Act of Passion
Page 16
“Boy oh boy, are the rules hard to follow. Don’t be mean, Bethany. Okay, be mean, Bethany.” She tossed her hands in the air. “What’s a girl to do?”
A large hand fell upon Brooke’s shoulder and she stood, expecting to find Gram there. When she realized it was Malik, she stiffened.
He went to one knee before Bethany. “Hello there.”
Bethany eyed him cautiously. “Hello.”
“Can I show you something?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Don’t be scared, okay? I just want to show you so you know that we’re alike.”
“We are?” she asked, her eyes widening. “You make people fall out of windows too?”
“Sometimes.” Malik chuckled softly and lifted a finger, letting a claw emerge from the tip of it. He then closed his eyes and opened them again, showing the amber in them. He opened his mouth and Brooke saw his teeth do what Bethany’s had done. He then closed his eyes and when he opened them again, they were back to dark brown. His teeth returned to normal and the claw receded into his finger.
Bethany sniffed the air and then squealed. “Mommy, he’s just like me! Smell him? He smells like me! Not like a dog.”
Brooke bent as well, unsure what Malik might do or say. “Yes, sweetie. That’s neat, huh? Someone else is just like you.”
Malik picked up the stuffed toy lion from the porch and smiled at it. “And who might this be?”
Bethany grinned. “Nas. He’s my best friend.”
“Nas?” asked Malik. “Interesting name. And he’s your best friend? Doesn’t seem like he’d be much fun in a conversation.”
Bethany giggled. “He doesn’t talk, silly. He’s not real.”
“Oh,” said Malik, holding the lion out to her.
“And his whole name is Nasser,” said Bethany, taking the lion and holding it close to her. “He makes me feel safe at night.”
Brooke felt faint when she heard Bethany’s full name for the lion. A name she’d never heard her daughter say before, but a name she’d heard said tonight more than once. It was Malik’s last name. She swayed and Malik reached out, catching her.
“Nasser?” asked Malik, his voice tight. He glanced at Brooke. “You said you didn’t tell her about me.”
“I didn’t,” said Brooke, shaking her head. “And I didn’t know your last name until tonight.”
“How come you smell like me?” asked Bethany.
“I think that is enough excitement for one night. Let’s get some sleep and we can talk more in the morning. Sound good?” Brooke lifted Bethany, and Malik stood as well.
Bethany twisted and looked at Edee. “She wants me to go to sleep so she can talk to you and figure out what to tell me. I’m a big girl and she doesn’t need to worry about me. I can handle a lot. We women always can.”
Edee laughed. “Yes, we women can handle quite a bit. And you’re right. I think Mommy needs to talk with the men here. Then Mommy has to tell me every single word that was said because I’m dying to know how she ended up bringing this group home with her. And why Uncle Gram looks less than pleased. Better yet, she should just have me in the room with her. Saves time later if I know it all firsthand.”
Bethany yawned. “I’m not tired.”
“Sweetie, you were woken up from a dead sleep tonight and had quite a scare. It’s very late and I know you’re very tired. Come on with me and we’ll get some sleep.” Edee reached for her.
Bethany dodged her grasp and looked over at Striker and Boomer. Her eyes widened. “Mommy, you brought home more giants. One of them has makeup on!”
Boomer laughed. “You are a trip, kid.”
“Uncle Cody says that to me too,” she returned, smiling.
Striker walked up to the porch, his focus on Edee to start. “Lass, yer even hotter than I remember you being.”
Edee gave him a droll look. “You’re like a bad penny.”
He grinned. “Thanks.” He then reached for Bethany. “Wee one, yer exhausted. Come on. I’ll stand outside yer bedroom door and make sure no one comes in that shouldnae be there. I’ll stay out there the rest of the night so you can sleep without worry.”
She giggled. “You sound like Uncle Gram. He’s very hard to understand when he’s upset.”
Boomer laughed. “So is Striker.”
“Your name is Striker?” she asked. “That’s a terrible name.”
Striker laughed. “’’Tis better than my given name, lass. Come. You and Aunt Edee both look like you could use some sleep. I’ll nae let anyone near either of you.”
“Promise?” asked Bethany.
Striker crossed his heart. “Promise.”
Brooke glanced at her best friend. “Edee, I need to talk to you about something. Someone really. But not with everyone around. Okay?”
Edee nodded.
Bethany kissed Brooke and then went to Striker before twisting in his arms and grabbing Malik around the neck. She kissed his cheek too and he grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her, sliding her gently out of Striker’s hold. He closed his eyes and held Bethany tenderly. She yawned again and put her head against his chest, her eyelids fluttering shut.
Malik rocked her gently. “You’re safe now, princess.”
Brooke didn’t dare move. She simply stood there, dumbfounded to see Malik being so incredibly good with Bethany.
Striker surprised Brooke next by pulling her into a hug and squeezing tight. “I’m sorry Tut was a moron. You’ve a precious family, Brooke. I’ll take the wee one up to get some sleep. And I’ll make sure Edee rests too.”
She hugged him back. “Thank you.”
He made a move to take Bethany, who was now fast asleep on Malik.
A low growl came from Malik.
Bethany stirred slightly but didn’t open her eyes. She patted Malik’s cheek, her stuffed lion smashed between them. “Don’t let the mean out, Daddy.”
Everyone froze.
Edee stared at Brooke. “Did she just call him what I think she called him?”
“Aye,” said Striker. “The wee one’s shifter side knows who Malik is to her. It understands his scent and the bond they share. And it’s clear the wee one’s gifts sensed who her father was long before tonight. It would explain the lion bein’ named after Tut.”
Brooke cupped her mouth.
Malik kissed Bethany’s forehead. “I’m sorry, princess. I won’t let the mean out.”
Striker nodded and then took Bethany from Malik, holding her as if he’d held a hundred children before. He looked like a pro. He then ushered Edee through the door and into the house.
“Brooke,” said Malik, reaching for her.
She stepped out of reach and pushed her hair behind her ears. “Thank you for your help tonight. You can go now.”
“What?” he asked.
“Gram knows how to reach you, right?” she asked.
“You want me to leave?” he asked.
Boomer huffed. “Can you really blame her? You were a giant tool to her.”
Chapter Seventeen
Malik was unable to believe his ears. Brooke wanted him to go?
He ran his hands through his hair, shaking his head. “I spent five years hunting for you. Five years fearing the worst. Boomer is right, I was a tool. I just…dammit, Brooke, you get my head all screwed up. I’ve never loved anyone before and I know I’m not doing a very good job of it, but that doesn’t change the fact that I do love you. And I may have just met my daughter but nothing could drag me away from her now.”
Brooke put more distance between them. “Love me? You don’t love me. You barely know me.”
“Do you understand mating?” he asked, searching for a way to explain that he’d claimed her as his wife. That in the eyes of the supernatural world, she was his forever. That nothing could change that. There was no such thing as divorce for them. He would forever be bound to her.
She eyed him. “A little.”
Gram hopped up and over the porch railing, landing
next to Brooke. He put his hand on the small of her back and Malik had to control his beast. It wanted to rip the man’s arm off, but he knew that would only push Brooke away from him more. He’d already done enough damage to their relationship as it was.
Gram kept rubbing her back. “Brooke, he’s trying to find a way to tell you what he did.”
Malik really wanted to punch the man.
“What did he do?” she asked, looking between the men.
“Five years ago,” said Gram, staring at Malik.
“What? Are you talking about me getting pregnant with him? He doesn’t have to tell me that. I figured it out for myself,” said Brooke.
Gram sighed and rubbed her back gently. “No. I’m nae talking about that. Malik is trying to find a way to explain to you that five years ago, he claimed you.”
Brooke snorted as if the idea was the most amusing thing she’d ever heard of. “But you said you can only claim your natural mate. That you can’t just claim anyone. That only true mates can do that. It’s why you asked me to marry you in a church, like normal people, because you said we weren’t true mates.”
“Aye,” said Gram, staying close to her.
In a heartbeat, Brooke was in front of Malik. She hauled off and slapped him across the face. “You bastard! We’re true mates and you threw me out of your room? Tool!”
He caught her wrist and held her close to him. “Brooke, I won’t apologize for claiming you. It’s not something I could have stopped. And even if I could have, I wouldn’t have stopped it. I will say I’m sorry that I thought I did it because of the suppression drugs I took. And I’m sorry that I thought you were human—that the claim didn’t work because of that. But I’m not sorry I marked you as mine. And I’m not sorry that you’re my wife.”
“Wife? What do you mean by wife? I can’t be your wife,” she said adamantly.
Gram turned Brooke to face him. “Remember what I asked you when I first met you?”
She was quiet a second. “You asked me if my husband was still alive and when you got me out of there, could I reach him. But you just assumed I was married because I was far along in the pregnancy. I told you then I didn’t have a husband and that the baby’s father died.”
Malik’s self-loathing only deepened at her words. He should have been there all along. He was foolish to send her away because he thought he’d hurt her. It was impossible for him to hurt his mate. He’d sent her away and directly into the arms of The Corporation. She’d suffered at their hands, all while expecting his daughter. And then she’d spent nearly four years keeping his daughter out of the hands of the enemy. From the second he’d heard he was a father, he’d hated himself. Hated how much he’d failed both Brooke and Bethany. And the entire car ride to the safe house he’d tried to think of a way to tell her everything he felt for her and to apologize, but the words just wouldn’t come.
Gram touched Brooke’s cheek. “When I realized that you’d had no idea you were more than human before being taken by them, I stopped pushing you. I saw it as a blessing. You’d told me the baby’s father was dead. There was no point in me making the already tragic situation worse by explaining I could smell a claim on you. I thought you’d found your way to having feelings for me because he was dead. That maybe nature saw fit to release you from the hold it has on mates.” Gram sighed. “I do nae know how it’s gone down the way it has, with Malik being alive. And had I known Malik was yer mate, I’d have taken you to him the minute I got you freed from that wretched place. I’d have made sure you and Bethany were safe and with him.”
Boomer came up the steps to the porch. “Question.”
Malik nodded.
“I know Malik claimed you, Brooke, but did you return the claim?” he asked tentatively. “You’re not a shifter. The way you’d return a claim would be different from how we’d do it.”
She stepped closer to Gram, managing to shatter Malik’s heart more. “I don’t know. I didn’t even realize he’d claimed me. How would I know if I’d returned it?”
“You’d know,” said Gram and Boomer together.
“Does that mean I’m not his wife?” she asked.
Malik didn’t miss the hopeful tone in her voice.
Boomer shook his head. “No. You’re his wife, but he’s not your husband, if that makes sense. Until you return the claim, he’s bound to you, but you’re not bound to him. I’m guessing that’s why you were able to have feelings for Gram.”
Brooke’s shoulders slumped. “I’m tired and I need a shower. I can’t handle all of this right now.”
Gram caught her wrist. “Brooke, you need to tell Malik everything that happened to you. He needs to know what you require after tapping in to your gifts. He can’t help you if he doesn’t know everything.”
She lurched back. “I don’t want his help! You can help me. You’ve always helped before.”
Gram’s jaw jutted out. “The only reason I was able to help at all is because of the Fae blood I carry. And let’s be honest. He could help you in less time. Nature gave you to him for a reason, and the verra fact yer upright after going head to head with someone as powerful as Elm is because Malik was close to you. I love you enough to know when I have to step back.”
Brooke hugged herself. “You don’t want me either? Okay. That’s fine.”
“Woman, I’ve asked you to marry me at least ten times. I want you, and I cannae stand Malik. But that does nae change the fact he’s yer mate. I may nae like him but it does nae take away the fact yer his wife. You cannae honestly think I want to have you and Bethany taken from me. And trust me, Malik willnae want me around you or his daughter.”
“Malik doesn’t get a say in my life,” she said, still hugging herself. “He lost that right when he told me he regretted being with me. When he threw me out of his life.”
Malik squared his shoulders. “I was trying to tell you that I regretted biting you and that I was losing control. I honestly thought you were human, and I was horrified at my lack of control. I was shifting. I didn’t want you gone. I wanted to protect you from me.”
Boomer stepped in. “Malik, why don’t you go in with Brooke and stay close to her so she can get some sleep. Gram and I can talk with Corbin and the others when they get here. We’ll plan our next move then.” He touched Brooke lightly. “I know your first reaction is to push him away. You’re hurt and angry with him. You’ve had a lot thrown at you tonight. But, Brooke, whether or not you ever return the claim, Malik will forever love you. He’ll forever worry about you, and trust me when I say, you’re it for him. I’m guessing he’s spent the last five years lying to us to keep us from realizing he’s not really been with another woman since you.”
“Yes,” said Malik, putting up his hand, staring at Brooke. “I’ll go in with you and I’ll keep my distance. I’ll just be here in case Elm and the others come. You don’t have to even look at me.”
Gram surprised Malik. “Let him do what he was born to do. Let him be yer mate. Let him love you and the wee one.”
“I didn’t know,” she said softly. “I’m sorry. I hate that this is hurting you.”
“Aye, I know, lass,” he returned. “I love you enough to let you go. I’ll figure out something to tell the wee one as to why I willnae be in her life anymore.”
Malik went up to Gram and extended his hand. Gram looked at him for a moment before taking it. Malik drew the Scot into a manly embrace. When he stepped back, he nodded. “Thank you for everything you’ve done. And while I don’t like you, I’m forever in your debt. You did what I should have. You protected my family. You loved them and kept them safe. I’ll get used to you being around. It’s not fair to Bethany to rip you from her life—and I saw Brooke in ass-kicking mode. If you think I’m crossing her, you’re wrong.”
“Smart guy.” Boomer laughed.
Brooke lowered her head and continued to hug herself.
Gram locked gazes with Malik. “Since she’s nae going to tell you, you need to know that usin
g her Fae gifts comes at a great price to her. Usually it’s instantaneous. It drains her to the point she collapses. I do nae know how she’s managed to stay upright this long, but I do know that it will hit her hard soon. The only way to assist her is by handling her as you would a succubus who needs to feed. Her line of Fae is rumored to be the cousins to the succubi lines.” Gram gave him a knowing look. “Because yer her mate, it may nae work the same way. You might be able to feed that need by simply being near her.”
Boomer let out a low whistle. “You’re telling us that you’ve had to shag her every time she’s gotten drained over the last few years?”
Tensing, Malik exhaled slowly through his mouth, doing all he had in order to drive the images of Gram taking Brooke from his head. It was hard. Very hard.
Gram snorted. “Was nae a hardship by any means.”
Brooke shoved him, but laughed softly.
He grinned. “Lass, it would be a lie if I said anything else. Now, go in with yer mate and let him watch over you. I’ll be down here with Boomer. I’ll be fine. I give you my word.”
Chapter Eighteen
Malik sat on a folding chair next to Striker in the upstairs hallway of the safe house. Striker was leaned back, his feet propped up on the wall, with his hands in his lap as he lay there with his eyes closed.
Malik knew the man wasn’t asleep. “Striker, go to one of the extra rooms and get some sleep. I’ve got this.”
Striker kept his eyes closed. “I made the wee one a promise. I’ll be here when she wakes. You should go check on yer mate. I’ll let none harm yer daughter, Tut.”
Malik put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, focusing on the floor. “I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that I have a daughter.”
“Aye, I suspect that is a lot to absorb. ’Tis also making me wonder if a woman from my past is goin’ to show up with a love child.”
Grinning, Malik kept looking down. “Turns out your fears may be warranted.”
“Yer nae upset about Bethany or learning you have a true mate,” said Striker, keeping his head back and his eyes closed still. “Yer pissed at yerself for nae being there for them both all this time.”