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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 169

by Nicole Morgan

  Her eyes widened. "Bones?"

  He lifted the pendant to the rays of sun that peeked in through the patio door. The tarnished silver made Huitzilopochtli look mean, vengeful. How many lives were sacrificed to please this angry god? "Yes, I also had a set of bones we found at the site, right here on this island."

  Jessi's hands shot off the island and rested on her lap.

  He smiled. "Relax, they were in a box. Besides, I thought you loved archeology."

  "I do. I love to read about the artifacts that were found but not bones of dead people."

  "It's part of archeology."

  "I know, but it gives me the creeps. You're touching dead people."

  Jon couldn't help himself. His body inched towards her and hovered over her. "You didn't seem to have a problem touching a dead person last night," he teased.

  Her face turned a bright shade of red. "I need coffee." She mumbled as she maneuvered her body away from his. She reached out and took the filled coffee mug from the brewer.

  Jon grinned as he watched Jessi's lips touch the mug and sip the hot fluid. He remembered the feel of them, soft, supple. He never had this type of drive or pull towards anyone.

  "So what's the story with the pissed off guy?" she asked him as she cupped the mug in her hands.

  He shook his head. "This pendant is Huitzilopochtli, the god of sun and war. One of the most famous Aztec gods who was worshiped by many Aztecs. It was used by the Aztec king Ahuitzatil, who used it to gain immortality. He was a very cold and ruthless person and he slaughtered anyone who didn’t agree with his rule and became the most feared leader in the empire.”

  “Sounds like he wasn’t the best candidate to be immortal.” she took another sip of her coffee.

  “Yeah, he definitely wasn’t. There wasn’t a poison, arrow, or knife that could kill him. His warriors feared that his rule would tear the empire apart and they formulated a plan to get rid of him. Somehow they tricked Ahuitzatil to enter a cave in the mountains and then they dropped a bunch of large rocks in front of the entrance, trapping him. The soldiers, feared the pendant would corrupt another person so they supposedly buried it in between the mountains.”

  “So how did it get here?”

  Jon shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, that’s why I was studying it. David also was obsessed with it.”

  "David is a real asshole!" She spat as she put her mug down and opened the fridge to grab some cream for her coffee. "Was he always like that?"

  "Yeah, and not only towards women." Jon's anger began to boil as he thought how often he fought with David. "He is also a real pain to work with."

  Jessi put the cream back into the fridge. "But he didn't seem that way when we went to the bar with the others in the team. They all seemed to like him."

  Jon sighed as he held the pendant in his hand. "I'm sure since I'm gone they made him team lead, so most of them just do what he tells them to. When I was the team leader he didn't like me as his boss. We always butted heads, and he always tried to sabotage anything I did." Jon twirled the pendant between his fingers. "He desperately wanted to be the team lead for this project from day one, and now he got what he wanted." He stopped twirling the pendant and gripped it tight in his hand, furious his nemesis had won.

  "He didn't get everything he wanted." Jessi sipped some of her coffee. "He didn't get me."

  His eyes glanced at her. "He almost did, though."

  She averted his gaze. "I know. I was stupid. Thanks for saving my ass."

  A smile curled his lips. He knew it took a lot of willpower for her to say that. "Any time."

  She analyzed the coffee in her mug and then looked back at the pendant in his hand. "So what else do you know about this pendant?"

  "The legend says..." He grabbed his notebook from the island and began reading. "The pendant will bring immortality to those who desire it. A ritual must be done in order to transfer eternal energy to the being."

  Jessi's nose curled up. "What kind of a ritual?"

  Jon put the pendant and the notebook down and turned the page. Then he turned another page. "Son of a..."

  Jessi walked over and peered over his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

  "I'm missing pages. I had some notes here and they are gone."

  "Do you remember anything you wrote?"

  His fingers flipped the pages roughly as he tried to find the pieces. There were notes he had about the ritual, but there were only small bits and pieces. "I remember one thing for sure- there needed to be a human sacrifice."

  Jessi cringed. "Of course. These are the Aztecs we are talking about. What else do you remember?"

  He closed his eyes and tried to recall the pages. At least four were gone. "It involves some sort of chant that needed to be said. I didn't have the information about the chant, that was one of the things I was missing. Something about the immortal's desire."

  "Their sex life?"

  "More like who they wanted. After they were immortal they could take one human as their eternal light."

  "Eternal light? What's that supposed to mean?"

  He shook his head. "It's so hard to tell because these are translations. The words and meanings have changed over time. One of the things David and I argued about was the meaning of eternal light. I took it to mean beloved, treasure, true love..."

  "Soul Mate," Jessi finished his sentence. He turned and their eyes locked. The word soul mate was the exact word he used in the translation. The word stuck out in his mind when he studied the translations. He had a gut instinct that's what it meant.

  "Yes," he responded.

  Jessi turned and headed back to her coffee.

  Jon cleared his throat. "Um, David didn't think the same. He thought eternal light meant lover or sex slave."

  Jessi shivered. "Of course he would think that. Geez. Do you remember anything else?"

  Jon grunted, hovering over the notebook. "There were some clues I found which I wrote in there. I remember one of them was the full moon. I think everything had to be done under the full moon. Other than that I don't remember much."

  Jessi walked up to the island and put her coffee mug down. She picked up the pendant and twisted it back and forth. "Do you think David murdered you?" Her gaze shifted to him as her fingers twisted the pendant.

  He got up and paced around the island. "If you asked me yesterday I would have said no. Yes, he's a real asshole in every way, but I would have never thought he would kill, but today..." He stared at the pendant in Jessi's hand. "That pendant changes everything."

  Jessi put the pendant down. "Do you think he got it from the museum? Maybe after the murder the pendant went there."

  Jon shook his head. "I was here when they cleared everything out. One of the things missing was the pendant. I saw my notebook still here, so I hid it."

  "So how do we prove he's guilty? You're a ghost, Jon. You can't just materialize in a courtroom and tell the jury it was him."

  Jon stopped and threw his hands up in frustration. "I know!"

  "Listen, I could find the lost pieces of your notebook. It's obvious David wants me. I could..."

  "No." Visions of David touching her made him feel like throwing something across the room. "Too dangerous. You can't go anywhere near him without me."

  "This may be the only chance we have of finding out if he's your murderer!"

  Jon twisted around. He loved her stubbornness and the fact she wanted to help him, but he wouldn't let her put herself in such danger. "Not if you get hurt."

  "I won't get hurt. I know what to expect from him. I'll go in with pepper spray so he won't..."

  "I said no!" Jon's voice echoed through the whole house and Jessi held the island as a shock wave moved her.

  Her eyes widened and a moment later Jon hovered above her. The anger in his eyes made her want to step away. She opened her mouth to protest but in one swoop his mouth seized hers. His lips demanded entry as they nipped and teased her bottom lip. The relentless demand of his made her mout
h open in surrender. His tongue danced with hers and claimed her.

  The room began to pulse like a heartbeat and Jon swore the sound was in sync with the pulsing of desire in his body. The desire she created he could no longer control. Never had he felt such raw primal passion as he did with her.

  A small gasp escaped from her and he deepened the kiss. She tasted like honey, silky and sweet. He swore he’d never experienced such sweetness. He didn’t know how he was able to physically touch her, but he wasn’t going to stop to contemplate it, he was going to seize the moment. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her onto the island. Her legs curled around his waist and she squeezed him, moving his body against hers.

  He released her lips and whispered in her ear. "The thought of David touching you makes me crazy."

  Her fingers ran through his hair. "I thought you didn't want me." Her voice was laced with desire.

  His lips ran down her neck and stopped at the V of her blouse. He came back up and cupped her face. "I wanted you, but I wanted you to be sober." He swooped down and kissed her swollen lips. His lips stopped and his intense gaze captured her emerald eyes. "I need to know you want me."

  Her hands took hold of his face, her lips moved closer. "I want you."

  The air became dense and fog-like, hanging low around the floor, creating an eerie and erotic scene.

  His eyes darkened as his lips went back to assaulting hers. He needed her. He was a prisoner of this new world and she was the only ray of sunshine that came through into his dungeon, giving him hope.

  He lowered her on the island, his mouth holding her down as his hands unbuttoned the front of her blouse and tossed it aside. The scent of roses filled the room and he growled against her lips as he realized there was no bra impeding his passionate trek. In an instant his lips caressed the tops of her breasts and began kissing them, causing her to lift her body against his mouth. His lips trailed kisses down until he reached her perfectly shaped nipples and brought one into his mouth.

  Jessi moaned a loud primal passionate moan which caused Jon to tweak her other nipple with his fingers. The sweet passionate sound grew louder as her hands ran through his hair. He moved his mouth to her other breast and his tongue licked the tiny peak.

  He released the succulent morsel and looked up at her. "If you want me to stop, tell me now."

  Her green eyes darkened to the color of moss on a forest floor as her breathing quickened. She shook her head. "Don't."

  His voice was strained. "I was hoping to hear that." His eyes went back down to her body. Her nipples were hard and tempted his lips. He moaned and kissed them again. His erection strained against his stomach, demanding release. The room began to pulse louder as he feasted on her breasts.

  The moans from her lips fueled his passion. He released her nipples and looked at her flushed face. His finger traced a path down her stomach and rested above the waistband of her jeans. Her breathing quickened and she licked her lips.

  A smile formed on his face. He wanted her screaming with desire. He had nothing left- no home, no career, no money- nothing. At least he had Jessi and he needed to have her come apart in his arms.

  He bent down and blew hot air over her jean-clad mound. Her breath caught in her throat as her hands held his hair tighter, pulling him towards her hot core.

  He lifted his mouth and his hands jerked her jeans off until the only piece of material on her body was lacy white panties. The fog surrounded her, making her look like an angel laying on a cloud. The walls around him pulsed in time with the throbbing of his cock. His lips planted a kiss right on top of her panties. His fingers traced down the front of her panties and his hand cupped her mound. Her head flew back against the island as an erotic sigh escaped her lips.

  Jon stood up and pulled her panties down, exposing her to him.

  He flashed her a smile as he bent down and dipped his tongue into her wet folds, causing her body to shiver. His tongue slid and licked her swollen bud, causing her to buck against his mouth. He moved his tongue faster over the luscious nub and her body moved closer to his mouth.

  "Oh! Jon! Don't stop!" Jessi panted as his hands gripped her waist tightly. His tongue continued to feast on her. Her body shivered when he moved his tongue down and entered her slick wet channel. He extended deeper into her. Her hands grasped his hair so tightly he thought she would rip it all out.

  His fingers replaced his tongue. He stood and watched her face as his fingers penetrated deep inside of her, stroking, teasing, taking her to the edge of pleasure.

  "Jon!" Her hands clasped around the edges of the island.

  "Let go, Jessi. I want to see you lose control."

  His fingers plunged again into her channel, and she shuddered as her body seized them like a vice. He bent down and nipped at her neck as the waves of passion shook her body and she screamed his name.

  The fog around them thickened and Jon grinned at Jessi, whose eyes still hinted at wanting more. His cock throbbed, wanting its own release. He grabbed his shirt and it disappeared along with his pants. His thick, long shaft was ready for her and he angled it at her moist channel, demanding entry. Her body responded and bucked against it, causing it to slowly move inside of her. Jon moaned against her lips as the intense pleasure hit him. He inched his way inside of her and began to thrust in an erotic rhythm. The pulsing of the walls matched his passionate penetration of her.

  The fire running through him became more intense with every thrust. He was not supposed to have a physical body, but the sensations were stronger than he’d ever experienced.

  Jessi's legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him tighter against her. He leaned over her body and continued to thrust into her. His hand moved down to her clit and began to rub it, causing her to pant in excitement.

  "Come with me, Jessi."

  A smile lit up her face and he moved faster as the heat kept rising. It sizzled and his body was as hot as a flame. Jessi's mouth opened to form an O as her muscles clamped around him and her fingers dug into his back.

  Jon pushed one final thrust deep inside of her and threw his head back with a growl as an intense orgasm overcame him. The room reverberated the sound and the glasses and dishes in the cabinets shook. Jon closed his eyes as the heat started to dissipate. His eyes fluttered open and he gazed at the beauty sprawled out on the island. The dark straight tresses were all bunched up around her head and her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him.

  Jessi sat up and kept her legs wrapped around his waist. She kissed his neck. Her hands went down to his now spent shaft and began to stroke it again.

  "How about another round or two or maybe even three?" she whispered in his ear.

  A shiver rocked his entire body. The walls began to throb again.

  She was going to kill him even though he was already dead.

  Chapter Ten

  Jessi carefully maneuvered her car into the muddy parking spot. She opened the door and pulled out her umbrella as the rain started to pick up. It didn't damper her mood one bit. Being with Jon the past two days seemed like a mini vacation- a sexually charged mini vacation. She’d never experienced the intensity during sex that she did with Jon. At first she thought that sex would be all about him, but he always made sure her needs were met first. She had no idea that men like him existed. Her heart sank as she remembered that he was a ghost and no one but her saw him. Part of the reason she came back to the dig site was to find David and hopefully Jon's missing notes. If she found them maybe there would be something there to help Jon gain some peace. She didn't dare tell Jon that she was going back to the dig site to find David. As far as Jon knew she was at the store picking up some groceries to replenish the ones he used to make her meals.

  She looked around the dig area and noticed most of the canopies were being taken down by the crew. As she trudged through the mud she could not find any signs of David. She walked over to the closest man, who had a rain poncho on. She recognized him as Ed, one of the men she met the other nig
ht at the bar. He closed up a plastic case and lifted it off the ground that was gradually becoming mud.

  "Hi, Ed!" she called out to him.

  He turned and waved to her. "What are you doing here, Jessi? Didn't you hear about the storm?"

  "What storm? This? Doesn't look bad to me."

  Ed lifted a case and carried it to a pickup truck. "This ain't New York. It's part of some leftover tropical storm that's going to become a lot worse. We're packing up all the equipment and covering the excavation site as best we can. You need to go home. Go buy some extra water and food for a few days, too." He slid the case into the truck bed.

  Jessi shook her head. "Let me at least help you with some of the packing so you can go home earlier."

  He smiled at her. "That's really nice of you. I do have a few smaller things that I need help with."

  "Show me where they are." She kept pace with him to the site, even as the ground started to turn into mud. She glanced around the area again. "I don't see David anywhere."

  Ed snickered. "He said he had a meeting with some expert on Aztec artifacts." They went under a canopy and he took two small plastic boxes and handed them to her. "Everyone knows that's bullshit, because there aren't any planes coming in because of the storm. He's probably sitting at home watching some porn."

  He froze and smiled awkwardly at her. "Sorry. I mean..."

  She brushed it off. "What he does in his spare time is none of my business." She lifted the boxes that she put under her arm. "Where do you want me to put these?"

  "Back in the truck I was just at."

  "Ok." She walked back to the truck and slid the boxes in. When she returned Ed had a few more boxes for her and she moved them as fast as her body would let her. The rest of the team covered the excavated area with a tarp and secured it down. By the time she finished with the last box the team was done.

  "Thanks so much for your help, Jessi," Ed told her as she walked back to her car.

  "No problem. Call me when you guys come back. I need more material for my book."

  "Sure will!" he shouted back to her as he opened the door to the truck and climbed inside.


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