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Loyal Cheaters (Cheaters #2)

Page 11

by Lacey Silks

  By late afternoon, freshly shaved, I knocked on the front door, but got no answer. A faint sound of shuffling feet echoed on the other side, so I knocked again.

  No answer.

  “Zoey? It’s me, open up.”

  “Ace?” Her voice sounded weak and surprised.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Please let me in, Zoey.”

  She finally opened the door, only by a fraction. When she saw me she closed it again, and I thought it would be over then, but she removed the additional chain lock and pulled me inside.

  “What are you doing here?” She turned around and fastened the chain and the dead bolt.

  “Is it time? Did Emma call?”

  “Whoa, slow down, Tinkerbell.” I heard the locks click as soon as I let myself inside.

  “No one’s been on your profile. Everything is fine, and we’re meeting Emma this weekend.”

  She let out a long breath, giving me a chance to bring forward the bunch of yellow roses I had been hiding behind my back.


  “I’m sorry about the other day. Actually, I’m more than sorry. I was a dick.”

  “Did they run out of white roses?” she asked in a mocking tone, and it felt like a punch in the gut. I recalled ripping apart the bouquet I’d brought to the studio and throwing it down to the sidewalk right in front of the door like a fucking psycho.

  “Apparently yellow stands for jealousy, and I was a jealous bastard. I thought you and Sid were… you know… seeing each other.”

  “Ace, that’s gross. Sid’s like my stepfather.”

  “A very good-looking one who was getting very touchy-feely.”

  “Yes, I admit he might have crossed the line, but I can guarantee you there’s nothing between us and there never will be. He’s my mother’s husband.”

  “Like I said, I’m sorry.” I stepped closer, hoping to break through that outer layer of anger floating around her with my body.

  She set the roses down on the kitchen table, grabbed a vase off a shelf in the living room, filled it with water, and arranged the flowers, displaying them on the table. With her arms crossed over her chest, she turned to face me.

  “Why are you here? You could have called to apologize. Julia could be home.”

  Yeah, she was still mad, and I couldn’t blame her.

  “I checked her schedule at the hospital.”

  “Oh, well then, why are you here?”

  “Because I missed you.”

  I took Zoey by her hips and pulled her toward me. She looked at me from below with her doe eyes, letting go of a fraction of her sour mood, and I knew I’d made the right decision coming here tonight. No phone call could show her the extent of my apology. “I need you to take those gray jogging pants off.”

  “What? If you think I’ll just—”

  “—and your t-shirt as well.”

  “What the…”

  “You promised me a date. We’re going out. I want to make this up to you, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  I’d much rather she were taking them off for a different reason, but it wasn’t the right time. Not yet. I needed her to feel safe and adored, the way she deserved to be, before anything happened between us. And most of all, I needed her to forgive me. It didn’t matter how much my dick was arguing against this idea; as much as I yearned to feel the warmth of her, my mind was set.

  “Where are we going? What if someone sees us?”

  “You’ve been stuck in here long enough. It’s a surprise, and nobody’s going to see us. Just get ready, okay, Tink?”

  “Yeah, okay. Why do you keep calling me Tinkerbell?”

  “Because I remember her to be the most beautiful twirling fairy who dances like you and overcomes all obstacles. She has a good heart and she forgives. I hope you’ll forgive me for being an asshole to you and to Sid. And I know it will take time, but I’m willing to wait. I can’t lose you, Zoey. Not you.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. She sighed into me, and I knew that I’d broken through another layer of her anger.

  “Just so you know, the nice Ace scares me a little.”


  “The men at Infinity usually start out nice. Then they follow through with…”

  My heart felt like it had been stabbed with a dagger. “Is that how you think of me?”

  “No. That’s not what I meant. But it’s something I guess I associate with men.”

  “Well, if it helps, I hope you can think of me as a different kind of nice, and don’t take my word for it. Let me show you. When was the last time you danced?”

  “I… I’m not sure.” She looked up.

  “Hhmm, we’ll have to do something about that as well, but not tonight.”

  “So, we’re not going dancing...”

  “No. Something much better, I hope.”

  I got that what could be better than dancing look from her as she cocked her head to the side, and I was glad I’d managed to attract her attention. That afternoon, I’d made about fifty calls to pull off our date, and once I got the confirmation that it was a go, I couldn’t wait to take Zoey. I smoothed my hand over her cheek, lowering my voice. “Don’t you love surprises?”

  “I’m not sure I remember what a good surprise feels like.”

  “Then let me remind you.” I tapped the tip of her nose with my finger. It did look tiny, just like Tinkerbell’s.

  “How do you know about Tinkerbell, anyway?” she asked. “Do you watch a lot of Disney movies?”

  “My nephew, Trevor. I watch him sometimes. He went through this fairies phase, before he got into dinosaurs.”

  “Oh.” She smiled as if I’d just revealed a secret I’d been holding on to. To see her face light up like that again, I’d tell her all my secrets — all the good ones, at least.

  “Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We have about half an hour before we need to leave.”

  She gave me another appreciative look before she disappeared into the bathroom. Twenty-five minutes later, Zoey returned wearing a floor-length silky skirt and a matching shirt that hung off her left shoulder, revealing her milky skin. It was the middle of the summer, and Zoey looked like she’d been avoiding the sun since birth. The thin straps of a tank top came in and out of view as she walked and the shirt over it shifted. I could look at her like this for hours and not get bored. Hopefully, my dick would behave while in her company. Though if she continued devouring me like that with her eyes, I’d have a difficult time keeping him in my pants and my hands to myself.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  “I think so.”

  “Good. Let’s do this.”

  Chapter 12


  When we pulled up to the Ambassador Theater near Broadway, I almost jumped out of my seat. I rolled down my window to smell the intoxicating, drama-filled air. New York night-lights twinkled, the atmosphere buzzed, energy sizzled, and my skin was tickling with excitement and anticipation. I didn’t quite remember the last time I had felt this alive. He was good. Really, really good. My anger toward Ace slowly waned. If he was trying to erase what had happened on Wednesday from my mind, then it was working.

  Smooth, real smooth, Ace.

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked in awe.

  A valet attendant opened my door. Another one walked around to Ace’s side and reached out to shake his hand.

  “Good evening, Mr. Wagner,” I heard him say as I stepped out of the black Jaguar.

  Was it really possible that we were going to see Chicago? The sign above my head flashed, and background music overpowered the sound of the crowded street. Still faintly worried that I might run into someone I knew, I kept my sunglasses and oversized hat on. I resembled a reclusive English woman more than a native Long Island girl.

  Ace and the attendant exchanged a few words as I stood on the semi-crowded sidewalk with my mouth wide open. It wasn’t until Ace grasped me under my arm and whispered, “The show’s ab
out to start. We should go in,” that I realized this wasn’t a dream.

  “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “And I can’t believe you’ve lived in New York for so long and haven’t been to a show on Broadway.”

  There had just never been any time. I’d seen a few shows back in high school, but that was ages ago. Then I’d gone to art school in Washington while Julia finished her medical degree and began her residency. It wasn’t long after we moved to Oyster Bay that Julia had been attacked; and from then on, life didn’t seem worth living. Broadway was a distant memory and a fading dream. The things that were once important, like my career in dance, the studio downstairs, and living the second half of my twenties finding out who I was as a woman, had lost their meaning.

  Whether I was tired or not, I had dreaded each day and hid in my room under the layers of covers I had collected. It was the only way I could keep a piece of me intact. My social life became extinct. My will to live disappeared, and all that was left of my bustling spirit was a ghost. That wasn’t of course what others believed. I’d lied to my sister about my whereabouts, claiming I had a busy social life. Once I’d even left a pair of men’s underwear in the hamper so that she’d think I had someone over. It was all to throw Julia off. I couldn’t let her or Mom connect the dots. They could never suspect I had anything to do with Infinity. I wasn’t sure Mom even knew that such an organization existed.

  “What if someone sees us?” I asked as Ace opened the door for me.

  “I had everyone who purchased the tickets to tonight’s show screened.”

  That was not possible!

  “How did you manage that?”

  “It’s a wonder what can be done when you have access to one of the best hackers in the world, and when you want to make up for being a jerk.” He paused. “There aren’t any Infinity members here, Zoey. You have nothing to worry about. And everyone’s attention is already on the stage. Let’s go.”

  The hallway lights dimmed as the sound of music resonated from behind the purple curtains. We walked up to the rear mezzanine. Our seats were at the back row on the highest balcony.

  “I hope you don’t mind these. I thought you’d feel better here than the private boxes. Fewer eyes on us.” My gaze followed his finger as he pointed to the far right.

  “These are perfect. Thank you.” I sat down in the seat closest to the alleyway.

  “You’re welcome. Enjoy.”

  The show passed too quickly. I lip sang almost every song and watched the choreographed steps, memorizing each move in my mind, admiring the performers’ strength and coordination. No one made a mistake and no one faltered. It was absolutely perfect. I wanted to cry and let all the happiness inside me burst out, but I didn’t want the show to look blurry so I forced the tears back. Before the last note sounded, Ace squeezed my hand and whispered, “We should leave before the crowd.”

  Guided by one of the attendants, we walked hand in hand through the still-empty hallways. We heard the final applause as we exited the theatre. Ace’s Jaguar was already parked, and the passenger door was open.

  Still reveling in the fact that I’d just seen Chicago, I sat in the leather seat, staring ahead. Ace reached over my lap and put on my seatbelt. His gentleness tonight overwhelmed me. This evening couldn’t get any better, could it? It wasn’t until fifteen minutes later when we pulled into an underground parking garage that I realized Ace wasn’t driving me home.

  “Where to now?”

  “My place.” His voice was strong and determined.

  “I thought you said we couldn’t be connected.”

  “I just got this condo two days ago under an anonymous name. The garage is secure as well. No one knows I live here. We’re safe.”

  “What? How did you get a place so quickly?”

  “It just came on the market. And when you’re paying above the asking price, sellers tend to give into your requests.”

  I took in the clean garage floor, the sleek entranceway to the left, and a security pad by the door.

  “How much did it cost?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve been thinking about moving to a safer location anyway. And this is one of the safest buildings in the city. Cash, one of my brothers, lives on the penthouse floor.”

  “He’s the lawyer, right?”

  “A very good lawyer. Come on.”

  I wanted to ask why he had brought me here instead of driving me home, but as soon as we stepped into the elevator and my back pressed against the mirrored wall, I forgot what I wanted to say. Ace’s palm brushed over my cheek, and I stopped breathing. That last inhale of his musky scent was drugging me from the inside out as his hand lowered to my waist.

  “I missed you like crazy.”

  My breath hitched. I’d missed him too. Without Ace, everyday tasks felt like swimming against an ocean current. Life just didn’t seem worth living anymore.

  “You can’t just assume that I’ll jump the first guy I spend time with, Ace. Especially my mother’s husband. Jesus, what were you thinking? I know I’m not worthy enough for you to give me the benefit of the doubt because of all the men I’ve been with, but I had no choice.”

  “If I could turn back the clock and magically charm my jealousy into humbleness, I would. But I can’t. I can’t turn off my jealousy for you because you mean so much to me. And you’re worthy, Zoey. You always will be. Besides, I ain’t no angel.”

  “Are you just trying to sway your nice-guy barometer?”

  “Baby, that barometer is broken when I’m around you because you make me feel crazy.”

  “So tonight was sort of a make-up day?”

  “Did it work? Are you still mad?”

  “I should be. You broke Sid’s jaw. Mom’s gonna be furious.”

  “I have a feeling I’ll have more making up to do.”

  “So long as you don’t kiss her to make up.”

  “Hey, that was a low blow.”

  “You don’t like low blows?” I wiggled my brows.

  “You keep talking dirty to me and we won’t get off this elevator.” His husky voice flowed over my skin, awakening a deep desire within me. He reached down and shifted the pants fabric over his crotch. I felt a tingle between my legs when I realized I’d turned him on.

  “I loved seeing that smile on your face at the theater. I don’t think I’ve seen you this relaxed yet.” Ace stood in front of me with his hands on my hips, his thumbs circling around my hipbones. Inches away, his minty breath warmed my face.

  “That’s because I haven’t been.” Seeing how air had trouble reaching my lungs, my head started to spin. The smell of him, a blend of man and soap, coursed through me. He was so close and looked so sexy. My heart was still in melting mode from the show, and now he was making me feel things that I hadn’t in such a long time. No one had ever gone out of their way to surprise me with a night out on Broadway. None of my previous boyfriends, before Infinity that is, had cared enough to learn what I enjoyed. Yes, he was a jealous man, but I found that even sexier. It meant he cared, maybe even too much, but he did.

  “Well, that will be my mission, then. To make sure Zoey relaxes.”

  He had a way of relaxing me with his words alone. His lips were a vibration away from mine. A shallow breath hitched in my lungs. Part of me wanted to turn to the side, afraid of what it would mean if Ace kissed me, but another part ached for him to touch his lips to mine. I could feel my heart pounding against his chest, my skin heat against his body, and any apprehension I may have had about him evaporated.

  “May I kiss you, Zoey?”

  What? Why was he asking for my permission? Why was he purposefully turning my body into one big blob of goo of trust? He filled my chest with emotions so deep I couldn’t contain them. It all felt so right and wrong at the same time. My words stuck in my throat, and so I nodded.

  “I need to hear it,” he whispered.

  “Yes, kiss me.”

  As soon as my eyes closed, it was over.
I warped through time to a space when everything was perfect and the world still made sense. I was that girl, wanted, adored, and protected by one man. The one who would never be touched without permission again because she finally belonged to the right guy, who cared enough to ask her for a kiss instead of just taking it.

  His lips were giving and nurturing, a perfect mix of rough ridges that combined into a soft surface. A soft whimper escaped from within me, and Ace brought my body closer to his, swallowing my needy noise. He entwined me in his arms and pulled me so hard against him that I couldn’t even twitch or breathe. But I didn’t need to breathe because the air he gave me from his lungs would have been enough to sustain me for the rest of my life.

  Something new brewed deep in my chest: a longing for the one man who wanted to give me everything, yet didn’t take anything.

  On my next moan, his kiss hardened and his hands found a path along my curves as he skimmed over my hips and up the side of my waist and ribcage. My skin grew tight as his palms trailed underneath my shirt and tank top to my back and splayed there, fingers pressing into my bare skin. I was getting lost to his mouth and touch, and I realized that I wanted so much more from Ace that it scared me. My need went beyond sex and kissing.

  The elevator stopped and dinged to indicate the twenty-fifth floor, forcing us apart. We stared at each other as the door opened; desperation to stay connected reflecting in our eyes. It all seemed to pass in slow motion. Ace finally took my hand and led me down the hall without saying a word. He swiped a card key in the black lock, activating a pad at the side, which shone bright blue. He pressed his thumb on the pad’s surface, keyed in a few more digits, took my hand, and pressed my thumb on the display.

  “Now you can come see me whenever you’d like.”


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