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The Dirty Divorce

Page 6

by KP, Miss



  Carlos and I headed down Indian Head Highway three hours later to make sure Mike paid for what he did to me and my wife. I had one of my other soldiers, Rico, casin’ Trixie’s crib to see if the nigga was home, and luckily he was. Trixie had made the caper easy by givin’ up all the information I needed for my revenge. She’d told me months ago exactly where they lived and what kind of car the nigga drove which ultimately worked in my favor. The bitch loved to pillow talk, which was probably the reason I was caught up in this shit to begin wit’. As I listened to Lil Wayne’s song, Shoot Me Down, my rage began to rise and my blood boiled. Thinkin’ about all the shit the nigga had done, I was ready for war. Mike was gonna pay for what he did. I was ready to settle the score.

  Once we pulled up on Trixie’s street, we parked behind Rico who was sittin’ several yards away. After quickly turnin’ off the car and the headlights, I made sure to call Trixie one last time to make sure she was still at the hotel. I didn’t need her to make any surprise visits, and we definitely didn’t need any witnesses. When Trixie confirmed that she was still in Crystal City, and would stay there ‘til her flight the next mornin’, I quickly hung up then gave Carlos a head nod lettin’ him know it was time.

  Dressed in all black, all three of us made our way to the back of the house like trained ninjas makin’ sure no one spotted us. Our plan was to go in through the basement door, hopin’ that his punk ass hadn’t activated the alarm. However, even if he had, that shit still wasn’t gonna stop me from draggin’ his ass out. If the alarm was on, I would just snatch his ass up and continue the job somewhere else. Either way, this was his last day breathin’. My anger was so built up. I wanted to just blast his ass, but I had to remember how much he’d hurt my family, so his death had to be slow and painful. There wasn’t even a need for maskin’ up because I wanted the punk muthafucka to see my face. This nigga was going to pay.

  When we reached the basement door, I looked at Rico. “Have you seen any activity in the house since you been posted up?” I asked in a low tone.

  “Yeah, his niggas left about an hour ago, so he should be alone if his bitch not in there,” Rico replied. It was hard for him to speak in a low voice since his shit was so deep.

  “No, she’s not here. I just called her,” I replied.

  “Then we’re straight,” Rico said just before Carlos pulled out a mini flashlight, along wit’ a tension wrench and began to pick the lock. Luckily, Trixie didn’t have one of those slidin’ glass doors because we would’ve had to break the window, which was the plan if all else failed. However, Carlos was a beast when it came to locks. Not only had he started stealin’ cars at the age of twelve, but he also had been caught as a juvenile on several breakin’ and enterin’ charges. All that changed when Carlos got into the drug game, but he still had his skills.

  A few moments later, we heard a click, and Carlos immediately spoke up. “Bingo.” It didn’t take long for him to slowly turn the doorknob and open the door. To our surprise, an alarm didn’t go off, which made shit even smoother.

  We started up the steps from the basement and ended up in the kitchen. You could smell the aroma of weed and cheap-ass dollar store air freshers throughout the house, which was so disrespectful for a crib in the suburbs. You can take the nigga out the hood, but can’t take the hood out the nigga, I thought to myself as Rico, Carlos, and I moved through the kitchen to the foyer. We listened closely before we approached the carpeted stairs that led to the top floor.

  Glancin’ to my left on the wall was a nearly nude photo of Trixie that all three of us stared at. Damn, why does Trixie’s dumb-ass have a picture like that downstairs instead of in her bedroom? I could never make a bitch like that my girl. How did I let her stay around for so long anyway? I thought. No matter how good her pussy was, I vowed to never fuck that hot-ass bitch again. It was time to move on.

  Hearin’ the loud music from upstairs, we had a feelin’ that’s where the nigga was, so we didn’t waste time headin’ that way. Wit’ all of our guns drawn, we went straight into the master bedroom then stopped when we heard Mike on the phone in the bathroom orderin’ tickets to Jay-Z’s show at the Verizon Center.

  “Yeah, Nikki, I need you to order me two tickets on the front row, ya dig. My bitch gotta be front in center, she love that nigga Jay.” I could tell he was takin’ a pull from his blunt because his voice got extremely hoarse like he was about to choke. “Put it on yo’ credit card and I’ll bring you the money later on. Man, that’s my wifey. I’ll give you some extra money, damn!”

  We stood in position in case he was about to make his way downstairs. However, the more we waited for the right time to get at his ass the more pissed off I got, but Carlos shot me a look, that said be easy, so I did. A few seconds later, we heard the shower runnin’ and then he started to sing, so at that point I knew we had to go in after him. As we all moved upstairs, Carlos adjusted the backpack on his shoulder that contained all the shit we needed to torture Mike’s ass as the music and singin’ got even louder.

  Mike blasted Young Jeezy. “Let’s talk about money cuz I get a lot of it, I get a lot of it,” he sung as I heard the shower curtain close. “Twist my fingas tho up my hood. Let’s get this money, I know I would, I know that’s right, but still I do wrong.” All of a sudden, Mike started laughin’. “Damn I need to call my niggas back over here, so we can test out my new studio downstairs!”

  As Mike sung Jeezy songs like he was about to get a record deal, my blood began to boil. Little did he know, we were two seconds away from puttin’ him six feet under.

  I didn’t even wait to see if Carlos and Rico were ready before I slowly opened the bathroom door, then quietly walked inside.

  “I need to call up Trixie so she can give up some of that ass before she leaves for N.C.,” Mike said out loud.

  “You know what nigga, I still got your bitch’s pussy on my dick right now,” I boasted as I snatched the curtain back to expose his bitch-ass.

  Before he could respond, Carlos immediately smacked the shit out of him wit’ the butt of his .9mm.

  Even though Mike seemed scared, he didn’t show it. “Fuck you, Rich!” he boldly stated. He leaned against the shower wall holdin’ his head.

  “No, muthafucka…fuck you. Did you think that I wasn’t gonna find out about what you did? I mean did you forget that the streets are always watchin’ and always talkin’?” When he didn’t answer, I continued. “So, all of this over Trixie, huh? Who the fuck makes a hoe a housewife?” I looked over at my soldier. “Rico, grab that nigga so we can get this shit poppin’,” I ordered. It felt good. I was on top and now this nigga was my bitch. My prisoner.

  Rico immediately grabbed Mike and drug him out of the shower. Although Mike tried to put up a fight, he didn’t succeed up against Rico’s massive 6’2, two hundred and fifty pound frame. This had been somethin’ I dreamed of every night since Denie’s birthday a month ago. How I was going to make the muthafucka who ruined my wife pay.

  I contemplated fuckin’ him up to the point that he would live a miserable ass life, like sawin’ off his legs and arms, but then I decided he didn’t need to live. We ended up draggin’ him to the basement completely naked. Since he wanted to lay down some tracks so bad, I thought it was best for me to do him right in his studio.

  I laughed when Rico threw his ass on the floor. “Get up Mikey, you don’t mind me callin’ you Mikey do you? Does that shit sound familiar?” I yelled then kicked him in his stomach.

  Carlos was treacherous and I knew he was the one for this job when he pushed Mike down on his stomach and stepped on his head wit’ his Nike Boots while he taped Mike’s mouth, hands, and feet. He then grabbed the hammer out of the backpack and began to sodomize Mike wit’ the handle. The shit was gross, but I wanted him to feel Lisa’s pain. Carlos then took the hammer out of his ass and smacked him straight in his mouth wit’ it. It must’ve instantly loosened some of Mike’s teeth because he began
to choke.

  “Fuck y’all!” Mike managed to say.

  I bent down and leaned over him. “So, is this the same dick you stuck in my wife?” When Mike didn’t respond, I looked over at Rico. “Oh, I think this muthafucka must have some type of memory lost!” I yelled before punchin’ him in his face.

  When Mike began to squirm, it didn’t take long for the bitch to definitely come out. The look in his eyes gave me satisfaction that the war was soon to be over. The look of fear in his eyes made me bend down again to hear what he had to say.

  “Man, you were fucking my girl. All I wanted was for Trixie to love me, and all she talked about is how much money you had. I got tired of hearing your name in our fucking conversations.”

  “You kidnapped and raped my damn wife all because of some speculation in the streets. She’s a whore! Why the fuck you think they call that slut Trixie? You fell in love wit’ a trick!” I yelled.

  “It wasn’t speculation. I’ve been following y’all for a while now. I even followed y’all to Atlantic City. I knew you were fucking her.”

  “I take all my bitches out of town. Your bitch wasn’t special. You the only nigga out here who loves that hoe!”

  “So, what. She was my girl, not yours,” Mike replied.

  I laughed. “You sound like a real bitch right now. Are you that pussy whipped?” At that moment, Carlos and Rico started laughin’, too. “Was Trixie involved?” I asked Mike. I had to know if she was tellin’ the truth.

  “Why?” Mike inquired.

  “Did I tell you to ask me any questions, nigga? Answer me! Did Trixie have anythin’ to do wit’ that shit?”

  I guess Mike could tell from my expression that I wasn’t playin’ around because he answered wit’ a weak, “No.”

  “Good because I can’t even begin to tell you what I was gonna do to her if she was,” I answered. “Where them other niggas at?” I wasn’t sure if Mike was gonna snitch on his boys, but it was worth a shot. He never responded.

  “Enough talking. Let’s punish this nigga,” Carlos added. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was ready to do some damage.

  “Yeah,” Rico co-signed.

  All of a sudden, Mike got extremely bold. “You should’ve stayed away from her then I wouldn’t have had a reason to do what I did. You fucked my girl, so it was only right that I fuck yours.”

  The veins in my neck began to throb. I was so pissed off. “That was the wrong answer.” I turned to Rico. “Since this muthafucka decided to stick his dick in my wife without permission, cut that shit off. I’m tired of hearin’ him talk!”

  Luckily we were in the soundproof studio because when Rico grabbed a pair of hedge clippers out the backpack and cut Mike’s dick off, he let out a horrific scream that could be heard from miles away. Blood shot out from everywhere.

  Carlos shot me a look. “This is how we do it on the West side!” he blurted out wit’ his Columbian accent.

  I had to admit, Carlos was definitely better at killin’ niggas than I was. He’d learned it from the best; his father, my Uncle Lorenzo, who was our Columbian connect and had street cred that I would die for. I handled my business when I had to, but I just popped niggas, never any demented shit like we were doin’ now, but Mike deserved it. I had a message to relay to all the young niggas in the street who didn’t know who the fuck I was.

  Not wantin’ to be at the scene too much longer, I decided to hurry up and finish Mike off. Not to mention, the stench of his fresh wound was damn near unbearable. It was time to go. When I gave Carlos a quick head nod, he handed me the silencer that I quickly placed on my gun. Moments later, I put the .45 caliber to Mike’s temple and smiled.

  “Lights out, nigga.”



  Instead of goin’ back to the hotel wit’ Trixie, I called her just to cover my tracks so there wouldn’t be any suspicions later. Not to mention, bein’ wit’ her right after I’d popped her man wasn’t the best idea. I told her Denie was sick and that I had to rush home to be wit’ my baby. I started to use Lisa as an excuse, but Trixie would’ve caught on to that lie instantly. She knew Lisa didn’t come between me and my infidelity most of the time, so I had to switch up my story. As I turned on Military Road, I thought back to Trixie tellin’ me that she saw Lisa today, which pissed me off. I hated when Lisa lied to me. Regardless of the fact that it was in the wee hours of the mornin’, I was gonna let her ass have it once I got home.

  After I pulled into my driveway a few minutes later, for the first time in weeks I felt a sigh of relief. Now that I’d taken care of Mike, all I had to do was pop them other two niggas so my family could be safe again. I needed to know that my family was no longer a target so I could focus on my business ventures in L.A. ‘Til then, I couldn’t get too comfortable. I knew how niggas were when it came to revenge, and even though no one knew I’d killed Mike, I still couldn’t get too relaxed. I had to stay two steps ahead of these muthafuckas at all times.

  When I walked into the house Lisa had fallen asleep on the couch in the family room. Before I woke her up, I stood over her and stared at her honey toned skin for a bit. She was such a beautiful woman and despite all the other bitches I had, I still loved Lisa. It upset me sometimes because she didn’t see how much I loved her. I tried to give her the world even though I felt like nothin’ I did was ever enough. My anger set in all of a sudden when I looked at her hair and thought back to her goin’ to Trixie’s shop and how she had lied to me.

  “Lisa, wake up!” When she didn’t move, I shoved her. “Wake your ass up!”

  “Huh, Rich I’m tired. Let me go back to sleep,” she replied incoherently.

  I pulled on her arm. “Man, get the fuck up. You know I can’t carry your ass up the stairs.”

  “Leave me alone!” she yelled then pulled away.

  “Where you go today, Lisa?”

  “What? Rich leave me alone,” she said as she dozed back to sleep.

  I glanced over at the leather ottoman and saw her prescription bottle of sleepin’ pills, which explained why she was so out of it. At first I agreed for her to take them after the rape incident, but now that she was obviously becomin’ addicted, I had to put an end to that shit. I slapped Lisa’s face a little to wake her, but she still didn’t budge. At that point I started to wonder how many sleepin’ pills she’d actually taken.

  “Fuck it. She’ll just have to stay down here,” I said to myself as I made my way toward the stairs. I left her in the family room and decided to take a shower, go to bed, and deal wit’ her lyin’-ass later.


  When I woke up the next afternoon, Denie was layin’ in bed next to me, sound asleep. Whenever she came into my room and climbed on my bed like a toddler was an indication that she wanted somethin’, so I had to be prepared. After doin’ a few much needed stretches, I leaned over and kissed her on her forehead.

  “Hey, Baby Girl.”

  Denie opened her eyes and smiled. “Hey, Daddy, did you get enough rest?”

  I looked at the clock which read 12:18 p.m. “I guess. I got in pretty late, so I’m still a little tired. What’s up wit’ you? What are you doin’ in here?”

  “Well, I came in here early this morning, but you were still sleep.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t bother me.”

  “Daddy, I know how you are about your rest. I kept coming back every thirty minutes, but you would never wake up, so I just decided to wait. I guess I fell asleep waiting,” Denie replied. “It feels good to be back at home with you.”

  “I know you’re glad, Baby Girl, but let’s just cut right to the chase. What do you have to ask me?”

  Denie smiled again showin’ her deep dimples and guilty expression. “Can we go shopping today?”

  I shook my head because I knew she wanted somethin’. “Denie, tomorrow is Christmas. What would be the point of going shoppin’ today?”

  “Daddy, there’s always a reason to shop, but mainly because I
want to pick out my own stuff for Christmas this year. I’m seventeen years old, why can’t you just take me to buy my stuff?”

  “Because you’re still my baby and I like surprisin’ you wit’ gifts. If you pick everything out, that’ll take the fun out of it Denie. Besides, I’m sure your mother has already picked out your gifts.”

  “So…I don’t care. We don’t have the same taste, so I doubt if she gets me the stuff I really want. I wanna go to Neiman’s to get me a new bag. My salesperson, Quincy, called and said they just got a new shipment of Gucci and Chanel bags in. Let’s ride out to Tyson’s Corner before they close.”

  “Denie, baby, I don’t really have time to take you shoppin’ today.”

  “Please Daddy, you bought Ma a new Louie bag before Christmas.” She poked her lips out like a spoiled brat.

  I hesitated for a few seconds, then caved in. It was hard to say no to my Baby Girl.

  “A’ight Denie, hurry up and get dressed because I don’t have a lot of time.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. I love you!”

  As Denie left my room, Lisa walked in. She looked out of usual.

  “What is she so happy about?”

  “I’m about to take her to the mall.”

  “The mall? Rich don’t spend anymore money on Denie. I already told you what I bought her. That girl is too fucking spoiled as it is.”

  The last thing I wanted to talk about was the mall. “Where did you go yesterday?” I made sure my tone was serious.

  “I told you I was going to get my hair done. Where were you? What time did you get in here last night? Or should I say this morning?” Lisa asked.

  “Don’t play wit’ me, Lisa. Where did you go and get your hair done and what the fuck did you do to it? Is that weave? You know I hate that shit.”

  “I went to Jermaine. Damn, why are you interrogating me? Do you want to know what time I took a piss, too?” she asked walking to her closet.


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