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The Devil Inside (Wolf Guard Book 1)

Page 20

by Roxanne Lee

  "His mistake was informing the wrong people, allowing those animals to find you.....being so superior in his power that not once, did he question his followers and their loyalties."

  My throat burned. Fire flashed and raged, ashes left their burnt taste on my tongue. His enjoyment only grew.

  "He was at your mother's funeral you know? Checking on his mate, ensuring her welfare." He laughed, so loudly I winced from the sudden sound. "He left safe in the knowledge that you were in my care, almost poetic no?"

  I forced words passed the lump my throat had become, those shoes a mess of leather forgotten on my lap. "Who was it? Who did this?"

  He shook his head slightly, panting louder as the movement caught on his wound and looked to the window high in the cell wall. "Oh no pumpkin, it's not time yet...the war has only just begun."

  Chapter 37.

  It burned like fire.

  A volcano churning and quaking. That lava rising and flaming, incandescent on its smouldering boulevard. White Hot and sizzling, torching it's violent way. The animal was damnable in his demon storm and it was magnificent.

  I'm going to kill them all.

  They'd risen up against me.

  Against me?

  How. Dare. They.

  It was laughable that they'd even considered it. Especially today, as I stewed in my own anger and grief. They would be perfect though, much more satisfying then destroying furniture.

  Blood would spray for hours and I would bathe in my enemies sin.

  They stood beyond the gate, clamouring and calling for access. I had a moment of struggle within, my hand lifted of its own accord straying towards the keypad that would grant those old fools and their followers entry. The creature begged to have them in his claws, stretched and pushed inside me until my body Jerked and twitched from the force. He was angry, so angry that his eyes bled from vessels popped and his heartbeat pounded and strained in bitterness.

  He knew that some of the wolves on the other side of the wall were to blame, and he was going to torture Every. Single. One.

  He'd taken his vengeance with me already. A quick shift of the claws and a stab to the chest, as near to the heart as possible. It hurt both the animal and the man and yet he was willing to take the pain. I agreed with the beast; I'd hurt our mate and he was within his rights to punish me. I don't think this was something I could put right though, there would be no pardon for me. All I had left now was killing. I'd slaughter this pack and the damn governors until rivers of blood ran thick beyond the wall and bodies piled high in graves of depravity. She would be safe, if it's the last thing I do.

  How wrong I'd been.

  She'd been twelve. A child. I'd thought I was doing the right thing. I left her as I should of, with her father. When he'd died I returned to find her wallowing in grief with her mother. I could of taken her then, brought her with me to safety inside the walls, but again, she'd been a child, and still I'd smelt that scent; the cherries that so eclipsed all else and called a sirens song to the wolf.

  I'd left, pulling the animal along with me, struggling with his need, ripping at my control.

  Her mothers funeral was despairing, Seeing my female with such sorrow. But that had seemed so normal; that she would be sad, I'd had no reason to believe that the man that stood so proudly beside her would be the reason for her dejection. How blind to others greed and sickness I'd been, how taken in by repulsive lies and malignant trickery.

  And now? The only person who knew the truth...the only one aware of who had betrayed me so fully...was currently standing on the other side of the gate surrounded by the very same false governors.

  I'd given my father the task of assigning her a watcher. A wolf to check in and report and ensure her safety once a month.

  I hadn't wanted to know her location, hadn't wanted to make it so easy for my wolf to take over and run to the mate that was still so young.

  What a fool I'd been.

  I would have left her there for a few years yet, wanting to give her time to grow and flourish and have the years I hadn't experienced, the ones I'd given up for power and leadership.

  And what had I done instead? I'd given that dead man more time with her, more time to destroy the proud women I'd seen, even in the young girl she'd been.

  Only my father knew which guard he'd sent, which wolf had bitten his master's hand.

  A guard currently marked by death, a reaper calling his card and paying his pennies to the boatman. Who'd soon be swinging his merry way from the post in the courtyard, ripped apart and flayed. My wolf was enraged and it was disastrous.

  The guards cleared a path around me as they moved, every one noticeably anxious around the animal so close to erupting within. He paced and pawed, growling and snarling at those who ventured to look my way, flashing obsidian eyes at men I'd known for centuries, not a single one was trusted in this moment.


  I turned to the wolf calling for my attention. More beast then anything showed clearly in the features mutating my face, the wolf shifting under the skin, contorting my cheekbones and jaw until I was some horrific amalgamation of both. His demands of control caused my expression to change by the second and my voice gravitated between gravelled human and growling animal.

  Charlie stood before me, a foot away and just out of reach of my ferocious claws. I gave him credit for recognising the turmoil and understanding that not even his gifts of serenity would placate the simmering violence.

  "The guard is ready, waiting on your instruction."

  I grunted at my friend, a wolf that had proven himself over and over again. The beast though, no longer recognised friends or allies and so I leashed that animal, as much as was possible.

  "I'm going to let them in." My voice was a mess of wolf and man.

  Charlie peered curiously at me, "Why?"

  I laughed loudly and crazed. The sound drew awkward glances from stationed men; their Captain had finally lost his mind. "I'm going to kill them all Charlie, not a single one will live to see tomorrow."

  He nodded at me, his eyes narrowed and analysing."Okay then, I'm with you brother. Duncan will shield Sam."

  He bowed his head to my wolf. I sighed in gratification, he always did know what the beast needed from him. A gesture of respect to his commander that soothed the savage, primal need to commit homicide and basic instinct to protect the woman that had already been so violated.

  I took the deepest breath. Scented the air that suffocated me with its accusations and reprimand. I was at fault for my part and I would suffer a thousand deaths for my ignorance. But only by her hand, not by these wolves that clawed at my gate and promised the Devil his souls if only he'd grant them power in this life.

  It was a shame Lane wasn't here, he would surely enjoy the massacre approaching, revel in the chaos of war. No doubt he'd have stood beside me now, encouraging my wrath and taunting the pack at the gate. Like I needed any encouragement.

  "Tell the team to assemble in groups of four, partner as two's watch each others back. I will not be commanding today. I am not in control Charlie." He quirked an eyebrow as if to say it was rather obvious. "Divide the pack, send half over the wall to drop behind and the rest from both sides. You will personally ensure my father gets out of this alive."

  Charlie acknowledged his task. I had faith in this man, he would die to ensure he succeeded. He bowed his head again and turned to leave.

  "And Charlie?"

  He looked over his shoulder and tilted his head in question.

  "No one lives. Kill them all."

  He smiled slightly, the man was nowhere near as vicious as Lane yet he had his own circumstances and injustices, ones that made him into a wolf very nearly on par with my own.

  He left with his instructions and I turned to the gate. Matthew was standing front and centre, a grim smile gracing his pale face. I took the first step towards him and the ground shook with my anger, representing the riot that pleaded it's need to escape. I looked down a
nd saw my legs in full shift, I laughed at the sight, a true half man half wolf figure stomping it's way to the gathered crowd. Their voices died at my approach, probably finally understanding what they'd released in me, finally aware of what their actions have brought them.

  I met that brunette with iron bars between us, his face wavering in its confidence. I was not surprised. Did he really think this was enough? That he'd brought enough wolves? This was pitiful.

  I struggled to speak but forced the words I needed past the rage stuck in my throat, "Was it you? Did you do this to my mate?"

  He recovered his bravery slowly, a painstaking thing to watch. How amusing, that they truly believed these were the wolves that should rule. Wolves that shook and shuddered beneath my glare.

  "I did not. That was someone else's perfect plan."

  My wolf growled, affronted that this governor should talk as if Arya had lived someone's greatness, and not the true terror she'd known.

  "Who then?"

  He smirked at me, the reprobate. He'd soon learn he'd only shortened his life span.

  "It was discussed between us and we all agreed. Your father's appointment simply delayed our hand." He scowled at my wolf as the beast flickered over my face, demanding release and insisting his blood rage be satisfied. "You've challenged us for long enough, it was time to remove you from your position."

  I laughed at the pathetic wolf in front of me, pandering to his audience."And to remove me you traumatised a young girl? YOU. ARE. NOT. A. MAN!" I roared in his face, swiping at the iron bars that kept him out and protected his head.

  I gave him a small amount of credit for not completely losing his composure.

  "We had an opportunity and we took it, today will bring a new era for all wolves. Your time has ended."

  I laughed again. I could not help my amusement, he had no idea of the wolves in this encampment, no idea of what he was dealing with. But I was about to show him.

  The governors had been judged and found wanting. None would be safe from my retribution, they took the one thing sacred to all wolves and destroyed the sanctity of the bond. Rather than the ravaged Captain they'd hoped to find they instead created a monster, one that cares not for guilt or innocence. Only that they stood in opposition and they would die in dishonour and disgrace, their mutilated corpses hung in shame for the world to see.

  I took a step backward and stared at the stony silence that preceded chaos. I smiled at the faces I met, faces that would be rotten as the ground welcomed their essence and the evening pulled to night. A night of glorious horror and dazzling terror. The hill my camp sat atop would bleed life for decades to come.

  I snapped my head to the sky and roared as my wolf burst through the surface. Eager to slaughter, eager to bleed. He'd show his mate how worthy he was by killing all those that had harmed her. He would be absolved, even if the human wasn’t.

  Charlie's voice rose above the answering roars as guards shifted to wolf and panicked cries resounded from the pack beyond the wall. A terrifying grin stretched across the beasts face, glory in victory, honour in reprisal.

  My second was ferocious in his roar, still human while he commanded his last words before his shift.


  Chapter 38.

  There was a finality to this that felt all consuming in its awful ending. A part of me wanted nothing more then to cut out his heart and watch it's pumping beats slow to a stop, to kill the engine that drove such sadism. That part however, was the lucid side of me that begged for resolution. The tiny voice smothered by obscurity and fixation that only wished for a new life away from torture and retribution. It was so small, such an insignificant spark in the darkness, that it was easily suffocated by my learned character; the one taught by sinful actions and one vile man.

  I found hate in that darkness. Blistering, scalding hate.

  I'm not entirely sure who should bare the brunt of this hostility. I was edging further towards Carver. The man who left his soul mate in a house with such villainy. Who trusted another with my safety, who traded his soul for empire.

  In my enlightenment, I was no longer short-sighted. What else could the Captain want but dominion over all others? The importance of those visions of his early life were now so obvious. They'd shown a man consumed by duty, ruled by wolves weaker than his own.

  Had I become second place to his ambition?

  And yet, that tiny spark thrummed with the need to forgive, to understand his actions.

  It was certainly a quandary.....I'd killed for less.

  Then again I suppose this restricting bond would make such murder impossible. I can't imagine the animal would allow me to kill her counterpart, no matter his apparent faults, she would have a natural instinct to at least keep his heart was mildly frustrating.

  I looked at the man who was currently confusing me. His face poured with sweat and I could hear his heart pounding hard in exertion. No doubt that pesky knife was forcing his body into overdrive, feeding hard off my wolf without making much progress. His attitude was still gleeful however and I narrowed my eyes at his smiling face. There was something very wrong here.

  "Are you going to continue pet? I feel like you're ignoring me."

  I sighed in disgust, "You seem overly cheerful for a man with a knife in his leg."

  He laughed at me and it stoked the raging fire that roared within.

  "I'm just enjoying our time together."

  I raised an eyebrow at him, I was seriously starting to feel like he was the one in control of our little game. I stood from the cold cement floor, I'd spent the last half an hour debating my next move and I was no closer to figuring out his inner workings. I stepped to stand before him and stared into eyes that had darkened with glorious pain.

  I pondered for a moment, the chilling expression on his face that promised retaliation, and remembered the moment my wolf broke free, the honest moment I realised my actions rebounded on others.

  "If I start cutting parts of you off...would they regrow?"

  His smile widened for a fraction, although it could not hide the wince that crinkled his eyes.

  "Eventually yes. Might take a while though."

  I hummed in answer and contained my need to savage his entire frame as he spoke. It was time to put his cards on the table, show his hand and play his move or die under the impulses that threatened to devour me.

  "Let's be honest with each other Daniel. I'm going to kill you, your only option at this point is how much pain you feel beforehand and how many body parts I must remove first."

  His eyes flashed anger and I smiled at his humour that dimmed under the weight of consequences.

  "You may heal rather quickly...but I doubt you'll be able to regrow your head once removed. It's time to decide Daniel, what's more important to you right now?"

  His humour returned as his smile stretched in a grotesque imitation. "And I was having so much fun pumpkin..."

  I huffed and rolled my eyes. I was pretty sure he was enjoying the irritation that filled me." What's the plan? You quite obviously have one."

  His eyes locked on me and slowly dropped to the knife in his leg. "You think you could remove that? It's a little off putting."

  I raised my eyebrows and shook my head,"No, it stays."

  He sighed and grinned at me again,"I suppose it'll have to do then."

  I crossed my arms over my chest and his eyes were drawn to the claws prominently displayed on my fingers. "Stop wasting my time."

  He shrugged his shoulders slightly, a movement he should regret when his body tugged on that knife."Okay then, let's be honest. I want to walk away from this."

  My eyes widened in absolute shock. Him living past this day had never even entered my mind. "Seriously?"

  He grinned again and I found myself wanting to slice a line in his mouth so he'd be less inclined to paste that smile on his face. He cocked his head to the side, "What? I want something and I have something you want. It's a solution t
hat satisfies us both."

  I couldn't help the snort that came out,"What exactly do you have that I want?"


  I shook my head at his confidence, "You have nothing I want."

  His smile came again and my wolf paced within, a living, breathing epitome of justice."Oh I disagree pet...I have something you want very much."

  I lost that temper that wrapped itself around my chest so tightly, constricting and suffocating and yet a wall made hard like iron in its armour plating. My claws flicked of their own accord and a red swipe appeared as if by magic. Cutting through the pallid skin on his cheek and decorating his shirt with small drops of escaping blood. He coughed at the sudden pain that flared and I found a happy place inside the calm that flourished as his wince deepened.

  "Alright! You let me go and you can return to your Captain. If you're lucky.." he glanced to the window that let in nothing but inky, black night. " might get back in time to save that man you love."

  I squinted at him, if this was his big reveal it was disappointing."I think you've seriously overestimated how I feel about him."

  He grunted and laughed,"Oh you'll want to be back for this I assure you."

  Again a flaring heat started in my gut, his words only fuelling that wavering distrust. Surely his game was more than this? "What's stopping me from just killing you and leaving?"

  He smiled again and he seemed so sure in that wide grin that it only made me doubt myself a little more. "You let me go and I'll tell you who caused this, the name of the man that pulled all the strings."

  For a moment I considered it. There was that small part that craved that name, that clawed at my insides and prodded it's wants. Daniel seemed so confident in my choice, he hadn't considered my faults though, the breaks in the system that veered my reactions off course. I was not in love with Carver, he had no place in my heart that would change my resolve and even if a tiny piece of me still begged for that wolf, he could take care of himself.

  "You don't have enough Daniel. My answer is no."

  I saw the first instance of real fear on his face and I wallowed in it. Let it fill me with peace and roll around in its breathtaking crashing, as waves of serene floundered and broke behind the red that began to take over my vision.


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