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The Dirty Divorce

Page 10

by KP, Miss

  “Oh, shit,” I said as Honey’s soft lips moved up and down my shaft.

  It didn’t even matter that I grabbed the back of her head and pushed my dick deeper inside her mouth because she took every inch like a true professional. Even when I could feel her tonsils, she never gagged. The only time she stopped her stroke was when she licked the tip of my head or sucked on my balls, which always sent me to another level. As soon as Honey’s snake like tongue did a few more of her famous moves, I couldn’t take any more. My entire body began to shake as I unloaded a large amount of thick cum into Honey’s mouth. I could tell she swallowed every ounce.

  After round one and two, I paid Honey for her services, waited for Nelson to bust his nut wit’ Cream and headed for New York. Nelson drove while I fell back and I listened to my Raheem DeVaughn CD. When the song, Marathon, came on I started to think about Lisa. I wished I could vent to Nelson about what was goin’ on wit’ my family, but I kept that part of my life separate from my business. He knew nothin’ about my family and I planned to keep it that way. However, that didn’t stop his ass from tellin’ me his shit. By the time we got to Delaware, Nelson began to open up to me about how he was caught up in a love triangle.

  He seemed to really be in love wit’ this young chick and was tryin’ to get rid of his old girl who was tryin’ to put a baby on him. He said he felt bad for fuckin’ Cream because he was tryin’ to do right by his girl. It was funny to see Mr. Casanova have hearts in his eyes. I got satisfaction out of teasin’ him. One little girl had left her boyfriend for him, so he didn’t trust her, and the other one he really liked, but she was so private it drove him crazy. I laughed and told him that could be a good thing, but just continue fuckin’ both of them. He was still young. Nelson made me laugh the whole ride to New York. Bein’ wit’ him made me miss Juan. It also made me long for a closer relationship wit’ him. Hopefully, one day when all this nonsense wit’ me and Lisa died down, we could work on that.


  Nelson and I met up wit’ Carlos and handled some business in Brooklyn, before tryin’ to figure out how we would bring in the New Year. Carlos got a call from Marisol askin’ him to meet her and her friend who lived in New York in Times Square to watch the ball drop. However, I guess Marisol wasn’t happy wit’ his response because she hung up on him once Carlos said that shit was corny, and that we were bringin’ in the New Year at the 40-40 Club. Nelson and Carlos knew I rarely partied in D.C., but when we traveled out of town, we did it big.

  When we pulled up to the club, the line was wrapped around the block. Luckily, Carlos had already called our New York connect so we were good. They knew that I wasn’t about to stand in a line, even if we were out of town. It wasn’t long before our waitress came to the door to get us and had security escort us through the crowd to VIP. Ace of Spade bottles and Ciroc were already on ice as soon as we arrived. Wit’ the day I had, a drink was a definite. We weren’t even in the club twenty minutes when I glanced over at Nelson, who was on his I-phone textin’.

  “Damn, nigga. You shoulda brought her wit’ us!” I yelled. “I would’ve even got y’all a suite.”

  “I’m cool!” Nelson yelled over the music as he sipped his champagne like he wasn’t missin’ his girl.

  “A’ight, mister tough guy,” I joked.

  When the security guard moved the red stanchion back moments later, Marisol walked in wit’ some hot Puerto Rican chick. They both were wearin’ black sequin dresses wit’ glittery Happy New Years hats. Tootin’ their horns in our faces, they stumbled like they were already tipsy. Marisol greeted Carlos wit’ a kiss first, and then came over to give me a hug.

  “Hey Rich, where’s Lisa!” she said wit’ excitement as if she expected me to say she went to the bathroom or somethin’.

  “Don’t fuckin’ play wit’ me right now, Marisol. You know what she told you over the phone,” I snapped.

  “Yeah, but I honestly thought y’all would’ve worked that shit out by now. She’s mad at you all the time,” Marisol responded. Her breath definitely smelled like vodka.

  “Well, she’s a little more than mad this time, but fuck that shit. Let her trip. I really don’t care right now.” I looked at the fine Puerto Rican honey. Who’s that wit’ you?” I gave her friend the eye, but Marisol wasn’t havin’ it.

  “Don’t fuck with me Rich, that’s my friend Jade and she’s off limits. I love Lisa, she’s like my sister. I would never hurt her!”

  “Look, Lisa put me out and told me she wants a divorce, so I’m doin’ me right now, so fuck her! She fucked my car up, bleached my fuckin’ clothes, and ruined all my watches. She lucky she ain’t bringin’ in the New Year at Washington Hospital Center. I’ma give her the space that she wants, but I know she’ll be back in my face in no time!” I yelled over the music.

  “You fucked up Rich. You’ve been doing you for a long time, not just tonight. If Carlos did the shit that you do, he would be dead. Real talk, I don’t fuck around with my feelings.” When Marisol saw that I wasn’t interested in what she had to say, she changed the subject. “Well, anyway let’s enjoy the New Year, but you better go home to your wife, sir.”

  “Man, who knows, my new future wife might be bringin’ in 2010 wit’ me tonight!” Again, I looked over at her friend, who had thick legs like Alicia Keys.

  “Fuck off, Rich!” Marisol rolled her eyes at me and walked over to Carlos.

  During their deep conversation, I’m sure she was ventin’ to him about how I wasn’t shit, but little did she know, I was goin’ to have that fine Puerto Rican mami’s legs in the air by the end of the night. I was definitely droppin’ balls tonight, and it wasn’t gonna be in Times Square.

  We popped Ace of Spade most of the night as DJ Biz Markie killed it. When I filled Jade’s glass of champagne back up for the third time, she thanked me and gave me a look that let me know it was on. When Marisol and Carlos went out on the dance floor, it was time to make my move. I had no idea where Nelson was. He’d vanished a while ago.

  “So, Jade where are you from?”

  “I’m originally from Puerto Rico, but I’ve been living here in New York since I was fifteen.”

  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-seven, why?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re legal. You look young.” One side of her long Cassie inspired haircut was completely shaved, while the other side fell to her shoulders. Wit’ thick eyeliner and smoky shadow over her eyes, she definitely gave off an edgy vibe, which I liked.

  “How old are you?” she asked.


  “What difference would it make how old I was anyway? You’re a married man, right?”

  “Baby, I can change your life. Don’t worry about things that don’t matter,” I replied.

  “Well, it matters to me, I’m not about to play second. I’m wifey material.”

  I smiled. She was feisty, and I liked that. “So, you’re just gonna throw away a winnin’ lottery ticket, or you gonna give me a chance to show you how a man is really supposed to treat a woman.”

  “Marisol will be mad. She already told me not to talk to you before we even got here. She must know that you’re a flirt, huh?”

  “Look, put my number in your phone. I’ll let you make the call if you’re ready for a real man.”

  I didn’t even have to press the issue before she grabbed my phone, and entered her seven digits. It was easy. All I had to do was kick game and she was all in. I knew that I would be inside her tonight. It didn’t matter to me if she had a man or not. As fine as she was, she was gonna be my new side chick. She was good as in my room for the night. Minutes later, Marisol and Carlos raced back to the table as the countdown began.

  “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one…Happy New Year!” the entire club roared wit’ excitement.

  Watchin’ Carlos and Marisol made me reminisce on what Lisa and I once had. Tempted to call, I grabbed my phone and quickly realized that I
had three missed calls all from Denie. I decided instead of callin’ Lisa, I would send a text to my baby girl instead.

  Happy New Year Baby G! Daddy loves you!! 2010 is here! I wrote.

  Yeah, but you’re not,” she hit me back.

  I knew I’d let my Baby Girl down once again, but when I looked over and saw Jade lickin’ her full lips, any concerns other than me gettin’ my dick sucked quickly faded away.



  This was the first time that I’d brought in the New Year alone without Rich, besides when he was in prison. After a long hot bath, I took a couple of sleeping pills and watched the Dick Clark Special on T.V. For some reason it was hard for me to get any rest without taking at least one pill or two each night. Rich and I always spent New Year’s Eve together, but I had no regrets on asking him to leave. Though the emptiness and quietness in the house made me feel lonely, I felt it was time I started my year off right. As I stared in a daze at the Christmas tree, I thought of all the meanings and memories of each one of my ornaments. We always exchanged ornaments as a tradition during Christmas, but with the drama going on, that shit never even crossed our minds this year.

  How did we get to this, I wondered? One of my favorite ornaments was from Juan. It was a beautiful Swarvoski crystal angel that he’d gotten custom made for me the year before. I missed the holidays when we were all together as one big happy family. I missed them even more now that I knew our family would never be the same.

  Snapping out of my daze, I heard Denie still upstairs crying. She’d been in tears for hours. Now, I had a new enemy in my daughter because she blamed me for putting Rich out.


  The next morning I was awakened by Juan, who came into the family room to congratulate me on finally standing up to Rich. Since he was my first born, he’d witnessed much more than Denie. Juan always had been there to comfort me, since the late night fights that began when he was only five years old. I was grateful that despite what he’d witnessed growing up, he’d still turned out to be a respectful young man, which made me proud. Juan was like the man of the house in a way.

  “Ma, I’ll be back to get you around six o’clock, so make sure you’re ready. We’re going out to eat to celebrate you being single and to get 2010 started off right.”

  I smiled when he mentioned me being single. “It sounds nice, but I don’t really feel up to it.”

  “Listen, I’m not taking no for an answer, so make sure you’re ready.”

  Seeing my husband in my sons’ eyes was scary. He had this boss swagger to him and I knew it was a matter of time before he would be a full-fledged spitting image of Rich. He looked just like me, but the way he spoke and carried himself was Rich all the way.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll be ready.”


  At exactly 6:15 p.m., Juan and I headed downtown to Ruth’s Chris on 9th Street. This was the hangout spot for the guys who were getting it and the girls who were trying to score a dude with some cash. Since we rode in Juan’s car, I had to listen to rap and go-go music for the entire ride, which had gotten on my last nerve by the time we pulled up in front of the restaurant. It wasn’t long before an Ethiopian gentleman greeted Juan and opened his door. Juan let him know to keep his car out front to earn an extra tip and the man quickly complied.

  Even though it was still early, there was a forty-five minute wait on a table, so Juan suggested that we eat in the bar area. He seemed to be quite friendly with all of the bartenders and waitresses, so we got a bar table expeditiously.

  “What’s up Steve?” Juan greeted our bartender.

  “What’s up man, who’s the beautiful lady?” Steve flirted.

  “Slow down man, this is my mother, Mrs. Lisa to you,” Juan emphasized Mrs.

  “Hello, Mrs. Beautiful Lisa.”

  “Hello Steve, what’s your chef’s special today?” I asked, keeping the conversation strictly about the meal. I was in no mood for flirtation.

  Steve must’ve gotten my drift and proceeded to tell us about the specials and what he suggested we order. Juan and I both went with filet mignons and two sweet potato casseroles. Steve approached the table again within minutes with our drinks and some warm bread and butter. The lemon drop with Ciroc he’d made was the best I’d ever tasted.

  “Mrs. Lisa, how do you like the lemon drop? It’s my specialty,” Steve asked.

  “It’s really good Steve, great job. I mean no…amazing job. Damn, this is so good,” I over exaggerated and it worked because he walked off embarrassed. He was a nice guy, but I just wasn’t in the mood for the flirting or the attention. I just wanted to enjoy my dinner with my son.

  “Ma, you’re so nice- nasty.”

  I frowned. “What is that suppose to mean?”

  “You be shooting dudes down. I mean I don’t wanna see my moms’ with no dudes or nothing don’t get me wrong, but if you and Rich gonna get a divorce, how you gonna plan to date if you don’t even know how to talk to a man.”

  “Juan, do you realize your father is the only man I’ve ever dated in my life. I’ve been with him since I was sixteen. I don’t plan on dating anyone in this decade. Do you know what it feels like to be sick and tired of being sick and tired? I just want to focus on living for me and being happy. I’m just taking one day at a time.”

  “You’re such a strong woman and I love you.” When Juan reached over and gave me a hug, I began to tear up a little until we were interrupted by some little hoochie.

  “Who the fuck is this bitch, Juan? I just had to beat a bitch ass last week cuz you want to be a hoe, I don’t mind....”

  “Nicole, I should beat your ass for disrespecting my mother like that. You’re the hoe! Get the fuck away from this table before I smack the shit out of you!” Juan said as he grabbed Nicole by her neck.

  Her mouth was open so wide, she could’ve caught a fly. “I’m so sorry, Mrs. Sanchez. It’s just that Juan is always cheating on....,” Nicole tried to say.

  “What the fuck did I tell you?” Juan interjected.

  “Well, if you learned to call me back then I wouldn’t be tripping out on you,” Nicole said as she walked away feeling and looking stupid. I remembered her calling our house a few times a while back, but Juan never brought her around. I actually have never met any of Juan’s girlfriends since his first love, Ciara, who now had a baby by some other guy. She’d definitely hurt my son.

  “Juan, I’m afraid for you. You’re becoming your father more and more everyday and I don’t like it. I always wanted more for you. You’re my first born and I love you so much. I never wanted you to turn to the streets. You have so much potential to be successful in life. It would crush me if anything ever happened to you.”

  Before Juan could respond, a busty young waitress named, Lauren, approached the table with our food. “The plates are very hot, so careful please,” she warned with a smile directed at Juan. I knew there was something between the two of them from the look Lauren gave him right before she left. With Juan just like his father, I wouldn’t put it past the fact that my son had fucked her already.

  “Ma, I want this evening to be special. I’m sorry that you had to witness so much disrespect at the start of our dinner.”

  “It’s okay. I know how these young women can get, but you always need to remain respectful. I don’t ever want to hear that you’re putting your hands on a young lady. It’s just sad because these girls are getting all wrapped up so young, when they really need to be focusing on their futures. I just pray that your sister stays on the right track. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in a man and lose yourself. I just don’t want my daughter to experience the life I’ve lived,” I said as it dawned on me that I should’ve taken my own damn advice.

  “Ma, I’m worried about Denie. She seems very withdrawn and I blame Rich.” Juan had stopped calling him Dad about two years ago and it still seemed weird to me. Juan was still very angry ever since Rich went to jail and would always blame him for everyth
ing that went wrong in our family. The exact same shit that Denie did to me.

  “I know, she worries me, too. All she does is just stay in her room, either painting or writing. Every time I try to reach out to her she just clams up and I don’t know what to do. I feel like I don’t know my daughter. She doesn’t bring friends over anymore, I mean I don’t even know any of her friends, and the ones that call the house are rude as hell!”

  “That’s why I get so mad at Rich. When he got locked up, she got pregnant because he wasn’t there to hold us down. Man, he messed Denie up, and now with the stunts he’s pulling it ain’t gonna do nothing but make her worse.”

  “Your father ain’t shit and I don’t want you to be like him. That’s why I keep telling you I don’t want you messing around in them streets. Suppose something happens to you? Do you know how that will tear my world apart?” My eyes began to tear up at the thought of my life without my son.

  “Okay Ma, we said this would be a peaceful night and you’re working yourself up. Let’s talk about something else,” Juan suggested in a calming tone.

  As soon as I was about to take my son’s advice, I laid eyes on that bitch Trixie coming in the restaurant with some dude. As if she knew we were there, she made a b-line straight to the bar area with the dude in tow.

  “Damn, your boyfriend hasn’t been dead a month and you’ve got a new victim already,” I taunted as soon as she was within earshot.

  Trixie swung her nappy weave over her shoulder. “What? Who the fuck you talking to, Lisa?”

  “You. You’re full of shit, Trixie. Faking like you’re my friend, and the whole time, you were fucking my husband. You home wrecking bitch!” By now, everyone was looking at us.


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