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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 114

by Nicole Morgan

  “I don’t think that he meant you should put yourself in dangerous situations again and again,” he said disapprovingly.

  She sighed. “I can’t put myself in a bubble where nothing will ever reach me. That’s no way to live. My father always said, live a life that’s full, and you’ll have no regrets when you die. He knew he couldn’t protect me from everything, although that’s not to say he and my brothers didn’t try.”

  “So, because of this affinity you have with the ocean, Seb was happy to let you just dive into a deathly situation without back-up or a weapon?”

  “I had back-up.” She looked over at Atlas who was dancing in and out of the waves.

  “The dolphin-dog who likes to bark at fish and chase his own tail. Yes, some back-up.”

  “He’s loyal, and he’d defend me with his last breath.”

  Nicolas took in a breath then let it out before he stood and started pacing again. “You could have died!”

  She sighed. She wasn’t getting through to him.

  “How many people know about this?” he suddenly asked.

  “Not many. When it first became clear I had this talent, my dad sat me down and told me to be careful who I revealed my skills to. He said some people would try to take advantage of me. My brothers know, and so do the crew, but I’ve never told anyone else. Except for you.”

  He nodded. “Good. The less people that know the safer you will be.”

  And her safety was very important to him.

  “Um, maybe you should put your clothes back on. The sun is starting to set, and you don’t know what sort of creepy-crawlies are around.”

  Plus, it would be less of a distraction for her.

  “I don’t have my clothes.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No, if I had any, why would I be walking around naked?”

  “Oh, well, I thought they were maybe drying somewhere or something.” He didn’t have anything to wear? He was just going to walk around naked for however long they remained here? And where was here?

  “What is Atlas?” he asked. “I thought he was a stray you took in?”

  Distracted by his questions, she looked at her dog once more. “He’s a familiar.”

  “A familiar? Like for a witch? You’re a witch?”

  “No, I’m not a witch,” she said impatiently. “There’s no such thing as witches. Are there?”

  “Not as far as I know. So what did you mean by familiar?”

  “My father told me I’d get a familiar on my eighteenth birthday. A creature who would support me on both land and sea. My grandmother had this huge cat. Apparently, people often mistook it for a jaguar. It could shapeshift into a great white shark. My father said it was magnificent. Deadly, graceful.” She looked over as Atlas slipped over and spun through the low waves.

  She sighed. “He was a stray. I found him on my eighteenth birthday, scrounging through the garbage. I gave him the meat out of my sandwich, and he started following me. He just wouldn’t leave me alone. I finally got back to the ship, and he chased me up the gangplank then stood and howled outside my door until my father came to see what the racket was all about. He knew right away what Atlas was. I was going through that stage where appearance is everything, so I was horrified that this flea-bitten, half-starved dog was my familiar. But even though he can be a complete klutz, he eats everything in sight, and he isn’t the smartest creature alive, he’s loyal and protective, and I love him.”

  Staring up at Nicolas, she was surprised by his lack of reaction.

  She glanced around. This place was beautiful and seemingly deserted. Not a person or animal or boat in sight.

  “Where is the boat you used to get us here?” she asked.

  “I didn’t use a boat.”

  She frowned. “Then how did we get here?”

  “I flew us here.”

  She stared at him for a moment then burst into laughter. “Good one. Flew us here. With what?”

  “My wings.”

  Kaley gaped at him for a moment. What was going on here? Was he delusional? “Um, Nicolas, you don’t have wings.”

  “Not in this form, I don’t.”

  This form? What was he talking about?

  He ran his hand over his face. “This wasn’t the way I intended to tell you, but it seems we both have our secrets.” He glanced over at Atlas. “And maybe you won’t be as horrified as I thought you might be. I have something to show you, I just don’t want you to fear me, okay?”

  “Fear you, why would I be fe….oh shit.” She gasped as he morphed into a huge, winged creature. There was nothing of the man left, nothing she could see anyway. Now he had large wings, light gray, rubbery-looking skin that was completely devoid of hair. Spikes protruded from his wide forehead. His dark eyes looked small in comparison to the rest of his head. As he turned, she saw he had a long, thick tail and she realized she’d seen him before. He was the creature who’d been flying overhead. He’d tried to attack the sea creature as it burst out of the water.

  Fear beat a tattoo inside her chest, but she swallowed it down. This creature had helped her. This creature was Nicolas. That was hard to believe, and yet the evidence was right here in front of her. He could shift shape. Like Atlas. Except Atlas shifted into a friendly dolphin. This thing before her was huge, terrifying.


  The creature nodded. “Yes.” His voice was rougher, deeper, and completely unrecognizable. In fact, nothing about this creature looked like Nicolas.

  How could he do this? What was he?

  Suddenly, he changed back, and Nicolas stood there. He knelt on one knee and shook his head.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, worried about him. He looked a little pale and weak.

  “Fine. Just too many changes too quickly make me feel a bit weak.” He looked up at her. “You don’t seem terrified.”

  Maybe not on the outside…

  “I…you…what are you?” she burst out. “I didn’t know that people could do that.”

  Atlas was the only creature she knew of who could change shape, and very few people knew about that. Just her family and the crew. But this, this was different. Nicolas could go from human to-to whatever that was.

  “I’m a wind-walker.”

  “A wind walker? You can walk through air?”

  “No.” He shook his head then shifted, so he was sitting a few feet away from her. “That would be a good trick, though. Our ancestors landed here in the year twenty seventy-eight. We crash-landed in Kansas.”

  “Crash-landed? From where?”

  He gestured up. “The sky.”

  Okay, she’d gotten that from the crash-landed part. But where had they come from?

  “We’re from another planet, Kaley.”

  Another planet? What planet was he talking about?

  “You’re an alien? You don’t look like an alien. You don’t sound like an alien.”

  Jeez, Kaley. How do you expect him to act and look?

  “We’re not all little green men. And my people have lived here for a long time. I was born here on Earth, so of course I sound human.”

  “But where do you come from?”

  “Our planet is called Vellum, and it is a long way from here, in a different solar system. Our planet was over-crowded, and our rulers asked for volunteers to search for a new planet to house some of our population. The group that set out couldn’t find anything compatible in our solar system, so they decided to venture further afield. They discovered a wormhole, entered it and found themselves in this solar system. Something malfunctioned with their ship, though, and they crash-landed here before they could relay any information of their discovery back to Vellum. They managed to escape their spaceship before the authorities found them, but their ship was confiscated.”

  “And they never recovered it?” she gaped at them. “They were just stuck here?”

  “With no ID, very little knowledge of this planet and the people who occupied it. Many of them d
ied. But a few survived. Two of which were my great-great-grandparents.”

  She frowned. “Think you need to add a few more greats on there.”

  “No, I don’t.”


  “We are a long-lived race.”

  “Long-lived? So how old are you?”

  “I will be one hundred and ten this year.”

  “Holy shit. Well, you look really good.” She stared at him, astonished. Where were the wrinkles? The gray hair?

  She’d thought he was in his early-thirties. To learn he was over a hundred, that he wasn’t from here, wasn’t even human…it was a bit much for a girl to take in.

  “So how many of you are there?”

  “Around eighty now. Many the original group died. We have always been cautious about who we revealed ourselves to. Being cautious has kept us off the authorities’ radar. Of course, it is much easier to do so since the mass evacuation to New Earth. We could not live on New Earth, living under a bubble would be a slow death for us. Like you need the ocean, we need to fly, to feel the wind against our skin.

  “Matings on Vellum are mostly all arranged, but here on Earth we get to choose who we mate with. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were meant to be mine. But you were too young. You needed time to grow. So I insinuated myself into your brother’s life. I became friends with him so I would have a reason to be near you. I have waited, bided my time to allow you to grow, but after today enough is enough. You are mine, Kaley. And I am claiming you.”

  He pulled her against him then kissed her. Strong and hard. At first, she didn’t respond. She was too surprised to do more than breathe. Then she melted against him, her insides turning to mush. And she kissed him back.

  God, he felt so good against her. His scent surrounded her, drawing her further under his spell. What would it be like to be mated with this man? To know that he was all hers. Forever.


  And hell.

  He was too much for her. Too masculine. Too forceful. Too used to getting his way. Just altogether too much. He would swallow her whole and never let her up.

  She drew back, and he stared down at her, his gaze dark. “I have been waiting for this moment for years. Sometimes I thought it would never come. I have watched you and wondered and hoped. At times, it was all that kept me going. The hope that one day you would be mine. And now you are.”

  Oh, God. How could she turn him away?

  “I am surprised I never figured out the truth about you before,” he said, running his hand through her hair. “That you are special.

  “Well, this is the first time I’ve had to fight a sea monster,” she managed to joke.

  “Just as well, because my heart couldn’t take it if it was a regular occurrence. You scare me, Kaley. You are too reckless with a life that is more precious to me than anything else in this world. From now on, though, I will protect you. I will guard you. Nothing will harm you.”

  He pulled her close for another kiss. Desire flooded her.

  “I must have you. Right now. I must make you mine.”


  She frowned as the sound of barking penetrated her arousal. What…Atlas! She sprang away from Nicolas. Probably for the best as she’d just about let him take her right there on the beach.

  She turned to see Atlas barking at something. Only this wasn’t his happy, I’m-chasing-fish bark. It was more of a warning bark. She raced towards him, Nicolas beside her. She came to a sudden stop, horror filling her as she saw something large and snake-like drifting towards them.

  The sea monster.

  She took in a sharp breath and felt Nicolas stiffen beside her. They moved back without speaking as the creature washed up onto the shore. Once it was lodged on the beach, she walked towards its head cautiously. She couldn’t quite believe it was dead, she half-expected it to jump up and pounce on her.

  “Your blade is still in its head. You must have hit the brain and probably killed it instantly.”

  She nodded, feeling slightly ill. “I guess.”

  “You killed the Grootslang.” The voice came from behind her, and Kaley turned with a scream, shocked to see an older, beautiful woman standing behind them. Her long, black hair was streaked with gray. Her cocoa-colored skin contrasted beautifully against the white dress she wore. Her bone structure was so perfect it almost looked unreal.

  “W-who are you?” Kaley asked.

  “And how did you sneak up on us?” Nicolas asked suspiciously, moving closer to Kaley.

  He put his arm around her, and she snuggled in, grateful. Although she still didn’t like turning her back on that creature. What did that woman call it, a Grootslang?

  God, did the monster mean something to this woman? Please don’t tell her that she had killed this woman’s pet?

  “I am Amahle.” She smiled. “And I move very quietly when I wish too. I came from our village, up there.” She pointed back towards the thick forest of trees. “You are welcome to come and stay with us.”

  Kaley gulped and looked up at Nicolas. Should they go with the strange, mysterious woman? Who’s to say there really was a village? Or that she wouldn’t kill them both for murdering her pet?

  “Do not worry,” Amahle said. “You have nothing to fear from us. You killed the Grootslang.”

  “Um, about that. Does that make you happy or angry?” Kaley asked.

  The woman’s eyes widened. “Happy, of course. Do you believe we wanted that thing in our ocean? Scaring away the ocean life and any ships that came this way?”

  Okay, that was good.

  Amahle stared down at the Grootslang. “It has poisoned our ocean for too long, but we were helpless against it. Until you came and destroyed it.” She looked at Kaley. How did she know it was her and not Nicolas?

  “When it died, a peace fell over us, and the curse upon us was lifted. We knew it was you, we heard your name whispered on the winds.”

  Kind of weird, but okay.

  “A curse?” Nicolas asked.

  Amahle turned to look at him. “Yes, a man visited us many months ago. He had heard of a diamond mine and was determined to discover its wealth. We tried to tell him that it was merely a legend, but he would not believe us. He searched for weeks. When he did not return, we grew worried. We searched for him and found his body at the base of a cliff. Dead. When his father arrived for the body, he was furious, he blamed us, and he cursed us with the Grootslang. We have not gone near the ocean since and no one has been able to sail close.”

  “That’s terrible,” Kaley said. “He had no right to blame you.”

  Amahle shrugged. “When you are grieving you are not always thinking right. When the man went to leave, the Grootslang attacked, it destroyed his ship and everyone on it.”

  Holy crap. Killed by his own curse.

  “Come, please. We will feed you. Give you a place to sleep. We owe you a great debt.”

  “You really owe me nothing,” Kaley confessed. “I did it to save my brother and his crew.”

  “Still, we are in your debt. Please come, until your brother returns for you.”

  Kaley looked up at Nicolas who shrugged.

  “All right. Thank you.”

  “Amahle, if it’s not too much trouble, do you think you could find me something to wear before we go to your village?” Nicolas asked.

  Amahle looked him over. “I suppose. Seems a shame, though.”

  The other woman turned and gave her a wink.

  Chapter Seven

  Kaley half-stumbled into the small hut she and Nicolas had been given for the night. She was exhausted. Not just from killing the Grootslang but from the celebrations afterwards.

  When they’d arrived at the village, there had been a whirlwind of activity. People had cheered her, actually cheered her. They’d made her feel like a hero when she really wasn’t. They’d cooked up a feast. She’d eaten so much she’d nearly burst. Then there was the after-dinner dancing. Wow, these people could dance.

�My feet hurt so much,” she complained as she lay back on the bed, which was really just some sturdy plant leaves weaved together. But she was so tired she knew she could sleep standing up if necessary.

  “You looked beautiful dancing. You glowed.”

  She probably shouldn’t sleep with him, but she was too exhausted to protest. And the truth was, she felt safer with him around. “It was fun. More fun than I thought it would be.”

  “They’re very grateful to you. It was a good thing, you killing the Grootslang.”

  She rolled over to face him, wishing she could make out his face. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?”

  “I was never mad at you.”

  She didn’t say anything, just waited.

  He sighed. “Okay, I was really mad. But because I thought I might lose you. You mean everything to me, Kaley. I know this has been a lot to take in. Learning you’re my mate, that I’m from another planet. It’s a wonder you haven’t run away screaming.”

  She was kind of freaked out about how he’d just decided she was his mate. Yet part of her acknowledged her attraction to him. She’d buried those feelings deep, covering them up with animosity. And now that she realized he cared about her, wanted her…well, it was hard to process. “I’m not exactly normal myself, am I? I have a shape-shifting dog, I can communicate with the ocean, and apparently kill really freaky-ass monsters. Need to add that to the resume.”

  He was silent.

  “Too soon to joke?” she asked.

  “Yes, definitely too soon.”

  Daringly, she reached up and ran her hand through his hair. “I’m all right, Nicolas.”

  He suddenly pulled her against him and rolling to his back, drew her over him. “I cannot lose you, Kaley. Nothing can happen to you. I wanted to do this slowly. To let us get to know each other better, instead of me just flitting in and out of your life. It’s why I made up this trip to Costa Rica.”

  “You don’t really want to go to Costa Rica?” she asked.

  “No. I used it as an excuse to be close to you. So, you could get to know me better. Then I was going to work on this attraction we have between us before I sprang the whole, ‘my family comes from another planet, and I can shapeshift into another form stuff’.”


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