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Page 28

by Зенна Гендерсон

  "… because Home or no Home, this is Home to me!"

  I closed my gaping wordless mouth and wet my dry lips. I could see again-see the Group slowly dissolving-the Bendo Group gathering together under the trees, the rest drifting away from the flat. Low leaned across the rock. "S'matter, feller?" he laughed. "Cat got your tongue? I expected a blast of eloquence from you that'd push the whole Group up the gangplank."

  "Bram's bashful!" Dita teased. "He doesn't like to make his convictions known!"

  I tried a sort of smile. "Pity me, people," I said. "Before you stands a creature shorn of convictions, nekkid as a jay bird in the cold winds of indecision."

  "Fresh out of long-johns," Peter said, sobering. "But there's plenty of sympathy available."

  "Thanks," I said. "Noted and appreciated."

  I couldn't take my new doubt and indecision, the new tumult and pain to Obla-not when she was so much a part of it, so I took them up into the hills.

  I perched like a brooding buzzard on the stone spur outside the little cave, high above the Canyon. Wildly, until my throat ached and my voice croaked, I railed against this world and its limitations. Hoarsely I whispered over all the lets and hindrances that plagued us-that plagued me. And, infuriatingly, the world and all its echoes placidly paced my every argument with solid rebuttal. I was hearing with both ears now, one for my own voice, one for the world's reply. And my voice got fainter and fainter, and Earth's voice wasn't a whisper any more.

  "Nothing is the way it should be!" I hoarsely yelled my last weary assault at the evening sky.

  "And never will be, short of eternity," replied the streak of sunset crimson.

  "But we could do so much more-"

  "Whoever heard of bread made only of leaven?" replied the first evening star.

  "We're being wasted," I whispered.

  "So is the wheat when it's broadcast in the field," answered the fringe of pines on the crest of a far hill.

  "But Salla will go. She'll be gone-"

  And nothing answered-only the wind cried and a single piece of dislodged gravel rattled down into the darkness.

  "Salla!" I cried. "Salla will be gone! Answer that one if you can!" But the world was through with answers. The wind became very busy humming through the dusk.

  "Answer me!" I had only a whisper left.

  "I will." The voice was very soft but it shook me like a blast of lightning. "I can answer." Salla eased lightly down on the spur beside me. "Salla is staying."

  "Salla!" I could only clutch the rock and stare.

  "Mother had a quanic when I told her," Salla smiled, easing the tight uncomfortable emotion. "I told her I needed a research paper to finish my Level requirements and that this would be just perfect for it.

  "She said I was too young to know my own mind. I said finishing high in my Level would he quite a feather in her cap-if you'll pardon the provincialism. And she said she didn't even know your parents." Salla colored, her eyes wavering.

  "I told her there had been no word between us. That we were not Two-ing. Yet. Much."

  "It doesn't have to be now!" I cried, grabbing both her hands.

  "Oh, Salla! Now we can afford to wait!" And I yanked her off the spur into the maddest wildest flight of my life. Like a couple of crazy things we split and resplit the air above Baldy, soaring and diving like drunken lightning. But all the time part: of us was moving so far, so fast, another part of us was talking quietly together, planning, wondering, rejoicing, as serenely as if we were back in the cave again, seeing each other in quiet reflective eyes. Finally darkness closed in entirely and we leaned exhausted against each other, drifting slowly toward the canyon floor.

  "Obla-" I said, "let's go tell Obla." There was no need to shield any part of my life from Salla any more. In fact there was a need to make it a cohesive whole, complete with both Obla and Salla.

  Obla's windows were dark. That meant no one was visiting her. She would be alone. I rapped lightly on the door-my own particular rap.

  "Bram? Come in!" I caught welcome from Obla.

  "I brought Salla," I said. "Let me turn the light on." I stepped in.


  But simultaneously with her cry I flipped the light switch.

  "Salla," I started, "this is-"

  Salla screamed and threw her arm across her eyes; a sudden overflooding of horrified revulsion choked the room, and Obla was fluttering in the far upper corner of the room-hiding-hiding herself behind the agonized swirl of her hair, her broken body in the twisting of her white gown, pressing itself to the walls, struggling for escape, her startled physical and mental anguish

  moaning almost audibly around us.

  I grabbed Salla and yanked her out of the room, snapping the light off as we went. I dragged her out to the edge of the yard where the canyon walls shot upward. I flung her against the sandstone wall. She turned and hid her face against the rock, sobbing. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

  "'How could you!" I gritted between my teeth, outraged anger thickening my words. "Is that the kind of people the Home is turning out now? Counting arms and legs and eyes more than the person?" Her tumbling hair whipped across my chin. "Permitting rejection and disgust for any living soul? Aren't you taught even common kindness and compassion?" I wanted to hit her-to hit anything solid to protest this unthinkable thing that had been done to Obla, this unhealable wounding.

  Salla snatched herself out of my grasp and hovered just out of reach, wet eyes glaring angrily down at me.

  "It's your fault, too!" she snapped, tears flowing. "I'd have died rather than do a thing like that to Obla or anyone else-if I had known! You didn't tell me. You never visualized her that way-only strength and beauty and wholeness!"

  "Why not!" I shot back angrily, lifting-level with her. "That's the only way I ever see her any more. And trying to shift the blame-"

  "It is your fault! Oh, Bram!" And she was crying in my arms. When she could speak again between sniffs and hiccoughs she said, "'We don't have people like that at Home. I mean, I never saw a-an incomplete person. I never saw scars and mutilation. Don't you see, Bram? I was holding myself ready to receive her, completely-because she was part of you. And then to find myself embracing-" She choked. "Look-look, Bram, we have transgraph and-and regeneration-and no one ever stays unfinished."

  I let go of her slowly, lost in wonder. "Regeneration? Transgraph?"

  "Yes, yes!" Salla cried. "She can have back her legs. She can have arms again. She can have her beautiful face again. She may even get back her eyes and her voice, though I don't know for sure about that. She can be Obla again, instead of a dark prison for Obla."

  "No one told us."

  "No one asked."

  "'Common concern."

  "I'll ask then. Have you any dobic children? And cases of cazerinea? Any trimorph semia? It's not that we don't want to ask. How are we to know what to ask? We've never even heard of a-a basket case." She took the word from me. "It just didn't occur to us to ask."

  "I'm sorry," I said, drying her eyes with the palms of my hands, lacking anything better. "I should have told you." My words were but scant surface indications of my deep abject apology.

  "Come," she said, pulling away from me. "We must go to Obla-now-right now."

  It was Salla who finally coaxed Obla back down to her bed. It was Salla who held the broken weeping face against her slight young shoulder and poured the healing balms of her sorrow and understanding over Obla's wounds. And it was Salla who told Obla of what the Home held for her. Told her and told her and told her, until Obla finally believed.

  All three of us were limp and weary by then, and all three content just to sit for a minute, so the explosion of Davy into the room was twice the shock it ordinarily would have been.

  "Hi, Bram! Hi, Salla! Hey, Obla! I got it fixed now. It won't hiss on the s's any more and you can trip the playback yourself. Here." He plopped onto her pillow the little cube I recognized as his scriber. "Try it out. Go on. Try it out
on Bram."

  Obla turned her face until her cheek felt the cube. Salla looked at me in wonderment and then at Obla. There was a brief pause and then a slight click and I heard, tiny but distinct, the first audible word I'd ever heard from Obla.

  "Bram! Oh, Bram! Now I can go with you. I won't be left behind. And when we

  get to the Home I'll be whole again! Whole again!"

  Through my shock I heard Davy say, "You didn't even use one s, Obla! Say something essy, so's I can check it." Obla thought I was going to the Home! She expected me to go with her! She didn't know I'd decided to stay. That we were going to stay. I met Salla's eyes. Our communication was quick and complete before the small voice said, "Salla, my sweet sister! I trust that's sufficiently 'essy'!" And I heard Obla's laugh for the first time.

  So, somewhere way back there, there is a tiny cave with a dime glowing in it, keeping in trust a preciousness between Salla and me-a candle in the window of memory. Somewhere way back there are the sights and sounds, the. smells and tastes, the homeness of Earth. For a while I have turned my back on the Promised Land. For our Jordan was crossed those long years ago. My trouble was that I thought that wherever I looked, just because I did the looking, was the goal ahead. But all the time, the Crossing, shimmering in the light of memory, had been something completed, not something yet to reach. My yearning for the Home must have been a little of the old hunger for the fleshpots that haunts any pioneering effort.

  And Salla . . . Well, sometimes when I'm not looking she looks at me and then at Obla. And sometimes when she isn't looking I look at her and then at Obla. Obla has no eyes, but sometimes when we aren't looking she looks at me and then at Salla.

  Things will happen to all three of us before Earth swells again in the portholes. but whatever happens Earth will swell in the portholes again-at least for me. And then I will truly be coming Home.

  Zoltan 1.0

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