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Smolder: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance

Page 14

by Wilder, L

  “Glad to see that you finally got your shit together,” Goliath said as he patted the back of my shoulder.

  “It took some encouragement, but I finally wised up. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me,” I told him.

  “Yeah, you got a good one with her. You know, she plays a mean game of pool, too. Have you played against her yet?”

  “No, I haven’t really had the chance, but I’m not worried about it. No one has beaten me yet!” I told him with pride. I love my girl, but there’s no way she could beat me at pool.

  “Man, there’s a first time for everything. I’m just giving you a friendly warning. My bet is on Taylor,” Goliath said before he walked away.

  My curiosity began to get the best of me. I wanted to see for myself if she was really that good. I looked around the bar, and I didn’t see her anywhere, so I turned to Courtney and asked, “Have you seen Taylor?”

  “She went to the bathroom a few minutes ago, but she should’ve been back by now.”

  “Thanks,” I told her as I started down the hall to the restroom.

  I could hear Taylor’s voice as soon as I hit the hallway.

  “You just need to stop the bullshit, Jessica. It’s over. Renegade and I are together now, and it’s over for you!” Taylor shouted.

  “Honey, it’ll never be over for me and Renegade. He’ll get tired of your high class bullshit, and he’ll be back with me in no time,” Jessica hissed.

  “Stop being such a stupid twat. I feel sorry for you, Jessica. You have no idea what real love is, and you probably never will. I finally have that with him, and I’m not giving it up. So, either back the hell off, or you’ll regret it.”

  “Wow. Prissy Pants is trying to make a threat. I’m so impressed. Doesn’t mean that I will listen to it. I’ll keep working on him until I get him. You can count on that.”

  “That’s enough, Jessica,” I said, stepping in. “It’s time for you to move on. I’ve already told Bishop what you did, and he agreed. Your time here with the Devil Chasers is over. Pack your shit and go,” I demanded.

  “You can’t mean that! I’ve got nowhere else to go!” Jessica pleaded.

  “We’ll give you a little money to get your feet on the ground, but that’s it. Go. We are done here,” I said coldly. I didn’t feel guilty about kicking her out like this. She’d already proven that she couldn’t be trusted, and now she’d just made threats against Taylor. That was all I needed to know. She was done with the Devil Chasers. Maybe she could hook up with one of the other clubs in town. Although, I doubted that they would put up with her bullshit either.

  “How about a game of pool?” I asked Taylor. “I heard you’re pretty good.”

  “Yeah, you could say that,” Taylor replied. “Come on. I’ll show you how it’s done.” She gave me a sexy wink before she walked back out to the bar and directly over to the pool table. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she leaned over to arrange the balls on the table. Her ass looked amazing in those tight jeans, and my name across her back made my dick hard. I thought it might rip out of my jeans when she bent over the table to make her move. I made myself a promise right then that sometime when we were alone I’d take her like that.

  She made several amazing plays before it was my turn to take a shot. I was beginning to see why she was so hard to beat. She was sexy as hell, and she had great moves…. Goliath might have been right to bet against me.

  “Your turn. Let’s see what ya got,” Taylor said as she flipped her long hair over her shoulder.

  “I’ll show ya what I got, and then I’m going to take you back to my room and show you what else I got.” I gave her a wink and walked over to make my next shot. I was doing pretty good, until she leaned over the table to watch me make my next shot. I couldn’t take my eyes off her perfect tits…and I missed. She smiled and sauntered over to make her next move. I could tell she was really concentrating when she made her last three shots. She was biting her lip and wouldn’t look at me. The last ball went into the pocket, and she won the damn game. I couldn’t help but laugh as she danced around me, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

  “Whoop whoop! Oh yeah…that’s what I’m talking about!” she taunted. She twirled around several times before she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I think the winner should get a prize!”

  “Oh yeah? What should you win, baby?” I asked as my hands moved to that perfect round ass and pulled her even closer.

  “Take me back to your room, and maybe you’ll come up with something,” she said, kissing along my jawline and nibbling at my neck.

  “Yup, I can do that,” I said as I pulled her towards my room. “Ya know, you’re really good, but I think I was at a disadvantage,” I told her as we continued down the hall.

  She pulled from my hand and asked, “What do you mean? I won that game fair and square.”

  I got close to her ear and whispered, “You were just trying to distract me. It worked, but now, it’s time for me to show you some of my secret moves.” I knew it hadn’t been long, but my need for Taylor was insatiable, and right then, I was going to enjoy every minute of showing her just how much I loved that sexy little body of hers.

  Chapter 31


  We had a really nice time at my parents’ house at Thanksgiving. They treated Renegade like he was already a member of the family, and it meant a lot to me. We ate until we were totally stuffed, and then, Renegade watched football with my dad. I really had a wonderful time. Everything was going so well that I decided to ask him to go Black Friday shopping with me. I was shocked when he actually agreed to go. I didn’t even have to beg. Apparently, he was curious about what Black Friday was.

  I think he regretted his decision the minute we turned into the mall parking lot and he saw all the cars. He didn’t say anything, but he gave me a “you’re gonna pay for this” look. I could tell he wasn’t really excited about shopping in all the crowds.

  “I’ll make it quick. I promise. I just have a few things I really want to get while they’re on sale. Don’t look anyone in the eye. You have to get in and get out,” I told him.

  “What have you gotten me into?” he asked.

  “It’ll be fun. It’s like a race. First one to the line, wins the prize,” I said with a smile.

  “I should’ve thought the whole thing through before I agreed to this,” Renegade said.

  “Don’t be a Debbie Downer. It’ll be fine.”

  I took his hand and drug him through all the different stores. He was apprehensive at first, but then he really got into it. It was actually nice to have a big scary biker dude around. Everyone kept their distance, and I was done in no time. He even bought several things for the club and the new house. I was excited that he actually enjoyed it. Next year, I would plan to hit some of the super stores. They had the best deals, but the crowds could be kind of intense. Sometimes, it just wasn’t worth it.

  When we got back into Paris, Renegade wanted to take some of the stuff we bought to the clubhouse. He bought a large propane heater for the back porch, and a new drill set for the garage. When we reached the door, I could hear Goliath’s voice, and he didn’t sound happy.

  I held the door open for Renegade, and I was surprised to see a pretty young girl standing behind the bar. She looked a little younger than me, and Goliath was staring at her like he was ready to strangle her.

  “Who’s this?” Renegade asked him.

  “This is nobody. This is someone who was just about to leave and never come back here,” Goliath huffed.

  “Actually, my name is Lily. I’m the new bartender. I’m taking Jessica’s place,” the girl replied. She had dark red hair that was cut just above her shoulders, and the prettiest green eyes I’d ever seen. She was very attractive, and she was taller than me with an amazing figure. I would’ve been a little jealous, but Renegade didn’t even give her a second look. He just kept walking, carrying the large box with the heater to the back porch.

p; “Nice to meet ya,” he called back. “Looks like it’s your turn, Goliath.” Goliath gave him an angry glare as Renegade walked out of the room.

  Goliath turned to me and said, “This is bullshit. She isn’t working here. Hell, she can’t be over 18. It would be illegal for her to serve drinks here.” Goliath’s expression was actually pretty intimidating, so I wasn’t sure what to say to him.

  I glanced over in her direction, and she did look a little young, but she didn’t look that much younger than me. Her cheeks were beginning to flush with anger, and her green eyes seem to grow brighter.

  “What’s your problem, asshole? I’m 23 years old, and I’ve been working in a bar bigger than this for over three years. I can definitely handle this place. Get the hell over it,” Lily said defiantly.

  “Goliath, just give her a chance. She may be great at this. She doesn’t have to do everything Jessica did. Just let her bartend and help out around the kitchen for a little while. We’ll see how it goes,” I told him.

  “Yeah. She’ll last about a day around here. Do whatever you want little girl. I could care less,” he said exasperatedly.

  “Sure thing, Mr. Personality. Why don’t you go pull that corncob out of your ass, and I’ll finish getting ready for tonight’s party. I’ll make it just fine,” Lily said as she turned her back to him and began to wipe down the counter at the bar.

  Goliath gave her a final heated look before he stormed out of the bar and headed for the parking lot. I really didn’t know what had gotten into him. Usually he was so easygoing. This just wasn’t like him.

  “You’ll just have to ignore him today. There must be something that’s bothering him. He’s usually not like this,” I tried to explain to her.

  “It’s me. I’m not sure what I did, but I could tell the minute he saw me, he wasn’t a happy camper. I guess I just rubbed him the wrong way or something, but he can just get over that shit. I need a job, and I’m not going anywhere,” Lily said as she rolled her eyes. She was playing it cool, but I think it really bothered her that he didn’t like her.

  Chapter 32


  What in the hell was that? I’ve never met a more infuriating woman in my life. Where does she get off being pissy with me when I’m just trying to do her a favor? A girl like her has no business being around or working for the Devil Chasers. Actually, our bar is the last place she needs to be working. It’s obvious that she’s innocent and has no idea what these guys are like. I tried to warn her, but she was just too damn stubborn to listen. She’ll see tonight when the guys start putting their moves on her at the party. They’ll all be back in town and ready to find some action. It won’t take long for one of them to start in on her.

  I took my time getting back to the club. I wasn’t looking forward to facing Lily after I had acted like an asshole to her. I figured she wasn’t going to be happy about seeing me again, either. When I walked into the club, Otis and Sheppard were talking to her at the bar. She was laughing at something one of them had just said and never even looked over in my direction. I immediately became angry, and I had no idea why. What was the deal with that girl? I had no reason to feel this way, but I just couldn’t seem to help myself.

  I walked over to the bar, and Sheppard said, “Where’ve you been all night? I figured you’d be the first one here.” He glanced over in Lily’s direction and continued, “Have you met Lily? She’s going to be working the bar now. She’s taking over for Jessica.”

  Anger surged through me again when Sheppard mentioned Jessica. “Yeah. I met her,” I said flatly. She looked in my direction and rolled her eyes. “You mind getting me a beer?” I asked her. I’m sure I sounded like a total dick.

  She reached into the cooler and grabbed me a beer. After she opened it, she slammed it on the counter. Beer foam instantly began to boil over the mouth of the bottle. “Here ya go,” she said with a smirk. She was proud of herself for fucking up my beer.

  I took the bottle and used my finger to flick the foam off the top. “Thanks for that,” I said, giving her an evil glare.

  “What’s up with that?” Sheppard asked me.

  “Don’t get me started. Let’s just say we didn’t hit it off when we met earlier today,” I told him.

  “She’s seems like a really nice girl,” Otis said, looking in her direction. “She’s a friend of Courtney’s and needs a break. Think she’s had a rough go of it.”

  “What’re you talking about?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know all the details, but she’s raising her sister’s kid and really needs a job. She doesn’t have much help. I think the sister died or something.”

  Well, fuck. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. I had no idea that she was actually having a hard time.

  The End….. More from Goliath before Christmas


  I can’t believe I finished Renegade’s book so quickly. I just loved him, and I wanted to get him out to you as soon as I could. I want to thank my readers for encouraging me to write this book. You gave me the drive I needed to finish it, and I think it is even better than the first book. I hope you will continue the series with Goliath’s book. I hope to have it out before Christmas.

  I also want to give a huge, GIANT, TREMENDOUS thank you to Jordan Marie. She helped me bring Renegade to life, and it wouldn’t have been such a great book without her. She is amazing. If you haven’t checked out Not Another Damn Blog, Blog, you are missing out. It is amazing. They have great book reviews and tons of giveaways.

  My editor, Brooke Asher is amazing. She is patient and understanding, and I couldn’t make it without her. She knows that I am neurotic, and she just ignores my insanity. Thank you, girl. I couldn’t survive it without you. If you are interested in having her edit your book, you can reach her at She is easy to work with and very thorough. Contact her about pricing and any other information.

  My Beta Readers are incredible. Jenny and Julie, you both mean the world to me. Thank you so much for reading my books and encouraging me daily. I am blessed to have you in my life.

  Also, Renegade, thank you for putting up with my constant questions. I know I bug you, but you are always so helpful. I hope my book does you justice. You rock! Thanks for everything.

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