Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection Page 96

by Nicole Morgan

  Under other circumstances she would have been much more intrigued with what they had in store for her. A room full of showerheads would be most electrifying to explore. However, right now, visions of water sexual torture were making her jittery and she wished she could just figure out why she was still in love with these two brutes if they didn’t have more trust in her than they had shown.

  She noticed the abundance of Oriental green ferns in large chocolate-colored ceramic pots. They were scattered around the room, giving it a jungle-like appearance similar to the Pleasure Room. Whereas in the Pleasure Room mirrors were in abundance, here in the Rain Room smaller mirrors adorned each wall, giving the occupants glimpses of each other.

  In one corner, behind sparkling glass-paned walls, was a pristine white toilet and beside it a urinal, along with a Chinese-inspired chocolate brown vanity with twin glass sinks and golden taps. On a nearby beige marble bench sat a stack of rolled burgundy and pink towels ready to be used, as well as several white terrycloth robes hanging from gold hooks.

  “Is it true?” Zane’s unexpected question arrowed into Megan like a torpedo, and she couldn’t help but inhale in shock. She knew exactly what he was speaking about. Secretly she’d hoped Zane wouldn’t fall prey to the calling cards being left behind at every attack against the Warrior Empire’s holdings. Cards, she’d been told by the angry vamps who’d tended her wounds and prepared her in the dungeon, that bore her handwriting, so of course the Kings would believe she was behind the attacks. No matter how hard she’d protested that she had nothing to do with the attacks, the vamps had been adamant. The Kings believed ill of Megan and she realized she’d been set up so perfectly, she couldn’t even prove her innocence. Or so it would seem.

  Megan sighed with a weariness she had never experienced before. She had absolutely no one on her side. Except, of course, Seer, who had advised Megan to kill the Kings to save herself and her twin daughters. It just didn’t make sense, yet how could she not believe Seer if Christian and Zane had told her to always heed her advice?

  “Why don’t you just tell us what is going on, Megan?” Zane prodded.

  “Just do what you need to do to me.”

  Zane’s brows furrowed in obvious disappointment. “We could hold you for virtual eternity here for the safety of the Empire. We are after all mated. Nothing can change that unless…” He didn’t finish the sentence. Zane didn’t have to. He was already steering her toward Seer’s prediction about what would happen to Megan if she didn’t kill them first.

  Death. Oh damn.

  “You look beautiful, as always, my Queen.” Christian’s deep voice echoed through the room, making Megan tense. He moved into her view and she noticed he’d changed into a gold-colored robe. He’d left the sash very loose, giving her a glimpse of his rock-hard abdomen and a quickly rising cock. She felt herself respond to the sight, despite her situation. Damn him, he always turned her on, no matter what predicament she was in. Maybe because she still trusted him not to hurt her, despite what Seer predicted? Despite his anger?

  “I see you’ve made yourself ready, brother.” Zane chuckled, ripping Megan out of her newfound thought.

  “As you shall hurry and do yourself. I want to show Megan what she’s been missing with our Rain Room,” Christian said, and to Megan’s surprise, he grinned at her. Odd that there was no anger in his eyes, as there had been earlier when the Rain Room had been suggested by Zane. Something had changed the oldest brother’s mood since he’d been gone. Something, hopefully for the better.

  Megan held her breath as Zane strolled over to the nearby glass-encased room where he proceeded to undress. Christian moved toward the near wall with the array of showerheads and she focused her attention to him. He looked so devastatingly handsome, more so than when she’d first met him. Although forty years in vampire life was but a blink of an eye, she swore he looked bigger through the shoulders and sexier now. Oh, why had she listened to Seer? Why hadn’t she confronted her mates while they lay in bed with that naked vixen? Or at the very least, confided in Zane back then?

  But she knew why. Christian and Zane were so transfixed with their Seer that Megan had believed her prediction was correct. Everyone had told her to trust Seer since Megan had lived here at the castle. That Megan was to keep her mouth shut and never tell the Kings they had offspring on the way. Just thinking of her beautiful daughters brought relief and happiness soaring through her.

  A rush of warm water sprayed against Megan’s legs, breaking her out of her thoughts and making her gasp in surprise, as well as shock at the force of the water coming from the platform she stood on. Within a couple of seconds, the lower half of the burgundy robe that Gypsy had swaddled her in before bringing her here and leaving her to Zane was soaked.

  Focusing her attention back to Christian, Megan saw he was fiddling with a couple of knobs near the showerheads.

  “It appears things are in working order. And now for the one above.”

  Warm streams of water splashed down on her head and shoulders, making Megan gasp at the intensity. She was effectively being immersed in a shower of rain from above as well as below her. The lush impact of water spraying against her flesh invigorated her and she found her senses awakening to a new level.

  As the water sprinkled upon her, she watched Zane undressing behind the glass partition. An erotic tremor zipped through her as she realized while he undressed he kept his gaze on her. Even from several feet away, she noticed the hungry look sparking his eyes. Tension lashed his shoulders and his large arms. A powerful flex of muscles rippled along his thighs and she spied a rock-hard ass as he turned around, bent over, picked up his pants and laid them on the bench with his other clothes.

  Her breath halted as he turned around, opened the glass door, stepping into the room. His cock was engorged and she swore she didn’t remember it ever being so long and thick. Swallowing at the eroticism melting through her, she tried to ignore the warm stickiness between her thighs as he grabbed a burgundy towel and wrapped it low over his hips. From the bench, he grabbed a silky pink scarf she hadn’t noticed earlier. As he drew closer, she noticed his white fangs dropping past his upper lips. Oh, how she couldn’t wait to feel the pinch of pain when he pierced her flesh and drank from her.

  Megan’s heart beat quicker as Zane stepped closer, a sensual smile upturning his lips, that silk scarf in his hands. No, not a scarf, a blindfold, she realized as he moved behind her and she felt the softness drop over her eyes, effectively blinding her. Both vamps remained silent, but she heard the slap of Zane’s feet upon the marble floor as he joined Christian.

  Then came the sudden rush of more water and then even more. She gasped as a warm jet of spray hit her toes on her right foot. It tickled and she smiled.

  “You like that?” Zane breathed close by.

  She nodded and another warm jet beat her toes on her left foot. That must be Christian’s handheld showerhead, she mused. They let the water splash against her feet for several enjoyable moments before moving the spray in unison up the front of her shins, over her knees and then to her lower thighs where it stayed. A niggle of anticipation zipped through her newfound relaxation and Megan hoped they would move the spray higher and aim it between her legs.

  No, that’s what they wanted her to want. She had to remind herself they weren’t looking to pleasure her, but to get information. Information she didn’t have.

  She swallowed, held her breath and awaited their next move. It didn’t take long.

  The water stopped against her thighs and to Megan’s surprise, they aimed the spray at her armpits, then caressed along the outside curves of her robed breasts. She breathed faster, reining in her excitement.

  Steady your breaths, Megan. Keep calm.

  Her husbands remained silent, but above the splashing sounds of the showers and the sprays, she could hear them breathing. Harsh, unsteady breaths. She could smell them, too. Damp spicy scents of arousal. They enjoyed what they were doing to her, so that
meant she needn’t fear fierce pain. This knowledge she was safe, as well as having their unique scents drifting around her, made her feel heady and needy.

  The gentle sprays moved down along her sides, caressing her waist, before both came around to the front to pummel her bellybutton, which was now fully exposed as her robe had opened! At the pressure on her bellybutton, her pussy clenched and creamed. She shifted nervously, wondering if maybe these two just might be able to break her down in this Rain Room.

  No, she couldn’t break. Her secret of their offspring needed to stay buried inside her or Seer’s dire prediction would come true.

  Twin jets of water danced off her body and Megan sighed in relief.

  Have mercy! She hadn’t realized how tense she’d gotten and they’d only been at it for several minutes. A moment later a sharper spray lashed her right hip. Cold water seeped through the robe, making it heavier, the coldness bringing Seer instantly to her mind again. She shivered, not liking this feeling. Another harsh spray splashed against the crack of her buttocks. She twisted in her restraints, hoping the jet of cold water didn’t target her tender pussy. It didn’t, thankfully, and the twin jets moved to each of her restrained palms. She clenched her hands into fists, gasping as the cold water ran in shivery rivulets down her arms, along her armpits, over the curves of her breasts and lower, making her miserable.

  The sprays angled along her arms and rested on the area where her neck and shoulders met. She winced at her increasing discomfort and thankfully they took pity on her, removing the sprays.

  “By now, you understand the control we have over your body, don’t you, Megan?” Christian said in a deep husky voice that, despite her circumstances, had her shivering in a nice way. She gasped as hot, welcome breath whispered against her breasts.

  “You won’t be needing this anymore,” Christian growled. She tensed at the sharp tug at the base of her neck that was quickly followed by a ripping sound. Warm air splashed against her breasts, her tummy and her pussy as he peeled away the water-soaked robe and exposed her more.

  Knowing Christian gazed upon her nakedness while she hung there blindfolded did naughty things to her pussy. Her vagina clenched and she creamed. Her breasts swelled and her nipples hardened into tight beads.

  “Yes, this arouses you,” Christian growled. “It has from the first time we tied you and took you, my lady; you remember that day, don’t you? That night up in the mountains against the rock?”

  Megan yelped at a sharp tug behind her neck, and heard the ripping sound of the robe being shredded behind her. Air breathed against the entire length of her back and buttocks as Zane removed the remains of her robe. She expected him to take her ass into his palms and caress her there, but he didn’t. The absence of his touch disappointed her.

  “Name names, Megan, and you will be rewarded,” Zane snarled from behind her.

  “I…I don’t know anything.”

  “Wrong answer, sweet vamp. Wrong answer,” Christian said in a cool voice. “Zane, continue.”

  She held her breath as she heard one and then the second handheld device turn on again. They had changed the temperature from that awful cold to a wonderful heat that coursed through her body in scorching waves and turned the pressure to a powerful pulse, which they aimed at her breasts. The sprays circled her areolas, carefully avoiding her nipples. Once again, despite not wanting to, anticipation swept through her. She wanted the spray pummeling her nipples. Wanted her males touching her, caressing her body with their hands and tongues. Wanted the sweet bite of pain as their sharp fangs pierced her flesh.

  She sighed in disappointment as they moved the sprays to caress her collarbone, then her shoulders up her arms and this time she kept her fingers uncurled as they pummeled her palms, loving the massaging way the water hit her there.

  Too soon the pulsing jets left her palms to wander back down her arms to her shoulders. She noticed one hot pulse began a sensual massage of the tight muscles in the back of her shoulders while another pulse stroked her lower belly.

  They stayed that way for quite a while, and Megan relaxed once again and focused her attention on the two points of pleasure. Then, all too soon, the forceful jets vanished, replaced by cold, gentle spray that took away the enjoyable warmth. They did that for a while, neither speaking, as they alternated between cold and hot, concentrating on different areas of her body but keeping away from the intimate areas she craved to be stimulated.

  By the time they turned off the two water jets, leaving her with the warm shower spray, lethargy and excitement zigzagged along her flesh.

  “Who gave you that information we found in your briefcase, Megan?” Zane questioned softly. Because neither had spoken during the water torture, his voice sounded too loud to her ears.

  “Name names, Megan,” Zane continued. “Do yourself a favor. We can go on like this for hours. For days. I’m sure you don’t want that to happen. I’m sure your arms are already becoming uncomfortable. Your wound sore.”

  Yes, actually her arms were feeling quite stretched and she felt a bit disoriented. Thankfully, though, her wound seemed to have lost its soreness.

  “Perhaps our Queen anticipates the next phase in her questioning?” Christian spoke in a low and sultry voice. Megan knew he stood directly in front of her. She could hear an odd sound as if he was rubbing his hands together.

  She yelped as two hot brands cupped her breasts. She smelled soap. Lavender scent. Pleasant. But the hands on her breasts made her focus on her two mounds. She sniffed the air, found the scent of lavender and water and breathed through the layers until she was able to grab the musky arousal odor of Christian. Her focus intensified on his scent as he rubbed her breasts with his soapy hands. The erotic feel of slippery hands touching her wet skin, and the hoarse, uneven way he breathed when aroused, made her body melt into the enjoyable sensations.

  Fingers soaped her nipples, tweaked them to this side of pain, then Christian massaged them leisurely with featherlike touches until they tightened into hard, painful beads before soaping her curves again.

  Oh, this feels nice, she mused. As she continued to unwind, despite not wanting to, she realized she’d become only a pair of breasts. Swollen and tingly, they felt so alive. A moment later his soapy fingers danced upon her nipples again, tweaking and exploring and possessing until they felt on fire.

  “Your breasts belong to us, my love,” Christian whispered and then his hands were gone. The spray returned, hot and pulsing, firing against her tender buds, making her cry out at the sting. The sharpness of impact assaulted her nipples, trapping them, hurting them, but in a good, erotic way. Something hot and needy uncoiled deep inside her pussy, the impact almost stealing her breath away and leaving her pussy sopping wet with her cream.

  As if the Kings knew they were turning her on big time, the dual jets left their targets, abandoning her. Disappointment made her whimper, the sound clutching deep inside her throat. As she awaited their next assault upon her senses and body, she became aware of every splash of water from the showers, every breath from the vamps and every quivering feeling zipping through her body.

  She hated this, but loved it at the same time. The confusion made her frown. Her fangs were throbbing and she writhed as the butt plug, forgotten until now, roared to life, slowly expanding, spreading her tense muscles, reminding her they could take her there, but they could deny her also. Not that she wanted to be taken. She’d been away from them for too long, they would hurt her so good, she would be lost to her desires for them again. Just as she had been in the past. The butt plug played with her ass and she yelped and tensed with anticipation when a finger brushed against her labia. Whoever touched her there pulled her flesh tight and tighter, pulling it until pain flared. Then he let go, soothing her fiery flesh with soap, massaging the pain away.

  Before long, her labia was feeling plump and heavy. She cried out as he clipped something on her. Her labia became stretched and pleasantly sore. Past experience made her realize h
e’d clamped her with heavy weights.


  They knew labia weights were another of the many things that turned her on.

  “You haven’t changed, have you?” Zane murmured from below her. It was him touching her there.

  “If anything, she’s become more responsive,” Christian replied from behind her.

  Megan stiffened as Christian’s fingers trailed along her left hip. Lightly dancing over her flesh, they traced a hot line across her lower back, just above the crack of her ass. Then his palm settled like a hot brand against her butt plug. Gently he pushed against it, allowing the plug to prod deeper and the pressure to increase.

  Between her legs, Zane’s fingers claimed her clit and, using her arousal cream, he massaged her there, forcing an array of pleasure to mount. Clenching her teeth in defiance, Megan urged herself not to concentrate on what he was doing. To deny that it felt so good.

  Despite trying to stop herself, she could only hold out for so long. Soon they had her ass yearning, her pussy needing a cock and somewhere deep in her mind, she was calling out for them to fuck her.

  Without warning, two pulsing jets of warm water sprayed against her. One straight to her clit and the other against her butt plug, She tensed and moaned, feeling the spirals of a climax taking hold. She whimpered, wanting them, needing them.

  And then nothing.

  No! Her body crashed in upon itself and utter devastation roared through her.

  “Tell us, Megan. Any name, and we’ll give you what you want.” Zane was speaking to her. She could barely hear him above the rush of blood zipping in her ears. She didn’t realize she was sagging until the sharp bite of pain sifted through her wrists and her mind.

  “Save yourself now, Megan. Talk.” Zane’s tender whisper lashed her senses and to her surprise, she almost broke down and revealed her secret. Almost told them this was not the proper way to treat the female who had borne each of them a daughter.


  “Go to hell!” she spat and she felt so frustrated, she actually meant it!


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