The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire

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The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire Page 63

by William Dalrymple

  Subramanian, Lakshmi, ‘Arms and the Merchant: The Making of the Bania Raj in Late Eighteenth-Century India’, South Asia, vol. XXIV, no. 2 (2001), pp. 1–27

  Sutherland, Lucy, The East India Company in Eighteenth-Century Politics, Oxford, 1952

  Teltscher, Kate, India Inscribed: European and British Writing on India 1600–1800, Oxford, 1995

  Tharoor, Shashi, Inglorious Empire:What the British Did in India, New Delhi, 2016

  Timberg, Thomas A., The Marwaris: From Jagat Seth to the Birlas, New Delhi, 2014

  Travers, Robert, Ideology and Empire in Eighteenth Century India: The British in Bengal, Cambridge, 2007

  Tripathi, Amales, Trade and Finance in the Bengal Presidency, 1793–1833, Calcutta, 1979

  Trivedi, Madhu, The Making of the Awadh Culture, New Delhi, 2010

  Truschke, Audrey, Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth, New Delhi, 2017

  Vartavarian, Mesrob, ‘An Open Military Economy: The British Conquest of South India Reconsidered, 1780–1799’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, vol. 57, no. 4 (2014)

  Ward, Andrew, Our Bones Are Scattered, London, 1996

  Washbrook, D. A., ‘Progress and Problems: South Asian Economic and Social History c. 1720–1860’, in Modern Asian Studies, vol. 22, no. 1 (1988)

  Weitzman, Sophia, Warren Hastings and Philip Francis, Manchester, 1929

  Weller, Jac, Wellington in India, London, 1972

  Wheatley, Captain G. R. P., ‘The Final Campaign against Tipu’, Journal of the United Services Institute, no. 41 (1912)

  Wilbur, Marguerite Eyer, The East India Company and the British Empire in the Far East, New York, 1945

  Wilkinson, Theon, Two Monsoons, London, 1976

  Willson, Beckles, Ledger and Sword: The Honourable Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies 1599–1874, 2 vols, London, 1903

  Wilson, Jon, ‘A Thousand Countries to go to: Peasants and rulers in late eighteenth-century Bengal’, Past and Present, no. 189, November 2005

  Wilson, Jon, India Conquered: Britain’s Raj and the Chaos of Empire, London, 2016

  Wink, André, ‘Maratha Revenue Farming’, in Modern Asian Studies, vol. 17, no. 4 (1983)

  Young, Desmond, Fountain of Elephants, London, 1959

  Zaidi, S. Inayat, ‘European Mercenaries in the North Indian armies 1750–1803 ad’, in The Ninth European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Heidelberg, 9–12 July 1986

  Zaidi, S. Inayat, ‘French Mercenaries in the Armies of South Asian States 1499–1803’, in Indo-French Relations: History and Perspectives, Delhi, 1990

  Image Credits

  The first subscription list: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Sir Thomas Smythe by Simon de Passe: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Sir James Lancaster: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

  Sir Thomas Roe: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

  Jahangir as the Millennial Sultan: © Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, USA/Bridgeman Images

  New East India House: © London Metropolitan Archives, City of London/Bridgeman Images

  East India Company ships at Deptford, 1660: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

  Headquarters of the Dutch East India Company at Hughli: CC0 1.0 Universal/Courtesy of Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

  Fort William, Calcutta: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/ Bridgeman Images

  Mughal Emperor Alamgir Aurangzeb: © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

  Shivaji Bhonsle: © The Trustees of the British Museum

  Nader Shah: © The Bodleian Libraries, The University of Oxford MS. Ouseley Add. 173, fol. 29v

  Nader Shah with Emperor Muhammad Shah Rangila: © RMN-Grand Palais (MNAAG, Paris)/Thierry Ollivier

  Mughal Prince on the terrace of the Red Fort: © William Dalrymple

  Aerial view over the Red Fort: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  A Leisurely Ride by Nainsukh: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Europeans Besiege a City: © The Trustees of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin CBL In 59.10

  A scene at a Murshidabad shrine: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Above the Hughli near Murshidabad, detail: © The Trustees of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin CBL In 69.10

  The palaces of Faizabad: The David Collection, Copenhagen/Photographer: Pernille Klemp 46/1980

  Aliverdi Khan goes hawking: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Aliverdi Khan with his nephews and grandsons on a terrace, Murshidabad: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Siraj ud-Daula and women: Collection of Czaee Shah, Image © 2017 Christie’s Images Limited

  Siraj ud-Daula dancing: © 2017 Christie’s Images Limited

  Shahmat Jang enjoys a musical performance: Lent by the Estate of the late Major General Sir John Swinton. Photography by John McKenzie for L&T

  Siraj ud-Daula rides off to war: Lent by the Estate of the late Major General Sir John Swinton. Photography by John McKenzie for L&T

  Ghulam Hussain Khan: © The Bodleian Libraries, The University of Oxford MS. Douce Or. a. 3, fol. 16r

  Robert Clive at the Battle of Plassey by William Heath: © National Army Museum, London/Bridgeman Images

  Mir Jafar Khan, 1760: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Lord Robert Clive, c. 1764 by Thomas Gainsborough © National Army Museum, London/Bridgeman Images

  Shah Alam II: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Mir Jafar and his son: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Mir Jafar: © William Dalrymple

  Mir Qasim: © William Dalrymple

  Khoja Gregory, known as Gurghin Khan: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Official in Discussion with a Nawab: © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

  A Palladian house and garden: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  View of Government House and Esplanade Road: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Ashraf Ali Khan by Dip Chand: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Muttubby by Dip Chand: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Procession of Nawab Shuja ud-Daula: © The Bodleian Libraries, The University of Oxford MS. Douce Or. a. 3, fol. 4r

  Captain James Tod rides an elephant: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Sir Hector Munro, attributed to David Martin: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  Madras sepoys: © National Army Museum, London/Bridgeman Images

  British Officer in a Palanquin: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  A Military Officer of the East India Company: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Robert Clive: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  The Young Warren Hastings: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  Shah Alam Conveying the Gift of the Diwani to Lord Clive: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Shah Alam reviewing the Troops of the East India Company: By kind permission of the Trustees of Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

  Shuja ud-Daula, Nawab of Avadh: By kind permission of the Trustees of Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

  The royal procession of Shah Alam: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Nana Phadnavis by James Wales: By kind permission of the Trustees of Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

  Sepoys of the Madras Infantry: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  The Battle of Pollilur: Mary Evans/© Otto Money (photography by AIC Photographic Services)

  Edmund Burke: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  Philip Francis: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  Warren Hastings: © Nat
ional Portrait Gallery, London

  The Impeachment of Warren Hastings: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Mahadji Scindia in Delhi: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Qudsia Bagh Palace: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  The blind Shah Alam II: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Tipu Sultan on his elephant, detail of the Battle of Pollilur: Mary Evans/ © Otto Money (Photography by AIC Photographic Services)

  Lord Cornwallis receiving the sons of Tipu Sultan: By kind permission of the Trustees of Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

  Tipu Sultan: © Private Collection, USA, image courtesy of Oliver Forge & Brendan Lynch Ltd

  A View of the East India Docks: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Mahadji Scindia: © British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images

  Daulat Rao: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

  Richard Wellesley by John Philip ‘Pope’ Davis: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  Arthur Wellesley by Robert Home: © National Portrait Gallery, London

  The Duke of Wellington on Campaign in the Deccan: © Private Collection

  Two armies drawn up in combat: © The Trustees of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin CBL In 64.17


  Abdali here

  Abdul Ahad Khan here, here, here

  Abdul Karim here, here

  Abdul Khaliq, Prince here

  Acheh here

  Adams, Major here, here

  Adyar River, Battle of here

  Afghanistan here

  Afghans here, here, here, here, here, here

  Afrasiyab Khan here

  Agra here, here, here

  Agra Fort, siege of here

  Ahkam-i Alamgiri here

  Ahmad Khan Bangash here

  Ahmad Shah Gurgani here

  Ahmadnagar here

  Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of here

  Ajmer here

  Akbar, Emperor here, here, here

  Akbar Shah, Prince here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Alamgir II, Emperor here, here, here

  Albemarle, Lord here

  Ali Azam Khan here

  Aligarh, siege of here

  Alinagar, Treaty of here, here, here

  Aliverdi Khan, Nawab of Bengal here, here, here

  background here

  ceases revenue payments to Delhi here

  court here

  cunning here

  military efficiency here

  rise to power here

  passion for white Persian cats here

  rule here

  Siraj’s hold over here

  succession here

  final days here

  death of here

  Allahabad here, here, here, here

  Allahabad, Treaty of here, here, here, here

  Amboina here

  American War of Independence here, here, here

  Amsterdam here

  Amsterdam Agents, the here

  Amyatt, James here, here, here

  Anand Ram Mukhlis here, here, here, here

  Ananda Ranga Pillai here, here, here, here

  Anderson, Surgeon here, here

  Anglo-French rivalry here, here, here, here, here

  Anglo-Indians here

  Annual Register here

  Ansari, Mohammad Ali Khan here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Anupgiri Gossain here, here, here, here, here, here

  Anwar ud-Din here

  Arcot, siege of here

  Armagon here

  Armenians here

  arms factories here

  Asaf ud-Daula, Nawab of Lucknow here, here

  Ascension here

  Asiatick Society here, here

  Assam here

  Assaye, Battle of here

  casualties here

  Aurangabad here, here

  Aurangzeb, Alamgir here

  Josiah Child attacks here

  character here

  rule here

  resistance to here

  intolerance here

  death of here, here

  succession disputes here

  Avadh here, here, here

  Azam, Prince here

  Azfari here, here, here, here

  Aztec Empire here

  Baffin, William here

  Bagvangolah here

  Bahadur Shah I here

  Bahadur Shah Zafar here

  Baillie, John here, here

  Baillie, Colonel William here

  Baird, David here, here, here, here, here

  Baji Rao here

  Baji Rao II, Peshwa here, here, here, here, here

  balance of power here

  Ballabgarh here

  bank collapses, 2007–9 here

  bank failures, 1772 here

  Bank of England here, here, here

  Barker, General here, here

  Barlow, Sir George here

  Barsana here

  Barwell, Richard here

  Bassein, Treaty of here, here, here

  Bazin, Père Louis here

  Becher, Richard here, here

  Bedar Bakht here, here, here

  Benares here, here, here


  conquest of here

  expulsion from here

  new British base founded here

  textiles industry here, here

  wealth here

  export value here

  Mughal Governor here

  Maratha attacks here

  revenues here

  under Aliverdi Khan here

  exports here, here

  Shah Alam invades here

  looting of here, here

  descent into chaos here

  Shah Alam’s campaign to recapture here, here

  Mir Qasim confirmed governor here

  EIC control here

  independent government ended here

  plundering of here

  governmental paralysis here

  revenue surplus here

  Bengal famine, 1770 here, here, here

  price of rice here, here

  cannibalism here

  deprivation here, here

  deaths here, here, here, here

  devastation here

  alleviation efforts here

  tax collection during here

  grain hoarding here

  economic impact here

  Bengali bhadralok, emergence of here

  Bernier, François here

  Bhagavad Gita here

  first translation here

  Bhagirathi here

  Bhaskar Pandit here, here

  Bichitr here

  Bihar here, here, here, here, here

  Bijapur here, here

  Bithur here

  Black Hole of Calcutta here

  Blackstone, William here

  Blakiston. Major John here

  Bogle, George here

  Boigne, Comte Benoît de here, here, here, here

  Bolts, William here

  Considerations on Indian Affairs here


  acquisition of here

  dry dock here

  harbour here

  garrison here

  growth here

  population here

  Protestant community here

  Bombay Castle here

  Boston Tea Party here, here

  Bourquien, Louis here, here

  Braithwaite, John here

  bribery here, here, here, here

  British Empire, mission civilisatrice here

  British Parliament, relationship with EIC here, here, here, here, here

  brothels here

  Brown, Katherine Butler here

  Brown Bess muskets here

  buccaneers here

  Buckingham, James Silk here

  Budge Budge here

Burdwan here, here

  Burgoyne, General John here, here

  Burke, Edmund here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Burney, Fanny here

  Burrell, William here

  Buxar here

  Buxar, Battle of here, here

  Shuja ud-Daula’s escape here

  casualties here

  looting here

  Caillaud, Major John here, here, here, here, here

  Calcutta here, here

  foundation of here

  city walls rebuilt here, here

  Clive on here

  exports here

  growth here

  docks here

  European houses here

  Governor’s House here

  population here, here

  profit here

  Writers’ Building here

  Maratha threat here

  defences here, here, here

  Black Town here, here

  diversity here

  Indian population here

  merchants here

  Shushtari on here

  prostitution here

  English inhabitants here

  mortality rate here

  cost of living here

  militia here

  vulnerability here

  repair programme here

  Siraj ud-Daula’s advance on here

  fall of here

  the Great Tank here

  looted here, here

  Drake flees here

  Siraj ud-Daula enters here

  the Black Hole here

  reconquest of here

  Government House here

  St Anne’s church here

  Clive’s night attack here

  Mir Jafar visits here

  Clive returns to here

  government moved to here

  Belvedere here

  Cornwallis arrives in here

  beauty here

  wages here

  revenues here

  Canning, Lord here

  Cape, the here

  Careri, Giovanni Gemelli here

  Carnac, John here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Carnatic, the here

  Carnatic music here

  Carnatic Wars here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Cartier, John here

  cartographical survey here

  Catherine of Braganza here

  Chait Singh, Raja of Benares here, here

  Chandernagar here

  fall of here, here

  defences here

  growth here

  vulnerability here

  Charles I, King here

  Charles II, King here

  Charnock, Job here, here

  charter here, here, here

  extended here

  revoked here

  Chevalier, M. here


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