Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 95

by Nicole Morgan

  The sensations of the humans’ expert moist mouths upon her body grew more forceful and she felt her arms grow limp. Too weak to gather more fruit from the bowls, she let her eyes close and allowed herself to be swept away into the sharp pleasure. She heard the annoyed snap of Christian’s fingers and the humans moved away from her, standing to attention.

  Inwardly, disappointment zipped through her like a bullet. Outwardly, she showed him her calmest composure as he studied her carefully.

  “You amaze me, my wife. I would have thought you could hold out longer to their pleasure.”

  “I would have thought you would bring me more than just two Master Arousers, my Lord. Perhaps several males, as that one time…” She let her sentence dangle with teasing intent and noticed a muscle twitch with anger in his jaw. “But alas, I’d much rather have you thrusting into me, husband.” She spoke gently, trying to instill visions of their coupling in his mind. That would be the only way to break him down and get what they both wanted if the big, bold erection pressing against his drawers was any indication.

  “And give you what you wish? I would have no leverage. No avenue of getting the name or names of the betrayers to your Kingdom.”

  Her Kingdom. Yes, once upon a time it had been hers. But for only a short time.

  “As I said. I know no names.”

  He looked disappointed. Not as disappointed and frustrated as her. How would he believe she could be the terrorist, anyway? Yes, she was being framed, but surely he wouldn’t accept that she was behind it so blindly?

  “Kalla, come here,” Christian ordered.

  The female did his bidding and when he nodded for Kalla to open his robe, Megan tensed. He wouldn’t…not in front of her. Would he?

  In the past, the Kings had never allowed the Master Arousers to arouse them in front of her. She strictly forbade it. It didn’t please her to see others arouse them and she had pointedly told them that immediately when she’d been told about Master Arousers. They had honored her request. Now he would turn it against her?

  She held her breath as Kalla sank to her knees between Christian’s spread legs. Her heart sunk as Christian lifted his bottom and allowed Kalla to remove his briefs. Despite the jealousy Megan swore ran through him while he’d watched Kalla and Gypsy pleasuring her, Christian was fiercely erect. Obviously, it hadn’t fazed him that she’d taken the pleasure so easily. It had turned him on!

  Her mouth dropped open and her fangs unsheathed in anger as Christian held Megan’s gaze, a smug expression on his face as he studied her, awaiting her reaction. Despite not wanting to show her anger, blood, thick with annoyance, pulsed through her as she watched him reach out and cup Kalla’s heavy breasts. The female moaned quietly as he tweaked her big nipples. The smile on his face grew as Megan’s fuse lit. Despite her jealousy at Christian touching the human, she reacted favorably to the female’s soft whimpers.

  Megan realized she no longer had a claim over the Kings. They should be allowed to pleasure and be pleasured. Obviously, they had kept themselves amused with their human Master Arousers while she’d been gone, attesting to his expert touches on this gorgeous female. This, watching her male touching another in front of her, taunting her in this way, was certainly torture.

  Damn him!

  “Gypsy!” she snapped, unable to hold back her annoyance. “Do to me what he does to her.”

  She’d expected Christian to protest. He didn’t.

  The human with the bright eyes settled onto his knees between her legs, reached out and cupped her breasts, playing with her nipples as Christian did to Kalla.

  Christian ordered Kalla to stand. He then leaned forward to take one of her nipples into his mouth. Kalla whimpered and she sifted her fingers through Christian’s hair. To Megan’s surprise, need pooled between her thighs as she watched and pictured herself in Kalla’s place. Gypsy followed suit and took one of Megan’s nipples into his hot mouth. His teeth nipped and sparked pleasure-pain, and Megan couldn’t help but cry out.

  Christian’s head snapped up, breaking free of Kalla’s grasp, and his eyes narrowed with unmistakable desire as he watched Gypsy and Megan. Megan pulled the human’s head closer, pressing his face into the pillow of her breast.

  She expected Christian to go back to his previous position; he didn’t. He watched warily as the male continued sucking and biting her nipple. First one and then the other. The male certainly had an erotic way with his mouth, Megan mused as Gypsy pulled her deeper into arousal. Her nipples grew thicker and harder.

  Megan yelped as the male’s hand dove between her thighs and stroked her clit. He caressed her there. Leisurely, teasingly, driving her toward a climax. But she didn’t want to climax at the hands of this stranger. She wanted her husband.

  She hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes until she heard a snapping sound close by and a tug on her collar. Opening her eyes, she saw Gypsy let go of her nipple with a pop and move away.

  She looked up to see Christian standing at the foot of her pillows, and to her surprise, Zane stood there also, glaring down at her. He didn’t look happy to see her. Not at all. Hurt shone in his eyes and it sent razor-sharp flares of guilt shooting through her. Zane’s eyes were glazed over with appreciation as he looked down at her. He had always gotten more aroused than Christian when watching others pleasuring her. She wondered how long he’d been here, watching.

  “I see you have finally found your way back,” Christian growled at his brother, keeping his gaze upon Megan and the slave who continued brushing his hands upon her body. Damn her, she was definitely reacting to his touches.

  “Seer explained you were in the Pleasure Room. She didn’t, however, explain you had company.”

  Christian grunted and frowned, not answering.

  Zane shook his head in a show of proper disappointment.

  “I would have thought you’d have him fucking you by now, Megan. Are you losing your wifely touch?” Zane asked in a strangled voice.

  “She hasn’t given me any names yet,” Christian barked. Megan caught his irritation and felt somewhat relieved that Zane was here now. He would be able to calm Christian.

  “Truthfully though, little brother,” Christian continued as he stared down at her, well actually not at her, but between her widespread legs. “She hasn’t truly been tortured yet, either.”

  “Obviously you’ve been going about it all the wrong way, brother.” Zane chuckled and winked at Megan. But she didn’t find any relief in his amusement at her predicament. If anything she felt even more desperate that Zane wasn’t taking this more seriously.

  Christian’s dark look merely got darker. He was angry again. Just as he’d been at the beginning when he’d first come into the dungeon.

  Without warning, Christian slapped Zane on his shoulder, evoking a grimace from him.

  “Well, baby brother. I’ll let you decide her next form of torture then.”

  Zane pursed his lips in thought and studied Megan. A moment later he said, “We’ve never used the Rain Room.”

  Megan blinked in confusion. The Rain Room? This was a room she’d never heard of. And from the frown on Christian’s face, she wasn’t sure he wanted to use it.

  “It hasn’t been maintained,” Christian said in a harsh tone.

  “I’ve kept the room maintained, so it is usable. I’m sure our Queen would appreciate it. It was, after all, supposed to be a belated mating present from us to her.”

  Belated mating present? Despite her nervousness at the situation, she was intrigued and curious. What kind of present would the Rain Room be?

  Tension had spilled through the air since Zane mentioned this mysterious room, and the silence from Christian as he pondered Zane’s suggestion made her uneasy. Maybe this Rain Room wasn’t such a good idea. She gazed around the Pleasure Room and noticed that Kalla was nowhere in the room. She was alone with three males.

  Oh boy.

  Christian continued to stare at her in a brooding manner. She noticed
the sharp white tips of his fangs protruding with menace from between his lips as he glared at her. Shivers of anxiety lashed her. What was he thinking? Did he wish to share this present from the past with her? Would it bring up memories of their times together? Or would it just make him hate her more?

  “The Rain Room would most likely succeed in getting what I wish to get from her,” Christian said.

  Oh no. Zane was definitely not in her corner if Christian was agreeing with him. Christian nodded to Gypsy. “Dress her and bring her to the Rain Room.”

  Chapter Six

  “What in the hell is going on with you?” Zane snapped as he grabbed Christian’s arm and held him back from following Gypsy as the slave led Megan from the Pleasure Room.

  To Zane’s surprise, his brother yanked his arm from his grasp and cast him such a thunderous look, Zane took a step backward from the powerful onslaught of the fury. He’d never seen his brother so pissed off. Except when Megan had first disappeared. This came in a close second.

  “If you’d hung around instead of going off on one of your fucking hikes down memory lane, then you would know what the fuck is going on,” Christian growled.

  “Maybe if you had come with me instead of sitting around here all these years brooding, you might not have such hatred for Megan.”

  “Hatred?” Christian blinked in disbelief.

  “Yes, hatred. Why else would you be treating her like this? Can you not see how weak she is? She needs nourishment. She needs us.”

  “Us? And that’s why she left? Because she needs us? I think that thin mountain air has your brains twisted, dear brother. Our wife left because she wished to be a thorn in our sides over the years. Now it’s my turn to be a thorn in her side!”

  “That’s it, show her who is boss, Christian. Show her what a damn asshole you’ve become over the years, because you believe the evidence about her being the terrorist.”

  Fury slapped through Christian’s face, making his fangs grow to a lethal length. Fighting. Warrior length. Zane swallowed back a tinge of panic. Okay, maybe he’d pushed his brother a bit too far too fast. He needed to rein Christian in, or he’d end up hurting Megan and regretting it a hell of a lot after the fact. He just wished he knew what Christian had done already. It couldn’t have been something too bad, if Megan still looked at him with love in her eyes. So if she still loved Christian and himself, then why had she left in the first place?

  “What I’m saying is why don’t you just point blank ask her why she’s doing what she’s doing? If that’s what you believe she is in fact doing.”

  “I don’t have to ask her a thing! I only want the name or names of whoever she’s slept with to get any information. That’s it! Then I will kill whoever has been with her! After that, she will be terminated, as all traitors are. Now get out of my way!”

  Zane knew better than to fight or try to reason with Christian when he was so pissed. Obviously, jealousy was the culprit blinding his brother and holding him back from seeing things clearly. Zane moved out of the way and his brother brushed past him, ripping the mirrored door open so hard it blew inward and shattered the nearby mirrored wall. Shards of glass smashed to the ceramic floor, making Zane flinch at the obscene racket that was a direct contrast to the peace and quiet he’d experienced during the solitude and memories of Megan while trekking in the Austrian mountains.

  Zane worried his bottom lip as he hurried after Christian. Shit. Instead of making things better for Megan, it looked as if he’d just made things a whole hell of a lot worse.

  “Has your sight into the future changed since the Queen was captured?” Christian snarled as he heard Seer whisper into his bedroom. She did that sometimes, materializing when he called for her, although he’d asked her to use the door in those instances. This time, however, he wouldn’t admonish her. He was glad she came so quickly.

  After his confrontation with Zane, he’d been too angry to join Megan in the Rain Room. Instead he’d summoned Seer, wanting her counsel. He needed to know if the future had somehow changed since he’d been with Megan.

  “Nothing has changed,” Seer replied in her monotone voice. “Your wife will still end up killing both you and your brother, if you do not have her killed first.”


  “When? Today? Tomorrow? Two hundred years from now?”

  “I do not have a clear reading, my Lord. Too much anger clouds the prediction.”

  Anger. His anger, no doubt. Or maybe Megan’s? No, it wasn’t possible. Megan’s spirit was too beautiful. She didn’t possess such anger. That last thought sobered him.

  She still looked at him with love and lust in her eyes, even after the forceful ways he’d taken her in the dungeon. And his anger had almost made him take the human slave in the Pleasure Room too. Just to wash that love and lust from Megan’s eyes, as he knew she did not wish him or Zane to be with female Master Arousers. She’d made that point clear early in their relationship.

  When he’d touched Kalla, he’d seen her anger, her jealousy. He’d wanted to wound Megan by being with Kalla. Had wanted to show his Queen how deeply wounding the feeling of betrayal went. Instead, she’d turned the tables on him once again by bringing Gypsy, the human slave, to her bosom. Although in the past he’d enjoyed watching another pleasure her, anger had flared through him this time. He had been jealous. He was still in love with his wife. And she was still in love with him. Then why? Why would she kill him and Zane? It just didn’t make sense.

  Could Seer be wrong? The instant he thought that, the question disintegrated. No, Seer had never been wrong. She was always right. It was decreed through the history of the Warrior Empire. She would always be right. That was why she was here. To prevent tragedies from happening.

  “Is there anything else, my Lord?” Seer stepped closer and Christian felt her prodding his mind. Anger erupted anew.

  “You go too far, Seer,” he warned.

  “I am only trying to help. Perhaps if I can interpret your thoughts, the reading of the future for you and your brother will be clearer?”

  “No.” He could not let her see his weakness when it came to Megan. He could trust no one regarding that matter, not even Seer. No matter how engrained she was into this Empire, some things were not meant to be shared. With anyone. Not even his wife, he thought wryly.

  Not even his wife.

  “This is your Rain Room, my Queen,” Zane breathed as he attached her collar to a chain that extended from the ceiling.

  He smelled good. Really good, Megan thought as Zane gently wrapped his hot, strong hands around her wrists. He brought her arms behind her back, making her breasts thrust outward against the tight burgundy silk robe Gypsy had swaddled her in before he’d brought her here and turned her over to Zane who arrived only moments after they had. Zane had quickly dismissed the human and then ushered her to stand on a large round five-foot-by-five-foot gold platform in the middle of the room.

  First, he brought up one arm, snapped the chain to her cuffed wrist, then did the same to her other one. Her tummy hollowed out in both anticipation and desperation. Being tied up like this had turned her on from the beginning. But being tied up by Zane himself, the male she had thought she might be able to talk some sense into, made Megan realize she would not be able to escape. At least not yet.

  He squatted, and she caught a glimpse of his white fangs as they protruded past his lips. Tying her up had always turned on both her Dark Hearts. They were highly sexed vampires, and she wondered if Zane had found comfort in some other female’s arms while she’d been away. That idea tortured her. Yet she kept silent as he instructed her to spread her legs, which she did, then she watched him click a chain to first one of her ankle cuffs and then the other. She knew the chains would keep her from closing her legs. Then he stood, throwing her a reassuring smile that did nothing to calm her nerves.

  He gave the large room a sweep of his hand. “Your belated wedding present, my Lady.”

  Megan found it difficult
to break eye contact with him. She was having a hard time reading him. In the past his emotions were clear for her to see in his eyes. When he and Christian first captured her years ago, Zane had been the kind one, the one she’d liked from the onset of her capture. The one who put her at ease.

  But now she couldn’t read him as clearly. There was still love for her. She could see it in the sensual way he smiled, the extraordinary length of his fangs, and in the sweet way her body hummed just being near him. Yet there was doubt between them as well. Trust may have been broken because he believed she was behind the attacks against the Warrior Empire.

  “What do you think? I ordered the room be kept clean and in workable condition while you were gone. I had always hoped you’d come back to us.”

  I always wanted to come back to you! she cried silently.

  “I…” She forced herself to shake off her despair. She was Queen Megan Darksky-Bloodrayne, a Crystal Clan female warrior and currently a member of Vampira. She bowed to no male. Not even her mates.

  She forced herself to gather her bearings and gaze around the room. It was gorgeous, she had to admit. The round room was decorated in luxurious shades of whites, chocolate browns and beige stone ceramics. The entire room looked effectively like a giant circular shower stall of forty feet by forty feet. Above her head, buried in the ceiling, she noted a large circular gold showerhead as wide as the gold platform she stood on, or correct that, the platform she’d been chained to. A platform that also looked like a giant showerhead.

  Obviously, Zane and Christian didn’t want her going anywhere. Translation, more sexual torture.

  Oh boy.

  “We decided to call it the Rain Room, because of all the showerheads,” Zane explained and waved to the platform she stood on, then the ceiling above her and then the nearby wall where several gold showerheads and hoses were neatly arranged.


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