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Page 25

by Faiman, Hayley

  “I thought this was all to get a supply from someone you just happened to know. What the fuck?” he asks.

  Journee growls, the sound completely fucking feral like her. “Do you even realize who you’ve kidnapped?” I ask, my eyes focusing on this man.

  He looks from Journee to me, then back again with a shrug. “Fuck, you’re an idiot. I’m the president of the Savage Beast MC, my men find you, and you’re as good as dead. Both of you,” I smirk.

  The blood completely drains from the man’s face leaving him looking pale and sick as fuck. He takes a step back, obviously choosing flight in this situation of self-preservation. Journee looks back from him to me, then reaches out for him, but he turns tail and fucking bolts.

  If I weren’t tied to a chair, I would laugh my fucking ass off. “Nice man you picked there, babe,” I snort.

  Journee’s head snaps around and she narrows her gaze on me. Then an evil smile plays on her lips. “Oh well, I almost have what I want. He doesn’t even matter anymore.”

  I watch as she reaches in her back pocket and tugs out a cellphone. She places it against her ear, giggling to herself as it rings.

  “You want him alive? Then I have a list of demands,” she announces as her eyes stay focused on mine.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Journee is a fucking idiot. If I thought that she was one while we were together, I had no fucking clue the depths of her idiocy. She tells whoever is on the other end where I’m being held. She instructs them on how much shit to bring and demands it within an hour.

  I struggle against the knots that hold my wrists together behind my back, but whoever her man was, did a decent fucking job tying them together.

  Keeping my gaze on Journee, I watch her pace. She’s so fucking manic, scratching her arms and fucking desperate for a fix. I almost feel bad for her, but since I’m the one she drugged and dragged out of a restaurant, I don’t. She’s making her fucking bed and she’s about to lie in it, for life.

  I hear a lone bike pull up in front of the house. I grin, shaking my head, knowing without a doubt that whoever has just pulled up is definitely not alone. I know how my men work, I know how I work. I’d have a few guys come in the back and maybe a side door, if there is one. I’ll be out of this situation in minutes.

  “Wolfe,” she purrs as she opens the door.

  “When I said I wanted proof of life, I fucking meant it, you cunt,” he barks, walking past her and straight into the small living room. He’s carrying a small duffle bag in his hand and he sets it down at his feet.

  Wolfe’s eyes find mine and his body jerks slightly, then he shakes his head with a smile. “Seriously, Journee?” he asks.

  Then, before I realize what’s happening, his knees buckle and he falls down, his body and face smashing against the carpeted flooring. A lamp is dropped with a heavy thud and Journee hurries past his still body.

  “What the fuck?” I shout.

  Journee sinks down in front of the bag, ripping the zipper open and then reaches inside, only to find nothing but newspapers filling it. Her eyes lift to mine. “What the fuck, there’s nothing in here,” she screams.

  “Did you think they’d just hand over a bunch of product? Are you that fucking stupid?” I ask.

  She shakes her head, her body trembling with need. Her eyes lift to mine and she tilts her head to the side. “I need it, Dragon. Fucking fuck. I need that shit,” she says with pure panic lacing her voice.

  “Sorry, babe. You ain’t gettin’ it.”

  Her eyes narrow on me, then I hear a small sound from somewhere in the back of the house. I let out a breath knowing that the rest of my men are near. Her head twitches, but she doesn’t hear it, instead she begins rifling through the bag again, expecting shit to just appear for her.

  I watch as she sinks to her ass next to Wolfe’s body, bringing her knees to her chest and begins to rock back and forth.

  “You in trouble, Journ?” I ask, suddenly feeling a little sorry for her.

  She lifts her head, her eyes finding mine. “You wouldn’t care, even if I was. You handed me a wad of cash and told me never to come back.”

  “You’re right, I really wouldn’t fuckin’ care. But I ain’t heartless, what’s wrong?”

  She shakes her head, almost violently. “I stole a bunch of meth from these guys. Decided I would sell it, make some money. I didn’t sell it,” she whispers.

  “You partied with it?” I guess.

  She nods. Then the room fills with my men. Silver lifts his hand, a gun in his grip and points it directly at Journee. “Just kill me, please,” she whispers. “I’m dead anyway.”

  “Fuck,” Silver hisses. He looks over to me and I explain her situation. “What do you want to do?” he asks, while Hawk starts to untie my binds.

  My eyes flick to Journee then back to Silver. I honestly don’t know what the fuck I want to do. Journee isn’t anything to me, except she is something. She’s the mother of my daughter and what kind of bastard does that make me if I end her.

  “Savanna was my baby mama, too,” Hawk murmurs. “Didn’t make her a good fucking person.”

  “Journee ain’t bad, she’s desperate.”

  Hawk laughs, shaking his head. “Same fuckin’ thing, brother.”


  My eyes find Journee and for the first time in eight years, I feel sorry for the bitch. Fucking hell.

  “What happens if we let you walk out of here?” I ask her.

  She bites her bottom lip, her eyes lifting to mine. She’s trying to look innocent, except it doesn’t work. I’ve seen every side to her, every single fucking side and this is one that I hate. This is her trying to look sweet, trying to look demure. I fucking hate it.

  “I’ll probably die, but I’ll be okay.” She shrugs weakly.

  “Fuck,” I clip.

  Hawk doesn’t say anything, but I can feel his eyes on me, watching me to see what I’m going to do. I could throw Journee to the wolves. I could supply her with what she wants. I could do a million things. I could even end her life.

  However, I have Bellarosa to think about and if I bail Journee out right now, it’s going to start a bad fucking habit with her, I can feel it.

  Journee is an addict on all levels and that would mean she’d become attached and addicted to me helping her out of every fucking situation she puts herself in.

  I close my eyes for a moment, inhaling a deep breath before I exhale. Standing from the chair that I’d been tied to, I open my eyes and step toward her. She looks up at me with big doe eyes and I can feel my resolve begin to crumble, but only slightly.

  Reaching out, she smiles as she slips her fingers into mine as I reach with my other hand for my knife. Quickly, I unsheathe the blade and grip her hand tightly before I slide it across her neck. I watch as her eyes widen and her mouth opens in surprise right before the life drains from her.

  Two women dead by my hand in just a matter of days. I should feel guilty. I should give a fuck. I don’t. It’s not that seeing them dead turns me on, but honest to fuck, it makes me feel relief.

  Margot won’t show her crazy again and Journee won’t come back into Kora’s life and fuck her up even more than she already has.

  “It was for the best,” Hawk mumbles next to me.

  “I know,” I agree. “She had a man with her, didn’t recognize him. He took off when he realized who I was.”

  Silver looks down to Wolfe who is finally starting to stir, then to me. “Think he’s going to be a problem?” he asks.

  I chuckle, wiping Journee’s blood from my face. “Judging by the way he practically pissed his pants before he left, I doubt it.”

  “Can we call this newest incident, closed?” he asks, shifting his gaze from me to Journee’s lifeless body, then back to me again.

  “Call a prospect to clean her and the trailer up,” I order.

  He nods, tugging his phone from his pocket. I watch as he turns then walks down the small

  “That cunt hit me on the head, left a fucking lump,” Wolfe mumbles as he rises to his feet. “Looks like I don’t have to worry about her though.”

  I shake my head, my lips turned up into a smile. “Not at all. Take me home,” I grunt.

  “This seems really fucking anti-climactic.”

  “Say that when you’re the one covered in some crackhead’s fucking blood,” I grumble.

  Wolfe laughs, shaking his head with a groan, probably feeling every fucking bit of the bump on his head from the lamp. Leaving Silver behind to deal with the cleanup, we all head out of the trailer.

  Luckily, someone thought to bring the van and I’m thankful as fuck I don’t have to try and ride bloody and bitch on the way home.


  Presley’s phone rings and we all freeze, all of us on our way out of the house to head to the clubhouse for safety. My eyes fly to hers and she hurries to slide her thumb across the screen. Her eyes fly to mine, and she smiles.

  The breath that I’d been holding escaped in a whoosh. My eyes slide closed and I reach out to place my palm on the tabletop to brace myself.

  “He’s okay. He’s fine. They found him and they’re bringing him straight here,” she whispers as she wraps her fingers around my wrist, squeezing lightly.

  My lips tremble and tears of relief fill my eyes. I’m unable to hold the tears in, they fall almost immediately. Keeping my back to the kids, I allow them to fall down my cheeks, my entire body shaking with silent sobs.

  That’s how Drago finds me. Shaking and crying. His hand wraps around my shoulder and when his fingers squeeze, I know that it’s him. Spinning around, the blood that covers his body doesn’t even register.

  Standing on shaky legs, I throw my body against his, my arms wrapping around his shoulders and I tuck my face against his throat as a new wave of tears flow through my entire body.

  “Fragolina,” he rasps. “I’m okay, baby,” he murmurs.

  A second later he bends slightly, his arm wrapping around the backs of my thighs, right beneath my ass and he picks me up. He walks us silently to the back of the house, closing the door behind us. Slowly, my body slides down his until my feet touch the floor. I hiss as my sutures scrape against the rough denim of his jeans.

  “I just knew you were going to be hurt,” I breathe.

  He shakes his head. “Not my blood, Bella,” he rasps.

  Lifting my hand, I cup his bearded cheek, feeling the drying blood beneath my fingertips. “Who? What?” I demand gently.

  He could refuse to tell me, could shut me out, but something tells me just by the look in his eyes that he won’t. Not this time. He shakes his head once, his gray eyes never leaving my own. Lowering his face, I feel his lips touch my own in a brief, chaste, kiss before he lifts his head.

  “It was Journee. She got herself in trouble, thought she’d be able to hold me for ransom, get her out of her bind.”

  “You killed her,” I guess.

  He nods. “I did, but not for the reason you probably think.”

  “Tell me,” I beg.

  I watch as he lifts his hand, running his fingers through his hair before he wraps his hand around the back of his neck. “If I helped her, in any way. If I gave her even a hint of compassion she’d be back. She would be relentless.” He inhales then lets his breath out on a sigh. “She would come after Kora and you. She already knew you existed. It wouldn’t ever stop.”

  Nodding, I trace his lips with my finger, loving the way that they feel, even if they have some other woman’s blood on them.

  “I understand,” I whisper. “She was a liability to your freedom.”

  “To our freedom,” he snaps.

  My eyes lift to his. Those gray orbs watch me, waiting for me to deny his words. I should. Am I free? Absolutely not. Do I want to be? Absolutely not.

  “I don’t want to be free,” I whisper. His eyes flick away, then back to mine and he frowns. “I want to be yours. I want to be your woman, I want to be your Old Lady, whatever that means. I just want to be yours. I don’t want to be free anymore. I just want to be yours.”

  “Fuck,” he hisses.

  His lips slam against mine, the kiss is deep and hot, wet and hard. I open and welcome him. I accept all of him just the way he’s been practically begging me to. I do it all with zero reservation. I know that what is ahead of us will be hard and maybe even brutal, but right now, I don’t care. I want it. Every single part of it.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Starting the shower, I quickly and carefully strip Bellarosa out of her clothes. I fucking despise the marks on her body, but not because they’re there, but because I’m the reason they were put there. It’s my fault she was put in harm’s way.

  I step inside first, letting the water run over my body and wash the blood down the drain, Journee’s blood down the drain. Fuck. I can’t believe I actually killed her. I felt fucking hopeless.

  Bella joins me once the flow of blood slows down, her arms wrap around my waist from behind me. I close my eyes when her cheek presses against my back and then I feel her lips touch the center of my back.

  “Fuck,” I exhale.

  “Did you love her?”

  Turning in her arms, I gather her close, sliding my hand up her spine and into her hair before I tug her head back. “Never. I’ve never loved another woman, just you,” I swear.

  “I’m not naïve, Drago. You’re older than I am, you’ve lived an entire life before I ever snuck into your clubhouse,” she whispers.

  Dipping my chin, I touch my lips to hers, but don’t pull away. “I fucked women, Bellarosa. I never loved, not until you. I never would have cared if they walked away from me, never to be seen again. I would never kill for them,” I grind out, my lips touching hers with every word that I say.

  “You sound disturbingly like me,” she breathes.

  Without another word, I slant my head and take her mouth with my own. Sliding my tongue inside of her, I consume her the way that she consumes me. Tugging her head back, I swallow her moan as I fuck her mouth.

  Turning her around, I back her against the wall, my front pressing against her when she whimpers into my mouth. Her hands press against my chest and she pushes slightly. I take a step back, guilt washing over my entire body.

  “Fuck, baby. I’m sorry,” I grumble.

  She looks up at me, her eyes soft and her mouth turned up in a small smile. “Don’t be sorry, I want you so bad.”

  Just hearing those words, it makes my cock twitch. She reaches forward, wrapping her hand around my cock and without a word, our eyes stay connected while she jacks me off in the shower.

  My groans fill the space around us, bouncing off of the walls. When I come, it’s with a moan and Bella’s lips widen in a big smile as her teeth sink into her bottom lip.

  “Fuck, Fragolina,” I rasp.

  “I really hope I heal quickly,” she sighs.

  Cupping her cheek, I bend down slightly and press my lips against hers. “Me too, baby. I’ll eat that sweet cunt tonight though.”

  She trembles in my arms and my lips turn up into a grin as I reach for the water and shut it off. We have to get out of here, have to get to the guests and my daughter which are all in the house, waiting for us.

  I towel myself off quickly, then wrap a towel around my waist. Reaching for a clean one, I gently and slowly towel off Bellarosa. Once I have the towel wrapped around her body, I grasp my hand around hers and guide her back into the bedroom.

  “You got somethin’ you can put on?” I ask. She nods, reaching for a couple scraps of fabric that are folded on the nightstand. “What’s that?”

  She lifts her gaze to mine, a small smile playing on her lips. “The only soft thing that I have.”

  I frown as she reaches for a bra in her drawer and slips it on, then pulls a pair of panties slowly up her legs. I watch as she then tugs on a skimpy thin tank top that shows off the swells of her breasts.
My frown deepens as she tugs on the smallest fucking shorts I’ve ever seen in my life.

  “You aren’t wearing that outside of this room,” I announce.

  She looks down, then lifts her gaze to mine. “They’re pajamas, but Drago, this is all I can wear until these stitches heal.”

  I shake my head slowly, once, then twice. “Not with Silver out there and whoever else has most likely shown up while we were showering. No way are my brothers going to see you.”

  “You do know that they’ve all seen me naked, right? The night you branded me.”

  “It’s different,” I grunt.

  She tilts her head to the side, her eyes narrowing before she crosses her arms beneath her tits, pushing them out and making my cock harden again. Fucking hell, this woman unfuckingdoes me.

  “How?” she whispers.

  “You weren’t mine then. You’re mine now.”

  “You realize you’re a caveman, right?”

  My lips twitch. I close the distance between us, wrapping my hands gently around her waist, knowing that she has some cuts there. Dipping my chin, I run my nose alongside her own, then touch my lips to hers.

  “Yeah, but only with you.”

  She hums, taking a step back. Her legs tremble, though it’s not from my kiss, I know that her muscles are weak.

  “Sit on the bed, I’ll be ready in a second.”

  She does as I ask and I quickly throw on a shirt and a pair of jeans. With a grin, I make my way back over to her and slide my arms beneath her knees and back before I pick her up.

  “Drago,” she cries softly.

  “You’re tired. You’ve been through enough today. Let me carry you, Fragolina.”

  She grins, pressing her face against my neck, then sighs as I carry her into the rest of the house. I was right. When I walk into the living room, it’s full of brothers and even Pinkie and Della. Kora runs over to us, wrapping her arms around my legs.


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