Book Read Free

The Wright Love

Page 13

by K. A. Linde

  “God, is she that hungover?”

  Emery shrugged her shoulder. “I told her some food would help, but she keeps throwing up. I swear, it’s not like her either.”

  “Let me check on her one more time,” Julia said.

  A few minutes later, a pale Heidi appeared next to Julia. She looked like a wreck. I felt like shit, but at least I hadn’t thrown up. I hated throwing up. I fought it with every fiber of my being.

  Heidi stuck her thumb up. “Let’s do this.”

  Emery gave her a side-eye and then nodded.

  We were a motley crew compared to how we’d looked last night, glamorous and done up. We had to half-drag our party downstairs and to the brunch place by the pool. There was a line, but since we were VIPs, they held a table at the back for our party. As soon as we sat, Heidi was up and rushing to the restroom.

  “Geez,” Morgan said. “I didn’t think she had that much more than me. I feel fine.”

  “I feel like shit,” I grumbled.

  “You had way more to drink though,” Kimber pointed out.

  “Oh,” I whispered. Then, a thought struck me. “Oh!”


  “Oh my God, is she pregnant?” I gasped.

  Kimber’s jaw dropped. “Oh, she’s so pregnant.”

  “What?” Emery stammered. “No way!”

  Morgan shook her head and blinked rapidly.

  Julia opened her mouth and then closed it. “I have no idea.”

  “Having had a kid…I’d say she’s definitely preggers. I mean, you said she didn’t have as much to drink as I did. I feel like shit. You feel fine. She doesn’t normally throw up. She has morning sickness.”

  Kimber nodded emphatically. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it at once.”

  Emery’s eyes were wide. “She’s going to kill me.”

  “Definitely,” Julia agreed.

  “It’s not like you got her pregnant,” I said with a laugh.

  “Oh no, but I got her wasted.”

  Just then, a rather pallid Heidi reappeared at the table. “Hey, y’all. Sorry. I cannot kick this hangover.”

  The table fell silent. We all glanced back and forth around at each other. No one wanted to make eye contact with Heidi.

  “What? What happened? Is everything okay?” Heidi gasped. She clutched her stomach and bit her lip.

  “Heidi,” I said calmly, “I think you’re pregnant.”

  I hadn’t thought it possible, but Heidi paled even further.

  “What?” she whispered.

  Kimber reached out and clutched Heidi’s hand. “When was your last period? Could this be morning sickness rather than a hangover?”

  “Oh no,” Heidi muttered. “Oh no! I cannot be pregnant right now! No, it was supposed to take longer than this.”

  “What was?” Emery asked.

  “We…we started trying, but I was told it could take a couple of months once I got off birth control for everything to even out. I didn’t think…well…this.”

  “You started trying,” Emery gasped, jumping to her feet. “Oh my God, Heidi!”

  “But I’m not pregnant! I got trashed last night. I could have killed this little fetus thing inside me with fetal alcohol poisoning. Oh my God, we all got so drunk last night.”

  We all laughed at her melodrama.

  “You’ll be fine,” Kimber assured her. “You’re not the first woman to get drunk in the first trimester without knowing about it.”

  “I’m going to kill you,” Heidi said, pointing her finger in Emery’s face.

  We all busted out laughing as Emery’s prediction came true.

  “Don’t laugh. It’s her fault I got that drunk last night. And Landon’s fault if this is fucking true.” She covered her mouth, groaned, and dashed to the restroom again.

  We finished off a quick brunch and then headed to the closest convenience store we could find. We bought three packets of pregnancy tests and forced Heidi into the penthouse bathroom. After a half-dozen tests that were all positive, Heidi burst into tears, and we were all dancing around her in excitement.

  “Landon is going to be so happy!” I told her consolingly.

  “I’m happy,” she said through the tears, “and terrified.”

  “It’s all right. That’s normal. Kimber and I have been through this. You’ll do great.”

  “Even better,” Kimber said, patting her hand.

  “We’re going to have to throw you a party!” Emery told her. “Before the wedding.”

  “Not before the wedding,” Heidi said. “I’m not taking the limelight.”

  “No way! You’re pregnant; we have to celebrate. We’ll have a shower later when you’re showing. And, oh my God, we’re going to have to do pregnancy pictures.”

  “Since when do you care about babies?”

  “Since my best friend is fucking pregnant, you whore!” Emery said, laughing.

  “Hey, she likes my kids,” Kimber said.

  “I do,” Emery admitted. She turned back to Heidi. “Why don’t we head back early tomorrow so that you can tell Landon?”

  “What? No! We can’t end this early!”

  “As if you’re up for another night of partying. We had a great time last night, but maybe we can just relax tonight.”

  “If by relax, you mean gambling, then fine,” Heidi said.

  Her demeanor had shifted, and I could already tell that she was glowing with the news. Maybe it wasn’t the best time for her to be pregnant, but now that she had come to terms with it, she seemed ecstatic.

  That was how I’d been, too. Shocked by the possibility of being pregnant out of wedlock to a guy I’d met in college, who I had no idea I’d want to marry. Then, immediately had a shotgun wedding and the most beautiful baby boy. She was going to love it. I knew that for certain.

  As Emery wished, we had a quiet night of gambling. Then, we ended up watching rom-coms on the giant flat screen while eating loads of ice cream and giggling like schoolgirls. It had to be one of the most fun nights of my life.

  We took the private jet back early the next morning, groggy and puffy-eyed. We dragged ourselves off the jet, only to find Jensen waiting for us on the runway.

  Emery rushed to him, and without a care for the rest of us, she wrapped her legs around his waist and thoroughly kissed him. Morgan and I exchanged a look of disgust and a good-natured giggle.

  “You’re back early,” Jensen said with an arched eyebrow. “Care to explain yourself?”

  “Emergency,” Emery said. She hopped down and pinched his butt. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “When you rerouted the jet from Vegas a day early, I cut my trip to New York short. It must have been some emergency.”

  “Oh, it is.” Emery glanced at Heidi and giggled.

  Heidi rolled her eyes. “Just tell him.”

  “Heidi’s pregnant!”

  Jensen barely masked his utter shock. Morgan and I laughed at his face. He was so oblivious sometimes, even when he seemed to see and know everything.

  “Congratulations! I assume you’re back early to tell Landon.”

  “Yep. So, don’t spoil my surprise.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Emery leaned her head against his sleeve. “You’re the best.”

  “How did New York go?” Morgan interrupted.

  “Colton is great. Thank you for asking,” he said with a gleam in his eye.

  “Well, yes, I’m sure my nephew is always great, even with Vanessa,” she said with distaste. “But I meant, with the Van Pelts.”

  “Did you meet with them?” I asked.

  “No, but I met with our lawyers up there since Mor was otherwise occupied. I’m certain they’re going to deny Broderick’s parole.”

  “Good.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I’ll be satisfied when I see the paperwork,” Morgan said in earnest.

  “We’ll have it,” Jensen assured her.

  “I hope this will all be over s
oon,” I said. “In the meantime, I have a baby at home, who I’m missing like crazy.”

  Morgan smiled. “Get out of here.”

  I rushed to my car and drove the twenty minutes home, my foot tapping the entire way. It had been forever since I’d been away from Jason this long. Austin had been in rehab the last time I went away without him. And, oh God, I missed Jason! I’d thought I’d be able to suck it up while I was gone. But it had just snuck up on me, and I was kind of glad we were back a day early.

  I parked in the garage and raced in the back door. Jenny was sitting on the kitchen floor with Jason banging away at pots and pans.

  “Mommy!” Jason cried and dashed toward me.

  “Hey, buddy.”

  He crashed into me, and I enveloped him in my arms, smelling his hair and feeling his little body. A knot formed in my throat, and I swore, I wouldn’t cry. But, man, he was so little, and I wanted him to stay like this forever with all the love in his little heart.

  I kissed the top of his head and picked him up. “Oh, I missed you!”

  He giggled and kissed my cheek.

  “How was he?” I asked Jenny.

  She got to her feet. “Excellent. As always.”

  “You were so good for Jen. I guess that means someone deserves a cookie, huh?”

  “Cookie!” he cried in excitement.

  I got a cookie out for him from the box on the counter and took one for myself. Jenny took one, too, and we both smiled down at my son.

  “Thanks for your help. I’ll still pay you for the whole weekend,” I assured her.

  “Anytime, Sut. And you don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to. You had to cancel plans for this. I appreciate it.”

  She waved me off and hugged Jason one more time before heading out for the day.

  Jason and I played all of his favorite games that morning until he finally went down for his nap. I pulled my neglected phone out and dialed David’s number.

  “How’s Vegas, beautiful?”

  “I’m home early. When do I get to see you?”

  He laughed. “Whenever you’re free.”

  “After this weekend, I bet I can get a sitter whenever I want,” I said, thinking about all my friends’ enthusiasm about me dating.


  “It’s a date.”



  It had only been a few short days without Sutton, but it was a few days too many. She was sunshine on a cloudy day. And I was in shadow when she was absent.

  I had been eager to leave work to see Sutton. And, if that wasn’t enough, Morgan had been acting so strange all day. When I’d tried to ask her about it, she’d clammed up entirely and disappeared. I had no idea what that was about, but I’d figure it out after my date with Sutton.

  Julia was at Sutton’s and tasked with watching Jason for the night. “Have fun,” she said with a wink as I led Sutton out the door.

  “Why is everyone acting so weird today?” I asked as I walked her to the car.

  Sutton’s eyes rounded, and then she shrugged. “Uh…no idea.”

  I eyed her skeptically but let it go. I was happy she was here. I mean…really, I wanted to skip dinner and take her straight back to my place. After we’d fucked all afternoon last week, I was ready to reenact that. But having her back was good enough. Especially with that smile on her face and that yellow sundress.

  Vegas had made her giggly. It was as if she’d suddenly remembered what it had been like before all of her responsibilities. And she seemed lighter. A weight had lifted off her shoulders.

  I’d made reservations at West Table for the night, and we got a table next to the window.

  “I’m so glad to be home,” Sutton said, leaning her elbows on the table and looking up at me with hearts in her eyes.

  “Oh, yeah? Was Vegas so bad?”

  “No! It was wonderful. But I missed Jason so much. He was so lovey when I came home. I just want to bottle it up and save it for a rainy day.”

  “I can’t imagine him any other way.”

  “Oh,” she said with a snort. “He’s in his terrible twos, to be sure. But he’s still mine, and I love him. Even when he’s a shit.”

  I laughed. “That makes sense.”

  “Plus, I liked coming home to you,” she said with a grin.

  “I can admit that I like you better here than in Las Vegas, probably flirting with a stripper or something.”

  Sutton choked on the water that she’d been drinking. “I mean…flirting?”

  “Oh God, you actually went to a strip club?”

  “Shh,” she groaned. “I’m not supposed to talk about it.”

  “Well, now, I want to know everything.”

  “No way,” she said on a giggle. “But I can tell you that Heidi is pregnant.”

  “She’s pregnant? Wow! Is she excited about that?”

  “Yes, I guess she and Landon had started trying at the beginning of the summer. She didn’t expect it to happen this soon, but here we are. She only found out because she thought she was sick from a hangover, and it was morning sickness.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Yeah. Lots and lots of alcohol.” She shrugged, as if to say, Happens all the time. “Anyway, we’re having a party for them this weekend to celebrate.”

  “You Wrights use any excuse to have a party, huh?”

  “Of course. I mean, technically, you don’t even tell most people until you’re twelve weeks along, but special circumstances and all. So, we’ll party like it’s 1999.”

  “How old were you in 1999?” I asked and laughed when she shrugged.

  “Anyway, you should come. It’s not a shower or anything, just a party.”

  “I’d love to be there with you.”

  She beamed just as the waiter showed up. We ordered our dinner and drinks, and I spent the rest of the meal trying to wrangle more information about Vegas out of her. She never gave an inch, but it was fun to try. She’d had fun. She was in a good mood. That was all that mattered.

  I paid the check and then did the thing I’d been wanting to do all night—brought her back to my place.

  I’d never had her over to my house before. It was in a country club not that far from her house on the south side of town. I’d come from San Francisco where the house prices were astronomical. With the amount I’d paid for my place here, I could have bought a shoebox there…maybe. I’d gone a little overboard with the promise of a low cost of living.

  Sutton’s sandals slapped against the hardwood interior as she entered through the front door. “I thought Jensen’s house was extravagant for just one person.”

  “Yeah. It’s way too big for only me. But the amenities are worth it.”

  She smiled. Her eyes latching on to the expensive artwork and carefully curated decorations. “I like it. It suits you. Did you have someone do the interior design?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Well…most dudes don’t have this kind of eye.”


  I watched her wander around the open floor plan living room and take the whole place in. I wanted to walk over to her, clear off the dining room table, and have my way with her. I was aching for her. I had never felt this feverish about anyone. Ever.

  It took every ounce of self-control not to move faster. We’d gone so slow up until last week. I had never been a patient man when it came to anyone or anything other than Sutton. It was a new experience. I relished getting to know her in bits and pieces and putting her together like a puzzle. But I wanted to explore her body. And I didn’t want to go slow.

  Except I needed to.

  I owed it to her to talk first.

  I took a deep breath.

  “Hey, come sit down with me,” I said, gesturing to the couch.

  She moseyed back over and sat down. Her legs were jittery, and she eyed my lips once and then twice. She clearly had the same thing on her mind.

  “I need to tel
l you something.”

  She blushed and looked at her hands. “I kind of need to tell you something, too.”

  I stalled on the words that were on the tip of my tongue. The words I didn’t want to say but needed to get out. “You go first.”

  “You sure?”



  “All right.” Sutton took a deep breath. When she glanced back up at me, her cheeks were pink, and she looked embarrassed by whatever she was going to tell me.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Well, yes.” Then, she paused before repeating herself, “Yes. Everything is fine, except that I do have to tell you one thing about Vegas.”

  “Oh, really?” I asked.

  A knot formed in the pit of my stomach. It was Vegas. Who knew what could have happened?

  “Yeah. I know I’ve been tight-lipped about it, but that’s because it was Emery’s party. It’s kind of special, and we wanted to keep it that way.” She chewed on her lip. “But I kind of…well…I kind of told everyone that we had sex.”

  A laugh burst out of my mouth. Of all the things I’d been possibly worried about, that hadn’t even crossed my mind.

  “You did, what?”

  “I know; I know. I mean, it’s not like it’s a secret, but I kind of shouted it in front of everyone. And then I told everyone what happened—apparently in vivid detail.”

  “How vivid?” I asked, trying to stay serious but a smile remaining on my mouth nonetheless.

  “Very. And…that includes Morgan.” She winced. “Like, I think I got really in-depth with Morgan.”

  “Oh. Well, that explains that.”


  “Morgan was being super weird today. She was avoiding me, and when I tried to talk to her, she basically ran in the other direction.”

  “Yeah,” Sutton said with a shrug. “I went in-depth with the length and breadth of your dick. She’s probably trying not to visualize.”

  I snorted. “Oh, that’s too good. No wonder she’s freaking out.”

  “To be fair, I was really wasted and don’t remember the conversation at all.”

  “It’s fine. I think the more important thing is…that you wanted to describe it,” I said, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips. “Do you want to start over and pretend to be drunk? I’d be happy to listen to you describe exactly what I did to you in vivid detail.”


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