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Kairos Page 15

by K. J. Coakley

  “Baby, you make me so damn happy. God, you’re beautiful.” He pulls me deep into his chest, and his firm arms wrap around me. I melt into him and sigh in relief. He is mine. And I am his. A spark of hope flares brightly in my aching heart. “I will always be yours, Sulwen. Only yours, baby.” He pulls back again, and I look up at his glorious face. His lips are full and pouty, his jaw strong and angular, and his hair is wildly sexy and disarrayed. God, he is so damn gorgeous. His eyes narrow warmly, and his expression takes on an edge of seriousness. I look into his emerald eyes, and my chest clenches tight. His thumb brushes against my cheek, and he smiles down at me.

  “I love you too, Sulwen. With everything I am and have to give. You’re mine! And Kayla will not come between us. What I had with her was nothing, and I haven’t been with her since we met. She was lying when she said I was with her after our weekend together. Please say you believe me. What we have is everything to me. I know I should have told you about her, but honestly, I was so wrapped up with what was going on between us that I forgot. I know it’s no excuse, but it’s the truth.”

  I look down at my tennis shoes and mull over everything he’s just revealed. I can believe she would lie to have him back. I can even understand why he would have waited to tell me something like this—fear. I can completely understand fear. Fear of losing what we have. Fear of me never trusting him again. I look back up, and our eyes meet.

  “I believe you, Logan.” A face-splitting grin eats up my face. I am glowing from the inside out. It’s funny how a moment can turn your entire world upside down. I hadn’t planned on telling Logan that I loved him, but my heart couldn’t stand it anymore.

  He grins down at me as his arms squeeze me tight against him. He kisses my forehead and pulls me into a walk toward the door. “Follow me, I have something I want to show you.” Logan practically drags me behind him as we traverse across the grounds and head deep into the woods.

  My chest and back have droplets of sweat running down my skin, and my face feels flushed from the long walk. It seems like we’ve covered miles, but I know it hasn’t been that great a distance. The forest is densely carpeted with fine moss that clings to the massive trees giving them an antiquated appeal. They remind me of an old man with scraggly hair sticking out everywhere. If you really look into the woods you can’t help but be overcome with a sense of enchantment. It’s magical in here.

  By the time we reach our destination we’re both a little haggard looking from the hike. Logan pulls me up to his side and points at a circle of megaliths. He doesn’t have to tell me they’re special because their magic weaves through the air and causes the fine hair on my arms to rise with alarm. It feels like I’m standing in the middle of a nightclub with a rhythmic bass pounding the air against my skin. It’s like the heavy thud that accompanies a deep beat, only—silent.

  “Do you feel it?” he asks as I look up to him in question.

  “It’s magnificent.” I smile, and he nods his agreement. He motions for me to sit down on a carpet of moss and thick grass just inside the clearing. After taking my seat, Logan sits down next to me and pulls my hand into his. He has a thousand and one expressions crossing his face but after a few minutes his agitation seems to ease and a sense of calm envelops the both of us.

  I lie back on the ground and look up to the darkening sky. Our hike has eaten up most of the daylight hours, and the night sky is quickly blanketing any remaining sunshine.

  “Why did you bring me here?” I ask.

  He settles in next to me and lays his head back on his forearm tucked behind his head. “Really, I just wanted to talk. Got some things on my mind that plague me day and night, and I honestly don’t know what to do with it all.” I squeeze his hand and allow him to collect his thoughts for a moment before asking him talk.

  “Well, it’s just that…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. You know, about the team and why we’re all doing what we’re doing. I mean, I know why we’re doing it, but not the driving force or motivation, or whether or not our hearts are in it.”

  I run my thumb over the top of his hand. “Then just tell me why you’re doing it and whether or not your heart is in it. We’ll save the others for another day.” He looks over at me and briefly smiles, then looks back up at the evening sky, which has turned a deep shade of magenta as the sun sets and gives way to the moon.

  “My mother and sister were killed. It was the single most horrific moment of my life.” His words escape on a single breath. If any other noise would have been present I would have struggled to understand him, but it’s deathly silent here, and I heard his words loud and clear. Their meaning sends an eerie chill down my spine. I look over and watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows deeply, fighting to control his emotions. I avert my eyes and stare at a star that is beginning to brighten as the sky darkens.

  He sighs and then continues. “My father was a templar, and his father, and his father’s father. It feels like my family has fought this fight since the dawn of time. I couldn’t tell you how many loved ones I’ve buried, because they’re usually dead before anyone can form attachments. But I saw them die, and it haunts me Sulwen. It has soiled my very soul with wickedness, because all I want to do is kill every goddamn one of them.” He turns and meets my eyes. His are filled with unimaginable pain, and my heart aches as I stare back.

  “Who killed them?” I don’t know why I ask, but it seems important that I know. Surely our enemy wears many faces. We can’t be waging a war against a single foe.

  He turns his eyes back to the stars. “Narkarri. They’re a breed of vampire addicted to human blood. I had never heard of them before that night. Never thought such evil existed until I saw my mother’s throat ripped out with its razor sharp teeth.” His body shudders with the amount of pain reliving that night is costing him.

  I reach over and caress his cheek. “You don’t have to tell me this Logan. I understand now. I do.” His jaw clenches. “No, you need to know that I’m going to be a little crazy when you’re out there. I have to protect you Sulwen. I have to.” He leans over and gently kisses my lips. Before the kiss can get too heated he pulls back and resumes his former position lying down beside me. Our fingers intertwine as we both stare into the black nothingness of the night.

  “Why here? Why did you want to tell me this now Logan?” My voice is barely a whisper.

  “Because this is where it began, and where I’ll make sure it ends, so that you’re safe for the rest of your days. I couldn’t protect them Sulwen, but I vow to never fail you the way I failed my mother and sister.” His stormy eyes zero in on mine. “This is the gateway to the Great Barrier, and this is where you’ll perform the strengthening at Samhain.”

  I gasp and look over to the great pillars a few feet away from us. Their magic humming in the air is like a siren’s call to me. I can almost taste its very essence. My legs tingle, and my ears start to burn.

  Logan pulls me to my feet, and I realize I must have zoned out because I didn’t even see him stand up. “C’mon. Let’s head back.” I curl under his arm, and we make our way back through the dense forest under the moonlight. It doesn’t escape my notice that Logan has just revealed a massive piece of who he is and what has made him the man he is today. As painful as it was for him to tell me, and for me to hear, I needed that connection with him. I need to know who he is and where he comes from…gruesome past and all. I’ll still love him with every breath I take.

  Several days fly by as I begin my training. It’s intense, but in order for me to be a part of the team this is a necessary evil, and strangely enough, I’m really looking forward to kicking some ass.

  Kayla has left on some urgent mission with Josie and Miles. Although I’ll miss Josie and her much quieter other half, I’m not the least bit sad to see Kayla leave.

  Thad is teaching me martial arts, and let me say it now: The man is a master when it comes to moving his body. He flows like liquid through the air, and he can twist and contort in wa
ys that I didn’t even know were physically possible. He’s also turning out to be a rather cool guy. His cool facade has warmed a bit. He’s even speaking in full paragraphs to me now. Every now and then I catch him smiling at something I’ve said or done. I think he’s amused by me but tries very hard to hide it. Who wouldn’t be amused by me? Jackie Chan I am not! When I try to replicate his moves, I look like Big Bird on an acid trip. Even though I am really fit now and have been hitting the gym like it’s my new religion, my body aches in places I didn’t even know existed.

  Thad is relentlessly proficient in his teachings. After almost a week, I’m beginning to catch on. My kicks are stronger and more precise. My punches aren’t flimsy and awkward. My evasive maneuvers have earned me a raised brow from him a time or two. Also, I believe I even saw a hint of pride yesterday when I performed a roundhouse kick with perfection. It wasn’t lightning quick like his, but I did get some major air.

  “No, Sully, you have to twist at the hip. Like this.” He moves to the left to avoid my strike. “Let your body lead and your mind follow.”

  I burst out laughing. “Yes, Yoda. Learn I must the ways of your teachings.” I put my hands together and bow to him. When I rise back up, I expect to see something resembling a smile, but Thad is scowling at me.

  “This isn’t a bloody joke. If you’re going to dismiss everything I say, then just sod off already. I don’t have time for your games. It’s life or death out there.” His eyes are narrowed, mouth drawn tight with anger as he points to the window and the outside world. “The barrier weakens even as we speak. Thousands will die within the first hour of the breach. Do you think that’s funny too?”

  I swallow the lump of thick air building in my throat and the tears that threaten to spill from my bulging eyes. I refuse to break. I clear my throat to regain my voice.

  “No, I don’t think this is a game, and I’m sorry if you think I do. I didn’t mean any disrespect, Thad.” I look up at him pleadingly, hoping to break the tension between us. He gives a curt nod and then strides out of the room.

  I’m left there in this huge training room feeling like a shell that’s been cracked, with my insides slowly leaking out. I haven’t seen any action since I’ve been here; maybe that’s why this just doesn’t seem as serious as they’re telling me it is. Maybe I just need to see it with my own eyes in order for it to sink in. With that thought in mind, I make my way to find Logan.

  As I’m stomping up the stairs, I hear someone call out to me, “Tough day at the office, sweets?” Triston is carrying a plate loaded with food. He speaks with his mouth partially full of a sandwich that’s missing a huge bite.

  “Not now, Triston. I have to find Logan. Do you know where he is?”

  “Nah, haven’t seen him since I kicked his ass this morning. It was fucking epic. You should have seen the look on his face. I’m telling you…”

  I cut him off. “Not now, Triston. I need to find him.”

  He swallows the food in his mouth and nods. “Check the pool house. He usually swims off the soreness after we spar.” Then he turns and heads toward the dining hall.

  The pool house…why didn’t I think of that after Thad kicked my ass all over the training room? I turn around and jog back down the steps and out the front door.

  The pool house is a huge house that features the pool, sauna, ice tub, and hot tub for us to use during our leisure time. I run as fast as my legs will take me to the house with the glass roof. I can hear music blaring as I approach the door and turn the handle. When I step through the door, the humidity and smell of chlorine rob me of my first breath. It takes a little getting used to after breathing the crisp Scottish air I’ve become accustomed to.

  The pool is Olympic size, and Logan is swimming through it like his life depends on it. He reaches the wall, flips over underwater, and pushes off in the opposite direction. He has a swim cap and goggles on, and he’s currently using the breaststroke to slice through the water like a propeller.

  I sit down and take off my tennis shoes, then put my feet in the water, and watch him move toward me. Deftones is blaring in the background, but I can’t hear a single word. I’m completely captivated watching his muscles flex as he parts the water with his hands and his shoulders flex with the force he exerts to push the wake out to the side and then back behind him. Swimming really is a beautiful sport if you pay close attention to the mechanics involved.

  Logan reaches the wall and grips the ledge between my legs to hold himself up. He pulls his swim cap and goggles off and tosses them beside me.

  “What’s up, love?” He looks at me questioningly. I look down at him and watch the water trail down his angular jaw and drip back down into the water. I reach a finger out to catch a drop before it falls off of his chin and bring it to my mouth. His eyes narrow and his mouth opens as I wrap my tongue around it and suck it from my finger. He sucks in a deep breath and moves his hands to my thighs to hold himself up. His wet fingers soak through my yoga shorts and onto my flesh, and I swear it sizzles from the heat between us.

  I clear my throat and pull my finger from my mouth. We’re getting distracted, and I need to maintain my train of thought. Logan pouts a little as I lean back and put my hands behind me to brace myself.

  “So I came out here to discuss something with you.”

  The playful look he had fades away and is replaced with a look that’s all business. He moves over and pulls himself up and out of the pool and then walks over to the towel rack and dries off. I hop up and follow him as he takes a seat on one of the pool chairs. I sit next to him and begin with my line of questioning as he finishes toweling off and turns his full attention on me.

  “Okay, so…Thad and I had an argument a little while ago. Okay, maybe it was more like a minor disagreement.” Logan nods and tells me to go on. “He thinks I’m not taking my training seriously, and I think he’s right.” His eyebrows draw together in thought and a little V forms between them. “Logan, I need to see what I’m up against. I need you to take me on a mission. It just doesn’t seem real without seeing it with my own eyes. I think it’ll sink in then. What do you think?”

  “I think you’ve lost your damn mind. There’s no way I’m taking you on a patrol when you can’t even wield a sword properly. It’s ridiculous. Furthermore, I don’t think that’s what Thad had in mind either. He wants to prepare you for things you can’t possibly imagine, but I understand how that would be difficult when you’re having trouble coming to terms with what’s real and what’s not.” He pulls my hands into his and holds them over his legs. “Trust me, Sulwen. I’ll expose you to a little bit at a time. I don’t want to overwhelm you.” His thumbs swirl on the sides of my hands in gentle circles. His eyes are a vibrant mossy green today with tiny flecks of amber. They get that way when he’s excited or has been working out.

  “I need to see it. I need to hear it. Quit protecting me, Logan. This is my battle as much as it is yours. I’m not asking you to turn me loose, but I don’t even know what it is I’m supposed to fight against. What are you doing when you go out on your missions? Who are you fighting?”

  He pulls his hands from mine, sits back in his chair, and stares up at the glass ceiling and the darkening sky beyond.

  “The barrier is weak right now, and occasionally things get through. Actually, lots of things have come through over the last sixty years or so. But the worst are what already existed here. Humans. There are groups of extremists that serve an overlord. We don’t know who he is, but we figured out how he communicates with them.” He looks over at me to see if I’m following. I nod and gesture for him to go on. He turns back and stares out at the sky again. “There are crystal balls called seeing stones. We think a warlock made them, and they somehow made their way across the barrier and into our realm. Anyway, this group of fanatics thinks their overlord is the one and only true deity. They worship him as if he were a religion. You wouldn’t believe the lengths they go to in order to serve him. They’ve slaughtered women a
nd children in hopes to extinguish your lineage. There are other family lines that can be used to strengthen the barrier but none as powerful as yours. Our missions involve tracking down these seeing stones and destroying them. We also have to protect the few druids left in order to preserve the rituals at Samhain and Beltane.”

  “So these seeing stones—how does their overlord communicate through them?”

  “We’ve managed to get information from a few captives. Don’t ask the means used to do this. Trust me; you don’t want to know. Anyhow, we’re told that he uses the stones to send messages to his followers.”

  “He? How do you know it’s a man?”

  “One of the hostages rambled on and on for hours about how his lord and master would ravish our women and slaughter our sons for this was his holy land and we mortals were his subjects. He means to subjugate mankind to his will. That’s something the Templar Knights cannot allow. We are sworn to protect the innocent, and we’ll all die trying if it comes to that.” He releases a weary sigh.

  “What do you see on your missions?”

  “Everything and anything and sometimes nothing at all. I’ve fought against vampires, warlocks, mages, and humans. Some of the others have seen more. For instance, Duncan—he’s seen it all. Our most common foe is greed. These beings are driven mad with it. The thirst for power and greed for possession of another. I think that’s the most difficult of all our adversaries. Mankind is weak compared to these creatures. We’re like fish in a bowl waiting to be plucked up, and they are only too eager to do the plucking.”


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