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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 188

by Nicole Morgan

  “Sorry I tend to vomit words when I’m nervous.” She cut a sideways glance toward Isaiah, who was still staring at her in shock. Isaiah scooted closer to the door, if that was even possible for a man of his size. I must reek or something…Shit! Morning breath, and I didn’t even roll the windows down. Quickly she let in the fresh air, keeping her eyes on the road. She dug into her glove box for her gum. It wouldn’t totally get rid of her breath, but it would no longer offend him. There wasn’t anything she could use to clean her mouth with back at the farmhouse. Popping the gum into her mouth, she savored the spicy punch of cinnamon. Dalila moaned out loud.

  “What are you eating?” he asked.

  “Oh, Big Red, sorry if I offended you with my morning breath.” She quickly averted her eyes back to the road, too embarrassed to look at him.

  “You didn’t offend me; your fragrance is quite nice.”

  Coming to a red light, Dalila pulled to a stop. Isaiah leaned in close, inhaling her scent, taking a deep breath, and exhaling. Her pulse jumped; was he truly that close to her? Smelling her? She gripped the wheel of the car tighter, hoping it would calm her nerves, to stop her from reaching out to rake her fingers through his jet-black hair. Nope, she wasn’t going to go there.

  “No, there’s no foul odor coming from your mouth or your body.” Hot breath scorched her skin. A car honked behind them, snapping her back to her senses. She continued to drive forward. Okay, he was in her face, maybe he was being affable, but God, the effusion of him smelled fresh, like before a storm hit when you smelled the rain coming to wash the stains away, making everything clean, new, and beautiful.

  Too quiet, everything was too quiet. There was a reason why people called these awkward moments. Isaiah had said there was a reason for everything. Before she could stop herself, she blurted just that.

  “What’s your reason?”

  “My reason?” Isaiah asked.

  “Yeah, you said everything happens for a reason.” She tossed her hand out to encompass the space between them. “Your reason for being here, this moment, in the car with me.” He sat back in his seat and brushed a hand through his hair.

  “Simple. I am here because I am searching for something; you are here because you got in the way. Do the math, and you will come to the same conclusion I came to last night.”

  As if she would know how come she ended up in his path. He was the celestial being, not her.

  “I didn’t ask you to hit my car last night, Isaiah. I didn’t ask to be held against my will, told I would die otherwise if I didn’t listen to your every word, and I sure as hell didn’t ask to be given a heavy dose of your day has careened into the Twilight Zone, so fuck you very much.” She slapped a hand over her mouth before she could take back that last part and took a moment to gauge his reaction.

  “Dalila?” His voice was a low whisper caressing her senses. “May I try some of your gum?” That was way off the mark, unexpected. One minute he was a dick, and the next minute he was asking for gum? Fuck all if she knew what his angle was. Dalila reached for the glove box to pull out some gum when he grabbed her arm. His fingers seared her skin, heat, extreme heat merged into her skin. His nostrils flared as her body heat went up ten notches. “Dalila, I don’t want my own, I want your gum.” Dalila almost swerved and hit the curb on her right side, but quickly pulled over. She needed a minute. Dalila sat, awestruck, not sure if she should bolt out of the car, or die of embarrassment. They were just arguing, weren’t they? No, she was venting all her frustration out on him. Her heart rate sped up, and heat crept up her neck, burning her ears red. Isaiah moved quickly, placing his lips to hers. His tongue penetrated her lips, searching for the gum he’d asked for. Breath escaped her lungs at an alarming rate. Dalila was unable to utter a protest. Her mind emptied of all coherent thought and repeated one word over and over again in her head. Carnal. Teeth tugged and nipped at her bottom lip. Isaiah began stroking his tongue over her hers, coaxing her to dance with him. His hand still rested on her arm, and the heat from his skin was burning his print right into her flesh. She’d never felt anything so hot. Her entire body convulsed from his touch, invaded, conquered by the dark kiss and firm hold of his grip. Dalila’s insides screamed for attention and begged for mercy in the same heartbeat. Waving the white flag was not an option. Isaiah’s flavor, bold like the man himself, was strong, spicy, too rich to be chocolate, but smooth enough to melt. The moan that dueled with her chest to escape was violently torn from her mouth. The warm juice of her arousal coated her thighs, as she grabbed onto his shoulders, anchoring herself to him. Isaiah’s kiss sent spirals of ecstasy bone-deep into her marrow and mingled with her genetic makeup. His kiss would now sit atop a pedestal to be measured against all others to come after. How could any man compare to what she experienced with Isaiah? Burning, intense heat started at the tips of her toes and raced to match her beating heart, a beat that thrummed through her entire body. She was going into shock from the kiss. Isaiah’s lips skipped the seduction and were on a crash course to an eternal fire of hot sex and ice. His hand tightened around her arm as he reached for her, trying to pull her into his lap. Still they hadn’t come up for air, their lips stayed connected. Dalila saw images, dark images of him taking her brutally, hard and fast. She was clearly in way over her head.

  Ω Ω Ω

  Isaiah did not recall when it happened, or how, but the moment she popped the gum in her mouth, he watched intensely, entranced by her actions. It was her mouth mostly; the sensual line of her lips, the motion of them moving up and down. Images of his cock sliding between her lips could have been the culprit. Isaiah wasn’t ready to admit the mortal female affected him on any level at all. The scent of anise and vanilla spiced with cinnamon entangled in his nose, her unique aroma a crash course of all the things he’d thought buried, hidden far beneath his soul. Thinking it would bring in some well-needed air to abate his desire, he moved to roll the window down. It had failed. He hadn’t even let the windows down, but she had, and for reasons unknown to him, the smell intensified. Every second in the car only strengthened his desire to touch her, understand her. Aware he shouldn’t, the enticement still dangled in front of him like forbidden fruit. Watching her full lips chew her gum was more than any man, mortal or immortal, should endure. A slow fire of warmth spread up his back, traveling through his skin. He’d never kissed a mortal woman before. He hadn’t kissed many non-mortals either, but still, there was no fire, no uncontrollable desire to grab hold of them, and devour their mouth like he needed to do with Dalila. When their tongues met, a wild explosion sounded inside his chest, and he felt drums beating at his rib cage. His entire equilibrium was affected by her taste. He hadn’t meant to kiss her. Shut her up, yes. Kiss her, no. The moment their lips met, he just wanted to be on her, in her, however deep he could go to immerse himself in her scent and her body. Isaiah was caught off-guard by the intensity of what he was feeling for this mortal woman. Shit, back off, slow down.

  Annoyed with his lack of self-control, he pulled away. Isaiah gritted his teeth and tried for calm. He was high off her kiss, energy enough to fight hundreds of Demons singlehandedly and still have the reserves to face a hundred more charged his limbs. He burned for her. Flames so intense his insides bubbled with heat; eruption was inevitable. Forcing a deep breath of air into his lungs, he leaned back against the seat. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand why I did that.” Storm clouds of confusion gathered in his head. Thunder spanked him into submission. Isaiah was still out of breath. Glancing over, he noticed her staring at him, her chest rapidly moving in and out. Her eyes dilated from her lust, and her lips were swollen, moist from their kiss. She was affected as much as he was. Good, at least he wasn’t alone.

  Ω Ω Ω

  If there was tension before, it had quadrupled to the size of Texas, and maybe even bits of Mexico thrown in just to keep things interesting. The kiss had been hot, brutal even, to the point that if he’d continued another second, things would have gotten
really interesting inside her Bug.

  “All right,” Dalila said after a while. “I really do appreciate you keeping me out of trouble, but I’ve had all I can take of this nightmare I’m in. You’re a great looking man...uh Seraph. I’m sure there’s an Angel who’d die for the chance to be with a guy as good-looking as you. But you can’t go around kissing women out of their panties. I only just met you, hell, I don’t even know you,” she continued her ranting. Isaiah stared at her, confusion lining his brow. “Does my forehead have a big sign that says ‘accepting applications’? I can assure you that I’m not.” I should make an exception. The idea of accepting the smallest touch, or kiss, from him had her head spinning in a million different directions. Another blare from a horn and she was back to driving down the road. She didn’t even remember navigating back into traffic. Mere seconds, the kiss was seconds, and she was already a big hot mess. This time as she drove, she kept her eyes on the road. Dalila turned the car into the back entrance of the park where Isaiah had landed on her car last night. She parked over by the clearing of the trees and cut off the ignition.

  “Now what?”

  “You stay here and let me handle that. Don’t leave the car, Dalila.” He gave her a stern look. “Stay here and lock all the doors.”

  “Is that really going to help me, if whatever you are looking for is out there waiting?” Dalila asked.

  “No, but I heard that humans like to be given the chance to feel safe, even when they’re not.”

  “Not this human, I need the facts. If you go, am I toast?” If he said yes, she was leaving his ass here; she preferred to take her chances on the road instead of sitting in the state park out in the open like bait. Isaiah gave her a black, layered look.

  “Here are the facts: you do what I say, and that’s that. Stay in the car, lock the fucking door, and I will be back in less than five minutes. You see anything, you just turn on the car and head back to the farmhouse where Grey and Raz are. Don’t look back, just go.” Isaiah kept his affability, but there was a distinct hardening in his gray eyes, no longer liquid mercury, but hard steel.

  Dalila rested both hands on the wheel of the car and flexed. “Fine, you’re not back in five minutes, I’m leaving whether I see shit or not, and I’m not going back to the farmhouse,” Dalila yelled.

  “Roll up the windows on your car, and whatever you do, don’t open your doors. Stay here, I’ll be back in five minutes, Dalila.” He sounded menacing as he stepped out of the car, stalking toward the forest. He turned glaring eyes on her. “Don’t leave the park. He’ll follow you, if you do.” He hesitated before speaking again. “I may not get to you in time.” Isaiah walked into the woods and disappeared.

  “I must be crazy.” There was no good reason for her to be sitting in her car, alone in the park. Furthermore, there was something out there that could harm her worse than Isaiah could. Ah, hell. She was stuck here and she knew it. It wasn’t in her to leave him here alone and he didn’t have a car. He’s got wings; he could easily make it back to the farmhouse. Dalila sat in silence, for what seemed like forever, she kept replaying the events in her head that led up to this unrealistic moment. It was broad daylight outside; surely nothing too bad could harm her, right? Dalila began running over different scenarios in her head. Isaiah and his brothers were Angels, so the Warrior class Angels had a purpose. What was the purpose? The sound of her hand tapping the steering wheel brought her out of her thoughts. She was so not going to leave Isaiah here in the park. Time and time again, she let her guard down to help someone, and they would stab her in the back. “I must be a glutton for punishment!” Dalila stepped out of the car, heading in the direction Isaiah had walked. Now was the time to be the Hollywood starlet, even if it wasn’t a romantic chick flick. I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.

  Ω Ω Ω

  As Isaiah made it to the clearing, he noticed the smell was stronger, burning his nostrils with the heaviness of sulfur and a hint of vinegar. Where was the bastard? He was here somewhere in the park. To get more leeway, he shed his clothes, taking his true form. Willing himself to embrace his power, his clothes were replaced with linen pants, his sword, and his wings. Seconds later, he stood to his full height, stretching his back and spreading his wings. He took his sword from its sheath, walking deeper into the woods. “Azazel, I know you’re out here!” Isaiah shouted. “Don’t make this harder for me than it already is, brother. Come to me, and seek your forgiveness.” Isaiah took flight below the trees, landing on a tall pine. He kept searching, gazing out as far as his eyes would allow him to search. Nothing. There were many reasons this trip should have been short-lived, many questions that needed answered. When Metatron left, he had disappeared, leaving no evidence whatsoever. When Azazel left, whispers of war and disorder carried throughout the halls. Then the Book went missing. Why now? What was the reasoning behind him deciding to fall the way he did? Why had women been killed after Azazel left? Isaiah almost lost himself on his perch when, out of nowhere, Azazel appeared. They glared at one another for a moment before Isaiah spoke.



  “We have unfinished business.”

  “Do we now, brother?”

  Azazel seemed sure of himself, the fool; he was always arrogant. “You need to come with me and take me to where the Book is being kept.”

  Azazel arched a brow. “The Book?”

  “Yes, the Book, I know you took it. It went missing right after you left.”

  “Now why would I, of all people, take the Book, dear brother?” Azazel taunted.

  “I’m perfectly happy here. I am enjoying my time on mortal ground immensely.”

  Isaiah gripped his sword tighter. “Well, your times of crimes are over, you must return. Don’t force my hand, you know you must return with me.”

  “I’ve committed no crimes, only played a little, and enjoyed myself, something you should try,” Azazel said.

  Azazel stayed his position, hovering over the branch Isaiah perched on. A slight breeze to the wind had Azazel taking a deep breath. “I see you’ve indulged in some mortal fruit, my friend,” Azazel’s nostrils flared. “A woman at that.”

  Fuck. This was what he was trying to avoid. He didn’t want Azazel on Dalila’s trail. If she wasn’t in danger earlier, she was sure as shit a target now. Isaiah stiffened; he’d been careless. He should’ve let her go home. “Yes, it’s a woman, there’s nothing wrong with me interacting with mortals, as long as I don’t reveal my true self.” Too late for that one, as well. Isaiah thought. She is getting wiped, so it doesn’t count.

  “I don’t care to further investigate this subject with you; now come, beg your forgiveness, or shall I take you,” Isaiah spoke in a deathly hushed tone.

  Azazel smiled at him. “I beg no one.” He looked over his shoulder toward the front of the park, and Isaiah noticed someone else out in the woods with them. It wasn’t Azazel he smelled, others were out there as well. What the fuck’s going on here? How many others were there? “Sorry, I will have to disagree with you today. I won’t ask for forgiveness, and I won’t go back to the gates until it’s time to return, although, I must say, when I do come back, you may not like what happens,” Azazel settled himself down on the ground.

  Out of the shadows of the trees stepped many other Demons and creatures of the underworld. Amazed that so many came out to face him in daylight, Isaiah tightened his grip on his sword. There stood about a hundred of them, slowly heading in his direction. Standing, he swooped down into the multitude of Demons, sword in hand, landing in the heart of the assembly.

  They didn’t attack him at once; rather they stood around, crowding him. The putrid stench of rotting flesh tainted the air, causing pain to his senses. Darkness descended on what was once a beautiful day. The stink of Demon enfolded him. Isaiah only had two choices: fighting his way through the fold, or reach his way back to Dalila, and getting the hell out before things got out of control. Fighting would
drain him, but it seemed the wisest action to do. He needed support for this job, realizing he wouldn’t be able to call his brothers. It was up to him to get a handle on the Demons. Isaiah knelt on one knee, gathering his energy as the Demons kept coming forward. Not Azazel; he knew what was going to happen. Isaiah didn’t see Azazel leave, but no longer felt his presence. This would drain him, and he may not even take them all out. He let the fire build, slowly at first, the sensation something he hadn’t felt in over a thousand years. Sweat beaded on his brow as he knelt, and as the moment drew closer, the Demons watched in anticipation. Why weren’t they attacking? There was something crawling on his legs. Isaiah looked down and saw them then, hundreds of Gogra ants crawling on his skin. Deadly to humans, they were the bottom-feeders of the underworld. Isaiah steeled himself for the powerful sting of their bites. The ants were black with huge incisors almost the length of their insect bodies. The sting from their bites was powerful, but his blood was stronger. As he was bitten, the venom injected would be expelled instantly. He wouldn’t die, but the bites did hurt like a motherfucker. More continued to ooze out of the ground, like black lava seeping from the ground’s opening. He was going to be out at least for a couple of hours after this. Isaiah’s thoughts went to Dalila. She had better fucking leave his ass and head back to the farmhouse. He didn’t want her here; she didn’t need to be a part of this. His energy grew exponentially. The Demons had stepped closer, watching as the Gogra ants bit at his legs. They looked ready to go into a feeding frenzy when Isaiah shored up the last of his power and sent forth the burning. His entire body lit to a brilliant blue flame. It consumed his body from top to bottom. The Gogra ants let out a loud screech as their bodies went up in flames. His flame took out every single Demon standing near him with the blast of his energy.


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