Page 40
Ruby Ridge and, 130
standards flown, xi–xii
See also siege at Mount Carmel
Feast of Tabernacles, 20, 34
Feazell, Vic, 193
Federal Aviation Administration, 180
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Federal Laboratories, 247–248
Feminine conception of Holy Spirit, 42
Ferguson, Misty, 275, 320
Fifth Seal, 44, 52, 168–169, 190, 191, 212, 237
films/series about siege and Davidians, 346–348
In the Line of Duty: Ambush at Waco, 201, 291
Waco: The Rules of Engagement, 346
fire at Mount Carmel, xviii–xx
memorial events on anniversaries of, 313–314, 319–321, 325–236, 339
source of, 255–259
First Seal, 44
flashbang grenades, 163, 243–244, 256
Florida Militia, 312
food at Mount Carmel, 74
dietary rules, 53, 69, 105
during siege, viii, 194, 219–220
Fort Hood, ATF raid and, 135, 158
40th Psalm, 239
48 Hours (television program), 214
Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) tapes of gunfire during final assault on Mount Carmel, 278–280
Fourth Amendment, 147, 271
Fourth Seal, 44
Frampton, Peter, 52
Francis, Samuel, 332–333
Freeh, Louis, 316
French, David, 161, 236
Friesen, Ray, xix
Friesen, Tillie, 327
Frolic Room (club), 11
From the Ashes: Making Sense of Waco (Lewis), 199
Frontline (television program), 270
Fyfe, James, 333
Gaffney, Edward McGlynn, Jr., 146–147, 155, 334
Ganem, Balenda, 202
author’s childhood and, 3–5, 9
at author’s press conference, 291
author’s visits with, 97–98, 134, 272
Povich’s “Town Meeting” and, 295–296, 298
relationship with Michele, 100–101, 323–324
Reno and, 250
seeing son after siege, 266, 272
skepticism of Koresh, 57, 60–61, 66, 98, 288–289, 292–293
son’ release from jail and, 285–286
waiting in Waco during siege, xvii, 192, 214–215
Ganem, Bob, 5, 8, 9, 62, 134, 214, 291, 292–293
Ganem, Gloria, 5, 8, 100–101, 188, 288, 293, 323
Garofalo, Mary, 286–287
Garrett, Benjamin C., 247
Gaslight (club), 12
gas masks, xiii–xv, 223, 274, 275
Gazecki, William, 346
Gent, Dayland, 65, 216
Gent, Lisa, 106, 107n
Gent, Nicole, 65, 100, 105, 221, 268
Gent, Paige, 216
Gent, Peter, 65, 72, 170–171, 220–221, 234
George Mason University, 206
Gerson, Stuart, 190, 227–228, 246, 247n
Gifford, Dan, 346
goat’s milk, Davidians and, 219–220
God Said Ministry, 319–320
Gonzalez, Robert. See Rodriguez, Robert
Gray, Paul, 255–258
Green, Dennis, 125, 147
Green Berets, 135
Davidians’, 119, 126n
flashbang, 163, 243–244, 256
Guardian (newspaper), 181
Guerrero, Gene, 316–317
Guitar Center (Sunset Strip), 12, 14
Guitar Nebulae, 228
during final assault, 277–281
during initial assault, 159–168
Gunowners of America, 138
guns at Mount Carmel, 119–126
AK-47s and, 122–125
alleged stockpile of, 144–145, 281–282
gun show business, 78, 120–121, 126
gun training, 121–122
intent of use, 146, 178n
Gusay, Charlotte, 346
Gyarfas, Aisha, 100, 105, 108, 110, 117, 216, 268
Gyarfas, Oliver, 166, 320
Gyarfas, Oliver, Jr., 215
Haldeman, Bonnie, 172, 190–191, 234, 293, 307
Haldeman, Roger, 37
Haldeman, Roy (“Rocky”), 36, 190
Harper, Charles L., 205
Hartnett, Daniel, 184, 197, 302
Harwell, Jack, 92, 215, 220, 228, 229, 270
Hatch, Orrin, 333
Hawkins, Bill, 110
Helen Taylor Marie Museum (Waco), 320
initial assault use of, 158, 164
medical evacuation, 258–259
Mount Carmel surveillance and, 131
hellfire device, 144–145
Henry, Philip, 276
Henry, Sam, 268
Henry, Stephen, xix, 276, 279
Henry, Zilla, 30, 268
Henry family, 73–74
Hewitt Handguns, 122–123
Heymann, Philip, 203
Higgins, Stephen, 146, 149, 184
Hilburn, Glenn, 228
Hipsman, Novellette, 276
Hipsman, Peter, 72, 86, 87, 170, 171, 177, 220, 234
Hogan, John M., 279
Hollingsworth, Victorine, 176, 178–179, 213, 303
homosexuality, Koresh’s attitude toward, 67–68
House investigation of Waco siege, 148, 316, 328–333
on propaganda regarding mass suicide, 259–260
on use of CS tear gas, 254
Zimmerman testimony, 259–262, 271
House of David, 65–66, 303
introduction on videotape during siege, 216–217
New Light experience and, 50
older women in, 106–108
underage girls and, 104–105, 108–112
Houston Chronicle (newspaper), 193
Houston Post (newspaper), 198
Houteff, Florence, 33
Houteff, George, 111
Houteff, Victor, 32–34, 204
Howell, Bobby, 36
Howell, Bonnie, 36, 38
Howell, Roger, 293
Howell, Vernon, 36. See also Koresh, David
Hubbell, Webster, 246, 247n, 253, 332
Hunt, Gary, 224
Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS), 100, 115
Infraspection Institute, 279
Inside the Cult (Breault), 117
Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, 206
Internal Revenue Service, 115
In the Line of Duty: Ambush at Waco (film), 201, 291
Iron Maiden (band), 6
IRS, money laundering allegations and, 143
Isaiah, 20
Adventists and, 34
author’s trip to, 324–325
Koresh’s visits to, 48–49
Jackson, Michael, 72
Jahn, Ray, 302–303
Jamar, Jeffrey, 197, 206, 209, 228, 229–230, 234, 240
Jennings, Peter, 200
Jericho Plan, 262–263
planning, 243–254
Jesus, Koresh on, 44, 54
Jewell, David, 117, 145
Jewell, Donald, 106
Jewell, Kiri, 117, 145, 202
accusations against Koresh, 105–106, 227, 330–331, 335
Jewell, Sherri, 105, 106, 215, 227, 260
Jewish festivals, observed at Mount Carmel, 34. See also individual holidays
Jim (FBI negotiator), 192–193
John (friend), skepticism about Koresh, 68–70
Johnston, Bill, 115, 302
Jones, Constance A., 199
Jones, David
death of, 268, 276
job as mailman, 120
siege and, 172, 177, 225, 249
surveillance of Mount Carmel and, 136, 137, 140
warning of imminent attack, 156–157
Jones, Jim, 199, 201, 2
Jones, Kevin, 213, 351
Jones, Mark, 213
Jones, Mary Belle, 104, 180, 182, 280–281, 347
Jones, Michele
author’s relationship with/memory of, x, 29, 48, 99–101, 343, 347
Balenda and, 100–101, 323–324
death of, xx, 267
as Koresh “wife”/sexual partner, 103–104, 109, 110, 331, 335, 344
siege and, 169
Jones, Perry, 27, 28, 120, 155, 193, 347
burial of, 220
daughter Michele and, 104
death of, 169–170
food scavenged by, 74, 194
homosexuality and, 67
on Houteff, 33
on Koresh’s arrival at Mount Carmel, 41
siege and, 159–160, 219
warning about federal assault, 156–157, 176–177
Jones, Rachel. See Koresh, Rachel
Jones, Serenity Sea
author’s relationship with, x, 30, 100, 101, 114, 159, 169, 216
death of, 267
memory of, 343, 344, 347
tear gas and, xiv, 223
Jonestown, 199, 259
A Journey to Waco (Doyle), 349
Judas Priest (band), 6
Justice Department, power of, 271
Justice Department report
on Davidians’ videotape, 217
on impatience of FBI agents, 242
on pressure on negotiators, 207–208
“Water Intelligence” entries, 251
Kaus, Mickey, 270
Kearnes, Jeff, 303
Kelley, Dean M., 227
Kendrick, Woodrow (“Bob”), 109, 180, 290, 301, 303, 305, 306–307
Kennedy, Robert, 314
Kerouac, Jack, 55
KGBS, xvii, 224, 236, 319
kibbutz, Mount Carmel compared to, 75
King, Martin, 116, 117
King, Rodney, 317
King Cyrus, 24
Kitsch, Taylor, 347, 348
Kopel, David B., 270–271
Koppel, Ted, 191, 286
Koresh, Bobbie Lane, 216
Koresh, Cyrus, 104, 113, 114, 213, 216, 241
Koresh, David
actions contributing to Mount Carmel disaster, 337, 344–345
allegiance to higher authority, 168–169
audiotape made during siege, 195
belief was incarnation of Lamb, 44, 49, 67, 241
bullet wound, 167, 172, 225
burial of, 293
central message, 43–45
child abuse allegations, 112–114, 117–118, 251–254
childhood of, 36–38
command to defend the community, 122
congressional hearings on siege and, 328, 330–332
creating performance space in Waco, 89–90
death of, 268, 276
decision to cancel surrender, 196–197
directing author to visit Bangor, 57
England meeting, 273
followers connection to, 53–57
foretelling danger/siege, 76, 129–130
on George Roden, 41–42
Gonzalez/Rodriguez and, 137–140, 155–156
ill health of, 94
as intercessor, 52–53, 132–133
interpretation of Revelation, 34–35, 44–45, 52–53, 55, 141–142
lack of ATF arrest of, 147–148, 168
Lois Roden and, 42–43
long-term effect on author, 340–341
Lynch and, 164
marriage to Rachel, 42–43
McMahon and, 122–124, 130
media interviews, 186
meeting with author’s friend John, 69–70
Mount Zion vision, 48–49, 131
move to Mount Carmel, 41–42
as musician, 18–19, 90, 92–94
negotiations during siege and, xiii, 191, 192–193, 208, 220, 230, 244–245
New Light revelation, 49–50, 81–84, 103
as only male allowed sex and procreation, 79–84
outreach to authorities before siege, 131
Passover during siege, 238–239
personal relationship with author, 14–16, 21, 35–40, 56, 63, 73, 84–85, 86, 212–213, 223–224
portrayal in media, 145–146, 151, 155, 199–201, 273, 291
prejudices of, 67–68
on primitiveness of Mount Carmel, 26
question of death wish, 111
rape allegations against, 105–106
reaction to “Sinful Messiah” article, 151–152, 155
as reincarnation of King Cyrus, 24
relationships with underage girls, 103–106, 108–112, 132, 249, 330–331, 337
relationships with Waconians, 91–92
relationships with women, 65–66
relationship with Jack Harwell, 92
religious background, 38, 204
reorganization of Mount Carmel and, ix
response to siege, xii, xvi–xvii, 159, 160–161, 185–186, 193, 195, 212
Scripture study, 34–35, 45–48, 63–64, 71
shootout with George Roden, 43
suicide allegations and, 261, 262
surrender plan and, 195–196, 235–236
theologians’ discussion of his beliefs, 236–238
trial of Davidians and theology of, 302–303
videotape during siege and, 216–217
visions/spiritual experiences, 38, 39–40, 48–49, 49–50, 81–84, 103, 111, 131
visits to Waco, 51–52
visit to Israel, 48–49
visit to Newbold College, 30
working as carpenter and auto mechanic, 77
writing interpretation of Seven Seals, 239–242, 249–250
Koresh, Rachel, 28, 29, 100, 106, 157, 213
husband’s relationship with sister and, 103–105
marriage to Koresh, 42–43
Koresh, Star, 216, 267
KRLD, 186
KWTX-TV, 171
Lantos, Charles, 332
Larry King Live (television program), 269
Larsen, Eric R., 248
The Last Picture Show (film), 25
Lawless, Blackie, 7–8
Lawson, Margaret Kiyoko Hayashi, 175, 195
Lawter, James Lewis, 213
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 20
Led Zeppelin (band), 6
levitation, Koresh claims of, 73
liberal left, antagonism toward Mount Carmel community, 314–315, 327, 330–331
Liddy, G. Gordon, 325
Lilliston, Lawrence, 253–254
Lindley, Philip, 135
Little, Jeff, 100, 120
Living Waters Branch, of Branch Davidians, 33, 34, 42
Loma Linda University, 155
Lovelock, Derek, xix, 274, 275
Lynch, Larry, 162–163, 164, 167, 180
Mabb, Chrissie, 192
Mabb, Scott, 192
Mabb, William, 214
MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour (television program), 260
Magaw, John, 316
Mag Bag, 120, 126
Maine Sunday Telegram (newspaper), 288
Manning, Allison, 117
Manning, Ian, 117
Mann’s Chinese, 13
Manson, Charles, 200
Martin, Daniel, 177, 195, 268
Martin, Jamie, 31, 32
Martin, Kimmie, 177, 195
Martin, Lisa, 113, 218
Martin, Sheila, 29, 31
on alleged suicide pact, 260
departure during siege, 107n, 213
on fire, 257
as Koresh’s sexual partner, 82, 106
remaining at Mount Carmel, 289, 327, 348–349
siege and, 176–177
Martin, Sheila, Jr., 218
Martin, Wayne, 27, 29, 54, 347
as attorney, 31, 78, 120
background, 31–32
belief Davidians fated for destruction, 132–133
concerns about ATF surveillance and,
138, 139–140, 141
death of, 268, 274, 276
objection to Mount Carmel being termed a “compound,” 226
siege and, 162, 165, 167, 180, 185, 229–230, 337
on wife as Koresh’s sexual partner, 82
Martinez, Abigail, 217, 276
Martinez, Audrey, 113, 217, 275
Martinez, Crystal, 217
Martinez, Isaiah, 114, 217, 222, 347
Martinez, Joseph, 114, 217, 222, 347
Martinez, Juliet Santoyo (“Julie”), 27, 74, 347
author’s relationship with, 80, 94–98
children during siege and, ix, 176, 217–219
death of, 275
Martinez, Stephen, 94–95
mass suicide allegations, 255, 259–262, 282, 299, 331
Matteson, Catherine, 27, 28, 59, 175–176, 195, 295, 298, 327
McCollum, Bill, 148, 254, 328–329, 331, 332
McCurry, Mike, 330
McLemore, John, 164
McLennan County Prison, 266–267
McLennan County Sheriff’s Office, 243
McMahon, Henry, 122–124, 130, 136, 144, 328
McNulty, Mike, 346
McVeigh, Timothy, 317–318
Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), food available during siege, viii, 219
author and, 286–287, 291
coverage of aftermath of siege, 266
coverage of siege at Mount Carmel, xi, 180
interviews with Koresh, 186
kept away from siege, 198
portrayal of Koresh and Mount Carmel in, 199–201
Melchizedek, 44
Memorial Park Cemetery, 293
Messiah Productions, 15, 18, 19, 23, 62–63, 68
Metal Edge (magazine), 6
methamphetamine lab, alleged at Mount Carmel, 131, 143–144, 230
methylene chloride, xvi, xviii, 246, 248, 256
Michigan Militia, 311–312
Mighty Men, 120–121, 303
militias, Waco siege as issue for, 249, 311–312, 318, 325
milk, for children during siege, 219–220, 230
Miller, William, 205
Monbelly, Bernadette, 216
money laundering allegations, 143
Morning Live (television program), 214
Morris, Gerry, 303
Morrison, Melissa, 218
Morrison, Rosemary, 218, 276
Mosher, Ruth, 106, 215, 260, 331
Mount Carmel, 17
ATF surveillance of, 131, 136–141
author’s first visit to, 20–40
author’s view of, 71–72
child abuse allegations, 112–119
Davidian flags, 182, 227, 347
description of, 26–27
erotic tensions at, 79–84
“final messages,” 193
guns at, 119–126, 144–145, 281–282
history of, 32–34
living arrangements/conditions at, 28, 72
move into last phase of prophecy, 185, 190
operating expenses, 120
population before the siege, 153
portrayal in media, 199–201
routines at, 72, 74, 133
vision directing Koresh to, 40
waiting for federal authorities to act, 152–155