Book Read Free


Page 4

by Diana Gardin

  I welcome the change of pace when Jacob directs our attention to the end of the table opposite him. “And this is Olivia Bucknell, our FBI point-person on the task force.”

  Olivia is a sophisticated, all-business-looking woman who appears to be in her late thirties. Her dark brown skin is a perfect contrast to her cream-colored blouse. Her black hair is tied back in a low ponytail and there’s the smallest of smiles on her lips.

  Jacob continues, drawing my attention back to him. “As a company, Night Eagle is a unit and we depend on each other. Other members of our company may be checking in as needed, because each member of our team has specific skills and talents we might need to utilize as the mission continues.”

  Each time he uses the word mission, I jerk as if a pin has been pricked into my side.

  “We’ll spend the next hour or so going over the information we have on our target and his organization, and then we’ll dismiss so that the team can train together. I think the Delta Squad has some ideas as to how we can get our happy couple acclimated before they enter the assignment.”

  I glance at Lawson directly for the first time, lifting my brows. He stares right back, his expression unreadable. Irritation simmers just under my skin, threatening to boil deep in my belly and regurgitate itself as irrational fury.

  It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this out of control.

  Happy couple? So this is the assignment. Lawson and I are supposed to be in a fake relationship. I can pull off undercover, but can I pull this off? Dammit!

  Quietly fuming and keeping my gaze averted from Lawson, I study the file Jacob slides in front of me. It’s a briefing on the man running the car theft ring. I study his face, committing it to memory before flipping the page. I follow along as Jacob carefully explains each document in the file, from the criminal’s DMV information to his bank statements. The FBI has built a lengthy amount of information on the man, and it’ll be up to me and Lawson to make sure he’s brought to justice.

  “Meet Eli Ward. We suspect that he’s the leader of the luxury car theft ring the Bureau hasn’t been able to bring down yet. Mainly because the ring moves. Just when authorities get close in once city, they’re in the wind like magic. Pops up somewhere else. They’ve been silent for nearly a year, until now. Wilmington is the latest city they’ve hit, and the fact that it’s our city is pretty damn unlucky for them.”

  Lawson glances from Jacob to the file and back again. “Why Indigo and me?”

  Russ speaks up. “Indigo’s CI, Brandon Hawke, is Ward’s cousin. We think that with Indigo’s encouragement, Hawke can be the break we need to bring Eli and his operation down. No more cars being bought and sold illegally on our soil. No more drugs and weapons being funneled as a result of the money he’s making selling the cars. He’s someone the feds have been after for a long time, and we have a chance to end it all.”

  Jacob speaks up. “And you, Snyder. Your talent for boosting cars makes you a no-brainer, but it’s not just that. You have a nose for snuffing out the bad guys when we need it done, and I need someone with your unique brand of sleuthing skills on this one. The team will rally around as needed, but this is all you and Indigo. It’s up to the two of you, while you’re undercover, to get as much information as you can on when and where Ward’s final auction is happening. That’s the info we need to take down the ring. In the meantime, you do whatever it takes to make him trust you enough to give you this information.”

  All you and Indigo. The words stick in my head on a loop, stuck in a rotation that plays over and over again.

  My stomach knots up to the point of pain. Just thinking about trusting someone else with a case of this magnitude, depending on a man I barely know to have my back, makes my insides churn and roll.

  When Jacob calls the meeting to a close, I stand beside Russ as he shakes the NES leader’s hand.

  “Glad to have you two on board.” Jacob gives me a nod. “Let my boys show you the facilities here for training, and then I want you to put your heads together on how best to get you and Snyder ready for this mission.”

  “Assignment.” The word automatically pops out of my mouth, and Russ bristles beside me.

  “I just mean, we aren’t on a covert special-ops mission. This is police work, simple as that. An undercover assignment where we’ll bring another asshole down and make our city a little bit cleaner.” Holding Jacob’s gaze while I talk, I can almost feel Russ trembling with irritation beside me.

  Russ’s tone is apologetic, which makes my blood simmer. “Her mouth has gotten her into trouble more than once.”

  Jacob’s lips twitch, which is as close to a smile as I’ve seen from him today. “She’ll fit right in with my crew, then. Rules aren’t their strong suit either.”

  Somehow, I refrain from rolling my eyes. On my way out the door, I pass the second woman I’ve seen at NES. She’s shorter than I am, but curvy like me. Her nearly black hair has red streaks running through it, and she carries her laptop in her arms like it’s her prized possession.

  “Ah, Sayward.” Jacob gestures for her to join him. “I’m going to brief you on this new assignment.” He gestures toward Russ and me. “Meet Russ, a police captain from the WPD. And this is his best undercover detective, Indigo Stone. She’ll be joining the Delta Squad on the case we discussed.”

  Sayward nods at us but doesn’t attempt to shake our hands. I’m still studying her, trying to figure her out. She’s gorgeous underneath large-framed black glasses and despite her hoodie and sneakers.

  “Sayward’s our technical support specialist.” Jacob’s tone is proud as he introduces her.

  Sayward finally sparks to life as she glances at us. “I’m really a hacker. But Jacob put a nice bow on my title for mainstream work.”

  I choke on a laugh. I think I like this girl.

  “Nice to meet you,” I offer. “I’m really a rebel, but they gave me the detective title just so I wouldn’t go rogue on them.”

  She smiles, a sunny thing that transforms her face.

  I feather a kiss on Russ’s cheek. “I’m going to go find the guys. Catch you later.”

  He grabs my arm and whispers in my ear, “Be good.”

  Lifting a brow at him, I feign total innocence. “Aren’t I always?”

  I duck, avoiding Lawson’s gloved fist by millimeters, just before answering with my own jab-cross-left hook combination. I catch his jaw and a grunt sounds deep in his chest. He responds with a double jab followed up with a roundhouse kick and lands with just enough force in my side to make me lurch. We keep at it, never breaking eye contact, and I become aware of a burning sensation in my stomach born of a combination of fury and admiration.

  I pride myself on my boxing skills; it’s my favorite workout because of how physical it is. But I’ve never sparred with someone like Lawson Snyder. He’s intense, skilled, and scarily precise.

  When we finally call it quits, me sinking to the mat to lie on my back and catch my breath and him collapsing beside me, leaning back on his hands, I hear an amused chuckle from the side of the mat.

  I glance over to see the rest of the Delta Squad standing there watching us. I was so into the sparring match I didn’t even notice their presence. When Lawson and I began, they were engaged in various workouts in the enormous fitness room on the top floor of the NES building.

  “Something funny?” I prop myself up on my elbows, aiming a glare in their general direction.

  Ben crosses his arms, a cheeky smile dawning across his handsome face. The man is seriously hot, his features chiseled and tanned, his green eyes glowing with good humor.

  “It’s funny because I think our boy Sleuth here has met his match. You met his crazy intensity punch for punch.”

  I want to smile but don’t let it happen. I assumed he’d say something sexist and maddening like the men I typically work with every day. But instead, he paid me a genuine compliment based on my fighting skills. “Okay, what’s the deal with these nicknames I keep heari
ng you guys using?”

  I’ve spent the better part of an hour with these four men, and they never refer to one another by their given names. They’ve called Lawson “Sleuth” and he answers to it like it’s perfectly normal.

  “We have nicknames that we use in the field.” Lawson’s low, strong tone breaks into the conversation, and my eyes pull to his without my permission. “They’ve carried over into everyday life because they fit us so well.”

  “Why are you Sleuth?”

  Damn my curiosity. I can’t even play it cool because I want to know the answer so badly.

  Lawson defers to his friends with a glance, and Thorn speaks up again. “He’s Sleuth because if there’s something we need to uncover or dig up, Lawson’s the one to do it. He has a nose for sniffing out what someone’s hiding. Probably some of the same skills you have as a detective, actually.”

  I eye Lawson with some surprise this time. I hadn’t expected that. I assumed that with his SEAL background he was all brawn and guts. I never stopped to consider the fact that he might have more depth.

  “And what about you?” Directing this question to Thorn, I tip my head to the side and evaluate him. “They call you Wolf?”

  Thorn grins. “White Wolf, actually. And it’s because the skills most valued as a SEAL came naturally to me. I’m just kind of wolflike in the field.”

  There’s a smile in Lawson’s voice. “He’s being modest, for once in his life. There’s no one as clever as him, as pack-minded as him. He’s an alpha through and through, and his teammates are his brothers. When he’s on a mission, he hunts with a precision unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s crazy to witness.”

  I assess Thorn again with fresh eyes. “And ‘White’ is because of the blond hair?”

  Thorn runs a hand over the top of his head and his eyes crinkle at the corners. “Smart lady.”

  “And what about you, Bain?” I turn my body slightly to address the quietest member of the Delta Squad.

  Bain Foxx is the very definition of the phrase tall, dark, and handsome. He’s big, broader and taller than the other three team members, and there’s an aloof quality to his gaze that borders on detached. In fact, he doesn’t even bother to answer my question, only staring at me like he’s trying to put together a frustrating puzzle.

  Lawson speaks for his silent friend. “Bain Foxx, Marine sniper. And his ridiculous, record-setting accuracy on two tours of duty make him a legend. Earned him the name of Bull’s-Eye. And we’re damned lucky to have him on our team.”

  Both Ben and Thorn dip their heads in a solemn nod, but Bain finally shows some life when he rolls his eyes. “Fucking emotional pussy SEALs.”

  This time, I can’t hide my smile as a belly laugh rolls free. I swear Bain’s eyes soften jus the tiniest bit as he matches my stare once more. “You just became my favorite, Bain.”

  I glance at Lawson, who’s wearing an irritated frown on his full lips.

  “The nicknames are cute. Are you all going to give me one?”

  Thorn lifts an eyebrow. “Are you gonna earn one?”

  I open my mouth to snap back, but Ben interrupts, his tone and expression all indignant injustice.

  “Hey. Don’t you want to know about my nickname?”

  Biting down my smile, I wave my hand, careless as all get out. “I don’t need to know about yours. It’s obvious. They call you Cowboy because…well. You know.”

  Ben looks so offended it almost forces me to ruin my façade of seriousness. “What the fuck? Come on now, sweetheart. There’s more to me than a Texas accent.”

  I lift a brow. “Really? Because I’m pretty sure when you’re not at work, you’ve got a hat on and a lasso attached.”

  Ben scows, but Lawson’s face breaks into a gorgeous smile. Thorn bends at the waist and places his hands on his knees, howling with laughter. Even Bain cracks a smile, though it’s obvious he tried hard not to.

  I’ll die before I admit it, but there’s a sense of warmth and comfort among these men that’s set me at ease. They’ve each made their mark, and it’s so very clear what a special team they are. Excitement about the assignment courses through me, a drug in my veins made up of adrenaline and thrill-seeking adventure.

  And a jolt of shock threads through the center of it all, because all I expected to feel was resentment at having to work with them at all.

  Sitting up, I suck in a deep breath and look each man in the eye.

  “So, guys. We need to prepare for when Lawson and I go under next week, right? Where should we start?”



  “A date.” Thorn’s tone is matter-of-fact, but his words send my gut plummeting.

  Ben actually doubles over, his belly laugh nearly bringing him to his fucking knees. My hands curl into fists while I zero in on him.

  “Careful, Cowboy.” There’s a warning note in my voice. “I’m about to make that laughter die really fucking quick.”

  Ben stands, trying his best to get himself together, but the cheeky-ass grin remains.

  Indigo seems to be having trouble forming words, but she finally responds after running her hand through her thick main of hair several times. “Come again?”

  It’s an hour after our workout and we’re showered and dressed. We’re all gathered around Bain’s desk in our office area. It’s a large space where we each have our own area, separated by a wall from the other NES team’s office. Bain leans back in his chair, his hands steepled together in front of him while his index fingers tap one another. He’s deep in thought, and when Bain is thinking, usually someone suffers.

  Apparently, it’s my turn.

  Thorn continues like none of us have spoken, his lips curling into the cunning smile I’m dreading. Because when Thorn Ryder has a plan, there’s no stopping him until it’s come to completion.

  “You need to go on a date. The rest of the team will observe you, find weaknesses in the show you’re putting on. We need to make sure you make a realistic couple, because if you don’t, Eli Ward’ll shut you down before you even get started.”

  Indigo’s still staring at him like he has three heads, her dark-ruby-painted lips parted. Her amber eyes flick to mine, narrowing slightly when she catches me staring.

  “It’s actually a really good idea.” My thumb and forefinger stroke my chin as I picture it. “The team can give us feedback on our interaction so we can learn to be more natural and comfortable together.”

  Ben rubs his hands together, the laughter still fresh in his voice. “Let’s get going, then. I can’t wait to see this.”

  And that’s how, fifteen minutes later, Indigo and I are settled at an outdoor table of a local coffee shop.

  Taking a sip of my plain black coffee, I watch with fascination as her straw disappears between her lips. “Iced white chocolate mocha. I wouldn’t have pegged you for the syrupy sweet type.”

  She shrugs, lifting one shoulder like it’s not worth the effort to raise the other one. “Don’t make assumptions, Snyder. I like sweet things just as much as the next girl.”

  She smiles, batting long black lashes as she leans on her elbows. “How’s this? Flirty enough?”

  Shaking my head slowly, I slide my chair over until it’s beside hers. Dropping my arm over the back of her chair, her scent assaults my nostrils. Something lightly floral mixed with a salty ocean breeze, it’s an aroma that pulls at my gut, drawing me even closer. My fingers caress her shoulder, just a light graze on the skin that’s exposed beside her tank strap. A shiver rolls through her as I lean down and drop my voice, whispering in her ear.

  “More like this.”

  Her breath hisses through her teeth, and a chuckle rolls through me. “Do you have a problem with proximity, Ms. Stone?”

  I expect her to pull away, but instead she turns her head so that her lips are just a breath away from mine. “Of course not, baby.” Her eyes blaze with a ferocity that causes my body to react. It feels like I’m wearing my nerves on the outside of
my skin, and that this woman is causing the synapses to misfire. “I’m perfectly comfortable with proximity.”

  Swallowing, I don’t even risk taking a glance at where my team sits a few tables away. Ben’s probably completely lost it by now, Thorn’s definitely assessing every move we make, and Bain is most likely bored out of his mind without a rifle scope in his hands.

  Indigo smiles, a purely wicked thing, and pulls back. “So what should we talk about?”

  Trying to breathe through my mouth because her scent is fucking with my head, I lean back in my chair. “Let’s play a game.”

  My suggestion brings two frown lines to Indigo’s forehead.

  “Three questions,” I continue. “That have to be answered, no matter what.”

  A beat of silence passes while she toys with her straw. Finally, she takes a long sip. When she brings the cup down from her lips, it takes me a minute before I move my focus from that spot to her eyes. “I don’t like feeling backed into a corner. I’ll play, but I need an out.”

  I turn toward her, one knee bending on the cushion between us. “An out? Like what?”

  “Like, one pass. If there’s something I don’t want to answer. And you can have one too.”

  I nod. “Yeah. Fine. First question: did you grow up in Wilmington?”

  She nods, the messy bun she threw on top of her head wobbling with the movement. “Yep. Born and raised.” She gestures to our surroundings. “But not like this. I grew up very differently, on the other side of town.”

  NES is located in Wrightsville Beach, one of the more affluent areas in the city. But not all of Wilmington is picturesque. There’s a darker side to the city, a grittier, seedier part that the tourists never see.

  Instead of commenting on her response, I just dip my chin in acknowledgment. “Your turn.”

  She presses her lips together. “I’ll stick to the same topic. Where are you from? I know that you’ve probably lived a lot of places being in the military. But where were you born and raised?”



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