Cruel Masters

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Cruel Masters Page 7

by Stone, Piper

  I stopped short, not bothering to turn around. “Well then, Richard, unfortunately you’re going to have to face the consequences of your actions.” I opened the door, laughing softly. “And you can keep the photograph. I have a dozen others to take its place.” After walking out the door, I heard his strangled yelp.

  And I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

  Chapter 5



  I remained sick to my stomach just thinking about the events of the night before.

  Including my arousal.

  Something had to be wrong with me, especially since I couldn’t get their faces out of my mind or their musky scents off my skin.

  I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact Sebastian had fucked me. I also had no way of processing that I’d enjoyed almost every minute of the wicked, filthy experience.


  But the game was over.

  That’s the way it had to be. I was a professional and I’d crossed a horrific line. My stomach remained in knots as I went over every detail of what happened for the umpteenth time. The entire situation was laughable. Ridiculous.

  Now the ball was in Sebastian’s court.

  I knew he wasn’t just CEO of Extreme. He was the master of ceremonies, guiding the other two powerful men along for the ride. There was a darkness within him that I couldn’t put into a neat little box no matter how hard I tried.

  One thing was certain.

  There was no sense in thinking of myself as Caroline any longer. Other than on my birth certificate, I hadn’t used my first name my entire life. I hated it as a matter of fact. And I certainly wasn’t going to have a chance to use it with regard to Extreme Incorporated. Kendra was my middle name, KK the initials I used for writing my articles.

  Perhaps I’d wanted to grasp more male readers. Or maybe I was hiding my real identity for an entirely different reason. I laughed at the ridiculousness of it even as I stared at the most recent pictures of the three men taken at some swanky black-tie party. I couldn’t stop pacing, berating my behavior for the tenth time. All I had to do was keep my cool and walk off the stage.

  No, I couldn’t resist launching into them.

  I’d been sickened by the horror show, disgusted by some of the performances. Is that what the world had come to? Maybe losing the fake loan was the best thing that ever happened to me.

  I just had to figure out what I was going to tell my editor. Every step I took reminded me of the painful, humiliating experience. My guess was I’d have nightmares for months.

  When I heard the sound of my cell phone, I jumped, instantly realizing from the specialized ring it was Grace calling.

  “Just calling to check on you.”

  “Don’t worry. The story is toast,” I said with my usual defiance. “You no longer have to worry about me.”

  “What the hell happened? Did they figure out who you are?” she asked, her tone one of shock. I never backed down, especially this easily but I didn’t have a say in the matter.

  “I don’t think so, but I definitely fucked up my one shot. That’s the only way to describe my behavior. You were right about the club.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Oh, shit is right and after watching these women lower themselves, stripping and parading around in front of a room full of men in sexy clothing, I lost it, spewing off.”

  Grace didn’t say anything for a full thirty seconds. Then she groaned, her voice quivering a little. “Sometimes a story isn’t worth all the garbage you have to go through. Chalk this one up as a lesson learned. There are plenty more juicy subjects for scathing exposés out there.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t think my publisher or my editor is going to be very happy with me since I aggravated the hell out of them for months to allow me to do this. I was an idiot to blow the opportunity.” I rubbed my forehead, still foggy from the number of screwdrivers I’d had after returning home. I couldn’t even remember what time it was when I finally went to bed, not that I’d slept for more than thirty minutes at a time.

  The faces of the three hunks had played over and over again in my mind; their intense eyes, their delicious-looking lips, and the way they looked in the finest linen suits weaving in and out of my vibrant dreams. I had to stop the insanity before I fell into a pit of depression.

  “Let me ask you a question,” Grace said. “Just how far were you willing to go in order to get this story?”

  The question was one I’d been asking myself even before I’d returned to Chicago. The events of the night before had blown away my previous answers.

  You let him fuck you.

  The words were infused in my mind. I had to be one bad, sick person.

  I’d obviously hit some kind of plateau with the men’s club, although I wasn’t entirely certain what that was.


  Why was the word so damn overwhelming?

  “I don’t know for certain, Grace. Maybe just being inside that horrible club was the test I needed that I was in way over my head. But that makes me angry. No one to date has managed to get a single scrap of actual dirt on either their company or the three men, although it would seem there is real fear regarding just how powerful they are. If I’d found even a limited amount of data, I could have taken it to the proper authorities.”

  “Well, that’s an honest answer, but I’m just warning you. Don’t underestimate what they’re capable of. If you think they know who you are, get out of town.” Grace exhaled, the sound exaggerated.


  “I’m serious, KK.”

  Her words would remain in the back of my mind, at least if there was a snowball’s chance in hell that I would be able to regroup. “That’s not even the worst part,” I said is a hushed tone.

  “I’m afraid to ask.”

  “They spanked me.” I certainly wasn’t going to tell her that the man fucked me. I bit back a laugh at the thought. The spanking was bad enough, the line crossed one I could never re-cross.

  “What? What did you say?”

  The beep indicating another call made me roll my eyes. “Hold on a second. I think Addy is calling to check on me. I encouraged her to go out of town for a couple days.” As if I knew what the hell I was going to say to her. Hey, I fucked up the promise I made to you. I couldn’t stand to let my sister down. She’d worked so hard for years to make something of her business. I’d swooped in, vowing to help. I clicked on the call without even looking at the screen.

  Then I heard his voice.

  Sebastian Randolph.

  And an entire array of emotions rushed into my system.




  “Ms. Sheffield.”

  “Mr. Randolph,” I hissed, visions of the night before floating into my mind.

  He chuckled in that same dark and ominous tone that I’d heard several times. “My partners and I talked extensively after your display last night.”

  Display. What about yours, buddy?

  “I’m not going to apologize. Those men inside that club were pigs.”

  “That may be the case; however, what you showed last night was true self-assurance as well as… Well, let’s just say you made certain that everyone in that room knew you weren’t a pushover. That is a valuable commodity in a world where business is absolutely cutthroat.”

  What the hell was he trying to say to me? “And?” I made certain my tone was laced with the impatience I felt.

  “And, I’m extending the offer to you.”

  I was momentarily floored, trying to understand let alone process what he was saying to me. Then I couldn’t stop the laugh that rushed from my throat.

  There was silence on the other end.

  “Let me get this straight,” I said casually. “I basically called everyone in that club a worthless, gutless pig and you want to fund my business.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying, Ms. Sheffield. Few women have intrigu
ed us in the past several years the way you did last night. I’m assuming you’re still interested.”

  I had to think about how to answer. I knew the road would be rocky, even disastrous if I wasn’t careful, but I wasn’t a quitter. “I accept, Mr. Randolph.”

  “Excellent. I will expect you in the lobby of my office at eleven this morning. Sharp. There are a few contracts to sign. Then we can celebrate before getting to work. You certainly need some guidance, Ms. Sheffield.”

  His tone was completely dominating, resonating with the same husky vibe as before. “I will be there with bells on, Mr. Randolph.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  After he ended the call, all I could do was grin, whispering with glee. “Gotcha.” When I clicked over to the other line, I did a happy dance. “Grace, I gotta go. I’m still in the race.”

  “Ugh. I’m not sure I’m happy about that. Just remember what I told you. Watch your back.”

  “Stop worrying. I know exactly what I’m doing,” I told her, although more than just a sliver of apprehension trickled down my spine. I had no clue what I was getting myself in the middle of.

  Less than an hour later, I stood in the marble encased lobby of the high-rise building housing their office, nervous as a kitty cat. I watched as Sebastian approached, his usually buttoned jacket open, his hands in his pockets. Everything about him reeked of power, including the way he swaggered in my direction. There wasn’t a woman in the lobby who didn’t stop and stare.

  When he finally moved closer, I was able to see a twinkle in his eyes. I suddenly felt so small in comparison to the larger than life man, even in my three-inch heels. No way was I going to back down to this asshole.

  “Mr. Randolph.” I held out my hand.

  “No sense for remaining formal any longer, Caroline. We are going to be working together closely after all. Sebastian will do. Now, come with me. I have a car waiting. I believe we can handle our business on the way to a fabulous celebration. You’ve certainly earned it.”

  As we walked out of the swiveling front doors of the building, there was a large SUV waiting at the curb. Everything about the sight of it disturbed the hell out of me. The Yukon was solid black, the windows smoked.

  He seemed to sense my discord, moving in front of me until we were only inches away, his masculine scent creating a wave of electricity. “Caroline, is there something bothering you?” He cocked his head, his nostrils flaring.

  “Should there be?”

  He laughed as he pointed a single finger, sliding a strand of hair that had fallen out of the bun away from my face. “Being cautious in business isn’t necessarily bad; however, you must learn to take risks in order to achieve the highest rewards. Tell me, Caroline, is this a risk you’re willing to take?” He was so damn commanding.

  The driver moved around the back of the vehicle, prepared to open the rear door, waiting for Sebastian’s command.

  I gazed into Sebastian’s eyes for a solid ten seconds before answering. “Absolutely.”

  A smile crossed Sebastian’s face as he gave his employee a nod. “Then welcome to the world of the extreme.”

  The moment I climbed inside another set of shivers slithered down my spine. The SUV appeared more like a limo, a bottle of champagne on ice and two crystal stems drawing my attention. The bastard knew I wouldn’t back out now. As soon as Sebastian was settled, the driver pulled away from the curb. The click of the doors engaging the locks was just as unsettling.

  “Here is the loan documentation as well as a contract detailing terms of our agreement. Take your time.”

  He handed me a contract as well as a pen, so certain that I’d sign on the dotted line that he reached for the champagne. My inner voice chided me, providing a tough reminder that this was a normal step and nothing more. While the contract was several pages long, I’d read through enough contracts to know a red flag when I saw one, yet I took my time, partially because I wanted the man to wait. I also didn’t take Grace’s warning lightly. However, there was nothing amiss, no glaring holes. There was no overt verbiage as to anything other than a professional transaction. Just a straightforward arrangement between two parties.

  A part of me was disappointed.

  After signing, I sat back in the leather seat while he took the documentation from my hand, folding the contract and sliding it into his suit jacket. Every action he took was methodical and I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off him.

  When he handed me a glass of champagne, forcing our fingers to touch, I gasped. The crackling electricity we shared stole my breath. I dragged my tongue across my lips, my entire body trembling.

  “I will make certain that you have a copy for your records.” He took a deep breath, his gaze shifting, and I could swear he was undressing me with his eyes.

  “Thank you.” While I wasn’t afraid of him, I slid as far against the door as possible just as the driver moved onto the interstate.

  “To your business’s continued success, Ms. Sheffield. And to our arrangement.”

  The subtle twinkle in his eyes returned, a wry smile crossing his face. He waited until I touched the rim of my glass to his before pulling the champagne toward his lips. He seemed thoughtful as he took a sip, closing his eyes, his expression raw and sensual.

  “You are aware I value loyalty,” he said quietly.

  “Of course.” What was he getting at?

  “And you are aware that I also believe that certain rules must be followed.”

  He didn’t pose the words as a question.


  “I’m glad to hear that, Caroline.”

  What the hell was he getting at?

  I hid behind the glass, turning my attention to the outside world, unable to get the image of our combined reflection in the restroom mirror out of my mind.

  Until I noticed a sign for the airport. What the hell?

  “Where are we going, Mr. Randolph?”

  “As I mentioned before, you can call me Sebastian. That is one right you have earned.”

  The bastard didn’t answer my question.

  I jerked my head to face him. “Where the hell are we going, Sebastian?”

  He took a deep breath before turning his full attention to me. “I assure you that I can take away that right if you continue this behavior.”

  Befuddled, I tried to form words in my mouth. “I’m sorry?”

  “You need structure in your life, Caroline.”

  Structure? I took another glance out the window, sucking in my breath as the driver made the turn into the airport. “What is going on?” My voice was little more than a whisper, my heart racing.

  “You fucked with the wrong men, Caroline. That can’t and won’t go unpunished. You also belong to me. That was established last night.”

  “What are you talking about?” My God, he’d been serious.

  He chuckled darkly, as if enjoying every second of watching me squirm. “The one thing I cannot tolerate is being lied to.”

  “I didn’t lie.” Like hell you didn’t.

  As soon as the driver was forced to slow for a stop sign, I immediately tried the handle to the door.

  Sebastian laughed as he dragged my arm, the force enough I lost my grip on the champagne. When he pulled me onto his lap, he immediately wrapped his hand around my throat. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Caroline. We are going on a little trip, just the four of us, where we will get to know each other extremely well. Since you are my pet, I can decide when and with whom I will share you. Chase and Dax are the only men I’d consider. Now they will enjoy the time spent with you as much as I already have.”

  I pushed hard against his chest, trying to break his hold, but his grip was too firm, the pressure creating dancing light in front of my eyes.

  “And there will be rules to follow. If you don’t, if you act out in any manner, you will be punished.” He took his time placing his glass into a holder before ripping the clasp out of my hair, tangling his fingers
in the long strands. I could feel the car slowing and through the back window knew that the driver was heading into the part of the airport housing the private planes. “Do you understand me?”

  I tried to nod, digging my fingers into his jacket, struggling to catch my breath.

  He lowered his head, pressing his mouth against mine. I pursed my lips, refusing to accept his disgusting advance. He moved slightly, brushing his lips back and forth across my cheek. A series of sensations crawled along every inch of my body, his sensuous moves arousing the hunger furrowing deep inside of me.

  I blinked several times, realizing I’d gotten in over my head and there was nothing I could do, no way to run away from him.

  “And I assure you,” he whispered, “I’m going to enjoy learning every inch of your body.” He captured my lips, forcing them apart and sliding his tongue inside. The taste of him was just as I’d expected, bold and spicy, his hold on me ruthless. He refused to let me go, dominating my tongue so forcefully I moaned into the kiss.

  The moment of intimacy shocked me to my core, my body reacting to his as if I already belonged to him. I tried to resist, turning off my desire, but he was far too powerful, his scent intoxicating. He finally released his hold on my neck, running his fingers down my back. When he broke the kiss, he nipped my lower lip. Then he lowered his hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth across my leg.

  That’s when I realized my skirt had crawled up to my thighs, the material barely covering my lacy panties. I was mortified by the scent wafting between us. I was wet, my juice already soaking into my thong.

  “Are you wet for me, my pet?”


  I hated the word and I loathed the man holding me, even if I shivered from his touch. “No.”

  “Hmm…” He gripped my knee, pulling my legs apart then slipping his hand between them, rubbing his finger up and down my pussy. “Yes, you are very wet. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  A rush of heat forced me to take gasping breaths. He was rock hard, his cock throbbing against my still aching bottom. I was mortified, but when he slipped his finger under the thin elastic, I couldn’t stop a moan from rushing past my lips. I could no longer hear anything but the hard hammering of my heart echoing in my ears.


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