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His Devil's Heat (Club Devil's Cove Book 2)

Page 1

by Linzi Basset

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  His Devil’s Heat

  Club Devil’s Cove

  Book 2

  Linzi Basset

  Copyright © 2017 Linzi Basset All Rights Reserved

  His Devil’s Heat

  Club Devil’s Cove - Book 2

  Copyright © 2017 Linzi Basset

  Editor: Anumeha Gokhale

  Proofread: Marie Vyer & Janine Janse van Rensburg

  Published & cover Design by: Linzi Basset

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, business establishments, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Linzi Basset has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book/Book only. No part of this e-book/Book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

  Disclaimer: Neither the publisher nor the authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.


  Author’s Note



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Club Alpha Cove

  Excerpt – His FBI Sub

  Club Wicked Cove

  Excerpt – Desperation: Ceejay’s Absolution

  About the Author

  Stalk Me

  Author’s Note

  Dear Reader,

  Club Devil’s Cove is a spin-off from Club Alpha Cove, featuring the powerful brothers of Ruark Greer and Bracus LeLuc, Rhone Greer and Keon LeLuc.

  Please note that books 1 & 2 must be read consecutively. Although the rest are stand-alone novels, featuring the protagonists involved in the series, they are best enjoyed in sequence.

  His Devil’s Desire, Book 1, is about Rhone Greer and his sassy sub, Samantha Frazer, or Ace, her codename as a sniper.

  “Why do I get the feeling that you’re indulging me, Samantha?”

  Her eyes widened innocently. “Me, indulge you? You should be so lucky. Oh no, this is all self-indulgence.”

  Rhone has ducked trouble many times. As an undercover agent, you see a lot of shit. But this time trouble came wrapped up in an alluringly seductive package.

  Samantha Frazer.

  She’s good with her hands . . . er, at carving wood. She’s even better with her mouth . . . huh . . . snippy little thing. Also, her aim is dead centre. She’s gunning for his heart, in more ways than one.

  From the moment Samantha lays eyes on . . . um . . . all of him, she is hooked. Rhone Greer is mouth-watering. He’s also one of the owners of Club Devil’s Cove and the most compelling Dom she’d ever met. He’s hot, controlling and hungry . . . for her. Lust and manipulation make strange bed partners as Rhone and Samantha combust between the sheets.

  The game is on. Who will bite? Who’ll get devoured?

  Unbeknownst, a sinister plot is underfoot and everyone is a target. As ghosts from the past resurface, there is only one question to be asked.

  Who will live . . . who will die?

  His Devil’s Heat, Book 2, features Keon LeLuc and the woman who had become the mother to his child for the past six years, Lauren Frazer.

  Keon is stuck between a rock and . . . a soft place.

  He has his daughter back, but Lauren Francis is part of the package. Keon is torn between his love for his daughter and his insatiable desire for her adopted ‘Mommy’. Lauren has a guileless sensuality that is hard to resist. Not only is she encroaching on his space, she’s invading something deep within him. The urge to corrupt her is too strong.

  Lauren is weary. She feels like a new born fawn, finding her legs for the first time. She finally has a chance to move ahead in life, away from all the ugliness of the past. She’s been a thirsty traveler for so long and Keon represented a balmy oasis. He is hot, talks dirty and is a complete beast in bed. Lauren is helpless as he plays with her body and heart strings, alike.

  The world falls away as fates collide and destiny gets rewritten. Keon and Lauren sizzle as the games heat up in Club Devil’s Cove. Keon exults in Lauren’s passion and submission, while Lauren revels in Keon’s gluttonous need for her body . . . and her soul.

  But the demons from the past refuse to lie low. The dangerous game is just heating up. No price is too high. No life is too precious.

  Life is a masquerade. Keon, Lauren, Rhone and Samantha must dance to the tune of the devil. The band must play till the masks come off.

  But when it’s time to draw the first blood . . . all bets are off.

  Wishing you all well and trust you will enjoy this story.

  Best Regards

  Linzi Basset


  Club Devil’s Cove

  The series you've all been waiting for. Rhone & Keon's stories.

  If you liked Club Alpha Cove - this is the series for you!

  Club Devil’s Cove is situated on the secluded, private Estate of Rhone Greer at the edge of Harmony Hall Park on the banks of Broad Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River in Washington DC. His best friend Keon LeLuc is co-owner and together they built a BDSM club to offer a safe and secure environment for members to practice their kink.

  In this series we meet Rhone and Keon’s friends, Jack Blackmore, Max Cutter, Lance Talbot, and Ethan Brodie, who under the disguise of their company Precision Secure, run undercover ops for the President of the United States. Along the way we meet their Governor friend, Alex White, Mistress Pamela Seeger, who is in charge of the club’s legal aspects, war veteran Richard Almar, and the Club Manager, Wade Moore. Everyone, as dominant and powerful as the other.

  During this series of take-no-prisoners suspense novels, we come to know each of the Senior Masters - big, dominant men and their strong, sassy women, along with their kinks, who you will either love or hate, as they carry on with their lives and fight against the pern
icious grasp of crime syndicates, corruption, death and violence they were exposed to.

  Catch up on Club Alpha Cove if you haven’t read it yet. Free on KU.

  Click here to start reading now:


  Six years ago . . .

  The dream ended abruptly and he came back to reality, completely shook. He didn’t move. His eyelids fluttered but he squeezed them closed, synchronizing his breath to the beeping machines surrounding the bed, the only indication of his heartbeat—his existence.

  His arms and legs were numb. He pried open his eyes to see vases of flowers and beautifully framed art on the walls. He resented them on sight. Nothing had the right to be pretty—not in this world full of violence, hatred and death.

  He took a calming breath into his lungs as he looked around. He was alone, obviously in a private room. The air had a fresh ocean scent. The chairs against the wall were plush. His eyes flickered toward the nurse who had walked into the room with a purpose.

  She approached the bed and scanned his chart. He watched her make some notes before she walked around the bed to check the monitors next to him. Their eyes met.

  “Oh! You’re awake,” she said, startled at the directness of the green eyes staring at her from a gaunt face.

  “Rhone Greer. How is he?”

  His voice sounded foreign to his own ears; hoarse—with a hollowness that betrayed the emptiness inside his soul.

  “He just stepped out for some breakfast. He had a leg wound but he’s been keeping vigil by your bedside since the day you were brought in.”

  Keon LeLuc wasn’t surprised to hear that. They have been best friends since they had been in nappies. They have always been there for each other. Through every hardship, they protected each other against the violent forces out there.

  It was a pity neither of them could do anything to save his lovely wife, Amelia and his beautiful little girl, Beckie this time.

  “But I will not rest until I find the one responsible.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He didn’t respond and closed his eyes. He knew what vision he would see when he did. The moment Amelia’s eyes had met his; frozen, shocked realization that her life was over. She’d been dead before he’d reached her, amidst the whizzing bullets around him. He’d blindly followed Rhone’s orders to ‘duck left’, ‘swerve right’ as he accurately read the projection of each silent bullet spiraling toward them.

  Amelia’s choked cry had broken through the air in stark contrast to the hum of the traffic in the adjacent street, filled with cars and pedestrians, oblivious to the death and destruction as he’d fallen to his knees next to his family.

  His wife and five-year-old daughter. The bullet had torn through Amelia’s body and shattered her heart. The second shot he’d heard at the same time most probably killed his child in Amelia’s arms. The pool of blood beneath Amelia’s body covering Beckie, was more than enough evidence that they were dead.

  He’d looked up, hate threatened to turn him into a violent monster, ready to tear apart any living thing in the vicinity. A dark figure leaned over the edge of the hotel roof across the road. The silhouette of a sniper rifle in his hand had caused another surge of rage to explode within Keon.

  “I will find you, you fucking bastard! Even if it takes me the rest of my life. I will—”

  Rhone had yanked him to the side, a move that had saved their life, as he was thrown off his feet when a bullet impacted and tore into Rhone’s shoulder. Keon went down with a bullet high in the chest.

  He shouldn’t have. He should’ve left me to die with them.


  He took a deep shuddering breath into his lungs before he opened his eyes. Rhone stood over him with a question in his eyes. He looked listless and empty.

  Keon knew why. Because try as he might, not to, he blamed Rhone as well.

  He was the one who had been receiving threats. He sighed heavily with the realization that it was unfair. He couldn’t blame Rhone. They had decided collectively to send Amelia and Beckie to the safe house.

  They should’ve known better; been more prepared; taken more precautions. Corruption stretched far and wide in their world. They had always known that but they’d become placid, believed they had covered all their bases.

  But they had never accounted for the possibility of a mole in their midst, which was the only way the location of the safehouse could’ve leaked to the killers.

  And for that, Keon’s family had to die.

  “I’ll survive, Rhone. If only to avenge my family’s death.”

  * * * * * * * *

  “I will take care of you, Lauren.”

  Those had been the sweetest words at the time. Her entire family had been killed in a senseless robbery. She’d been left alone—an orphan, with no one to turn to.

  A year. It had taken an entire year for her to fully recover after the gunshot wound in her chest. The emotional recuperation had taken much longer. There were times when she’d wondered if she would ever convalesce. She still woke up from nightmares, looking into her elder sister’s eyes, identifying the shock of death in them, even as she felt the pain of the bullet exploding into her chest to spray her sibling in a splatter of red.

  That had been ten years ago, just after her fifteenth birthday. It had been torture living without her sister to confide in; to talk to and listen to her advice about boys. Not that she’d needed it much since, seeing as she’d been in a girl’s only private school, deep in the hills of Colorado. Sandra had always known whom to trust. It had been one of her best traits.

  “Oh god, I miss her so much,” she whispered as she battled with the tears.

  Crying wasn’t going to change anything; it hasn’t for the past ten years and it wasn’t going to now.

  Lauren hoisted her plastered leg onto a footstool, clicking the remote control to scan through the TV channels. Every muscle felt tight, primed for action but she couldn't even walk. Her body screamed at her to sprint down the street, to spend the energy that kept piling in regardless of her inability to use it. Even her face felt tight, like smiling just wasn't an option. Her usual calm had been replaced by a carousel of ideas, each one more worrying than the last.

  A broken leg meant no teaching for at least a week, no jogging—her stress relief—and the way she’d learned to cope with William Booth, her savior and benefactor since her family’s death.

  “Yeah, let that be a lesson Lauren Francis, you’re too old to be doing hopscotch with a bunch of ten-year-olds,” she berated herself.

  She already missed her pupils. When William had offered to pay for her tuition, she hadn’t hesitated. Teaching had always been in her blood. She loved to guide.

  The only thing that stemmed her ability to find happiness was the hold he had over her—William Booth.

  She cringed recalling the crush she’d had on him in those early years. She’d been a vulnerable sixteen-year-old when he’d taken her under his wing. He was an attractive, enigmatic older man who knew how to charm people, not just women. And she, especially as a young girl, had no defense.

  “Maybe that’s why it had been so easy for him to take control of every aspect of my life,” she pondered aloud. “Ugh, not another rerun of Family Ties,” she complained and flicked off the television. Lauren hated any movie or television show relating to family.

  Lauren had tried to find her roots as soon as she’d graduated, ready to take up a teaching job. William had had other ideas.

  “I’ll hear nothing of the sort, my dear. I took you in when you had nowhere to go. Now, you will start repaying me.”

  She’d been flabbergasted at the sudden cold look in his usual warm eyes. For the first time in years, he’d looked like a stranger and she feared him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “There’s no rush, my dear. But, you will stay under my control until I’m ready to state my demands.”

  The leering look in his eyes had been enough
to warn her about what he’d been alluding to. She had been unable to contain the shudder of revulsion that had shaken her lithe frame.

  He, the demon from hell, as she’d begun to call him since that day, had barked out an evil laugh.

  The fear for William had become part of her life, eroding away her defenses. Sometimes, just thinking of him felt like being smothered by an invisible hand. She struggled to breathe. She always fought it, refused to give in. She couldn’t let him win. She’d learned how to cope, got stronger under the cruel hold he had over her but at the same time, a part of her weakened.

  The one time she’d tried to get away from him had shown his true colors. He’d tracked her down in Chicago, where she’d hoped to start a new life and had forced her back with intimidation. Her resistance had resulted in a broken wrist and being locked in her house’s basement for a week.

  “Don’t ever walk away from me again, Lauren. I’ve told you, you belong to me. I will always find you and next time you won’t get off so lightly.” He’d followed up that threat by ‘punishing’ her for the slightest disrespect, threatening the life of her only friend she’d made at school. He’d effectively smothered her.

  Living in constant fear had changed Lauren. It made her second-guess every thought, every aspect of her life, until she lost confidence in herself. She still fought; but only to defend. Self-preservation is the most basic need of a human being. Material and intellectual aspirations take second seat to that. So Lauren simply self-persevered. She survived.

  She’d been on guard ever since; waiting for him to pounce on her. Now, three years later, she feared the time had arrived.

  The slamming of a car door shattered her ponderings. She craned her neck to see outside.

  “Ugh! I don’t have the strength for him today,” she complained loudly as she identified the blonde head of her benefactor. She braced herself for his annoyance at her broken her leg.

  She blanched when she heard the key turn in the lock. It was another thing she abhorred. That he came and went into her house like he pleased. And it was her house. She paid the rent herself every month. On that, she had been adamant. She refused to be indebted to him anymore than she already was.


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