Scandalous Desire [Desire, Oklahoma - The Founding Fathers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Scandalous Desire [Desire, Oklahoma - The Founding Fathers 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 22

by Lana Dare

  Hayes rubbed her stomach, his eyes filled with affection.

  “Instead of thinking that, you should be remembering how strong you were. You found out what you could do if you had to.”

  Wyatt finished washing up, tossing the towel aside as he climbed into the bed on her other side.

  “We all saw what you could do. Word of your shooting is all over Tulsa. Unfortunately, I think you’re going to be a legend around here.” He kissed her shoulder.

  “And you’re all ours. We’ve missed you.”

  Writhing beneath their hands, Savannah smiled at each of them in turn. “That whiskey was making me tired, but suddenly, I’m wide awake. I missed both of you so much. It’s been so cold at night. It’s not fair that I get married and then have to sleep alone.”

  Now that they were back, she felt muscles relax that she hadn’t even realized had been so tense. Her awareness of them sharpened as everything else faded in the background.

  She loved the texture of their skin, the hard muscles beneath the surface bunching and shifting every time they moved. Their firm hands stroked her skin with a sureness and possessiveness that took her breath away.

  She felt alive again, in a way she hadn’t felt since the shooting.

  Wyatt bent and kissed a nipple, smiling when she jolted.

  “Not fair at all. I guess your husbands are going to have to make it up to you.”

  Safe and warm between them, Savannah giggled, the whiskey doing strange things to her insides.

  “I like that word.” Keeping her voice at a whisper, she giggled again. “My uncle didn’t like that I married two men.”

  Sobering as the love for them welled up inside her, she blinked back tears. “Thank you for loving me.”

  Hayes slid his hand lower to cover her mound. “We couldn’t have done anything else.” He slid a finger through her folds, his eyes widening. “You’re soaking wet. Aroused, are you?”

  Trying to hold on to embarrassment proved futile. Lifting her hips, she began to rock against him, holding Wyatt’s head to her breast.

  “I missed you, and I think the whiskey is doing strange things to me.”

  Wyatt lifted his head.

  “This might be a good time to take that ass, while you’re all loose and warm. Christ, my cock’s already throbbing.” He brushed her hair back from her forehead, the heat and tenderness in his eyes creating an answering need inside her.

  “We’ll go nice and slow, honey.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Savannah sighed. “It’s hot in here. Take the blankets off. I want to be naked.”

  Hayes raised a brow, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Yes, ma’am.”

  When he tossed the covers aside and reached for her, a sense of vulnerability came rushing back, and Savannah grabbed him, wrapping her arms around his neck in desperation.

  “It’s going to be all right now, won’t it?”

  Cupping the back of her head, Hayes held her close, his hand moving in circles across her belly.

  “It’s already all right. It’s all over now. Those other men won’t ever be able to shoot again. Who knows how many lives you saved?”

  Savannah stilled. “I never thought about that.”

  Remembering the evil on the other men’s faces, Savannah felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

  Wyatt groaned, his cock jumping against her hip.

  “You’re a brave woman, Savannah. You always have been. You did what you had to do in order to survive your uncle, even knocking him out when he drank. Yes, we know all about his drinking and what he tried to do when he had too much. You left the only home you’ve ever known to make a fresh start. You’re not afraid to do what needs to be done, even shooting a man to protect your best friend and her baby.”

  She didn’t want to think about any of that now. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to get lost in the feel of her husbands.

  Just being this close to them after so many days apart aroused her. The feel of them, the look of them, the sounds they made and the slide of their hands over her body had a familiarity now that soothed her, but at the same time excited her.

  They knew her body now. They knew what she liked and touched her in ways that made her dizzy with pleasure.

  With their hands and eyes moving over her body with increasing heat, and the potent whiskey running through her veins, Savannah smiled and dropped back onto the pillow.

  Wanting to take away the worry she still saw in their eyes, she arched her back, delighted when their gazes both dropped to her breasts. Her nipples drew even tighter and ached with the need to have their hands on them.

  She couldn’t resist teasing them, loving the challenge that sparked in their eyes whenever she did.

  “And I took on two lawmen as husbands. Do you think I’m tough enough to deal with you?”

  Wyatt’s eyes narrowed and gleamed as she’d hoped, his lips twitching. “Let’s put it to the test.”

  Cupping his jaw, Savannah stared into his eyes, struggling to keep hers open.

  “I don’t want you to worry about me anymore. I’m all right now, I promise.”

  Hayes laid her flat, running his hands over her, sending ribbons of sizzling warmth from her breasts to her slit. “You’re very all right, and in a few minutes, you’ll be even better.”

  He took her hand in his and wrapped it around his cock. “I haven’t taken you in days. I’m hungry for you.” Bending, he touched his lips to hers. “Starving.”

  She folded her hand over his cock, once again amazed that something so hard and threatening could be so silky soft.

  Curious and more than a little aroused, Savannah pushed at his chest. “Move. I want to see.”

  With a groan, Hayes rolled to his back, his reluctance obvious, as was his desire to please her. “I’m not gonna last.”

  Her movements clumsy, Savannah got up, sitting back on her heels, fascinated at the hard body laid out before her. Every time she remembered that they both now belonged to her, love rushed through her veins and warmed her from within.

  With trembling hands, she ran her fingers over his cock, intrigued at the way it jumped beneath her touch, delighted at the deep sounds of pleasure emanating from him.

  With another groan, Hayes closed his eyes, opening them again almost immediately at her cry. The feel of Wyatt’s hands coming around her from behind and sliding over her abdomen had her crying out hoarsely and whimpering in frustration.

  Wyatt’s warm breath tickled her ear as he parted her folds, his cock pressing insistently against her back. His firm fingers slid back and forth through her slippery slit, gathering her juices before pressing a work-roughened finger against her clit.

  With his muscular thighs against her legs, she couldn’t straighten them, forced to remain in the position he held her in.

  “Wyatt, it’s too much. I’m gonna come.”

  Hayes sat up in a rush, coming to kneel in front of her. Using his knees to push hers wide, he covered her hand and guided it up and down the length of his cock, his voice like shattered glass as she took over and he released it.

  “Yeah, just like that. Now you can’t close your thighs at all, darlin’. Nice and wide open just the way we like them.” Covering her breasts with his hands, he toyed with her nipples, sending white-hot heat to her clit and pussy.

  Wyatt scraped his teeth across her shoulder and pulled her back against him, tilting her hips and sliding a hard finger into her pussy. “Hot and wet and helpless. Just the way you should always be. Take Hayes’s cock into your mouth and suck it the way you did to me that night.”

  Giggling at the groan that rumbled from deep within Hayes’s chest, Savannah bent forward and licked the drop of moisture from the tip, smiling when he groaned again.

  Her smile fell when he tightened his fingers on her nipples, the slight pain making her pussy clench on Wyatt’s finger, soaking it even more with her juices.

  Holding on to Hayes’s hi
ps, she dropped back against Wyatt, rocking her hips in time to the strokes to her clit and his increasingly forceful thrusts into her pussy.

  Her moans, muffled by the cock in her mouth, came out steadily now as their hands became even more devious and more insistent. She felt them everywhere, her pussy, clit, and nipples burning with sensation. Her bottom clenched, the promise of attention there almost too much to bear. The combination of pleasure and whiskey made her dizzy, forcing her to lean back heavily against Wyatt for support.

  Her body gathered, each stroke to her clit making her stiffen, clenching on the finger inside her. When Hayes withdrew from her mouth, she reached for him again, only to have her hands taken in his. His mouth covered hers, swallowing her cries as the pleasure inside her exploded.

  Unable to close against Wyatt’s slow moving fingers, Savannah whimpered as the pleasure crested, pressing her thighs hard against Hayes’s knees.

  “Please. Oh, God. Too much. It’s not stopping.”

  Alarmed that instead of starting to ease, the pleasure seemed never ending. It went on and on, and nothing she could do could stop it.

  Her entire body tingled, from her neck to her toes, the wash of heat engulfing her in a wave of bliss.

  Her clit became so sensitive that the lightest touch kept her orgasm rolling through her and making it nearly impossible to breathe.

  Wyatt seemed to know it, his touch becoming lighter and slower, giving her just enough to keep the pleasure at its peak.

  She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think, the dizziness growing stronger by the second.

  All she knew was pleasure and the sensation of love and heat all around her.

  “I can’t stop. So good. Ah, God. I don’t want it to end. Oh! No more. No more.”

  Even when Wyatt withdrew from her pussy and slid his finger from her clit, the pleasure lingered, warm waves of it that held her in its grip. Slumping against Wyatt, she whimpered and tried to open her eyes, desperate to see the men she loved, but it proved too much effort.

  “I love you.”

  It came out as a whisper, and she wasn’t sure they heard her, so she tried again. “I love…”

  * * * *

  Hayes ran a hand through her hair, watching as her eyes closed and didn’t open again. Taking in her flushed cheeks and parted lips, he knew it was an image he wouldn’t forget for a long time.

  The huskiness in her voice sent another surge of lust to his cock, while the soft whimper in it brought all of his protective instincts to the surface.

  A powerful combination.

  “I love you, too, darlin’.”

  With a heartfelt sigh that their loving tonight had ended far sooner than he’d hoped, he smiled.

  Wyatt chuckled and wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck and grinning when she murmured in her sleep.

  “Our tough little wife.”

  Hayes threw back the covers as Wyatt lifted her and placed her on the bed. Sliding in beside her, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, waiting until Wyatt settled in on the other side of her and blew out the lamp.

  “Word got around Tulsa pretty fast about her shooting. I hope it keeps folks from bothering her.”

  Wyatt sighed. “My fear is that it’ll go the other way. Some young gun is going to challenge her to prove he’s faster.”

  “God forbid.”

  Exhausted from riding all night to get home to her, Hayes still couldn’t settle. His cock still pounded, desperate for relief, and his mind remained restless. Just the thought of someone challenging Savannah would give him nightmares.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Strip.” Wyatt removed his hat and tossed it aside, his eyes narrowed on hers. Standing with his feet several inches apart and his hands on his hips, he looked every inch the furious lawman, while the hunger and impatience in his eyes reminded her of a disgruntled husband.

  Hiding a smile, Savannah turned to face him fully and raised a brow. “Well now, that’s real romantic.”

  “I’m not romantic. I’m aroused.”

  In fact, they’d been sweet and solicitous to her all day, treating her as if she just might break at any moment.

  Apart from the fact that it had started to drive her crazy, she wanted her husbands to see that she was more than capable of handling whatever came at her—especially with the two of them by her side.

  She didn’t think she’d ever get over killing a man, but she’d thought about it for days and realized she’d had no other choice. She’d meant what she’d said.

  She would do it again, if she had to. She wouldn’t like it and would avoid it at all costs, but if her life or the life of a friend was in danger, she’d do it.

  She just hoped that she would never have to point her gun at another human being for as long as she lived.

  She didn’t want to think about it, and their constant fussing had begun to get on her nerves. She’d spent most of the day doing what she could to prove to them that she hadn’t fallen apart, and that she wanted her men again.

  Teasing them mercilessly had been the only thing she could think of.

  Evidently, she’d done a good job.

  Wyatt had already begun stripping out of his clothes, his movements hurried and lacking his usual grace as he tossed each item he removed aside.

  “I’m not in the mood for romance. I’m in the mood for hot, sweaty sex. I haven’t had you for almost a week, and after falling asleep on us last night, you’ve spent the entire day teasing us and laughing at us. You’re going to pay for that, wife.”

  Savannah struggled to hide a smile and started to undress, anxious to climb into the bathtub they’d filled and wash with some of the scented soap Maggie had sent with her to her new home.

  “Honestly, Wyatt, I have no idea what you mean.” Tossing her shirt aside, she bit her lip to keep from smiling as Wyatt’s gaze lingered on her bare breasts.

  “Yes, you do.” Wearing only his pants, Wyatt strode across the room to her, yanking her clothing off with a haste that had her giggling. His hands roamed over her with an impatience she’d never seen in him before.

  “We try to be gentle and understanding, and you start flirting and twitching your ass at us.” His eyes lingered on her breasts, making them swell and ache. When he lifted his gaze to hers, the hunger in his narrowed eyes stole her breath.

  Savannah held on to his shoulders as he knelt in front of her to remove her pants, digging her fingers into the hard muscle beneath her hands. Loving the texture and warmth of his bare skin, she let her hands roam, her breath catching as he tossed the last of her clothing aside. A moan escaped at the feel of his hands sliding up her legs, his thumbs brushing the tender skin of her inner thighs.

  Throwing her head back, she threaded her fingers through his hair, her stomach muscles quivering beneath his lips.

  “I’m all d–dirty and sweaty. Let me take a b–bath. It feels so good when you touch me. You’ve hardly touched me all day.”

  Hayes came through the door with yet another bucket of hot water, setting it down by the tub with enough force that water sloshed over the sides.

  “Scared to. Probably would have attacked you. Take your bath. Move it.”

  Before she could move, Savannah found herself in Wyatt’s arms and plopped into the bathtub full of warm water. With her body already humming with desire, she reached for the soap and a small cloth and watched as Wyatt and Hayes both finished undressing.

  She ran the soapy cloth over herself as she admired every inch of skin that came into view. She hadn’t become accustomed to bathing in front of her husbands, but found herself too busy watching them to mind much at all. Keeping her eyes on Hayes as he stripped off his shirt and yanked at the covers to pull them all to the foot of the bed, she lay back in the tub and lifted a leg to wash it.

  “You’re imagining things. I never flirt, and I’ve never twitched my bottom at anyone.”

  Wyatt paused with his hands at the fastening of his pa
nts, drawing her attention once more to the large bulge just a few inches lower.

  “Bullshit. You’ve been twitching that ass at us all day, bending over when you didn’t need to and shaking your hips. Touching us every chance you got.” The indulgence and mischief in his eyes took the sting out of his words.

  She wet her hair and started to wash it, her breasts swelling under their combined stares. Pretending she didn’t notice, she scrubbed furiously, knowing full well that her breasts swayed when she did. “You’re my husbands. I’m not allowed to touch you?”

  Wyatt’s eyes narrowed. “You’ve been brushing your hands over our arms and chests every chance you get.”

  “I told you I was just brushing the dirt off of you.”

  “You rubbed up against me while we were standing in line for supper, giving me those damned looks.”

  Hiding how much he intimidated her, standing tall and half naked with his hands on his hips, Savannah blinked innocently. Her gaze drifted to Hayes, who shoved his pants down to his ankles and stepped out of them, his movements hurried.

  She couldn’t resist watching their strong bodies as they moved. Most of the time, she’d been naked and with their hands on her, and when that happened, she didn’t get a chance to see much of anything.

  Not knowing how long she’d have the chance to watch them in action, she wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity.

  After rinsing her hair, she settled on one side with her hands at the rim of the tub and her chin resting on them. In this position, she could watch both of them, her stomach tightening as need overtook her. “What looks?”

  Hayes lifted his head, narrowing his eyes in that way that always made her clit tingle. “That look. You’ve been giving me that look all day like you want to take a bite out of me. Then, you were brushing against me during supper, fidgeting in your seat and rubbing the side of your breast against my arm. I should have thrown you over my shoulder right then and there and brought you back here.”

  Not knowing how long she had before they took over, Savannah leaned back and lifted her legs out of the water to rest on the edge, delighted that both men stopped what they were doing to stare at them. She never would have imagined having this kind of power over two such commanding men, and found she enjoyed playing, something she had little experience with, very much.


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