massive beat of her wings, Nat slammed into Èriu. The sharp nails of her talons gripped the Earth Fae; piercing her skin as she reared up on lion like paws, and tossed her like a ragdoll across the road.

  “What the fuck is that?” Jet screamed, swerving to a violent stop with a spray of gravel.

  Pride ran through his veins as he and his Wolf answered in unison, “Our Mate.”

  Nat opened her beak in screech of challenge.

  Dark blood poured from Èriu’s shoulder and thigh as she stood. Fingering her torn dress, she grinned, “Well done, Daughter. Now it is my turn.” Throwing her arms wide, a strange sound emitted from her throat.

  Faster than he could track, a stone cage began to rise from the earth around Nat. Her silver tipped griffin wings tried to carry her out of its crushing embrace, but were too massive to gain lift. The gut-wrenching sound of snapping bone met the silence followed by her cry of pain. One wing hung limp down the side of her black feathered torso.

  His heart clenched as he finally ripped the vehicle’s door from its hinges. Move, his Wolf ordered.

  Nat shifted again, flawlessly obtaining a fusion. Silver and gold sparks flew out in a powerful concussion of rage; knocking him against the side of the SUV. Chunks of rock hit the vehicle with loud tings as she opened her mouth and howled.

  His Pack answered, picking up her call with eager yips of excitement to join the fray.

  Èriu hesitated. Sneering, she looked at Nat as if she were the most repulsive thing she’d ever seen. Cocking her head, she listened to oncoming pack with one pointed hear. Then she vanished.

  Nat took one pained step forward and swayed. As she fell, Kane caught her large form in his embrace, “I’ve got you.”

  Thirty minutes later, 6 black SUVs pulled up to the airport.

  Onlookers stopped and stared at his battered vehicle.

  One growl from his Wolf quickly put an end to their gawking.

  Thankfully, Nat had shifted back to her human shape on the way and he’d been able to wrap her in an emergency blanket.

  While his Pack gathered their things, he clutched Nat to his chest and made a beeline toward a side door. Kicking it with his heel, he mused at how amazing it was that money could grease the wheels for dammed near anything. Ten thousand dollars was a pittance to get the fuck out of dodge.

  The security agent opened the door and looked from him to his party with a frown. Pulling out his phone, he swiped his thumb across the glowing screen. Jerking a nod, he held the door wider and let them pass directly to the runway.

  Justine sat on a leather couch with her mouth open as they trundled into the plane. Kane settled Nat beside her and motioned for Bex to sit as well.

  She finally found her voice, “What the hell happened?”

  Shaking his head, he rumbled, “Check her.”

  Nat appeared to be okay, but she hadn’t regained consciousness. He had no clue how much magic she�
�d expended with her shifts, nor how her healing worked.

  With a furrowing of her brow, silver light emitted from her palm as she ran it over Nat’s chest. “She’s fine, Kane. My guess is she’s exhausted.” Her blue eyes flashed to his as she extinguished her magic, “Now, what the hell happened while I was gone? And why the fuck do her ears look like that?”

  It was going to be a long flight.


  Sound slowly broke through the repeating dream of death and destruction.

  “I told you everything!” Kane rumbled. “She’s been like this for the entire flight.”

  “You’re leaving something out,” Sora answered with a sigh.

  Wait? Sora? Excitement littered my thoughts as I finally pried my eyes open to her anxious face.

  “Hey, you,” she crooned, hovering over me.

  Pressure on my shoulders drew my gaze to Kane’s as his grip tightened. My brow furrowed in irritation. Why was I sprawled across his lap?

  Sora snickered, “I think you can let her go now, Kane. She doesn’t look very happy.”

  His large hands dropped away as Sora grabbed my arm and pulled me up to sit.

  The world swayed for a moment as I leaned against the soft leather couch and got my bearings. Silver wall paper, a red felt pool table… polished oak bar. We were home. I smiled, “Hi.”

  Blaze grouched from the entryway, “The Wolf wouldn’t let you go. You’ve been out for almost a day, Nat.”

  I’d missed a day? “The last thing I remember is fighting with Èriu.”

  Sora nodded, “Yeah, but according to Kane, you used quite a bit of magic. How do you feel?”

  My stomach growled.

  Sora laughed. “Always with the food. Some things never change.”

  Daisy quipped from her perch on a bar stool, “Maybe you’d like a drink instead? From what Kane’s been telling us, you’ve had a hell of a time in the UK.”

  My mouth watered, “Yes, please.”

  While she poured, Sora gave me an imploring look, “I thought we agreed we would do this together. Then you go running off to fight on your own.” She shook her head in disapproval, “You know better, Nat.”

  I sighed, “I know, but it’s not like I had a choice. We wouldn’t have made it if I hadn’t stepped in.”

  Kane’s brow creased, “The Pack could have handled it.”

  Throwing him a glare, I bit out, “I handled it just fine.”

  Averting his eyes, he moved to join Daisy at the bar.

  Sora sat in the seat he vacated, “You did, and no, I don’t blame you. I worry, that’s all.”

  My ire died to an ember. Hell, I worried. So much had happened in such a short amount of time. I hadn’t even had time to process it all.

  Lifting her hand, she tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear, “They don’t look bad. I think you’re even cuter than before.”

  My cheeks heated, “Th-” I paused. Could I thank a non-Fae without consequences? How the hell did that work? Shaking out my hair, I covered the point and replied, “I appreciate that.”

  Daisy padded over with a drink. Greedily, I downed it in one go. Nodding for another, I handed her the glass. Wait, where was everyone else?

  Astute as always, Sora answered my unspoken thought, “They had to fly commercial and will arrive soon.”

  Relief filtered through me. I so did not want to have to deal with Mel and Kane. One Alpha was bad enough. Two? Nope, not looking forward to it.


  The drive to the mansion was taking forever! He desperately wanted to see Nat and Bex. Worrying nonstop for days was slowly driving him insane.

  Jackson eyed him in the rearview mirror as they arrived at the gate. “Remember, Mel. We have another Alpha as a guest. You will need to curb your instincts.”

  He rolled his brown eyes, “I know.”

  Rowe snorted a laugh beside him, “This should be fun.”

  Viv turned in her seat and threw her a death glare.

  His brow furrowed. What was he missing. Turning to Rowe, he rumbled, “What?”

  Her green eyes widened, “Um, nothing.”

  “Rowe? Out with it.”

  Viv released and irritated sigh, “Tell him. You’ve already let the cat out of the bag. But, just so you know, you’re going to be explaining it to Nat.”

  Rowe scrunched her nose as if she’d tasted something bad.

  He wanted to know what was going on, now. “Tell me.”

  Rowe cringed and muttered, “Kane has a thing for Nat.”

  He froze, “What did you say?”

  She shrank further back into her seat, “His Wolf thinks she’s their Mate.”

  His Wolf’s growl vibrated from his chest. Nat was theirs. Rage flashed his eyes to an amber glow. No one would take her away from them. Especially some interloper who had kidnapped her. Attempting a calm exterior, his Wolf gnashed his sharp teeth.

  They would meet the new Wolf; then they would tear him apart.


  After a lengthy shower in my own bathroom, I wiped the fog from the mirror and gasped. For a moment, I’d seen my mother’s reflection. Pivoting on my heel, I exited the small space and made a mental note to ask Julian to have it removed. That was plain freaky.

  Pulling on a some boyshorts, I quickly dressed in a tank and sweats. Everyone would be here soon and I wanted to see Lila before the shit hit the fan.

  Closing my bedroom door, I strode down the hall to her nursery. Her soft coos met my ears and I teared up. Goddess, I’d missed her so much. Turning the handle, I entered and had the second shock of my day. The normal silver of her wallpaper was charred in multiple spots and the black carpet had definitely seen better days. Stepping over the melted pieces, I approached her crib.

  She looked up and squealed, “Naa, Naa!”

  Grinning, I scooped her into my arms and pressed my nose against her platinum crown. Inhaling her oceanic scent, the tense muscles of my back relaxed. Home.

  Wrapping her chubby fingers around my hair, she giggled.

  “She missed you,” Sora murmured from the doorway.

  Tears of joy fell down my cheeks and I sniffled. “Me, too.”

  A loud howl rent the air; shattering the moment as Lila startled and began to wail.

  Knowing it could only be one person, I passed her to Sora and rushed downstairs.

  Mel had fully shifted by the time I reached the travertine foyer. His amber gaze snapped to mine as he took one step forward with a large paw.

  A rumbled growl sounded over my shoulder, announcing Kane’s arrival. His claws clicked over the tile with sharp clacks as he drew even by my side.

  Tipping my head, I took in his black furred form. Fuck. My thoughts flickered rapidly in panic as I tried to come up with a solution. We didn’t have time for this shit!

  Puffing up his thick chocolate chest, Mel called his challenge with a roar.

  Slapping my hands over my sensitive ears, I let out a whimper of pain.

  Kane pressed against my side before baring his teeth in Mel’s direction.

  Before I could blink, Blaze flashed by and slammed into the chocolate Wolf. The force of his momentum threw them both through the open doorway and into the yard.

  With Kane hot on my heels, I followed.

  Blaze stood before the horse sized Wolf with menace written in every line of his hard body. Stepping to the side with one shitkicker as Mel tried to go around him, his fangs extended and he hissed a warning.

  Blind with rage, the large Wolf focused his sights on the Master Vampire before him. The corded muscles of his back legs flexed in preparation to pounce.

  Throwing a hand in his direction, I screamed, “Stop!”

  The Earth immediately answered my call and softened to a slurry of muck beneath him. The Wolf cried out in terror as his paws scrambled for purchase in the soupy mix.

  “More,” I whispered.

  Instantly, the mud sunk him down to his chin with a slurp.


  The dirt hardened, ceasing all movement of his flailing limbs as bright green grass sprouted around him.

  My bare feet carried me down the stone steps to the grumbling Wolf. Lifting a hand, I slapped his snout with a loud smack. Crouching to his level, his amber eyes reflected as the glow of my own intensified, “You will behave, are we clear?”

  A slow clap drew my attention as Viv snickered, “Down boy!”

  Shaking my head, a quick bark of laughter escaped my lips.

  Blaze chuckled.

  Soon, we were all giggling like idiots.

  Mel whined. He definitely didn’t see the humor of the situation.

  Sobering, I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand and looked to Blaze.

  Crossing his arms, he shrugged a thick shoulder, “Leave him there. I’ll not have any fighting in the house where my Daughter sleeps.”

  My mind imagined all of the horrible things that could have happened. Nodding, I turned back to Mel with a glare, “I’ll let you out in one hour. Hopefully by then you’ll have cooled off.”

  The golden color of his eyes slowly bled away to brown as his ears flattened. With a heavy sigh, he rested his large maw on the carpet of green.

  Satisfied we had an accord, I stood, and made my way back into the house.

  Chapter 15


  As the mansion’s head of the house showed him the way to his room, his thoughts revolved around Nat.

  Beautiful, deadly, kind. She was perfect in every way. No matter what shape she chose, he would always love her.

  He stopped midstep.

  Love her? When had it happened? Was it when she broke the curse? No. If he was honest with himself, it had begun as soon as he’d laid eyes on her. It’d been a bumpy road, but there it was none the less.

  Julian cleared his throat, “Kane, if you please. I have some other business to attend yet this evening.”

  His brow furrowed as he once again followed the older man. “Business?”

  Julian jerked a nod, “Yes. With the addition of your Pack, arrangements must be made. Natalie has also asked me to remove the mirror in her bathroom.”


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