The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire

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The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire Page 64

by William Dalrymple

  Child, Sir Josiah here, here

  Chin Qilich Khan, Nizam ul-Mulk here, here, here, here, here

  China here

  Choiseul, Duc de here

  Christianity, forced conversions here

  Chunar here

  Claremont estate here

  Clavering, General here, here

  Clive, Edward, 1st Earl of Powis here, here, here

  Clive, Henrietta, Countess of Powis here

  Clive, Margaret (nee Maskelyne) here, here, here

  Clive, Richard here, here, here, here, here

  Clive, Robert, 1st Baron Clive here, here

  mental stability here

  pillage of Bengal here

  wealth here, here

  political career here, here, here

  offer of employment here, here

  background here

  birth here

  attempted suicide here

  first arrival in Madras here

  hatred for India here

  letters here

  first EIC career here

  military training here

  early military career here

  marriage here

  appointed Deputy Governor of Madras here

  return to England, 1753 here

  on Calcutta here

  return to India here

  Royal Commission here

  reconquest of Calcutta here

  declares war on Siraj ud-Daula here

  offensive against Siraj ud-Daula here

  taking of Chandernagar here

  Siraj ud-Daula’s attempt to win friendship of here

  and plot to remove Siraj ud-Daula here

  ultimatum to Siraj ud-Daula here

  advance to Plassey here

  campaign against Siraj ud-Daula here

  crisis of confidence here

  Battle of Plassey here

  advance on Murshidabad here

  enters Murshidabad here

  and the Jagat Seths here

  prize money here, here

  return to Murshidabad here

  on Mir Jafar here, here

  despatches to London here

  self-confidence here

  loot here

  return to Britain here

  land purchases here

  Shropshire estate here

  return to India, 1765 here, here

  buys Company shares here

  life in England here

  as governor here

  return to Calcutta here

  meeting with Shuja ud-Daula here

  negotiations with Shah Alam here

  Treaty of Allahabad here

  triumph here

  public opinion swings against here

  Select Committee defence here

  depression here

  Grand Tour here

  suicide here

  burial here

  intercepts Shah Alam’s gifts here

  Colebrooke, Sir George here

  Coleroon River here

  Collins, John Ulrich here, here

  Collins, Wilkie, The Moonstone here

  Comoro Islands here

  Compagnie des Indes here, here, here

  Compagnie Van Verre here

  Coorg here

  Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis here

  arrival in Calcutta here

  replaces Hastings here

  on Calcutta here

  alliance against Tipu Sultan here

  Third Anglo-Mysore War here

  reforms here

  tax reforms here

  land reforms here

  Coromandel, the here

  corporate capitalism here

  corporate influence, danger of here

  corporate lobbying here

  corporate violence here

  corruption here

  court miniatures here

  credit system here


  Cuddalore here

  Cumberland here

  Dalrymple, Alexander here

  Dalrymple, James here, here, here

  Dalrymple, Stair here, here

  Dara Shukoh here

  Daria-i-Noor Diamond here

  Da’ud Khan here

  Daulat Rao Scindia here, here, here, here, here, here

  ultimatum to here

  declares war on the Company here

  Battle of Assaye here

  Davis, Thomas here

  Day, Francis here

  Daylesford here

  Debates in the Asiatic Assembly here

  Debrit, John here

  Deccan, the here, here

  Mughal occupation here

  Delhi here, here, here

  capture of here

  population here

  imperial court here

  splendour here

  Nader Shah’s massacre here, here

  impoverishment of here

  civil war here

  occupations here

  Imad ul-Mulk clings to power in here

  Afghan occupation here

  Shah Alam sets out on expedition to here

  Marathas capture here

  Shah Alam enters here

  ruined and depopulated here

  Shah Alam takes control of here

  Ghulam Qadir takes here

  Scindia’s rescue operation here

  earthquake here

  Battle of here, here

  occupation of here

  Delhi expedition

  line of march here

  Shah Alam set out on here

  importance here

  EIC response to here

  Najaf Khan appointed army commander here

  meeting with Shuja ud-Daula here

  advance to Farrukhabad here

  entry into Delhi here

  breakdown of Maratha alliance here

  Deptford here

  Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex here

  Dhaka here, here, here

  Dhaka Red Fort here, here

  Dickinson, John here, here

  Dip Chand here

  Diwani, the here, here, here, here, here

  Dodally here

  Dow, Alexander here, here

  Drake, Sir Francis here, here

  Drake, Roger here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Drugeon, Louis Guillaume François here

  Ducarel, Patty here

  Dumdum here

  Dundas, Henry here, here

  Dupleix, Joseph François here, here

  arrival in India here

  becomes governor of Pondicherry here

  wealth here

  pact of neutrality here

  siege of Madras here, here

  as a military entrepreneur here

  awarded rank of Mansab here

  disgraced here

  Durrani, Ahmad Shah here, here, here, here, here, here

  Dutch, the here, here, here, here, here

  Dutch East India Company see VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie)

  East India bubble, bursts here

  East India Company

  loot here

  authorised to wage war here

  becomes ruler of India here

  charter here, here

  army strength here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  headquarters here, here

  commercial efficiency here

  employees here

  aims here, here, here

  causes of success here

  relationship with British Parliament here, here, here, here, here

  share price here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  shareholders here, here, here

  global trade here

  debts here, here, here, here, here, here

  government bailout here, here, here

  status here

  foundation here, here, here

  investors here, here

  subscriptions here

enses here

  as joint stock corporation here

  subscribers here

  legal identity here

  structure here

  monopoly here, here, here, here

  first fleet here

  first fleet profit here

  capital here

  inadequate funding here

  quality of recruits here

  turn to India here, here

  regard for Mughal authority here

  profits here, here

  Second Joint Stock here

  first fortified Indian base here

  power here, here, here, here, here, here

  alliance with Jagat Seths here

  borrowing from Jagat Seths here

  becomes increasingly assertive here

  strategy here

  head office here

  balance sheets here

  Charter extended here

  stock here

  looting of Bengal here

  Burdwan, Midnapur and Chittagong ceded to here

  alliance with Shah Alam here

  war against Mir Qasim here, here

  control of Bengal here

  transformation into autonomous imperial power here

  tax revenue here, here

  veneer of Mughal legitimacy here

  exploitation of India here

  lack of concern here

  abuses exposed here

  public opinion swings against here

  financial stability here

  financial crisis, 1772 here

  default, 1772 here

  military expenses here

  remittances, 1772 here

  Bank of England loan here

  Select Committee investigation here

  chartered privileges here

  nationalisation here, here

  position shaky here

  treatment of Shah Alam here

  government supervision here

  arms factories here

  land holdings here

  Anglo-Indians excluded from employment here

  consolidation of position here

  credit system here

  financiers back here

  army followers here

  supremacy established here

  as Regent here

  recalls Wellesley here, here

  monopoly abolished here

  power curtailed here

  the Great Uprising here

  navy disbanded here

  removed from power here

  shut down here

  brand name here

  legacy in India here

  integrated business organisation here

  relevance here

  East India Company Charter Bill here

  East India House here

  Edinburgh Review here

  Edward, Prince of Wales here

  Edward Bonaventure here

  Egerton, Colonel here

  Egypt here

  Elizabeth I, Queen here, here

  Ellis, William here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here


  Elizabethan here

  manufacturing industry here

  population here

  English, terms of abuse for the here

  English language

  first Indian words to enter here

  Indian words connected with weaving here

  European here

  Evelyn, John here

  extortion here

  Facebook here

  Farrukhabad here, here

  Farrukhnagar here

  Ferishta here

  financial crisis, 1772 here

  first fleet here

  Fitch, Ralph here

  Floyer, Charles here

  Foote, Samuel here

  Fordyce, Alexander here

  Fort d’Orléans here, here

  Fort St David here, here, here

  Fort St George here, here

  Fort William here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Fox, Charles James here


  economy here

  population here

  ambitions here

  strategy here

  Francis, Philip here, here

  ambition here

  and Hastings here, here, here

  arrival in India here

  approach to India here

  governmental paralysis here

  Hastings denounces here

  challenges Hastings to duel here

  duel with Hastings here

  and the impeachment of Hastings here, here

  Fraser, William here

  freebooters here

  French and Indian Wars here

  French Navy here

  Fryer, Dr John here

  Fullarton, William here

  Fulta here

  Gaekwad here

  Gagabhatta here

  Ganges here, here, here

  Gentil, Jean-Baptiste here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Gentleman’s Magazine here, here

  George III, King here, here, here

  Ghasiti Begum here, here, here

  Ghazi ud-Din here

  Gheria, Battle of here

  Ghulam Husain Salim here

  Ghulam Qadir Khan Rohilla here

  as captive of Shah Alam here

  advance on Delhi here

  takes Delhi here

  imprisons Shah Alam here

  reign of terror here

  has Shah Alam blinded here

  Scindia’s defeat of here

  flight here

  capture here

  Gibbon, Edward here, here, here

  global financial crisis, 2008 here

  Globe here

  Goa here

  Golconda here, here

  Golconda, Sultanate of here

  gold here, here

  Golden Hinde here

  gonorrhoea here

  grand Mughal alliance

  Mir Qasim’s idea for here

  comes together here

  French prisoner-of-war regiment here, here, here

  forces here

  crosses the Ganges here

  Naga sadhus here, here, here

  ultimatum to the EIC here

  advance on Patna here

  tensions within here

  lack of discipline here

  siege of Patna here

  Shuja leaves here

  Grant, Captain here, here, here

  Grant, James here

  Great Mughal Diamond here

  Great Uprising, the here

  Gregory, Khoja here

  Grenville, Lord here

  Grose, John here

  Guler here

  Gurgin Khan here, here

  assassination of here, here

  Hadaspur, Battle of here

  Hafiz Rehmat Khan here

  Haidar Ali here, here

  declares war on the Company here

  forces here, here

  alliance with Marathas here

  advance into the Carnatic here

  EIC advance against here

  Battle of Pollilur here

  treatment of prisoners here

  failure to follow up Pollilur victory here

  advice on good government here, here

  death of here, here

  Hakluyt, Richard here

  Hamilton, Alexander here

  Hansi here, here

  Hariana here

  Haripant Phadke here

  Harper, Lieutenant Gabriel here

  Harris, General here, here, here, here

  Hastings, Marian here

  Hastings, Warren here

  at siege of Kasimbazar here

  and Bengal’s descent into chaos here

  appearance here

  background here

  character here, here

  education here

  defence of the rights of the Bengalis here

  recognition of Mir Qasim here

  promotion here

  and Mir Qasim here

  and Ellis crisis here, here

  Mir Qasim appeals to here

  on tax collection here

  appointed Governor General here

  and Francis here, here, here

  as Governor General here

  Indophilia here, here

  sensitivity to criticism here

  reputation here

  and EIC rule here

  moves government to Calcutta here

  reforms here

  governmental paralysis here

  denounces Francis here

  Francis challenges to duel here

  duel with Francis here

  learns of Pollilur catastrophe here

  Treaty of Salbai here

  Shah Alam’s appeal for funds here

  ceases all payments to Shah Alam here

  impeachment here

  accusations against here, here

  supporters here

  achievements here

  cleared of all charges here

  Hatim here, here

  Hawkins, Captain William here, here

  Hector here, here

  Helsa, Battle of here, here

  Herculean, HMS here

  Hippon, Captain here

  Hodges, William here

  Holdernesse, Lord here

  Holkar, Tukoji here, here, here, here, here

  Holland, Republic of here

  Holwell, John Zephaniah here, here, here

  Hong Kong here

  House of Lords, impeachment of Hastings here

  Hughli here, here, here, here, here

  Hughli Bandar here

  Hume, David here

  Hunter, Sir William here

  Hunter, William here

  Hyderabad here, here, here, here, here

  Iberian empires here

  Iceland here

  Id Gah, the here

  Ile de Bourbon here

  Imad ul-Mulk, Ghazi ud-Din Khan here

  background here

  seizes power here

  appearance here

  appoints Alamgir II here

  jealousy of Shah Alam here

  relations with Shah Alam here

  clings to power here

  murder of Alamgir II here

  ousted here

  imperialism here

  collapse of here


  turn to here, here

  economic power here

  manufacturing industry here

  population here

  textiles industry here

  religious wounds here

  militarised society here

  British supremacy established here

  India Act here, here

  Indian Mutiny here

  Indonesia here

  insider trading here

  intermarriage here

  Iraq here

  Ireland here

  Jackson, Ira here

  Jacobite 1745 uprising here

  Jafarganj here

  Jagat Seths, the here, here, here, here

  alliance with EIC here

  power here

  EIC borrowing here

  and Siraj ud-Daula here, here

  and Plassey here

  and Clive here

  and Mir Jafar here

  and Mir Qasim here, here

  Jahangir, Emperor here, here

  character here

  and Roe here

  birthday celebrations, 1616 here


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