Deep is the Heart
Page 5
“Marco, how has school been?” his father asked, trying to start a conversation.
“Interesting to say the least, but it’s finally over.”
His father started to ask what happened, but his mother abruptly interrupted their conversation.
“So what are your plans for the weekend dear? You know your father and I are leaving for the lake house in the morning. We need to get away from the city for a few days. I’m exhausted.”
“I have that interview at Columbia tomorrow,” Marco said, but really wanting to tell her to go fuck herself.
“Oh. I forgot all about that,” his father said in a semi-indifferent tone. “Good luck with that son. I’m sure you will impress them on all fronts.”
Then his mother started in on him. “Are you sure you won’t consider Princeton? I could make a phone call to my dear friend Harold anytime you like. He is the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.” She took a sip of wine and waited for his response.
“Thanks, but I think I’ll see how this interview goes first. Columbia is my first choice, so I’m concentrating most of my time and energy on that right now. But just to let you know, I am in the middle of my application for Princeton just in case Columbia doesn’t work out. But please don’t make any phone calls on my behalf. It is important to me that I get in on my own. I do appreciate your concern though.” Marco said, trying with every ounce of energy not to get angry. He couldn’t believe how unconcerned his father was, and how manipulative his mother was being, even after she promised she wouldn’t interfere.
“Well, let us know how everything turns out,” his father said.
“Will do, sir.”
“Do you want Max to drive you there tomorrow?”
“No, that’s ok. I’ll take a cab.”
“I transferred an additional ten thousand to your debit card today. That should hold you over until we get back on Tuesday.”
“Thank you. I’m planning a little shopping spree in SoHo right after my interview.”
Marco actually felt like buying some weed instead so he could get stoned and forget how hurt he was.
After he finished eating, he excused himself and went to his bedroom to unwind and write. He checked his phone and saw at least thirty messages. He read a few of them. Claire and Cynthia were wondering where he was at. The others were invitations to parties and to hang out. Four messages were from Zander. Marco turned the phone off and threw it on the bed. He hit the dimmer switch, put some music on, and sat at his desk and started re-reading what he had written the night before. The story was about absolute power over others. How easy it was to control human beings. Human nature. It made him smile as he continued on.
The mundane world disappeared as Marco journeyed into the mind of a young prince who was worshipped by the masses. His manipulation was poetic, sterol, charming, vile, empathetic, cold. His blade cut without a sound, and he loved to watch. It was his only entertainment. It was his heart’s desire.
The prince enhanced his own life by sucking the life out of foolish useless souls. He was clever by pretending to love them as they gave him everything, regardless of the damage it caused. He was masterful, and they applauded and bowed to his God-like power. “We just want to worship your handsome face, your perfect physique, your hypnotic words. We aren’t deep, we promise. We aren’t deep…we aren’t deep…we aren’t deep,” they chanted over and over until they could chant no more.
Three hours had gone by when he finally stopped to read the new pages. He knew this character would become one of his favorites because the prince knew what he wanted and understood how get it.
It was 1:00 am when Marco finally decided to get some sleep. He couldn’t remember the last time he had gone to bed that early on a Friday night, but he wanted to be well rested for the interview. He hated to admit it, but he was still nervous. Almost afraid. It seemed like his life’s work was riding on that one interview. He turned the phone on to check his messages out of curiosity. There were at least another twenty wondering where the hell he was. He smiled knowing he could fuck every one of those guys if he wanted. He turned the phone off, undressed, took care of business, and fell fast asleep.
10 AM
The morning was crisp and inviting as the sun peaked through the timeworn buildings of main campus. Those solemn buildings stood silent and proud, inviting young minds to learn the secrets of life. They offered the chance to build layers of knowledge and wisdom and courage. Requirements to expand one’s mind.
David and his father were having breakfast across the street from campus. They sat at a table near the front window so David could look at the entrance while he ate. He wanted this more than anything. So did his family and friends. His mom and sister had called earlier and wished him good luck. And he got texts from Tyler and Melissa wishing him the same.
It was 10:35 when his father suggested they head to Pupin Hall. David felt paralyzed for a moment, and then felt like running in the opposite direction. “Dad, I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Yes you can. You are going to impress these people, believe me. Just be yourself and good things will happen. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess”
They crossed the street and walked toward the front gates, and that’s when some guy ran right into David, almost knocking him to the ground. The guy grabbed him just in time and apologized.
“I’m really sorry. Are you ok?” David looked into those dark brown eyes and gave him a shy smile. He was staring at one of the cutest guys he had ever seen. “Yeah, I’m fine. No harm done.”
“Please forgive me, I wasn’t looking where I was going,”
“I wasn’t looking where I was going either,” David said, trying to stop himself from staring.
There was a nanosecond of silence that seemed like it lasted a year. “I’m Marco Valerio,” the guy said, quickly fixing the awkwardness.
“My name is David Emerson.”
“Cool. Are you a student here?”
“No, but I hope to be next year. I’m here for an interview.”
“So am I. There must be a bunch of us around here today. Let me wish you good luck. I hope you get in.”
“I hope you do too.” David didn’t want him to leave, so he introduced his father. They shook hands and exchanged the usual niceties, then Marco turned back to David, “Well, I need to get a coffee before this thing starts. It was nice meeting you. Hope to see you around campus in the fall.” He turned and walked away.
David sighed as he walked through the gates. He looked over his shoulder hoping to get one last glimpse of Marco. He had been in New York less than twenty-four hours and already had his first crush.
When they got to the plaza in front of Pupin Hall, David’s father gave him hug and wished him good luck, and then went to sit on one of the benches with the other parents. David walked toward the doors, turned and gave his father one last wave before heading inside. He walked to room 514 and entered a nice reception area where four other potential students were sitting. They looked as nervous as he was. He signed in and took a seat. He needed to relax, so he checked out the latest science news on his phone. A message popped up from Tyler just as he started reading. “I just want you to know that I’m thinking about you and hope everything goes well. You deserve it.” He smiled and texted back, “Thanks,” then continued reading. He was so engrossed in an article about the Higgs Boson that he didn’t notice someone else had come in. That person sat down and tapped him on the arm. “So we meet again.” David looked up and saw those dark eyes and that smile. “H-hi,” was the only word he could find.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again.” Marco took his phone out. “Let’s exchange numbers just in case we both get in. It would be nice to have at least one friend on campus.”
“I agree.” David tried to hide his nervousness as they traded phones and entered their numbers. Marco was ab
out to say something else, but the receptionist called his name. They both stood up and shook hands. “Good luck in there,” David told him.
“Same to you.”
A nicely dressed older woman opened the door and welcomed Marco. He gave David one last smile and then disappeared through the door. David sat back down hoping they would run into each other again sometime.
He started concentrating on his own interview at that point. A few minutes later a young guy, maybe thirty or so, opened the door and called David’s name. He knew his moment had finally arrived. He was calm and resolute, vowing to show them he was worthy of being a student at Columbia. They shook hands and introduced each other. The admissions officer’s name was Timothy Logan. David followed him to an office that had a mahogany table and two burgundy leather chairs. David sat quietly as Timothy opened his folder and took out his application, essays, and SAT score. He laid everything out in front of them and smiled. “I’m sure you are a little nervous, but you have nothing to be nervous about. I am extremely impressed with your academic credentials.”
David breathed a sigh of relief after hearing those words. As the interview progressed, he found out that Timothy wasn’t an admissions officer at all. He was doing his postdoctoral work in physics. He explained that he had received a PhD from Cal Tech, and that the Physics Department liked to interview the Early Decision candidates themselves and give their own recommendation. “All departments work close together at Columbia to ensure that we matriculate intelligent well-rounded students.”
The interview lasted a little over a half an hour and covered a wide range of topics, beginning with David’s goals, the math and physics programs, and student life at Columbia.
David noticed how insightful and open Timothy was while they discussed various topics. He was happy to know that he wasn’t some condescending professor locked into a traditional mindset.
They talked about important breakthroughs in mathematics, String Theory, Supersymmetry, and Dark Matter. Timothy also explained how the research opportunities worked, telling David that he wouldn’t have any problem getting on a research team if he matriculated. When the interview was over, they stood up and shook hands. “David, it was a real pleasure getting to know you.”
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed.”
David walked back into the reception area in a euphoric daze.
“By the look on your face I’d say the interview was a success.”
David smiled. He couldn’t believe Marco was still there. “I think it went pretty well. At least I didn’t faint. How did yours go?”
“I thought it went well too. There was an admissions officer and a professor from the English Department interviewing me. We had an interesting conversation about my writing.”
“You’re a writer? That is so cool.”
“Yeah, I love writing short stories. But I’m working on a novel right now, which is something totally new for me.” They walked out to the hall so they could have some privacy.
“What’s your major?” Marco asked.
“Math and Physics. If I get in I’ll be double majoring.”
“Wow. So you’re one of those math and science gods? I would never have thought that.”
“You don’t look like…excuse the derogatory term, a geek. You look more like a musician to me. Like you could be in One Direction or The Wanted.” David blushed. “You guessed right. I am a musician too. I play the guitar and sing a little, but I’m definitely a geek when it comes to math and physics. They have a great program here.”
“I’m definitely a writing geek.”
“I’d love to read some of your stories sometime.”
“Cool. I’ll send a couple to you.” They exchanged email addresses.
“Where are you from?” David asked.
“The Upper East Side. I’ve lived in Manhattan my whole life. Where are you from?”
“Cool. What’s it like there?”
“Different from here, that’s for sure. I live in a little town called Harbor Springs. It’s in Northern Michigan right on Lake Michigan. I’ve lived there my whole life too.”
“You’re a long way from home. Welcome to the Emerald”
“Thanks. I’ve wanted to go to Columbia since seventh grade. I’ve only been in New York for a day, but I know I belong here. Does that sound crazy?”
“No, not at all. I know where you’re coming from. I hope we both get in because we deserve it.”
“I hope so too.” Something was definitely happening between them. David could feel it.
“I don’t mean to be forward, but I think you’re a very cool guy and I’m glad I almost knocked you down this morning. It is kind of like fate,” Marco said, with a strange grin.
“Yeah, I’ve been getting that same feeling.” David wondered if Marco was gay. He hoped so, but his luck in that department was non-existent.
They finally walked out to the plaza. Even though neither one wanted the conversation to end, Marco knew it was time to go. “David, it was very nice meeting you. Enjoy the rest of your time here and have a safe trip home.” They shook hands again. “Thanks. It was nice meeting you too.”
David stood by the entrance watching Marco walk toward lower campus. Then he spotted his father looking at Marco too. He hoped that he wouldn’t ask any embarrassing questions.
David walked over and sat next to him. “So, how did the interview go?”
“I think it went really well.”
“That’s good to hear. I’m proud of you. This whole thing is amazing to me,” his father said, as he gave David a hug. After filling his father in on the particulars of the interview, they walked around the entire campus one last time. Then his father surprised him with tickets for a touristy tour of Manhattan. They walked to The Cathedral of St. John’s on Amsterdam Avenue and waited for one of those red double decker tour buses. A few minutes later their journey around Manhattan began. They would catch a flight back to Traverse City late Sunday afternoon.
10 AM
Sometimes the longest journey only requires a few steps, but taking those steps can be one of the hardest things a person will ever do. Sometimes they are taken by sheer determination and a need to excel. And sometimes fate dictates them. They might even make a person bump into the very thing that could change their life forever.
It was ten in the morning. Marco sat at the breakfast table in the sun terrace checking his messages. He finally decided to send Zander one. “We will talk later today,” was all he wrote.
He knew he couldn’t stay mad at his best friend, but he still wanted him to sweat it out for a few more hours. Then he read a message from Lisa that said she went to college night at Retro’s with some guys from school. They all had fake IDs. She said they couldn’t get in because the line stretched all the way down the street. They tried to get into another gay bar a couple of blocks away, but were turned away because the guy knew the IDs were fake.
Marco felt vindicated. He made up his mind to hit Retro’s by himself. He needed to score another college hottie.
He read a few more messages and then turned his thoughts to the interview. A few minutes later Rosa served him a nice hot breakfast while she conveyed a message. “Your mother and father left for the lake a couple of hours ago. They said good luck with your interview. They are proud of you.”
“Thanks for letting me know.”
Marco sipped his coffee and ate his breakfast while looking towards Central Park thinking about what he was going to say at the interview. He had several strategies in mind depending on how the whole thing proceeded. He was never at a loss for words, and knew his personality and looks would impress the admissions officer. He smiled to himself because this special day had finally arrived.
“You look very nice,” Rosa said, as she poured him more coffee.
> “Thanks. I want to look like a college student but still have some class.”
Marco always looked hot in Armani Suits. He was hotter than most of the models in Manhattan.
It was 10:40 when Marco’s cab pulled up in front of Columbia University. He got out and started walking toward the entrance. In his excitement he bumped into one of the cutest guys he had ever seen, almost knocking him to the ground. He quickly grabbed him to break his fall.
“I’m really sorry. Are you ok?” he asked.
He was mesmerized by the intense blue eyes staring back at him. Marco felt like he had just bumped into an angel. “Please forgive me, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“That’s all right. Don’t worry, I’m ok. I wasn’t looking where I was going either.”
“I’m Marco Valerio.”
“My name is David Emerson.”
“Cool. Are you a student here?”
“No. But I hope to be next year. I’m here for an interview.”
“I’m being interviewed too. This is so cool. There must be a bunch of us here today. Good luck. I hope you get in.” David wished Marco the same. He didn’t want to leave but knew it was time to go before it became awkward. He told David that he was going to get a coffee before his interview started. He reluctantly said goodby and walked away. As soon as he walked across Broadway he turned around to see if David was still there. Sadly he wasn’t. He reminded Marco of Dylan for some reason, and that made him smile.
Marco walked through the gates sipping his coffee wondering why his interview was in the physics building rather than Philosophy Hall. It didn’t make sense. When he got there, he stood outside gathering his thoughts while he finished his coffee. When he walked into room 514 he couldn’t believe who was sitting there. He smiled and then quietly sat next David. “So we meet again.” David looked up from his phone, smiled and said hi.