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Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley

Page 5

by Marguerite Henry

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Also available in a Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers edition.

  Designed by Leslie Tane

  The text of this book was set in Baskerville Book.

  The illustrations are rendered in pencil.

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

  Henry, Marguerite, 1902-

  Brown sunshine of Sawdust Valley / by Marguerite Henry.

  p. cm.

  Summary: Molly wants a horse of her own, but when her father’s mare gives birth to a mule, Molly changes her mind and raises the newborn.

  ISBN 0-689-80364-8 (hardcover)

  1. Mules–juvenile fiction. [1. Mules–Fiction.] I. Title

  PZ10.3.H43Bt 1996 [Fic]–dc20 96-21663 CIP AC

  ISBN 978-0-689-80779-4 (pbk.)

  ISBN 978-1-4424-8809-0 (eBook)




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