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Sister Girls

Page 5

by Angel Hunter

  She watched as Tina went into the building. Still in shock, Crystal didn’t feel like going home. She was almost certain this character who raped Tina was the son of her rapist. This was one hell of a coincidence. Needing to calm down a bit, Crystal decided to stop by The Oasis, a local bar, to have a drink.

  “We close in an hour,” the bartender informed her as she sat down.

  “I know.”

  “What would you like?”

  Before Crystal could get a word out of her mouth, a young-looking, jeans hanging off his ass, gold tooth in his mouth thug pulled up the chair next to Crystal and sat down.

  “What’s up, ma?”

  Crystal gave him the “I don’t feel like being bothered” look.

  He didn’t get it. “I said, what’s up, ma?”


  “Let me buy you a drink.” He pulled a wad of money out of his pocket.

  Crystal was not impressed. “No, I can handle my own.”

  Placing the money back in his pocket, he looked her up and down. Before he could say something rude, the bartender told him, “Step off and leave the lady alone.”

  “Thanks,” Crystal told him then ordered a shot of Hennessey. She gulped it and ordered another one.

  Relaxing in her chair and gazing at the television that hung over the bar, she thought about the past. She thought about what led up to her becoming a volunteer at the rape crisis center. Even now, sixteen years later, she found herself wondering if there was something she could have done differently the day she was raped. After all, she did get in the car.

  Crystal had been walking home from school, minding her own business, excited about the evening ahead. Her mother was allowing her to go to the roller skating rink that night. This alone was cause for celebration, because she was rarely allowed to go anywhere. Being an only child was a challenge. So much was expected of her.

  As she walked in her glory, a car with three guys pulled over.

  “Hey, sexy!” one of them yelled out the window.

  Sexy. That was the last thing she thought she was, especially at that age, when her skin was breaking out and she barely had a shape. So, of course, Crystal turned to see who would be calling her sexy. It was Jake Newton, the most popular guy in school. Before she could stop herself, Crystal was walking toward the car.

  “What’s up?” she asked Jake, ignoring the others.


  “Yeah, right.” She turned to walk away.

  Jake got out of the car. “Let’s walk.” He threw his arm around her. “So, what’s up?”

  “Why you want to know? You don’t deal with girls like me.” Crystal felt brave with his arm around her.

  “What do you mean, girls like you?”

  “You know—shy, quiet. I’m not what you would call popular, and I don’t sleep around. I know your type.”

  “Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf.”

  “Yeah, right. Go turn it over somewhere else.”

  Jake started laughing. “Come on, girl. Let me give you a ride home.”

  Crystal knew her mother would be pissed if she rolled up in a car full of guys, so she decided to do the smart thing and say no.

  “What? Are you scared?”

  “Yeah, of my mother,” she half-joked.

  Jake smiled. “Oh, it’s like that.”

  “Yes, it is. If I pulled up with a bunch of guys all hell would break loose.”

  “How about if you pulled up with one guy?”

  Crystal stopped walking. “What? You’re going to kick them out of the car?”

  “Nah, I can’t do that to my boys, but I am offering you a ride home tomorrow.”

  “In exchange for?”

  “Why I gotta want something? Damn, give a brother a break.”

  “How about I let you know tomorrow in school?”

  Laughing, he told her, “Okay, you do that.”

  He kissed her on the cheek and went on his way.

  Crystal could not believe her luck. The most popular guy in school was checking her out and offering her a ride home. There was one problem. She already had a boyfriend. His name was Roger Soloman. How would she handle this situation?

  “A ride home is innocent,” she tried convincing herself.

  That night she went to the skating rink and had the time of her life. When she arrived home, she couldn’t get to bed early enough, anticipating the next day’s events. She decided to accept the ride from Jake.

  When Crystal woke up the next day, it was pouring outside and there was a slight chill. She wasn’t going to let the weather put a damper on her day. Nothing was going to stop her from being in a good mood or getting a ride home from the most popular boy in school.

  Crystal carefully picked out her clothes the night before, choosing a black mini-skirt and a black and white striped shirt. Normally she wore her hair in a braided style, but not today. She curled it.

  “Why am I going through all this trouble?” she asked herself. “It’s only a ride home.”

  When she arrived at school, the first person she looked for was Roger. She had decided to tell him that she was going to help Jake with a paper. Therefore, he would be giving her a ride home. Roger knew that she tutored people occasionally, so that was as good an excuse as any. As it turned out, there was no need. Roger didn’t come to school. So, instead of feeling anxious, she could feel her anticipation building all day. When the final bell rang, she rushed out of the classroom door into the hall. There she lingered. “Maybe he won’t show up,” she told herself.

  “Waiting for me?” Jake asked, tapping her playfully on the shoulder. “Come on.” He tried to grab her hand, but she snatched it away.

  “What, you don’t want me to hold your hand?”

  “I don’t feel comfortable with it.” She really didn’t want anyone to see and tell Roger.

  “You look nice,” he told her while looking her up and down.

  She was glad he noticed. He was not only the most popular boy in school, he was also the finest. He had light skin, wavy hair and light brown eyes.

  They walked past several students amidst stares and whispers.

  Someone even had the audacity to yell out, “Uh, oh, miss goody two shoes is about to lose her virginity.”

  Crystal rolled her eyes at the person and kept on walking.

  Climbing into his car, Jake asked her, “Do you have a few minutes? I need to stop by my house.”

  “Sure, that’s okay.” She giggled nervously. Get a grip, she told herself.

  Pulling off, Jake popped in a tape. “So, what’s up with you and that Roger character?”

  “We’re friends,” she lied.

  “Word is, you’re more than friends.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Crystal asked, thinking that Roger better not be going around saying they were having sex, because they weren’t. She had too much respect for herself to give up her coochie to the first boy that asked. She didn’t want to be one of those girls that everyone whispered about in the hallways. She would have to find out what Roger was telling people.

  When they reached Jake’s house, he parked his car. Crystal wondered what his house looked like inside. She was given the opportunity to find out when he invited her in. “I promise I’ll only be about ten minutes.”

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “Follow me,” he said, going upstairs. She did.

  They ended up in his room. She sat on the edge of his bed.

  Jake searched his closet for something. He never told her what. “Damn, I can’t find it.”

  He sat next to her. “So, tell me. Why are you letting me take you home when you have a man?”

  “It’s just a ride,” Crystal said.

  “Is that all it is?” Jake moved closer to her. “I know you like me.”

  “Yeah, and?” Crystal wasn’t going to deny it. “Everyone likes you.”

  “Can I have a kiss?”

  Kissing wasn’t sex, so she said yes.

  Next thing she knew, Jake was feeling her breasts. Crystal pushed his hands down, but he put them back up.

  Pulling away, Crystal told him, “I think it’s time for me to leave.”

  “Why? Are you scared?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes.”

  Jake stood up and leaned over Crystal, making it hard for her to move. “So, you’re scared of your mama and me? What else are you scared of?”

  “Come on now, stop playing,” she told him, trying to get past him.

  “Who’s playing?”

  Crystal started to panic. She tried once again to get up. Jake pushed her back down and forced his tongue in her mouth.

  “Jake, please.” She tried to push him off her, but he was stronger and had her pinned down.

  “What are you doing?” she cried out.

  “Just go with the flow,” he told her, putting one hand under her skirt.

  Suddenly it hit her. He was going to rape her. God, please don’t let this be happening. Please. Looking at Jake, she started to pleaded with tears rolling down her face, “Jake, please. Think about this. I’m asking you to stop. I’m begging you.” She tried to push his hand away, but even with one hand under her skirt, he was stronger. “I’m a virgin. You can’t do this to me. Please, please!”

  She tried to move from under his grip, but it was like all her strength had dissipated “You’re actually going to rape me?” she cried out, thinking if she used the word, it would snap him out of whatever zone he’d gone into.

  He wasn’t paying attention. He was busy trying to put his fingers inside her. Crystal started squirming, trying to move away from him, trying to push him off, but her little 110-pound frame was nothing compared to his. As he ripped off her panties, he was oblivious to the fact that she was crying and trying to fight him. Somehow he managed to get himself inside her.

  The next thing she remembered was waking up with a cold rag on her face, skirt and panties off. Jake was sitting next to her. She looked around the room and at him, remembering what happened. She started punching him.

  He put up his hands, blocking the blows, while declaring, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

  Grabbing her skirt and panties, she covered herself up. She said nothing to him.

  “I’ll still take you home.” He had the audacity to offer.

  Hurriedly putting on her clothes, she yelled, “I hate you! I hate you! How could you do this to me? How could you rape me?”

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t rape you. You wanted it. You got all dressed up in that short-ass skirt, curled your hair and everything. What, you think I didn’t notice?”

  She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. She ran down the steps and threw on her skirt and panties. Not looking back, she ran out the door.

  When Crystal got outside, she looked around. She saw no one to help her. Crystal started to walk, glancing behind her more than once, in case Jake was following her. Thank God he didn’t live too far from her.

  Oh God, what am I going to tell my mother? Do I tell her the truth? Will she believe me? Will anyone believe me? Crystal wondered.

  No matter what, the one thing Crystal was certain of was that she would tell someone. Jake would not get away with this. Unable to control her emotions any longer, Crystal sat down on the curb and put her head in her hands. She started to cry.

  A car pulled up and stopped in front of her. “Are you okay?” It was Susan, a girl she went to school with. They spoke in passing sometimes.

  “No,” Crystal told her.

  Susan reached across and opened the passenger door. “Get in.”

  Crystal did.

  “Didn’t I see you with Jake after school?” Susan asked.


  “Did he do something to you?” Susan wasn’t stupid. She’d heard stories about Jake and his friends, how they would make girls have sex with them or start rumors saying they all did her.

  Nodding, Crystal started to hyperventilate. “I can’t breathe,” she managed to get out.

  “Put your head between your legs,” Susan said while rubbing her back. “What the hell happened?”

  “He raped me.” There, she had said it to another person. “Please just take me home.”

  When they pulled up to her house, Susan told her, “Don’t let Jake get away with this. Jake and his boys think they can get away with anything just because they’re popular. You have to stand up for yourself.”

  “I’m not,” Crystal said as they walked through the door. Susan followed her inside.

  Coming from the direction of the kitchen wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt, her mother yelled, “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Mom,” Crystal said, just above a whisper.

  “I asked you a question,” her mother said.

  “Mom.” Crystal started, but before she could get another word out, the tears started to fall.

  “What the—What’s wrong?” Mrs. Gem looked from Crystal to Susan and back to Crystal. “What the hell are you crying for?”

  “I was raped.” Crystal’s voice trailed off.

  Taken aback, Ms. Gem looked at Susan, “Who are you?”

  “Um, I’m Susan, a classmate. I saw her crying on the sidewalk. I gave her a ride home.”

  “Please leave.”

  Susan looked at her like she was crazy.

  “I asked you to please leave.”

  “But don’t you want to call the cops?”

  Mrs. Gem yelled, “Leave now!”

  Sensing that Mrs. Gem was about to lose it, Susan turned to Crystal and told her, “If you need me, call me.” She took a piece of paper and pen out of her purse and wrote her number.

  No one said a word until they heard the door slam.

  “Tell me what happened,” Mrs. Gem demanded.

  Crystal gave her a brief version.

  When she was done, Mrs. Gem told Crystal to go upstairs and wash up.

  “But Ma, we have to call the police, we have to report what happened.”

  “Just do what I said!”

  “No,” Crystal said, her heart pounding. She had never disobeyed her mother, but she didn’t want to wash the evidence away.

  “What did you say to me?” Her mother stepped close. Their faces were almost touching.

  “I can’t let him get away with this. We need to call the police.” She waited for the smack. It never came.

  “I’m going to take care of this without the police. Now, go upstairs and do as I said. Wash up, change clothes, and then we’re going to this Jake character’s house.” Her mother walked over to the hallway closet and pulled out a gun.

  Crystal was in shock. She didn’t even know they had one.

  “I said move! Now!”

  Her mother sat in her bedroom as she showered and got dressed but didn’t say a word. She had never seen her mother this way and it frightened her. After Crystal told her mother where Jake lived, they drove in complete silence. Crystal was afraid to say a word. They pulled up to Jake’s house. There was a car was in the driveway.

  “His parents are home,” Crystal said, looking up at Jake’s window.

  Mrs. Gem got out the car. “Come on.”

  Crystal was scared. She didn’t want to move. It felt like she was glued to her seat.

  Looking back, her mother said sharply, “Come on! Get out of the car now!”

  Crystal’s heart was pounding through her chest. She wiped her sweaty hands on her skirt and looked at her mother’s purse, which held the gun. What was she going to do? Would she kill him or just threaten him? Would she kill the whole family? Crystal wondered how long they had a gun. She decided it was a good thing she didn’t know about it because she might have come home and tried to use it on Jake.

  Getting out of the car, Crystal trailed behind her mother, bracing herself for what was about to come. Mrs. Gem started banging on the door and pressing on the bell.

  The door opened. “What the—” Jake sto
pped mid sentence when he saw who it was. He looked from Crystal to her mother and back to Crystal. Panic was on his face.

  “Jake, honey, who is it?” A short woman with a little girl’s face and petite body came from the back of the house and stood by Jake.

  “Are you his mother?” Mrs. Gem pointed at Jake.

  “Yes, I am. May I help you?”

  “Your son raped my daughter!” Mrs. Gem got straight to the point.

  Pushing the door wide open, Ms. Newton asked, “What are you talking about? Don’t come to my house with a bunch of lies! Who the hell do you think you are? Please leave my house with your lies.”

  Mrs. Gem stood up close to Jake’s face. Crystal didn’t move. “Why don’t you tell your mother how you raped my daughter?”

  Jake’s mother tried to stand between them. “I asked you to leave.”

  “Tell her,” Mrs. Gem demanded.

  “I’m calling the cops.” Mrs. Newton turned to go into the house.

  “Yeah, you go ahead and do that.” Mrs. Gem held her purse tighter.

  At the mention of the word “cops”, Jake spoke up. “I didn’t rape her, Mom. She wanted to have sex with me. I offered her a ride home and had to stop off to get something. She asked if could she come in, and one thing led to another.”

  Crystal’s mouth dropped open. She looked at him in disbelief. “How can you stand there and lie like that? You raped me! I didn’t want to have sex with you. You raped me!” she cried.

  Hearing a car door slam, they all turned around to see Mr. Newton, all six foot four inches, 260 pounds of him, walking toward them. Seeing the look on their faces, he knew something was up. “What’s going on here?”

  “You want to know what’s going on?” Mrs. Gem wasn’t backing down from anyone. Her daughter was violated and she wanted justice her way. “You want to know what’s going on? Your son raped my daughter.”

  Mr. Newton snapped his head in Jake’s direction. Jake would not meet his eyes.

  “Let’s go in the house,” Mr. Newton instructed.

  “I don’t want them in my house telling a bunch of lies,” Mrs. Newton said.

  Everyone ignored her while they followed Mr. Newton into the living room.

  Putting out his hand, Mr. Newton introduced himself, “I’m Trevor.”


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